The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 November 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 760 1 NORD-DEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. I r d w k town steamers ol thb line w Singapon w tbuul ih< wdi 11 N:■ HOMEWARDS To arrive Singapore for To arrive Singapore for China. I uiope. N0v.12. Nov. is. Dec. 10. Dec. 1 1 ccnnectiori with the arrivals and departure-. o: the-e mail
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    • 697 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPJJ UMDBB OHTRACT WITH THB NETHERLANDS InDM GOVBRNMBKT. \gents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late I. DAENDELS Co., a-3 Collyer Quay From Expected Will be despatched for Date Gen. Pel Penang. Oct. list, PeSiang) Oleh-leh! Pad/nj^f c. Nov. 4th 1 THt. TANJONG PAGAK DOCK j COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights.
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    • 547 1 THE NEW HARBOUR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED > mis Company txecotcs hips' repairs -t tidesenp vii; m the mosi •:'fi< i^.. 1 manner, and 1 »uper- -ndence of Euroi.-> Shipwrigrhtl and 1 Graving Dock. i Length 11 teei Depth of 14 fee, 0 Width at iLnt ranee 42 ivet 2 Graving
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    • 624 1 LTONL.KONG ANi? .-,HANGHAI 1 k BANKING COKPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL |tovooo,ooc RESERVE PUND '*,o,oco RESERVE LIABILITY OF I PROPRIETORS I l«o,ooo,ooe Coon or Uutßcroas A IfcCONACHIB Esq.,— -Chairman. St. C MX HALL. si. Iv-.v r. rhe Hon Bklllbving. !< L. RicharosoU, E»q. (j. l'>. Douwkll, Esq. Ai-hx R)->- Hst./. M.
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    • 565 1 THE TOKYO MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. THH undersigned, bawiag been .»ppoinied agents lor the above Company, are prepared to accept Marine Risks at current rates. THH MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA I Bat* R Md, Singapore. |an. 2. hx TRANSATLANTIC PIRB INSURANCE Co., Ltd., of HAMBURG. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE Co., HAMBURG
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    • 202 1 DACII iC MAIL STEAMSHIP 17 COMPANY AND OCCIDENTAL AND ORIEN fai. STEAMSHIP COM PAN V. I'hrouj'h passage tickets granted to Fran. < and Gennam bvafl trmi v of Steamen I o iat i how Poothai !.j> sai pi itpn I .icrai«. Special reduced rates granted to Off" I Am, 1
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  • 1025 2 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, NOVE MBER 2, 1 896. Mm shall the Trr.^ the People* right maintain, 1 U awed hv influen.:- and unbfibed by K a.n Here patriot Truth her ginn™* prrcrpt- <lr..\v, l'!fJirr<l to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. Owing to the misleading wording of a tf-liiiram senl
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  • 347 2 Ihe Hoo'ble Mr Sbelford, < M.G, made a long ami interesting speech on matters educational m Council this afternoon, and secured a postponement of the coming into operation ol the Revised Cod< Mil aftrr the next examination of the schools. ["he was a full meeting ol the Legislative Council this
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  • 89 2 At the Singapore Recreation Club yesterday 'i chess mad h war. played between Messrs. Hullet, Bgerton and Elctini on one side, and Messrs. P. A Reutens, P Mcintyre and L. Cordeiro for the Club. with the following result Klcum beat Reulens, Mclnlyre and f onleiro. HuUett, beat Mcintyre and
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  • 81 2 A JAPANESE MILITARY TOUR I -ieut.-< jeneral Kawakatni and hin -,uite, who are going to Formosa e-hor tl v, intend lo proceed to the Pescadores after Staying about three necks m Formosa. The party is then expected to visit Amoy. Hongkong, Singapore, and Annam for the purpose of making
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  • 268 2 The military correspondent of the Globe, under dale 30th ull., writes a-, lollows: The first bait ali.,n Northumberland Fusiliers, which embarks [O-morrow for Gibraltar, is one of the oldest regiment-, m the army. When peace was concluded with Holland m 1674, the Dutch Government obtained permission to take
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  • 618 2 H E. the Governor, accompanied by Mr C. Severn, P.S and Mr. W C. Suter. returned m H. M S. Rainbow from Borneo yesterday morning. H. E. left Singapore on the 6th alt m H. M. S. Forfo,^ at 5 p.m reaching Labuan about nine o clock
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  • 605 2 M I Ys n iHi t i ii> following is the handicap lor Mr I inlayson prize for mixed double-. m<.-<la! plaj over two rounds ol the links Mrs. Grigoi r*yl H. Vadc •> Morgan W. Stiven O'Sulltvan Dr. Paul Bromhead Matthews Ik i. W. O
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 KATZ BROS., HIGH CLASS TAILORS, Breeches Makers, &c. &c. New Scotch Homespuns West ot England Black Blue CostHtga The Ren Dndraaaed Wursted Bvcniag Dres s Wear New I.^a at Mixtures. I nrgc Repeats ol m Noted Series I MESI \Ki- N WEST H \\f tOOSa < HA VI PI'TATIOM KATZ
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    • 600 2 MOONA PAKIR MUSTAN Co n;2-s. North Briih.k Roul COLORED! HEVIOTSERGE.Navy, Broun. V— 1 Hdmai, Gntm, aad Black. FKEN( H rWILL FL\NNEL m white a«d bright shades. BLACK WOOLLEN KF.PON. stripes with satin. FRENCH CASHMERES, m definte tints, Oc -\M >'- I "AN 1r ii H\ experienced miner, position as M
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    • 846 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS PR AS KM si X <( hange aurl Sli^te Hiokcis. Nov. j. u c NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DEBTS. T KIIHEK ihe < aptatn, Agents, nor Owners of j the Norwegian Barque Maty will be responsible lo- debts incurred by the crew during her siav m ibis port. ANDERSEN,—
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    • 149 2 MUSIC TEACHER. WANTED for Medan, Deli, a Lady to teach music. For particulars as to salary, &C. Apply A. LOEB, Messrs. \\\t/ Bros. Nov. 2. g.n. GODOWN TO BE LET FROM ist December. Apply to DALMANN Co. Nov. ->. TO LET. P*ROM tst Dec., to Upper Wilkie Road, That desirable
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 136 2 The Week. Monday, 2nd Hie* 1 W«tei .egisfotive Council, 2 50 p.m. All Souh Da] Gol!. Sepoy Lines hampionship S V V Signalling Class, 5-15 \j. in. Tuesday 3rd H.t'' Water: -..4 8.50 p. French Mail Homewards. Wednesday. 4th Hitfh I —,4 a., 'j.50 p. Hind"'. N< X tnr Municipal
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  • 904 3 SiNGAPOHE-KItA.N \\i, Traffic Statistics l 1 Sovw week) go jrou pu »lisbe< i •>■ bm aslriag iui the figure- mi I hwded \ui;r befiel that the proposed n waj M johore would prove a Lq n f'": ?r >1 ir v'u rnutf to rttet co»c*»e yon are prepared to
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  • 129 3 lohore Bahru. No\. Ist ■> y W fiat was intended to In- the Final Match m the Cup Tie was p ayed here tins afternoon, when the Singapore Chinese R( ttion Club Football Team met the bore Football Club Team \tter an iting and fast game, during the course
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  • 544 3 O IRS Gmmsox v. S. C. i The cricket match S C C v (Jfti. era >t Garrison commenced on the Esplanade on :av. was lontluded on Saturday, and result! the first innings m a victory for the Club, the Oft ers being unable to th»* t liow on
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  • 1587 3 Yesterday, All Saints Day, a special .service was held at St. Andrew's Cathedral m the evening m commemoration of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, when there was an unusually laige attendance. Special J psalms and hymns were sung, the musical I part ot the service
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  • 795 3 (Via Ceylon.) London, October 20th. Notwithstanding iurkish police, the Armenian Revolutionary Committee is active at Constantinople, and its emissaries are demanding money under threats. The Catholic Armenian Patriarch has received a threatening letter. The Daily News approves of the abandonment of Cyprus by the British, but scouts the idea
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  • 1108 3 {By tht Mad.} I' I !•>■ are retreating a-, f i>t a.% f b. I from the Province ol Dongola, <md are cijucjfUraiirig all their men at Berber. ne rabble ot the Klia!ifa anriy ace reported to be suffering terribly from Aounds inflicted during recent engagements and from
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  • 234 3 WARREN SCHOOT ING SHIELD COMPETITION (1896). I m- results m the competition for the Warren Shield for Rifle-shooting have now been published bj the Garrison Sports ommittei I be first plate is taken bt E Compan) s t h Fusiliers with 48a points tinSingapore Cotnpam R.E. being a good second
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  • 168 3 HONGKONG WEATHER TELEGRAM S Barotnttur, reduced to 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and to i:k- level ol the sea m inches lenth, am 6 hundredth*. Manila bar«.>. rt-rfdm^- m millimetres. I etnperHturc m lh< fi- m decrees Kahrenheit Manila temperature centigrade Huimdit), m percentage o! saturation, die humidny of an saturated with
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  • 85 3 L*ORR£< IKH I p io Novembei *nd 'm London Bank 4 m.. i 1 1/1O demand 2/1 A Private credits 3 m a /*i documents ids 2/1 is [6 credits 6 tn/s 2 2- 1/16 On fNDIA Bank demand 1 73 < m Hongkong Bank demand pn n on
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  • 99 3 \o> eiTiLri 2nd, fin V tambier 7.20 do < übc Nv. 1 11, Pepper 1 Klnck [urdinarj Spun 1 r 1 do Whin Fail I. W 5% J [860 Nutmegs 150s lo Lite Ib.J yi Miic I H uida) (70. Cloves Amboma) 17.50 l.iberian C^oftee .^4.^5 Tapioca, pearl (Fait
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  • 268 3 \'-'>-.r „i Ch.rM tag imm.t 9-97-. F«*« lit! Srihn. Btl MB Ltd. Ij# NomirM kffeNajna /*****S iV9*-- Mw I. C* a<o ra«|iMs Pagv Dock |jj6Sala $1.*****0 fi -m nor 1 „00- w tp»« io Debentures 6% zt, pr.-ai Jjoooor. do. 5% i|^, S^t<^,. $800. ooc
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  • 47 3 A lime Ball <it Fori Can as md t Bnai Uk •••>■ A») vi > m Ri^ayotg in-i-nu mt, ii)i-,ii (MM 6 'r- 4 KMI 1i,,:-t.-.i h\. m,r Eta iif-i i Fort soiling ea .ii i| ni L»ui dtoppcii oomctiv 1 pn^ Puig Bram I«iic9rrect!)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 74 3 Weatner Kepori. November ist. Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory 9. A M. 3F. M. I) f. M Bar. red. 32 Far 29.95.' 19.854 N4M Temperature.... 80,0 8^.5 7S v Wet Bulb Thermometei 770 77.5 760 Dir.ofWind VV. N.W. VV. Max. Temp, m shadr 83.9 Mm. do do 75.6 Max.
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    • 1031 3 VKb 1 1 i 1 \j i\ Men-of-Wai fta^aftToa Caotaal Arrived -rnm Da Rm»BO« H..M. cru. j6oohorsyth Nov. 1 Kuchin^ S. N.OKoei Other Vesse.s '-iNjiM Ger. 1190 wm <>,t. Rebn Mej iMHBRSI Brit. 108 Shiwnw O.t ;i I. Ar Wm i I. i ArH.skuu Ger. 'n 1 Ikland Oct. «3
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    • 320 3 :1....;,a: 1 .li. Chu UK Hrn On!.i] Hr radi Foi I Akihis Hi m. »,1 tr, I •1 1 *m. I .l sorts. S•> l a 1 1 'U 1 v S«aj japan. SlMSkf I. I x F»ri *i.l>. !tal. sti h 1,.,,,, > AmHBK-1 .w. t v(, Si poits
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 88 4 ALBERT COUc, IKASE JBSSIEU. ?AEIo, ABSINTHE ¥^4 MOHOPOLE QU.NQUINA COGA. 1 -ads M-i- < x MCHNE < ljm 1 > .^»P i X V. OPPHNHEIMER C PARI> 1 1 j. go l_y^ 5 1 r 1 01 id s Desire c ISTI R 0 POD S ALL I AUCTION SALE
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    • 386 4 JOHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED TAILORED DSPAETMEITT. ii lV ived a shipment ol tlie Higb-« iss mat« Viyella" Fo: Day Shifts, Tennis Shirts. Bajus and Pyjamas, Tennis Suits and Genera! Wear. I art, i siv. ca tests it bas t| process ol naanufactare aak< n it consistent cloth ol great dura!>-
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    • 341 4 KATZ BROTHERS. NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED DINNER SERVICES FOR I'WKI.YK PERSONS A iargi- assortut«*nl and "I beautiful designs Price from 525 to 535 per set TEA AND COFFEE SKIS TO" MATCH Broken pieces can always be replaced by us. Hammocks. Opera Kiel<l and Mamie Glasbt-.-Lad) and (i- Dts I »i.
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    • 183 4 ADOLF KUNKE, i' -I'M 1 ,01 n-Mi 1 i f| X n.,. hk m D public thai be is prepared ndertake the manufacture and repair of ail kinds i.l jewellery. Engraving done. Stamps, dies, etc, as carefully and neall) made as m Kui ipe. Ai: >\..rk guai;,iit-<-d tirst-cl.iss. A Triai
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    • 1108 4 NOTICE. NETHERI ANDS CONSULATK GENERAL, STRAITS SET I I.KMKNTS. THK retelling by tender of the Salt Farm ol Bengkalis, lor one and three year-, ■rill lake place on Thu-sdav, lylh November next. J. J M. FLEURY, Ag. 1 onsul-lieneral foi the Netherlands, S.S. Singapore, 23rd October, 1896 Oct. 24. tB.ii
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    • 699 4 TO BE LET. "C 1v1)KV1IIA; 'S:Sn"&. Oct. 28. J^_ TO LET. OFFM ES m I lettered Bw* Boidmp, Battery Road apply k HOWARI H ERSKINE, Ltb Feb. as. TO LET Ist FIOOI m No. U Battery Road fcopei niaiHli. 2nd do. do. do. !*.v- do; lor office. Apply to
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    • 653 4 Trie Singapore Free Press f en.a«.ir< Adv 1 r AI)DRi"' v sk V....' rCLCraOV* N r MB t X —No. 1 übhshed ai jg, Changr Alley, b.ngajoif THE hading English NewrtMpet ia the Strait- Settlement^ fohore, J rotected Native States of PeraJi s. Sungfi I n X f'aiiai,^ tl,< N'-^r;
      653 words