The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 July 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 301 1 J~ q Orr.ce Co".yer Quay XT Wharves. New Harbour. LO STEAM NAVIGATION Co. r( HINA lAPAN,PENANG,CBYS INDIA AUSTRALIA. ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, ISI, VENICE, PLYMOUTH, AND LON» W BiHs of Ladaag mm 1 (01 China ■■■".->.■■ Amtritmm MAIL LINES. 1 I\VAKI> HOMEWARD BatMr-i-Mad l«lj 8 I July ij. Peshawur
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    • 841 1 NORD-DEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. THE fast and well known steamers of this line will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates. OUTWARDS HOMEWARDS To arrive Singapore for To arrive Singapore for China. Europe. July 23. Pn |u! v 2h Aug. 20. Suchsen \qo >• Prim, Htinrick Sep. 17. Hayem Sen.
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    • 602 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Cohtract with tub Nbthfrlands litdia Govbrvmbht. Agents atSingapore, Ships Agency, latr I.DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Coij.yek Qlav Lancashire Patent Hair Belting. HAS BEKN AWARDED IHK GOLD MEDAL. ANTWERP 1894. HIGHRSI AWAUDS A I l'f*ri~ i -"v 7 H I Sydne) 1880. Melbourne 1881. I'an- Ele« tru
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    • 620 1 T»HE NEW HARBOUR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. This Company ex».-cults Shii>>' repairs ot all descriptions m the most efficient rniinnL-r, under tt.esuper•tendence of European Shipwrights and Kngineers. No. 1 Graving Dock. Lcnj-th 415 Itet. Depth of Waterfrorn 14 feet to i^Jf'Pt. Width at Entrance 12 -.(.t. No. 2 Gravino Dock (Granite.)
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    • 616 1 UONGKONG AND SHANGHAI xx BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAI $10 000 ooc RESERVE FUND f 5 750'00c RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS j 110,000,000 Court or Directors. A. McCONACHIE, K-o..— Chaikman. s. C. MICHAELSEN, Esq.— Osran Cbaibham. Tl H< Bklllrvmo. Kramer, Esq. j G. B. DODWELL, l-.^q. I). R. S'.s-,.jon, Esq. j
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    • 569 1 THE STRAITS INSURANCE x COMPANY, LIMITED. Established, 18S3. Hiad Ofkick, Sinoapork. Capital Fouls Soaacaiaaa o>>o,ooo Capital Paid-up 000.000 Rasaava Pomos 193.320 Balanch op WOBKHa Accoint 10 31ST I)kc. iBg-. Cash Asskt^ ro 3SSI Dae rtaj *i;- GIBSON FERRIER Acting Seer. THE TOKYO MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. 1 m ui.u< Milieu,
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    • 237 1 pACIx^IC MAIL STKAMSHIP x COMPANY AND OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. I nr, u'l paaaaj* ticket gramad to Kngtand rranct and Ciermanj bj trsu \\.'...\u .< of Steamers, al» Co Su rranctao cv- of the abaw lines. To other Btmpean pomi BBaaartiaaaai ratr SpeciaJ radawad rati mted d >*>,€■, t
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  • Domestic Occurence.
    • 28 2 \i ti i tl If. j the ni {ht iA ed-n.-day, I j t v i*y> Hmt CROCKER Mi M astbks, a^ed 4^ English papers please cojqr.
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    • 17 2 1 le'arig t tiatain pin; 1 glgriOU f«■ ai», p rt 'o Kelitfion, Loyalty, an'] I." 1
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  • 221 2 Km, I SMi AUSTIUI i I Allahabad, June 23.-A special lelegcasa to the PUkur, dated London, June says: H* first test match England WW Australia begM Lords to-day. The wealhei was hue, the wicket true, and the gathering enormous England play. Messrs. Grace, Jackson and Sioddart, with Abel, 1.,-hmann,
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  • 164 2 be annual Uxford and Cambf dgc dinner took p!ao festerda) evening m the Singapore Club wb< tw< aty-om past nwmben ot these Universities gathered together and beguiled the postprandial boon with speech ret tati v and song. The proceedings were ol the us .ai enthusiastic
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  • 251 2 GAIBTI >IKL. he aimo=t absolute inek ot -ior_\ m tbe i last of entertainment labelled Musical Comedy by do means interferes with itpopularity partii ulariy h re and last night a eery good audience wa- present to eoj >\ the good tiling- offer) '1 m A
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  • 240 2 THE MEYER MEMORIAL FUND. The full list of subscriptions to the fund being raised to perpetuate the memory of the late Mr. Meyer 'formerly of the firm of Messrs Riley Hargreaves Co.), the brave Singaporean who was awarded the Stanhope Gold Medal ot the K. H. Society m 889, is
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    • 32 2 Mr. (j. N. C'uivon. LJnder-Secretat State for Foreign Affairs ku ttah House of C'jnui)Oii> that pam limes re^arrHug the Preach claim tv establish a protective tarifl ia Madagascar,
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    • 47 2 The Uganda Railway: Three Million Pounds Voted. A resokrtioa to authorise a.i outU) i /,'j.000.000 upon the Etwiira} bo gand Ihm b< -t i! carried bj a majority o( two hundred and fiftj The Troubles m Crete. Figlit in^r H.inm- m \V--t rji Crete Loniini, July ffd '*>/
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    • 605 2 THE JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER for the PROTECTED NATIVE STATES rgpppfi fcfcyw fef Sing*£»n F*w IVnars- J i j 3rd Mr. La#iesce k«o«, of il.e Oxford Circuit., h,-.- been appointed the .iicia.l ComoHSctoaer Em the Fedcr«t4 I Ktfi States "i Malay*. The examinations for GovcTßWCnt ships were held today m the Leg
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 FRENCH BOARDING HOUSE. i 1 X M wtcai I li! ir -T* h atkm Ha- 1 BOARD AND LODGING. I \HI.N ath i priv ite -ur pi i 1 J.PN I DYN A M 1 f E. DEVIL BRAND, 1 received i the ul Dj* j ■rk«el DEVIL BRAND Mums
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    • 740 2 DORDTSCHE PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPY, SOURABAYA. MA NT I At i IRKRS of Pr irolemn Lubricant m eqaa] I d I w Steam Engines, Cyfindet i -\,t class Mum ney MAX STERN Co. AgentsMai fc THE EMPRESS ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LIMITED. 'T'Hi. vi..ii signed have been appointed Agents 1 lag t oinpany. and
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    • 696 2 FOR SALE. Black pony, Brown harness and dog-cart, ail m i?ood order, to be sold chea" H. \H VMS. line IQ. "J-7 FOR SALE. IS (KALIAN hor-e, East trotter, set of harness and ('••ylon built boggy, m c*< i lient order. tpplyto > Frte Press. .1' e.j. uc FOR SALE.
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    • 491 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS n WANTED. J Municipal Debentures ,S% j i do. do. 07;, Tanjong Pa^ar Dock Debs. Straits Ice Co. Straits Trading C o.\ Shares. Pataling Coffee Co.'s Sharesi i Tanjong Pagar IJoIU o.'s FOR SALE, letebu o.'s Shares. Insurance Co. 's Shares. FRASER Co., Kxchange and Share Brokers,
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    • 129 2 I ||K I'l VGUE i r RE DISG >\ ER\ lr, connection with our special write ol \V< •.jii'--'l.»\ s fiat- from Hongkong, announcing thai Dr. kersin, of Saigon, bad discovered a remed} t r plague after successful A|j- riments at Canton im following paragraph is quoted from the China
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 140 2 The Week Pndxjr, jrd Hin*' \V.Ucr lo A., Sc Cecilia Ba EapU p.m. Dail isie Chapter, I iIU Mad I Open I Toot Eta I Saturday 4th High Wfate :—M 4-4^ F' Declaration ol American laoq er S. C. C. At'n'.tt: 5p 4 I- ilatiofi Meeting Ragalar, 8-jo p.m. P.
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  • 776 3 ik>t Dai Jlly 2m>. t-or Ike first day of the S. C. C. sports r^ was a charming afternoon, although me 'n-.f alter the commencement the waa a little oppressive The turf \vas% x client condition, and the arrange■ta good ii s lJ i
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  • 16 3 I taflia Club t!icatrica!s arc post- ted to li, ;r-iay -jth ;n>t.
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  • 72 3 The fa am Rg clMMgesia the hours of M Service at St Andrew Cathedral ::i-- into u[jl -ration next Sunday k •■<.. Mat n. i. Chorai EadMrtat > m I'arade Service. s <i \Ti Sunday, m Month, Litany, Seri Holy Communion. Other >Lsnd<i)i, Vfattna and Sermon). Ip>
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  • 2885 3 Thursday. July _>nd, 1896. Present H. E. the Governor (Sir C. B. Mitchell, 0.c.M.Q.) The Hon. the Officer Commanding the Troops '.Colon. R. H. \Y. Plnnkett, k.a., 1 >ig Hun. the Col. Secretary I. A. Swetteohuu, c.M.o. the Attorney-General (W. R. CoMyer.) the Auditor-General (H. T'oiteM the Col
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  • 629 3 i f'itig n, London, [on* 20.— A meeting ot the ibinct was held 1 >■!•<■ '■> considei afresh what steps thould be taken m regard to the Education Bill Mr. Balfout s pi tposal to adjourn m August and leave the completion ol the Bill nntil fanuary was Found
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  • 64 3 The O. C. Troops has been pleased to grant leave of absence to Major H. P. Knight, v. t., from 4th July to Ist August, 1896, on private afl urs. I leld Officer for the ensuing week —Major K. Wace, D.5.0., k.a. It is notified that Major H.
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  • 148 3 It is a curious fact that the title oi Czar, by which name the head of the Russian State is generally known, liab nothing to do with any of the Russias or wilh the Slates of Novgorod or Muscovy, which arc the real nucleus and foundation of
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  • 809 3 Robinsok Crusoe, you remember, made a big b iat or canoe out of the trunk of a tree. It was a laborious and tedious job. And Ui.-u wasn't the worst ot it. When he got the boat done he couldn't i uiic'i it. It was
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  • 66 3 (Corrected up to July j.) On London. Bank 4 m/fl „.2/2-9/16 demand 2/2-7/16 Private credits j m/s 23 documents 3 m/s 2/2-13/16 credits 6 m/a 2/2J On India. Bank demand lB6| On Hongkong. Bank demand l^ar. On Yokohama. Bank demand par On Java. Bank demand 133^ Private 30 d/s
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  • 97 3 [July |0 132-371 Gambicr... 7-5 do, Cub« No. 1 11 4.-, Pjppcr, Black (ordinary Spore) [0.20 do. White, (Fair L/W=s%) 17.75 Ni'.inCL'- iji-v i-o the Ib.) 91. Mace (Sandal 96. Cloves (Amb'.in 1) 17 50 Liberian Coffee ,1 >5Pap'toca, smatfpeari (Fair quality),, 340 do. do. fisUe (do. do.) 3
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  • 314 3 SHARE LIST, JULY 3rd, 1896. Quotation. Capital Paid np Shares Pd. D>* Honekone k S'hai Bark lyi^^rem. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 b.OOO ''sjf* S National Bank of China fin j£ 500,000 £400 'S r sao'o<S»/ B Founders. |l 15 Sellers. 7. c<: Bk.of China &Jac-«r. Ltu. $2| Nominal. I /a. 000, 000
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 378 3 HOLZAPFEL'S COMPOSITIONS COMPANY, LIMITED. Trade Mark: A Four-bladed Propelkr m rad. Imi E£asteni w*te« m ipeciaUy recommend Intern ano Ifcff strongest and mo.>t effective iatifouler. \Sl[- URERS I M International Antifouling Composition Genuine 'Rahtjen's Patent Composition <; aranteed to '>c iiia^i' m cooformitj ivith •!r >p Fit iti< 4 i
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 136 3 HONGKONG WKATHER TELEGRAMS. Barometer, reduced to 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and to the level of the sea m inches tenth, and hundredth:*. Temperature m the sh^de m uegrtea, Fahrenheit. Humidity, m percentage of saturation, the huinidiiy of air saturated with moisture being 100. Direction of vVind, to two points. Force of
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    • 966 3 V£SStLb IN PORT. tfen-of-Wai i:.-.^ilon. Capiair. Arrived From Consignee* Kri, Wian Porpoim i;;-! 1 May a; Hongkong Sr. N Oflico Suaon M..t. P.i).. ;is ColeawonA |«fya P**fi» Br.M.Of Other Vess-fis U m,is N r [98; Sh. I* t: D.Baj B. isU 1 h- Atlaitth Ger.b,..« M Sdtoekle. [ant
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 l TO LET. v s, icn Road,S -^'v slh I! J lt A \pnl3 n r« Q•] s r ''P" r TO BE I-KT V1 \BI IH HOI > l l."'s N sN ft M1 Rl So- to. I li; X"'K 1 H CRAM BROS TO LET. RAFFLES Bmc> 1V
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    • 533 4 MARSHALL SON'S CO., LIMITED S( > E \r,F\ i 1 < •!< I HE STRAI I S |OHN LAWSON, FFLEPHONE S«. 140 CX( n REI I McALISTER Co., Ma E |U SI RE CE I YE D A FRES H SHIP M E N T F WATSON&Co/s fo&^ m *^&&k
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    • 581 4 1 of?f \~JI iS^ t^^^^Wlm Ttj tAfESTRV T^PEHS EMBROIDERY PAPERS SILA PAPERS •U m unUotwn u*Jgtl£ni 111 Hrfufai* al^ n^ii m ImtbUim* lit R&tfJ 'Ac obt JH gnj oOur.'Li'Jivalrift ,l Ml UAtrt ttOOTtUIS O* STUt AMOTJ »l)l \TNXTIAN PAPERS LEATHER PAPERS IN REUEP rLOCK PAPERS yl RtpmtiOuxuUllMuMuiil efler otc M
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    • 632 4 The Singapore Free Press Mercantile Advertiser. r*Hi.R AnDRi-ss, Ativertiser, Stngap TRLEI'HONIi Nl MHFR. No. hi. Published at 39. Change Alley, Sing« rO r. THE hading Engli>h Newspaper m tf>» Straits SetOeaseaU yohore, th»Protected Native Statt > ot Perak, SeUrs gor, Sungei I'jong, Pahang, th» N,,. Sembilan; British North Borneo; Saraw
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