The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 June 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)

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  • 620 2 The Singapore Free Press. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1896. Hen ball the Pre I I>:ple"» r^l.t mamtim, Li mned by influence I bribed bj o I 1 her glorious pnetfUdtaw, I.:.- I to Xc.igion. Loyalty. an<i Law. Ihk proceedings ia the Legislative Council yesterday gained very considerably m public interest inasmuch
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  • 121 2 No cases ul inU:c'iuii> disease arr reported during the last twenty lo'is hour*. There is a Tanglin Club "At Home this evening. The M. M. Company's steamer Sulazie left Colombo at 8 p in. on the _'4th inst. and may be expected here on Monday next the 29th inst. m
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  • 619 2 THE S.C. C. SPORTS. Notes ast> Anticipations. Since this time last year tlic familiar sound of the Ancient Pistol has not been heard on the Plain, but. as several of the probable runners at this meeting have not before sported nlk here, it may be as well just to review
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  • 610 2 I iic .n K>-t (eaason J- v loping m a tngi:.--. original Rod startling fashion, t- ;e eh ef teature of winch is Hit (jri.i: lorm <>l out Ati-^ttau-in vis&Ors. It umot !<e laid I'Ht, witu the exception of thu o,;- nv' ma h any English team
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  • 64 2 Ihe Wiliard Opera Company announce their opening night as Monday, 29th. Pemberton's Company came down by the Rosetta from China, and Clifford's is due by the Undid a on Sunday. They will amalgamate and perform here for a few nights before going on to Java. The programme will be announced
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  • 52 2 We understand that the Directors of the proposed West I'ilbarra Gold Mine. Limited, have decided not to go to allotment, the applications for shares not having been sufficient m their judgment to justify allotment The amount of deposits paid by applicant- on shares will, therefore,
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  • 111 2 Why Keuter should be unable to wire the result of the first match to Singapore before noon to-day, the s6tb, is- very stiange. Supposing tlu match ended at 6p m. on Wednesday, or before that the wires to Australia had been bttSf with the news, running through
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  • 207 2 A? will be observed the Warren Shield j for shooting ir <~ *"n i>.i« been won by Co., 51.11 Fusiliers with the my Sue 1 .-.core of s r >i points \'> Co being second j nrttfa 498 and tht S Y. third with 40.1 j The
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  • 54 2 the following gentlenwo hi i J B. Etobertsoo Captain Mr. VdaoMon, Hon'ble M UKoson and Ueai Xmslie proceed i" Kj^U Lumpoc b) the Hyt Leoiig this ahernooa to plaj «a tfi iiole match against a tb< s c!diigor Golf Club. Phej will return on Wednesday, July
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  • 289 2 S J R.H. Ihc X with one exception, ;;i«ived tlicir Cap ti-. team >^t night, wrbereai the Club were iritboot it;\era! of their best I lie ground WiS m tajjital condition and favoured i^bt p''<iy- Both tcaais vv<r<. a little slow m setting duwn to tlieir work. bat
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  • 129 2 The State ol Hungary is celebrating the j milienium of its foundation, and from May to October this y.-ar the capital certainly, and most of the people, will be em fete. There is a vast exhibition, thanksgiving services and congresses, the opening of the new Parliament House,
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  • 77 2 British Merchants; Rtsi Played last night at the Tanglin Club, and won by the British Merchants by 246 points Vade and Middleton bowled m good form foi their respective sides. Scores H.Yade 703 Dr. Middleton 710 I H. Pearce ..'73 E. Ocker biu J. Macta XS art 059 H.
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  • 18 2 Mr. John Anderson leaves for Europe next homeward German mail, s. s. Prinz Heinrich, which departs on Sunday.
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    • 27 2 H. E. Viceroy,,.- haspti a visit lasting two hours to Pria imarck at Freidnchsiuht. The meeting was of th« m 4 character
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    • 14 2 The T:?ar !>- miH< nrw from an aft*, I i jaundice
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    • 9 2 hngland lias brat-n Australia Icsl match
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    • 41 2 Tbc American (}o\ernnif-m i^iup good ofrices w:t!i Vf frw!■ to the reNras'- vi 111 HwTMM t:.. Guiana orriLial who was OMtWI on sur\e\ dut\ within th«- Hnt t >i>l. l^r atvi taken a prisooeff WtO t' rritory
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    • 65 2 Ihe KadMSU i'«"b'_i» ha>' Fort Ciiart'-r dud looted MarindeUa lieutenant Bremncr, ot the joth H ha> bt-.-n killed at Ifariadd l.i-ui. Henry Bremnei (■baton a( ••>. -„<-nr h. ■•-.joined mttm /;rd]^'-.. iS-,i *„<) -.(.a-r romned to iieute■MtM iBih Oct., [ffj H no warier- M app.;..r- I T
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    • 30 2 Discontent m the Soudan. Refugees horn v.< Soadu r pott '.h<ii the people ol the comatxy ar< a^r for Freedoai trons Denrtdi rule. l.uud n. Junt /«!Tc'
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    • 49 2 PtRAMBI LAT ORS Z Kti E I The following will represent the k etr« m \bk match this afternoon morrou —A J Ross. G. P. Stevenc, W Browniie. Capt. DnrittM "a;>t ParMM C. Wood F. J Benuheld H rt M r Plumpton. F I) Mactaggan v Q taggart
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    • 509 2 Hi raid, June l Oth. .Mr. H. R. Wolfe, the Saperaiteade* ri Ptd orks and Superintendent of Prison- na- m the -ervice. He has done some good work «Mc connected with the Government Sancu.^Ihe annual meeting ct the Bntisl Mart Borneo Branch ot the R. Asiatic
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  • 45 2 The Darwin on her last voyage t'ruught up forty Australian bullocks, hue animal too. Mr. Eng Yong Siang idvertises tW he is prepared to supply prime be. t :r,n these, which are vastly superior U> ti» e class o{ bullocks usually killed and *M here.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 457 2 Penang Turf Club. rH(K',R.\MME U»- IHI ACGLST MEETING, 1 1 adan the R uio oi the Slaajei Itadajj As*« i «ck n.) FIRST DAY f ursdej, tit fii lugust, i3</6 Thi Maaaaa Plaik. VaICI ■J.-oo. For Maitif. Horses, per Ruie StraHa Racmg Aaaacaaion] Weight per scale. (!0 SI alb.) Distance
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    • 978 2 EXCHANGE BANKS. THK Exchange Banks will he closed on Monday, June j^ih. bein,» Corona ticn Day. June .-5. 30 6. \\r.\NTED Boarders— Married or Single. vv Address Mrs. HUNSLEY, .Aljeh House. Orchard Koad. June 1-7 NOTICE, \X7AN FED lor the Tanjong Pagar Deck Com- paay, I imited, a competent Superintendent
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    • 614 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. Municipal Debentures 5% do. do. 6% Tanjontf Pagar Dock Dubb. Straits Ice Co. Straits Trading Co. 's Shares. FOR SALE, ranjong Paj»ar Dock Shares. Jelebu t o.'s Share-. I PRASBK i I Bxcfeaiige and SliHte Hioker*. June v.c. AUSTRALIAN BEEF. THK undersigned i> prep ired to supply
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    • 128 2 For Hongkong. The Indo-China Steam Nay. Co., Ltd., Steamer SUISANG, 1,770 tons, Capt Galsworthy, having left Cal- catta on the 24th instant, may be expected to arrive here on or about the 3rd July, and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to BOL'STEAD
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 147 2 The Week. Friday 26th Hitfli Wain 1!.».. raagtia Ckb, it H m 1 Wet Hi:.,:;;bi:..tcr- 9. El BtCI St. C© lv Brf.'.i. 1 iplanadc 5 p.m K. QmutrSk F'.rty. ianstoai \m Saturday. 27th f.acKct Pi 1 ■wlnilhiii 1 EuJet«r«». N. I Ma I H Sunday. 28th H:>? Water 0.,^ noon.
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  • 4025 3 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL I'm K>r>A\. Ji'NE i^th, 1896. PREStNT I („.\enijr vSir C. B. Mitchell, G.C.M.u.j r% H I c Officer Commanding the Trouu> Coknti R H. \V. Plunkett, R.\., H, goo, the Col Secretary J. A S« nh .rt», C M O. •Attorney-General W. R C Uyer.] Auditor-Genera! H.
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  • 231 3 MR. CHOA KIM KIAT'S GA RDEN PARTY. Mr. Cboa Kirn Kiat is to be congratulated upon a very successful garden party yesterday afternoon. He bad evidently taken very considerable pains to the interest and comfort ot his visitors He had liis exceptionally fine display of fljw<-rs and i plants
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  • 138 3 Pictorial SouvßMUt, A handsome souvenir of the 40th anni- \er.sary ol the Teutonia Club, which dates from June 28th, (856, has. just been coii- j pleted by Messrs. G. R Lambert and Co., photographers, m the shape of a well mounted series of excellent platinotype j portraits,
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  • 36 3 The trial trip of the Malayan Steamship Co.'s s. S. Perdatiu, which was launched on the ***** April, by the New Harbour 1 Dock Co takes place to-morrow. To-day she went outside to adjust her compasses.
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  • 352 3 The Verdict Ihe following is m continuation ot our report of the evidence taken yesterday at the inquest before Dr. Mugliston, the Coroner. Or. Bott gave evidence that on the lyth i;ist. lie received from Inspector Evans the stomach of the deceased and the
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  • 34 3 No definite news bas yet reached Singapore about the departure ol H. M. S. GraftOH for the Far Ka^t. I here ha> probably been some alteration ol the original date tixed tor her >ailing
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  • 819 3 KOBIMSON CRUSOE, you remember, mad.; u:g b .at or canoe out of the trunk of a tree. It was a laborious and tedious job. And that wasn't the worst of it. When he eat the boat done hecouldi. t 1 uncii it. It was too
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  • 259 3 DmiMM, C*phal Paid up Sham Pd. Di», Hongkong VVhaißwk lyo prem. $.0,000,000 $***** 0,000 80,000 Nation., H.nk of OM7™ Founders. |n 5 Seller. iwll K.«fCU«ft|r«LM MltaM i *50.9« i99*7S <M- Tanjong Pagar bock $..500,000 fi^ooo •&miWUHf«>' do. Debentures 6% i|% prem. $200,000 fessc^^S iss
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  • 270 3 rbeConpaay'f steaux.r^ar.d<rs|jrttci!cd iruii i.ivc-r--pool outwards to* th«- Straits China an-i froiu f h pan homewards for London every w«?lc, and have accommodation lor first and third obfli '^asaengers. carrying ;i Surgeon and Stewardess. Through Bills of Lading are issued lor all China. |a(i*ri. \tani'ia, S-igtui
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  • 61 3 (Corrected ip io Jttm 16 On London. Bank 4 a v demand Private credits 3 ni/i, >.(■ (Kxumenu J m/s credits 6 m/a ...4/3-1 On India Bank s On Hongkong. Bank demand <»N YOKOHAMA Hank demand < par On Java. Ban k demand 1 j Private 30 d/s fit
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  • 93 3 June 20.) taMf (•uihiar 7 -io. Cube No. I ,i, 4 fipi^r, Black (ordinary Spore) 10.2s do. Wh,te. (F a ,rL,VV=7%) 7 7 s Nutmegs 150s to the Ib.) gt Vtact (Banda) £5' Cloves (Amboina) 17' so Liberian Cottee Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quaiity) A n do. do. flake
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 HOLZAPFEL'S COMPOSITIONS COMPANY, LIMITED. Trade Mark: A Four-bladed Propeller m rod. For Eastern Nrstcrs we specially ceooaflßend Inteknationai Compositio -dn strongest an<] mo>t effective an'Jlouler MANUFACTURERS H International Antifouling Composition Genuine 'Rahtjen's Patent Compositton Guaranteed to be made ia conformity with Original Six-ciHcati Holzapfel's Patent Soapstone Composition and Holzapfel's Danby
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 210 3 Weather Kcport. (June 2 3 Taker, a 1 Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory 9. a m. 5v.v.9 r. m. Bar. red. 32 Fah 3Q.88g 29.801 29.805 Temperature 88 J 879 838 Wet Bulb Thermometer... 809 Son Dir. of Wind S.W. S.W S.K. Max, Temp, m shadf 89.5 Mm. do do /<»
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    • 642 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Bfaa-Of-Wat Hiaijb&Ton Captair, Arrived Krort Cor.i.jrnrr. roi. Whu P<mwoisi ttrn.cru.. i77oPalj May*; Hw^ltom aV.N.Ottca Statian Other Vesseib Aiaoow Nar.1987 Shot! lane; D.lfcf Baaakm fawai MrU Atlamth Ger. bq., 6jj Solmeider luiic t5 Uaey Bohn Me>-ei, Brit 55* Ia I boy June a Ireir.anti. B«> i-t. Fn
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    • 160 3 Ail b v i I- v. H*2&"* N c..^ Smi Sadong „Am renai g Jv ttang*ui Vet i Peaam jv Calc MaU, a s. Xi Peuan^. r Benckalk x tfa^w H Ddi, I j Batavia kc, ,t jt Muntok .V Paltin.. H LabaM, p BanjjkoK, tmm burupL-. if Penaiv, tv
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 317 4 TO LET. MO.J tokijlW'-^^' I I.IN hT> SWEE, Chop Sw« K»», Beat) Ou.<\. s "f»P«* h'^'JTO BE LET. oL -v., EU2%BETII HOI St. yearn, I>n .i xH j 'j I!. T\. A, CMANI BROS |>« j. TO LET. V\ Appl, i SATNAN.-4 i- -a > TO LET. I TO LET.
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    • 341 4 I VPtSTfh- PaJ^RS B.vmROIDEKY PAPERS SiLk P*fJJS til mi .n.Miii rw^-Vti j «mh*. a lbWt* mimirm < iiutim* i* Muf.-r M *fl \-enetux R»i»e.R^ lejitkw »»»»u X REUEP nOCKMfEHI (1 luim i i«i if ii r /(wrat* i /*i> aVMVOis i Apply to MOINE COMTE Co Singapore. AGENTS FOR M.
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    • 253 4 DORDTSCHE PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPY. SOURABAYA. MANUFA4 FURERSoI P«roleum Lubricant h t.juallrd for Steam Engine*, Cylinder 1 nd every class (A Ma< him n MAN v I ERN 8l B.— Agents' Mai 11. v c THE EMPRLSS ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LIMITED. "pHbundersigned I ivi beenapi d Agents lit Marine md Fii k at
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    • 367 4 MARSHALL SONS CO., LIMITED J s II g SUI.K AGENT FOR IHE STRAITS, JOHN LAWSON, rELEPHONE No. 145. 10, CECIL STREET. m. JOHN LITTLE Co., LIMITEDAGEUTS FOR Rudge Whitworth Cycles. J. K. Starley Co.'s Cycles, Quinton Co.'s Cycles. Have just received a consignment ol J K. Starley Co., celebrated Rover
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    • 622 4 Tbc Singapore Free Press MM Mercantile Advertiser. Table Aoi>rkss>, Advertiser, Sm^ur v. Pklbphoki Nimbkr. No. 11. Published »t 39, Chang? Alley, Sir.g«> r THE Lading English Newspaper j B th r Straits Settlements Johorf. th^ Protected Native Stat<s ot I'er^k v. gor, Sungii I Jong, Pahang. th. Sembilan; British North
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