The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 7 May 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 476 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL r STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. O»»»c«.— Collyer Quay. Whahvis,— New Harbour The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD l8 55 if«9sRavenna M«v 13th. Rose ta M,. t h Pek.n May >7tS. Kan*:-; -Hind x\ 19th Khedive j U!lc i o rh.
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    • 544 1 AUSTRIAN LLOYDS STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Under Mail Contract with thi Austrian GuVBRNMBNT. *T*HE following are the dates on which the Co.'s i Steamers may be expected to sail from here OUTWARDS. HOMEWARDS. for Hongkong, porTrirstr Shanghai Kobe* ports via Bombay. »«95 I8»5M. Bacquehem May 6. Melpomene May 15. Blana Valeric
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    • 454 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract with the Nbthkrlakds India Government. Agents at Singapore. Ships Aency, late I. DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer (,)ua v Time table for May. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date G. G. Loudon. Sourabaya. 6th. Batavia, Satnaran^ Cheribon and Sourabaya. Blh. bawcin. Batavia. sth.
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    • 765 1 Art Photography. Corni:k o* Stamford Road Hill Street. Platinos Aristos A SPECIALITY. Sittings from 7 a. m. till 5 p. m. Robt. Lenz Cie. Feb. 7. 7<4 G. R. Lambert Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS, By Special Appointment to H. M. THE KING OF SIAM AM) H. H THE SULTAN OF JOHORE i
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    • 638 1 IJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAIU-UP CAPITAL Jio/xy^.joo RESERVE FUND J ooo'ooo RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS I 1 10,000.000 COURT OF iJIRBCTORS. J. KRAMER, E»fl.,*-CHAJ«uiA* HO.\ A. McCONACHIE,— Okpot* Chaibmaw D. R. Sas^un, Esq. I C. J Esq R. M. Gkav, Uaq As BtLi. rvino Em S. C. M;chaki.sen,
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    • 474 1 ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY. Sußs>ußißED Cbpital £i,200,000 Sterling. Head Office, gi Cheaps>idt, London. 1 he undersigned arc prepared to cept FIRE RISKS at current rates. j THK RPKNiIu Lro^—Agatffc. TSJORWICH UNION FIRE INSUK- ANCE SOCIETYOF NORWICH AND LONDON US TAIS L I jH t U 1,1, MJK FIRli INSURANCE ONLY Amount
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    • 658 1 PACIFIC MAIL STTAMSHIP COMPAMY AND O"-CIDLNTAL AND ORIENTAI STEAMSHIP COMPANY. •]hr>a>-H passage tkkets granted to iin^.nnd Prance, «»d Germany b%- aJ «»n-,-AU«rM of Steiir.tri, of the above Urn Toothn .MonjJt !a! Special reduc granted i- Offctr. o« Army. Navj-, and <. Setvicc, I Passej^ers by U11; Unefaaveti ceeduif Uvt land
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  • 847 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1895. U.-.- i -.<;...riruf.:, r r,r H I'iCilkfil to Reitcion, l.ov'altv. a l..nv. It is announced that Mr. Maxwell arrived at Accra on the Bth April, there to begin the duties of his new proconsulship. Our late Colonial Secretary goes to the Gold
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  • 617 2 The Singapore Branch of the Straits Settlements Association have been collecting funds to provide; for the necessary expenses incurred m laying the case of the Colony relative to the Military Contribution before the House of Commons and the people of England. It is assumed that the community generally would like
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  • 389 2 (London Cvrr. Ceylon Independent. j I^ondon, April 5, 1893. In the question of the Colonial Military Con* tribution the Straits Settlements have the ad van Ugc of being m first m the House of Commons. Last Friday Mr. Hanbury, who m the present Parliament has made a
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  • 82 2 The Local Secretary of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Ltd Singapore, has received the following telegram irom Mr. W. Bibby, Mine Manager at Raub, dated 7UI May, 1895 Rough clean up of Battery yielded 1,400 02. amalgam, estimated quantity of stone- crushed being 1,000 tons. Battery resumed work
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  • 83 2 A sale by public auction of valuable Crown lands is advertised for Tltuisdajy next, when Messrs. Powell and Co. will offer five building lots fronting the Teluk Ayer Market and situated at the comer of Robinson Road and Cross Street, the upset price being s_> per
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  • 169 2 Hongkong 795 Singapore 773 Shanghai To-day telegraphic news has at rived that the Hongkong representative team fired m this match yesterday and scored the comparatively moderate aggregate of 795 points. This makes Singapore's ill luck m the weather all the more aggravating, for, given anything
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  • 375 2 Notes From the Covhse. This morning it was very dark and dull, with a regular Scotch drizzle coming down at gunfire. Luckily however it did not last long. Few people turned out so the early birds took the opportunity to slip their horses along. These
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  • 317 2 Keep an eye upon Sum,"— says Le Counter de Saigon, for if certain reports now current m Bangkok and Saigon are to he credited our good friends the English are preparing to do something m Siam. A perusal of the Bangkok papers, and the departure
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  • 118 2 FOREIGN COM PETITION IN BRITISH COLONIES. The British and South African Export Gametie for but month publishes a striking table, showing that while British trade with the Cape Colony and Natal has fallen off five per cent, during the past five yean the total trade with those colonies ofthe United
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  • 804 2 Japan and the Powers. The Powers are officially informed that Japan abandons her demands for tl,« cession of tlie Liaotong Peninsula, i (l eluding Port Arthur. The foreign squadron* are ftKsetubtuin at Cht-foo. The Peace Treaty It it. announced from Peking tlie ratification of the treaty of
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  • 206 2 There will bean Association Footbal mal< I: to-morrow on tlie Esplanade between the ist and the 2nd teams S. C. C and on Friday another match between teams representing the Club and the R. A. Our Malacca friends might care to nuithe following paragraph from a mail paper as bearing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 658 2 JOHN LITTLE Co., LIMITED. MILLINERY AND DRAPERY DEPT. GREAT STOCK-TAKING RAT.Tg FOR CASH Ist to 31st May. \USO Hardware, Lamps, AND Glassware Japanese Ciirios. and Crepe Shirts, Immense Reduction GREAT BARGAINS. SPORTSMEN ANOOWNERS"" C\\ BKiN AiJ.. Jockey and Iraiiier open to er»sj3i.'er .c \¥efr>lu* through the „i.- Leu ■> .in,-Urti
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    • 942 2 QND Bait. .VwUiiißilnilFsiffiri. A KsTl 1) T. L. GU&UNG X Co Agents. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DEBTS* >' EITHER the CaptamAg«nu nor Owners of the American napo/a Gnrgt F. .Vausou, wml be rcnponwole fat debti mcurrod by the crew during her stay m this port. PETER CRACK.- Master. May 9.5 MORNING
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    • 57 2 "IX7 ANTED a Commodious Dvvelli g-house not too far Irom town. Kepiy R. F.. c/a J-ree Press. May 7- WANTSD. I lanjona Pasar Dock Co.'s Shares. New Prye River Dock Share*. FOR SALE. Jelebu Mining Co.'s Shares. Kaub (eufnribuiiitg.) Municipal Debentures (5%.) Pengerang Planting Co.'s Shares. Apply ta FRASER (.<•..
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 197 2 The Week. Tuetday. 7th: High Water:— 9.14 a. m., y.iy p. m. French Mail Homewards closes, t> p. m. Debating Society, Museum, p. m. D. B. of G. P., b. 30 p. m. Wednesday, Bth Hijrh Water 10.5 a. m.. y.55 p. m. Municipal Commission, 2.30 p. m. Association
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  • 2806 3 Singapore, May Ah, 1893. Btiorc the hon-bie Lionel On, C. J. Dva» v. Ttum Marixs Clv b. This case was called on this morning, Mr. Hugh Fort tor the plaintiff, Mr. Broin-h-aii Matthews for the defence. The statement of claim set out that on or about November. 189
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  • 677 3 The outward bound mail steamer the Ox us passed Malacca at day-break this morning and arrived m port about halfpast one. The letters will be available by half-past four. Two Chinese are being deported to-day by the S. s. Agamemnon, Tan Ah ouon, as an habitual criminal, and Quee Wee,
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  • 2426 3 On the 18th April at half-past three o'clock the Speaker rote to deliver his valedictory address to the House of Commons. The benches and galleries were densely crowded, and as the right Ron. gentleman rose lion, members immediately uncovered, and a hearty cheer was raised from all
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  • 69 3 (Corrected up to May 7 On London. Bank 4 m/s j.i; demand 1 j Private credits 3 m/s i\z{ documents 3 m/s i/_'{ credits 6 m/s 2/2J On India. Bank demand I^4 On Hongkong. Baak demand s On Yokohama. Bank demand par. On Java. Bank demand na Private 30
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  • 120 3 tMay 7.) »>••••. Gambier M a.55 do. Cube No. 1 12.^ do. Ao. \o. 1 1 1 40 Peppf r, ttlajk (ordinary S'porej 10 5.J do. White. (Fair L/W=s% j „18 75 Nutmegs 150s to the ib.j 91, Mace (Bandal 96. Cloves (AmboMiaj 22. Libcrian Coftee 41. Pengcrang Liberian
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  • 262 3 SHARE LIST, MAY 7th, 1895. 3UOTATIOK. Capital Paid up S^.re. Pi Df», Hongkoog fc STiai Bank. iyo pmn. $10.*****0 »io,ooooog t^.oc s£t.sifr. National B*nkofCkina |,S *<00.000 A**, t«, (•*■*/<»*/* Bk. of China, Jap fc Strait. Nominal. Ua,000,000 199^75 £m*. Founders. i "J *J-, Tanjong Pa*ar Doct s IJO ...joo.^o
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 339 3 QCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY The Company's steamers aredesp^ul. ii troin LiverI pool outwards for the Straits China pan from j Japan Homewards for London every srnwr. and have a. commodatioa for first and third cia«< paaceogers, c-r I rying a Surgeon an*i Stewardess. Through Bills of Lading are iwili>i all
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 286 3 Passengers for Straits Settlements. Per Ravenna, from Bombay, due May 13.— Mr. W. B. O. Stewart, Mr. M. G. Bradford, Mr. Pradepatt, Mr. T. Wren, Mr. Von der Ptordten, Mr. J. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie. Per Roseita, from Lu.idon, due May 15. Mr. M. Hellier. Per Ernett Simons,
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    • 1263 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Klajpi ft Ton. Catptair. Arrived Fion. Cou«;^nec;. i" -V. Men-0.-War Mkrccrv Brit, cr., 37 j0 Fawkeb Apni BaivKjk sr. N.Ofiee K.Batm Other Vessels Auamsmmov Brit. 1491 SUewca Mayo {JmexpotA WimiitU |apm, M«j Aj4X Brit. 1447 Goodwin May 0 Anioj Mansnel.j >f,y AHHER.M Bra. icB Siiimmen May 6
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 McALISTER Co. Government Contractors, Engineers' Furnishers SHI PC HANDLERS. Sailmakers \NI) General Furnishers. Have always m Stock Fairbanks Weighing Machines, m aii weight* to *uit alt countries, m jiolid iroo ami wouden frames. Salter's Family Spring Balances Sales of all sizes. Cross-cut and Hand Saws, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH TOOLS j
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    • 380 4 TO UIT. 1 IST at 2nd Floor Ortkes m flattery Roait. Apply GEOK TEAT Coy. M.iv r>. v.c TO LET LTI KMSHkO. Embank i.Tangftn. Apply to PEATILE v. 1.. PALS dt Co. .M*> 1. uc. GODOWNS TO LET. No. 7c and 7M Battery Koad. and Nos. 1 t Boat Quay,
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    • 425 4 I McALISTEB Co., lIA\E JUST RECEIVED A l-KLSH SHIPMENT OF WA'I SON Co.'s V V O IKIKHKAIKD £$*;/y£ Price Six per Case Whiskies tsSssWtiffiP< h \^W I>uty Paid- SPECIAL RESERVE/ J^'-i :'i S §>J^ :^£^S|H WATSON'S OLD McALISTER 6c CO. CAMPBELL KEROSINE OIL ENGINE. --w^ WK^^m xm. ''i Eflf ~Zi
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    • 193 4 The St. Pauli Breweries Co., Ld. BREMEN. GIRL BRAND. A LIGHT PILSKNEK BEKK. I Annual Export 12,000,000 bottles. Twelve prize Medals Awakdklj. Supplied to all the principal London Clubs. So'e Agents for the Eastern Archipelago PUTTFARCKEN Co., Singapore. J» 10.1 PILSENER BEER, KEY BRAND. Imported since 1876. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS,
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    • 513 4 BARUGH ft Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF Australian Wines IN CASES k CASKS. PORT, SHERRY. CLARET, CHABLIS. Ac, ftc. A FINE LIGHT TABLE CLAKKI Quarts $5.25 Pints $6.25. These Wines are guaranteed pure. BARUGH &O, WINE IMPORTERS, 7, HIUH STREfcT. April 22. v.c. KATZ BROTHERS, OFFER FOR
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    • 820 4 KATZ BROTHERS. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. HEW SFZUJTG GOODS. West of England Black Elastic Twiliv Scotch ft Irish Homespuns Cheviots Light and Porous. West of England Tweeds, New desjgns Fancy Cashmere Suitings, Trcp !C a Weight. Cricket and Tennis Flannels. Thoroughly shrunk. Indian Cannanores Fancy Worsted. Best White and Khaki Drills Navy
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