The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 ORIENTAL F" T NAVIGATION COMPANY. LINES. I c arrive outnew service een Naples and Egypt. GEO SS<\CiERIE3 DE FRANCE. nch s '.earner or <Umag« which may be aw* iceond for a fortr. > Have and Rotterdam. A. de BURE, Ager.r. ier Cumming. :Tiber Merchants. a HARD-WOOD IS THE -k and
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    • 328 1 J^ORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. Impbkim. Gkrman Mail. T in reamers of this 11m run •n and Shanghai, .on. Genoa, Ad- Singapore d dr-parttires of er .XurtihfTg Yokohama, Hiogo, and Sumatra leaves Sinjjaind Deli every ten days, connecting rd and homeward mail Kr^ps up h rfgiin with ram Europe *r.d China, ive
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    • 1864 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART j For Boms* Ports™ Bavean and Sourafanra MAATSCHAPPIJ. en the Bth of every month a steamer runs m this K direction taking direct cart" and paaMHUCif to (Under ccntra^;; t r 1 h nt Neth 1 »"ds Itl. Bardiermassin: Prin Laut, Pa.sir and Cotie. Ageata at Singapore
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    • 611 1 XJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI xx BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $io,ooo,oce RESERVE FUND 4 2000f0 RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS j f 10,000,00 c Court or Directors. Chairvak— H. HOPPIL'S, Esq. DiPUTvCHAiRMAw— C. J. HOLI.IDAY, Igq, S. C. MirHMM.srjN, K>q. A. McConachik, Esq. H. H Joseph, E-q. J. S. Mosks, Esq. Hon. J.
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    • 523 1 THE TOKYO MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. *I*HE widcoigned, A lor the .1 accepl M THI MITSI l 1 1 SSAN lan. 2. TSJORTH BRITISH AND MKRCAn" TILE INSURANCE COMPV. ESTABLISHKU 1809. Capital A /3.000.000. do. Sub"«cr:bb:' do. Paid up ,500. Ute. DEPAKIM Rates of Life premium, t.tbles shewing ri methods
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    • 44 1 DACI! H x COM FA.OCCIDENTAL AND ORII N S': Special Army. N applic, connet! he or Yokohama to SaI Occu. Singapore 5 I H I SECOND L. .•nd \'< that h.m- 11. SVOKI THIRD DA c HI I MBtoqfi 1\ mile. KA. tkan Man J
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  • 29 2 Domestic Occurrence MARRIAGE. the I lii April, by the Rtv. 1 1 1 HtNfo Am iv Km chic, A Edmee A j 1 1 1 he late Watson o
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  • 305 2 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1894. FGDFG HGH HJ H Through the court ipt. Count Metaxa, X N H. M. S. Letmder w I vey a mail to KUng dosing at <> am. tomorrow. A libel actiun li<f> be< n against tlit Dail) An article appealmg >ome tune
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  • 147 2 From the last Hong t vi, am that the H prohah'y fire veg t< mm n'- on tli<- shooting the Sing ip i im -i 817 could nut Hongkong won lasl year lc was furtl m all p!'l' -ate that wo fhat o er) out by a
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  • 27 2 The la»1 Mr. I < apt. Count H. M. I ma tr witliu I ever d! Mrs m -'tined their I Mr. X
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  • 113 2 Tlie Singapore I )--l»atii meet to-ni^lit to debate the ((uestion Thai at the present time an inconu tax ibould l)c introduced m this Colony. H.M S. P*ll*s, which arrived at Hongkong on the 1 6th instant, iraa t<» lean ndky, aoth, for England, having ordered home, although her coaimisMoa will
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  • 11 2 The Emperor of Gem. U The Canada 1 I
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  • 77 2 ■t < j-aha-i play J I ii beat I 3 to b<-at l)\ play. Muglicton bi at Hooper 4 play. >ert:>on b to pi Crighton I 1 '!</. I. B Robertaoi Shei Gillei M v laren i winner ot E Winm r ol Nanxm an i H
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 164 2 JOHN LITTLE Co J SCAPOk P^ CHAMPAGNE. I ;v. f AA MOSELLE HOCK. Ik U'-.i al H M CLARETS, shipped by C. Mcyniac Co. l.i>tr I PORTS. ■v\ s, al. SHERRIES. .no .1. I'. 1 J&? A -^g^a^gja^gpa^ WHISKY. Eire, white ispsale. 2 gallons. BRANDY. .md /\.T>lf/>\ E &1.
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    • 549 2 OFFICES TO LET. THK upstairs floor of the Straits Pharmacy. Apply at the Premise Nov. ju. TO LET. FURNISHED. LOWELL'S VILLA. TanjoM Katon K EnU) on nth. Apply 3, Uxley Road. I 10. 9.5- LET. A'. ir^re Iron roofed Godown No. 58, lanan Strett. area over io.imj >qu^rc fact Entry
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    • 705 2 PAINLESS DENTISTRY. I P. Tbvvsst, DENTAL SURGEON. HOTEL DR LA PAIX. Consultation daily. Fees Moderate. \pril iy. M. JESSURUN, D.D.S., 01 thk li(»i(is Dbhtal CoLUOB, Boston, M isa., I". S. A., HAVING estabSshed himself at 15, h^ttery Kdai), SiM.u'ukt, tilers his services m aH branches oi dentistry. April 9. <>-^
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    • 235 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GROVE ESTATE. Tanj'inc. Katoko. APPLICATIONS for Bung*low<- to be fl Mr. I M. At I IHSOV, lUKI.OW > K. DUN MAN. Apr.! m.w.f. 24 5 For Hongkong. rhe Indo-China Steam Nay. Co., Ltd Steamer KUTSANG S 1.48 1 tons, Captain W. Hall Ja< >>ao«, I aving left
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 16 3 JELEBU MINING AND TRADING Co.,Ltd. 1 •-J by 412 men I and deI! v I I
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  • 1 3 tlir
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  • 1226 3 THE SINGAPORE SPRING RACE MEETING. sd A\ncip.\i: Seating me •H «he Uvou.ite for •«rat instead of Bac rw so At any 'P'e of tiffins with sun( lr y "d it th.s go, son shall ke" before the meeting M) made me make the as- »sa rtion that Werite won his
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  • 93 3 The. shower of rail afternoon prevented the final ol the l> l^ies being played, as ha<l been d, whilst the semi final ot the Prof r «sio.i Pairs tell through by llt« scratching of Insurance, Pye 81 Uennys. The arrangements for the ri inainder of
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  • 130 3 In accordance with "anlient custom" St. George last night saw installed Worshipful Masterforthe coming v.-ar Bro. Evan Ormistoo. fhe ceremonies npressively performed, a large number of I. M "a and Brethren being r U nt. The following is the li-t of Officers ap- pointed \V m W. Bro. Eian
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  • 1206 3 In its "Chronicle of Apnl 14th, iH<>4. the Socfiihayn Courant handles al some length the recent action of the Colonial Government m withdrawing from sale on j it* own account (he book by Dr. Snooefc Hurgronje about Atjeh. A writer m the Indische Gids ill its
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  • 331 3 As it is notorious that renang, or more correctly the loudest section of Peaang wire-pullers, have for about two years pa*;. j deliberately teceded from the Colony's agitation against the Military Contribution, and practically endeavoured to thwart that m every way, chiefly by thrusting an alleged Penaag
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  • 137 3 The Cijbc observes ihu the promised House o( Col Woni Committee on the Volunteer bervice it appcara trom Mr. ('ampbell BanniTtnan's »peech, is simpljr to be on the ccdification of the \cts unJer which the force has been raised and maintained a id ihera i- n^>
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  • 56 3 1 ORRECTED IP lv April 1 I. o\ Kank 4 ni i demand j i Pi irate credit- j documents trciiitOn India. b.tnk demand < m Hongkong. Hank rirmand par. ON J \n,\. Hank demasd i.2j Private i S<>\ EREIGNS, lo buy) v ;u Hank of Knyland Katunt 3
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  • 96 3 (Apr Gami>if:r M 7 iy d.. < ibe No. 1 125 do. do. No. 2 ii. Pepp<-r, Black (ordinary Spore) M-. Bandaj Cloves (Amlxjitia Bali otlt-f 1 m% Blacks; 42 Pengeranj; Liberian 44 lapio-^. small pearl (fair quality),, 4J do. do. Hike (do. do.) d.«. do. do. 1 Fine
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  • 140 3 IHsngki r-g fc S hai Rink. l< j --rem. rk of Cl ma 1.15% bbBC Foiiiders ny\ Nomincl Bk. of China, Jap. fc Str.i,ts Founders. /15 Pa^ar P yrrv. I <lv>. do. $"%> New HarWour Dock Co. Ltd. ISO I do. do. ,-,-> rye R
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 For Samarang Sourabaya. The British Steamer ARDGAY, 1 .080 tint*. < ipt. IH 1 > V! havM|| lilt Hon^Uony on ih': ilhh m-t.mi. may expected to arrive liefe on m •••out the -^4tn m>t ,111. and will have prompt ilf~>:'.acl'. for the »bove |>oii^. I-or iH-ij^lit 01 .i^r appl) to
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    • 103 3 QCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPA Tht C»n id O'li 1 hortii ComnuM'a: i- c.p.i Mt,tim rrar.can and other »Ofts and Am> ricj. Ins ped m the Lv Tht .ght and paseaLg-e money «■>■- other |xr ,l an ctn be a^oert^jned on to he undersigned. Lines m Operation from Singap Ba\OKi>K Trit
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 186 3 Weather Report. (April 2 Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory 9. am. 3p. m. 9p. m. Bar. red. 32 Fah 2y>->6 29.735 29.7*6 Temperature N'v> S^.i ;i>o Wet Bulb Thermometer ;S.^ 70 o Dir. of Wind W. S.W. S.S W. Max. Temp, m shade Mm. do do 7vo M v.
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    • 541 3 VtSbLLS iN I'OK!'. Fla^s 4 Ton. Captain Arrived I Men-ol-War \.y t*M k H McBATI Out. g.b., \'i m Other Ves>;ci Ali.HVN AUET* ALIBB r !Un Pun ir«N Bl k 4 LIS Hr LIKA Can Hut IKISF. |)uFakvbhocth Hi: iiiN*Kisn Mu G. G. Loi i s GoDAVMY Ir. G. tiv
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  • 31 4 1 hjve an r-< Wt imtv i t n-t c ng t c e\: r e<ne'.\ fff?^! r v 4" custom, the S■ r v; iter p.ut ot
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  • 133 4 Mr. <i. II Cammisde, m the course of a letter I inns Times, makes thes-j Tlierr ihat we have seen the won of llie lwo values of the H t!ie f a m exch I »W|l»"f th 11 lf S ls JiM m the Rupee.
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  • 6 4 1 (j
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  • 13 4 THE MURDER OF MR. BABEL IN SIAM. 1 I 1 oi ihe maculated
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  • 31 4 ADVERTISING ON POSTAGE STAMPS. '>mb° lip for the le of lent announcing that lirr be adopted here. lor no' to the trusted lv ilie advertisers that a ell the postal j
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 McALISTER CO. Zocus Patent Antifouling Paint The best Paint m the Market Has been applied to the following owners' boats. Messrs. Lindsay, Gracie Co. J. T. KtNME, Son ft Co. McIIWKAITH, IfcEACHRAN Co. (jI.I I.ATI.V HaNKKY, SEWELL&Co. Carlisle ft Co. ihe Grkinock S. S. Company. I he Glion S. S.
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    • 588 4 M C ALISTER Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF JAMES WATSON O* CELEBRATED SCOTCH WHISKY (The Dominie Brand.) ASK FOR THE DOMINIE BRAND. (BLACK LABEL.) GUARANTEED 10 YEARS OLD price $10 per Case .McALISTER Co., sole agents. CONDENSED MILK ft^ sfc T^ e "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed to contain
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    • 292 4 -OLD CHUM" Perfection of Scotch Whisky. Sio.oo per case. Gowans, Alexander Co. April 10. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRIES. Beer, Stout, Cider, Import mi m Bolk amdßottub imS MR. GOWANS of GOW ALEXANDER AM. I l<\ ABRAIEL) WATER WORKS i»o yman' txp* '< ''I m ln e carrj mg out the ai
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    • 125 4 G. R. Lambert Co PH m Ci. Complete Stc Mater;. 1 >ri rnoui 1 G. R. LAMEi Co Jai. 6. Singapore Straits Printing Office. 100, ROBINSON ROAD SINGAPOI (J. FRASER D. C. V LETTER-rRESS PRINT: LITHOGRAPH! BOOKBINDING. COPPER-PLATE PRINT; PHOTO-ETCHINC I Order* for any executed m N.B —Owing the Proprietors
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