The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 12 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 r"" CO Special new service ten Naples and Egypt. 0 and pick TS 1 Con c mmmm WttfM )N'S WATCI- BtMSOHS A.
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    • 142 1 RDD! RLLOYD I -ioa, Sin^H^ore with .ind China. .riiVdis HOMEWARD. i "OKI. icaaefl M*) s;h. Freussen and every four weeks. PASSAGE. .i-r accommort and elegance. Each vton and several stewardesses, cooked at current rates, with the md ■•■mt. :r and and Alexandria, and on to principi! ports CARGO pur 1^
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    • 633 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPII. 1 rait with the Netherlands !r. it dovernment). DtS at Singapore Shi() Agency, late J. Dabndei si Co., 2/3 Collyer Quay. A^rnt~ at r'enang, Hi ITBNBACH LIF.HKRT Co. 'I'll f. O mpin) t as a fleet of 30 st».ini-r-, with commodation for first rtass, ->ccond c!a-s
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    • 446 1 For Borvbo Pormvm Bawean and Soorabaya on 'he Bth of eA-ery month a rteamer runs in this n takinp direit cargo and passengers to Bandiermassin. Pulr Laut, Passir and Cotic. C»m t E*»hy bmmhOi 00 the 23rd, a tteamer u dispatched to Uon^aia, beio* 1 and bulungaii, ...>o Lallinjj .11
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    • 532 1 LJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI xx BANKING CORPORATION. PA'n.UP CAPITAL 10.000,00c RESERVE FUND 4 ;oo,oro RESERVE LIABILITY OF t M PROPRIETORS $*****,00. COUKT Or UIRRCI Chaik.van— H. HOPPIUS, K.o Dkcuty Ch.xikuan— C. 1. HOLUOAY, K-q. S. C. Muhaklsun h-o. A. McCOHACHIK, Ksij. H. H. Jospph, r 1. S. Motes Esq. Hon. J.
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    • 16 1 DACJ QCC 1 Yc I Rl t. Singapore Sporting C i in K THIRD DA I
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  • 9 2 ITilithi. f iijilij. mi In
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  • 565 2 To-HAY tlierc i> printed in another column a letter written by Mr. Hf.NMKF.R H EATON, M P., one of the leading members of the Colonial party to the S- < retary of State for the C*i ling that official's attention to the seriou* difficulties into which
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  • 154 2 On page 4 will be found an interesting account of a journey in the East ot Java from a form<r resident ot Singapore. A cricket match is being played to-day on the Esplanade betwt <n the .srmy and the Navy. The mail steamer Rosetla Iclt Colombo at 8 a.m. on
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  • 158 2 Con-uI-< i Mdme. Mioriir Hauk by initiation t»l II 11. Monil ly m Incln Ka^im, aad on an welcomed t>v t Mr. li>d a th H. H Joho'e in view <<f I ateri -1 for future li rar) of the Far East. In r .ir
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  • 8 2 Drought :r. i Elections m An-
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  • 4 2 1
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  • 3 2 v
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  • 4 2 rUt i baodka
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  • 67 2 H. M. S. amid>: the flngslnj^ i Left B .inciior v.. i'-t-'ar:. -Urou^u the har pa«MHg i rm and times-three over ai.d over again ged, and then pructcded to aircc to Sing Frtemantie 3 Hag rred to I nuv\ on iier wajr to rar L about the departing
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  • 30 2 int. -run re B ot the Mm.. laid on t. th^ Mun in points which expri to work badly or to bt- unworkabi. The suggested alterations are reserved lorluturc comment.
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  • 133 2 Information lu other murder has beei lan tan. Ihe pen is Data Malm Muotri, called in SU Luang Ban lu. and his death i looked upon with mm one of the chk •ttotry. He was th< ol tli« Rajah, and pr« ■econd in power in ibe i ountn case*
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  • 2 2
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  • 84 2 At tli«- rear I a good deal. The two i ig armoured tt '"t'c und tlu:-.-;.d all o: be. w manipulated !>v well as by steam Without tl weight ig \U2 ton;.. When w the forecastle of the untortuna' the marvellous comparative hg. battle-hip Crn: <-ment
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  • 53 2 i'tr uiclancholx in the notice ol the aod C. Telegraph Company that their rate* will be still further increased ab rent alter May. p he title which Md i- A J. '>er own h<" bracelet ne being u and MM s4 tii- H living b' Kb priesta ia t i'harioh"--1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 56 2 -OLD CHUM Perfection of Scotch I Whisky. Gowar. Alexander Co. Beer. Stout, Cider, 3 Stout Aiken b Beer. B, R Govvans, Alexander Co., Bright and Sparkling. gov Drink Barugh Co s Aerated Waters. ihz Singapore Aerattd Water Factory. AKRIVKD be Gorman's Bell Installations, Incandescent Lamps, Galvanized Wire, NctMn Ship <x
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    • 82 2 McALISTER Co. A IST KALIAN POTATOES, $4 per case, about 1 cwt N EW Z EALAND C II EESE. Fine Full Cream Factory Cheese 45 cents per lb. FRESH FRUIT, FRESH FRUIT. AUSTRALIAN APPLES. AUSTRAL lAN GRACES. JUST ARRIVED j s. s. -BUCEPHALUS. 1 Splendid Condition. APPLES $5 00 per
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    • 351 2 OFFICES TO LET. "T*Hr ><>r ot the Strait-. Phara Apply at the Prsmisbs. TO LET. FURNISHED. T OWI i.l S VILLA If jong. Kalonjr. Ktitr\ ,ii mil. Apply 3, Oxley Ko«id. io. 9«5I'o I.KI. A i Iron roofed Godown laaan Street, area over io.ooi square feet. isl May nest. Apply
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    • 678 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. INFORMATION wanted respecting William Theodore Van ETCS of Colombo. Ceylon, and lastly heard of from Sanrlakan, Nonh Borneo, j If alive, he il entitled to Rupees three- thousand five hundred (Rs. 500), his share 1 f the funds deposited in the action. No. < 73.^6 1. Oi-trut
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    • 69 2 Mrs. POTTER £Mr.BELLEW, Supported by their <.wn London Cunipany. tovsTnlTall. I WO NIGHTS O N LV Thursday, April i2-h, under the patronage ot Ccl. HUNTLtV, md L.nccW.s.hire ZOLA'S THEKESK. Tatuii Rauiiv ...Mrs. Potter. LAUMMT ...\lr. BcU*-. Saturday, April 14th, •IN SOCIETY. 1 Prices Front Sea's S_\ Back Se.its |t. B
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 179 3 MR. HENNIKER HEATON AND THE STRAITS MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. Hon. i led is pers *tH in. sm h and .ifj,lor,l.| c ,e sult a be felt for I to all m(t lial iniii ronUt t this solemn vainly 1 bent on taxing the mjustly. 1 prefer to 111- injustice hete
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  • 53 3 GREAT CONFLAGRATION IN HONGKONG. l N g t on!y a q :\e time a\ loses were .rely reached I were utter- re. Wuh I cianyer. the front of ->ume ot the ■Jences ;din^js 1 the Brigade, M H. K. Hor». '*arcl>. 1 com et of the II :nt'on- .--,i»;ned aljrm
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  • 58 3 I that the Singapore ■unity of seeing a in comedy, as the play selected to Conquer," is to be <hese talented actors and their I.ondon Ccmparty. Some amatiie Ro)al Artillery and g -nt, are to assist in the 1 ier is, d irac Mi>> litle and Mr. Bellew Young Marlow
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  • 2338 3 (April nth, 1894.) The ordinary fortnightly meeting 01 liie Miiiiicip.,l < ommissioners was held on Wednesday ■n, in the Hoard Rooms. Roll nson Road. Mr. dentle presiding. There were also present the Hon'ble T. Shelford, Mr. Sohst. Mr. Fraser, Mr. Meyer and Mr. A. Moses. The minutes of
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  • 724 3 The Mining Manager'* r<-poit for the tour week* ending 51I) April. iB<>4, is a* follows Mivive. Rani b No. 1 Level, South End. I lie slope-, below this level are looking very well, particularly the No-. 2, and 4. We are also able tu sink deeper
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  • 46 3 Star of the East A i I pro. the leading jai-Mi.<"-e act...-, playing at the Kabukt-za and th'r Mriji theatre, on a < ontrai t foi th 5,00 Ihe r is only tor tw five da e is making at present an income kA yen oo per
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  • 37 3 CORRECT! < >N LON 'i n j »i J. <i crcdit^ On Ind Kink demand u\ Hongkong. Wdnk demand Bank d< mand l'ri'. So\ EKEIGNS, (lo I! ink ot I-.nyland Kit. jnt j months bills 1-; 6
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  • 59 3 fiamhirc do. übc No. i H U.2S 'io. do. N'n. 2 Pepprr, fila.rk (ordinary S'pore) iu. Niiimtjs 15ns u Manda; (<^. Clovts (Ambmiui Penycr<wj{ IJ erian I »p-i -in.ii- pearl 'M 420 <<■• sv. '■>!>' OplUir, 'i'ti>ire-> 'I). Patna 000 Hie:, Uin^iKjr, VV hite '>;-tv* Sihiii, No. I lixt-^?
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  • 45 3 kai H .n < 1- ..under.. 4 Ww li R Sttr.jts Fin Co.. Ltd. *i i S I Si I'arar Land I i <lo ">.rp LtdI tU >■ do. pref. l.rd. ir Pro?. Cc Ld. Sj Meifui Pearling Co. Par .in;; K.bang
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 For Hongkong. The Navigaziont Gflnecale Italian* SteMaev STURA, I.4it> tor.a rtjj.. Capt. Hi.Nk.ri. having left BomIjhv on llic 9111 instant, may be expected to arrive here on the ioth m->t en route for the above port. For freight and passage apply to BEHN HEYER Co.,— Agent!,. A). 1 ,1 10.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 68 3 Weather Report. f April w.) Taken a\ Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory ij, <m. ;r. m. 9 i'. m, Bar. re<i. 32 Hah 39.90.) 29.540 Temperature So.o 12.5 Wet Bmb rhermometer 78.^ 77.2 Dir.ofWmd N.W. N.W. CalM Max. 1 crnp. Ml -,l..<de M'«- dc 72. S Max. in Sun Terr. rad.
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    • 552 3 VESStLh IN HOr Men-01-War 1 t nniK iMrmm m 1.r*».|...K Pe*> Mr c Kind* U:i>-s. Other Vessel". Adph i^q A-.To%:r n (J. i;ti Bm mi»r v Bl'CBP«4Ll)!< (how Ph < KNiPkrui-t Gaktmuh I i Gum Ami H: H. G. Joan ivjvros ItUVOtTI Hnt. I, in G Liacixa I 1 Ed
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  • 27 4 A PLEASENT JOURNEY IN EAST JAVA. RftOMg and tid brforc. it is wonderful what you can do whrn toe s have hold ol the tow-rope. v
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  • 6 4 1 tie :nbm•enUl
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  • 7 4 minis--1 1
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  • 3 4
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  • 16 4 and I and t ha thr throw I one )l tllC II in itkelf, ia importuU
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 256 4 READY OS APRIL ijtk. People in a Native State. -eric;, of papers on I. Chi Brii imj Kkm 11. ini Omen, HI. Thi < >w»*i l\ IMI M Xl. vi POIU IM*«, V. hlKl.lN ILt.MVS IN fill P W.I > VI. Tm M'N "ton Jui\^ I hi: L.un i«> |X
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    • 662 4 M C ALISTER Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENI JAMES WATSON C CELEBRATED SCOTCH WHISKY (The Dominie Brand.) ASK FOR THE DOMINIE BRAND. (BLACK LABEL.) GUARANTEED 10 YEARS OLD Price $10 per Case. McALISTER Co., sol. 1 ELECTRIC \\2m .^iio.iy-llatlcr.v! ,J|g^. igrlaT r r ~ZtV '■■■■"< »'H»"ut mi-d.c.n«. n ci
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    • 156 4 SARAW/.T' GOV MT. TESDI from 1 and i I i-t. li i J. M. LYON&CO., RON ill of Li^ht 1 Sugai Ijtxr Or. or Sale Copper Garden Ko. iws, H I g a I I. th:. i i■• ed -Aitr. ing ioc tin discharge of Cirgoe* and lor the suppij
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    • 93 4 S^:" Straits Office 100, ROBINSON ROAD. IC bcokbind; co: Printing GiTice. 100. ROBINSON KOAD SINGAPOP Singapore Free I ..»hed at 20a. Cc CORRESPONDED SU ASCRIPTION (m A ADVERTISING DEPARTMP al>out eight w^rds to thr RATES standard line, i I Domestic Occurrences. Contract Advertis^mr be ascertained frt r er Ad\ jrtuyi
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