The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 June 1893

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 25 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. P I_l 1 1 CT?T>T T? C SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, 3 rd JUNE, 1893. DAILY tSSUE, X i 771
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 j\ a Wir old P. NSU LAR A ORIENTAI STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. l^ff- LINES xl V bm expected to <->• >om home».rtrdh as I > .\:<D. .nd thence bj T< hraj tl 1 m ita London by sea. Special new service between Naples and Egypt. •< B| to Egfp
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    • 560 1 MORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD BRf.:. E N. Ivpekial ,v \n Mail. thia tine run et Bm tven an 5 hanghai, «te at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa P^rt Said. Sue*, Aden, Colombo. Singapore with th<- arrivals and departures of 11) steamers the Compiny'a unci fftirnierg "i kol ton Hiogo, and Sumatra leaves Singav^- B*ndD
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    • 616 1 DE KONINKLIjKE PAKETVAARI MAATSCHAPPIJ. (Un<ler contract with the N< therlands India rir.vernmt-nt;. Agents at Sin:;. 4 ore Ship Agency, late J. DAENDELS Co., 3, Robinson Quay, 1 Agents at Penang, Messrs. HUTTENBACH LIEBERT Co. 'T'Hli Company has a fleet of 30 steamers, with splendid accommodation lor Hrst d.-iss, second cia^s,
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    • 704 1 For Bornfo Ports via Bawean Sourabaya Every four weeks a steamer runs m this direction takipg direct cargo and passengers to Handjermassin, Puio Laut, Passir and C otic. Chcb EVERY six wkfks a steamtr is dispatched to Dongala, BeVow and Bulongan, also calling at Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermassin, Puio Laut, and
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    • 682 1 Posada Clarets, good after dinr.erwines. IJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $*****000 RESERVE FUND 'X™ RESERVE LIABILITY Of' "V -^.000 proprietors $*****,000 Court op Directors. Chairman— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Deputy Chairman— C. J. HOLI.IDAV John S. Laprix, Esq. J. S. Moses, Esq Carl Jantzen. Esq. n. R. Sassoon E-q.
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    • 593 1 I NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Fi-nps £*3fitlJßm\ t Heavy Reduction m Rate-. New plan life policies on European lives m the Straits. P'-TTFARCKKN fc Co.. Un. A entS NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 'THK undersigned, Agents for the above Companies, are
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    • 317 1 I>OMd Wine« oa tap, Bafteiy Road OACI F IC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND O^^SSSSft- *"2 ORIENTAL c STEAMSHIP COM i AKV. Tf-.muj;', p..- eked pa France, an«f Germa,., t oi the above lines, tart, ft Sa.ang dates from Hongkong v ,a Yokohama to San Francisco Pacihi Ifaa -v v Occdcn;.,.
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  • 796 2 After a stormy discussion, m which, according to tlie Sydr.-'v Daily Telegraph, the Premier of New South Wales —without entering into practical explanations of how j tin- measure would operate to allay the Imam ial uneasiness which is now partial!) paralysing the trade and industry ol the I colony, —simply
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  • 446 2 THE SALVADORA'S TYPHOON EXPERIENCES. apt. C. K. Mclntosh, K.N.K., of ihe Ben liner Benalder (jive the Hongkong Telegraph some Further details regarding the Spanish steamer Salvadora, whjch sustained severe damage by the typhoon nf the 14th inst. The Salvadora left Hongkong m ballast for Saigon on the 9th inst., and
    446 words
  • 541 2 i i len- I iyoe X- tiw iiB, HER Mmi. BORO I'" KORI R P,,.,. r p.-r Kati 14 14 M v BeefSteak B, up Meat >-' <2 <" 2 12 ,t| G II I"' tt»- 5 S Mimon Sheep '5 > IS IS
    541 words
  • 179 2 ARE MEN DE VELOPED APES? IV lessor Vin i speaking al ihe Arch-el ntjre al Moscow on the subject ot the .,ri„!ii ol lht bac t0 prehistoric ,i ,lr. a lure of primitive man, but that verv little progress had been ma le in id) t'.: nil if the human
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 289 3 Posada Wines to be found at the Hotels A CURE FOR ASTHMAU! V OBOCATLrS INDIAN CIGABETTES Asthmatic pwpl^ r from J Hoarseness, an.l Loss oi voice N c i "ous coughs. Laryngitis, Colds, Wheexinq Bronchitis, Insomnia m Expectoration, arc promptly renew •V Am t'iir rctteri. O3IMAULT I CO., Paris, S«S<I>T
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    • 815 3 B. SCHILLER, TAILOR AND OUTFITTER, 5. HIGH STREET. A KINK ASSORTMENT OF BLACK AND BLUE CLOTHS, TWEEDS, DIAGONALS DRILLS, FLANNELS. NtCKTiES and Scarves m ihf. latesi fashion.-. Practical Tailor and Cutter. GentW-men, Orikrn e»ec«ted with promptaess and precision, under personal supervision. it 1 v. Prices Moderate. Mar. 16. J
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    • 308 3 Ladies Gloves. PACKED UNE PAIR IN A TIN. NEW SHIPMENT. Mrs. ROOKE. CAN SUPPLY ALL SHADES KID AND SUEDE. 43a, Raffles Place. May 25. JOHN LITTLE Co. AMERICAN SPECIALITIES. Orient" Lawn Mowers. These are made special!) for Lawn Tennis Courts, being close cutting and easily worked by one man. Prices.
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    • 876 3 Posada Champagnes. Royal Charter ard V« CUquot. *pHE NE"W HARBOUR DO COMPANY, LIMITED. '!hi> Company execute* Ships' repairs oi til di& criptions m the most efficient manner, under the iper ntendence o) European Shipwrights md Engineers. \o. i Gkaving Dock Length 41? Depth ol Waterfrom fei 1 1..; I Width
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    • 359 3 TO LET. [MM EDI AT! THF. large house <>;■ '<'■ kO g New Harbour, known as i 1.-.- I tana Lama;" [Hit into thorough re| Apply to [■a: I IN SIMONS* Co. May 12. TO LET. A N Oflice to let. A. Apply 1 1 •«THI Dl JPENSARY." Mar. 29.
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    • 308 3 EARTHENWARE DRAIN PIPES 4,6 9 1." -5 J S M and 24 bore. Esl m,, 1 lON WO Ii ITfNGS 1 I Clay. Paving Bi for vsh m Passagi F v Stables. McALISTER ft Co.. Agents i [01 gkong I>ikk md 1 Idm nf Co [i 1 [as stood the
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