The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 July 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1044 1 Posada Ports, hnest for invidals. PENINSULAR AND ORIE N T A L STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. •Fries. C»liy«r Quay. G,,,*owns, New Harbour. MAIL Sy^f^gi LINES Ta« «a»ii steamers may bt expected to arrive outw »r«-- and '««vc Singat<»rr > mewards as follows OUTWARD HOMEWARD •Bgx iSqx •ataay Aaj. yth. Malwa Aug.
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    • 1133 1 MORDDEUTSCHERLLOYD BREMEN. latntKlAl, GBKMAM Jim. THE steamers ot mis line are cubsidized by tbe laaperia] German C«j/ernm*-nt and run regularly between Bremerbaven and Shanghai, railing en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Pun Said, Suez, I Aden, Colombo, Singapore and Houykune. tn connection with the arrivals aad departHrea vi these mail
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    • 1161 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKEIVAART For Borkeo Poms wa Bawean Sourabaya. j^j^y^'j'gQjj^ppjj > Everj four weeks a Reamer runs m this direction CUsdet contract with the Netherlands India taking direct cargo and passengers to Bandjer(ioverrmi ntj. massin, Fulo Laut, F.^sii ;md Cotie. Agents' at Singapore Ship Agency, late om c Evert? six
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    • 639 1 Posada 16 Sherry, very fine, dry nco J ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. Capital £2,000,000. Funds m Reserve, Exclusive of Capital jfc5*493.°73* LIFE DEPARTMENT The Company h3s recently revised i'.s Rates of Life Premii and is now prtparcd to offer vtry advantageous term-- to Assurers. < FIRE DEPARTMENT:— The Company
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    • 660 1 LJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI n BANKING CORPORATION 'AID-UP CAPITAI Ii 900.1 a tESERVE FUND 6.900,000 tESERVE LIABILITY OF PRO- 1 lUETQKS I Coon m ttuu ci S C Ull LSEM.I Dm-. >v CaaOWaJf— l P I r B r. k Davibs. i:-j. I EIOLUDAI 9 i. Ho^pids I ID.R.S RMoa
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    • 494 1 Posada Wines, as supplied to Clv PACIFIC MAIL L^AMbHIP COMPANY A.NO OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Thi Efl^lai Frano lines ol >:■ to Sin I (i 1 >-.■■ A i ation. P o llic Southern I 1 •n J NorUw 'auric, or < Pa ing at ra Mm) 1 01
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  • 8 2 K rc«rlc'srig tm»:« mi ><■■■■■ '•>*■'
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  • 1029 2 Ships under (he Dutch flag vvi!! be dressed on the 2nd proximo m honour of the birthday of the Queen Regent ot the Netherlands. Ihe MM. Company's steamer Yang Tse left Colombo at 5 p m. on Thursday, and may be expected here on Tuesday, 2ii«i
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  • 920 2 [Far tht Free Press.) Mr. Gladstone's Return to London. London, 28th July. ,S u2 'The Right Hon'ble \V. E. Gtadctoae m his return to l^ondon received pf rle« ovation. In the evening, he conferred with the Liberal leader*. Petition against Mr. Dadabhai Nao roji's t lection. A petition
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 766 2 Posada Whiskies, Scotch, Irish and American. AUCTION SALE HORSES AND CARRIAGE, fee. *T Abrams' Yard. O« />/^, 29M 7»/v. at j ijj> m. POWELL Sc Co.,— Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF f|FC FURNITURE. Ac. Saturday, Jo#4 instant, r.t noon. THE»Md«>swnol«iS s<ril by Ahcum, ai tlie Cou^nui Mi-sr-. Sr^KHELiN X St^hlkxrt ht,
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    • 844 2 I JOHN LITTLE Co. COMPLETE HOISE FURNISHERS. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES FREE ON APPLICATION. Drawing-Room Suites m Solid Walnut and Upholstered m Silk Brocatelle I and Plush. 9 Pieces from $150 to $250 Complete. jll '^jißßj >1• j I |lj Jt T lon 'il F,,;. 8. r |^^^gg^=^l v "\TAS.-I\E Sideboard
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    • 316 2 Posada 2 Port. Alto Couro, fine 12.00 KATZ^BROTHERS HA\ E |USI i NPACKBD Carriage and Bicycle Lamps. CYCLIST'S BELTS. 1 STATIONERS NOVELTIES. C.-LVERTS CARBOLIC SOAP v> 'i OOTH FAST.: DUKE S LONG CUT TOBACCO Robinson Co. NEW GOODS i.X S. v GLENGARRY, Upper Department. B:ack Moire Siik. j Black Silk
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    • 821 2 Posada 3 Port, Vintage 1874, i5-oo j NOTICE. MESSRS. Lim Sibw Hock and Oso Kirn V«m have been auihoiised to sign my firm, Chop Hoso Choon per procuration. LIM TIANG WAH. CHOP HONG CHOON. Singapore, 6th July, iSq?. 6.8 NOTICE. THE FRENCH BAKKRY. 382, \icl< iia treet. BEGS to inlorm
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    • 827 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. AS from the Ist January, 1892, Mr. Sieomlnd j IJmir, lia^ become partner with me m the business carried on by me .it Siiga;>ore, U'tder the st)!eof Co. and m London under the snle of Bk ii k Bros MEYER BEHR. J ul > 2 9NOTICE.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 144 2 The Week. fn4ay, 29th Hifh Water 1.3 a. m. i.^4 p. m. Indies I^wn Tennis i ournarnent bag S. V. A. Committee Dinner. Masonic Club, General Meeting. 8 p. m. •ataraay, 3*th Hifh Water 1.4 K. L Mail Outwards. St. Andrew's Sunday School 1 rear Tanglin Club Smoking Concert, 9
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 539 3 SAHTAL-MIDY I Tb« port) ftwnce of Santal obtained by Midy'a procea from the beat Mysore wood. SANTAL-MIDY entirely diS. I rent from the aantal oil of the Indian Bazars, ia anperior to Copaiba Cobeb, or injections, and free from all bad small or other inconvenience* SANWL-MIDY.™..^! gementaof the urinary organs
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    • 887 3 Posada ii Tarragona, Wh te, old 8.00 ""MUNICIPAL iOTlCi£. sj nrKNDFRS an i- »it-d 1r t eV> ■> o|>tap- f tin J- the cwrwrts a) Jinrik'slws Nejfisiered ;t... 1 icenscd nailer t! new |i iriki ha Or 1 mv i'w moi;i t. d <l t»0 u:i;r, t;..t d i..,-,ap ol
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    • 566 3 1 DRINK. THE I AERATED WATERS OP THE *s 'Singapore Straits Aerated Water Co. THEY ABE THE BEST. Offices: 15, BATTERY ROAD. Factory: 20a, COLLY PR QUAY. (Semoving 1 Shortly to new and larger r.reniiees m Itobinson Street.) JOHN FKASEB, D. C. WEAVE, ProP^^ Hat ing takes over from Mi
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    • 198 3 Posada 17 SherryAmontillado, dry 17.00 The Singapore and Straits Printing Office, 15, Battery Road, Singapore. Commercial and Artistic Printers, *j I BooKBixDERs, STATIOSERS. LITHOGRAFHJEBB tiini A< HUM ninth 31JJWFACTUMEB& 1 (us Qnusß WHICH DXVom THK whole OF IT« MMMMOJM TC JOB PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, *c., a TiiK < Most Replete Printing
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    • 923 3 Posada 25 Italian Vermouth, (Turin)6 50 1; si a lu.isim!) 5 RILEY, HARGREAV^S CO. Knginekks, Ikon iv Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders^ Shipbuilders General Contractors. Ship-Building Yard. H!<;i!. :s STEAM VKSSF.I.S a'v.ays under 1 1 tr» ti from ols. to is.ft.. \mfib of keel, of bes d -V n
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    • 303 3 1 (at stood t* lof ri;i< i For over FIFTEEN YEARS m this market ALWAYS 'I Hi- SAME IX QUALITY. ALWAYS THE SAME IN FLAVOUR. ALWAYS THE SAME IN PRICE. Each bottle guaranteed to contain one-sixth of an Imperial Gallon. The heavy fall m Exchange alter:- not •ur Price. $6
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    • 604 3 HONGKONG WKATHRK-fK! >;«,». wi,. H*r<m'.ei<;r, leduced t<j jj .ir^ and hur.dredths. 1 emjieratijte, 1 ll« tlwdi renhei'.hunnd, t> ol saturated a[l tUtn Faroe u l 'A';i)d, Tn^rfi«ji <„, llbsmcmmi ale. Staie of kVeatlier, h bioe (•>. ae^«^*.« doods, f <kudu%tmn, 'of, r.gfcwm l> r ix- t «SH*W, th in>i-f. i
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 385 3 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port and date of depan up m kne»n) date due here, and name o: Agvnl Si KAMRkS. AcHii.i.ts, London. Adkn, London, Bei.lkroPhon, Liverpool, dv« A v 'm»'f|j Bkmim b, Antwerp). Junt is »rifh«(. l>*nd«n, June 2 C*tWkT, Lond«n, due Aug. P. i < 1 < F.NrrKION, New
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