The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 July 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 2 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)

  • 37 1 Th e Singapore Free press. ■Tirfc _T^iiil'>i_ I Her, tl:e Pre« Ike f—fl*'» rifirt MdMßta, Un«w»d bt mfiuancc an* »nbe,b«<l by f Merc p»lr;«K Truth ht fi»r.<»u« prreepU <lr»*. Hi Urn* t» Relirioo. Laraltr. an 4 Law.
    37 words
  • 1960 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1892. The Mun cpa ity of Penang has had under consideration its borrowing powers under the Municipal Ordinance, and has come to the conclusion that its borrowing powers are too small. A large sum of j money would be necessary m the immediate I future to carry
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 887 1 Posada it Tarrggona, White, old B.c MvKHjaUcE'S SALE OF \7ALUABLE Building Allotmei ts 00 Paik Rd nenr Fe.irls Hill. Abo" acre* of land 0 Balestier Road. Thursday. 30/4 7w>. «J ijo FIVE BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, hed aide: MMorj jrr.mts tor rver, as follows Ot -Area 4 5;3 sq. fe. Quit Rer.:
      887 words
    • 712 1 JOHN LITTLE Co. U COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES FREE ON APPLICATION. ■< Drawing- Room'Suites m Solid Walnut and Upholstered m Silk Brocatelle and Plush. 9 Pieces from Sl5O to $250 Complete. F>K. S. /jfi p; i p v \TAS>[\'li Si eboanl vm h 3 ii-vt-llcd ifvgljll P3 5
      712 words
    • 270 1 Posada 17 Sherry Amontillado, dry 17 00 KATZ BROTHERS MA\ E FUST UNPACMCD Carriage and Bicycle Lamps. CYCLISTS BELTS. I I STATIOXKRS tiO\ I. INKS ChLVERTS CARBOLIC SOAP t TOOTH PASTE. DUKE S LONG CUT v T(j|3.\CCo. I Robinson Co. NEW GOODS EX 5. b GLENGARRY. Upper Department. Bla.K Moire
      270 words
    • 759 1 Posada 35 Italian Vermouth, (Turin)6. 50 I PRUSSIAN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF STETTIN. (FIRE AND MARINE.) TRANSATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BERLIN. THE undersigned, Agents for the above Companies at .Singapore, are prepared to accept fire and marine risks at current rates. KATZ BROTHERS. July 16. 16.10 MARINE~CLUB. *T*HE Quarterly
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    • 882 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. BOAR D~~&rLo DG I N G IN an English tfentlemai.'s house. Vacant now. I-arge well furnished upsUiirs bed-room suitable for a married couple. 2 well furnished downstair bed-rooms, suitable for bachelors. Private side i entrance. Every convenience and^ comfoit. Healthy locality. 10 minutes drive to Square. Terms Moderate.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 134 1 The Wfeelt. Taartiay, *Btk Hifh Water 0.25 midnight, >^ B m Sale of Loon Choo Coffee Estate. General Meeting, Marine Club k ;o r m r n4ar, 29th Hifii Waiar 1.3 a. m. 1.34 m N. L. Mail Outwards. N. I- Mail Homewards. S. V. A. Committee Dinner Masonic Club,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 495 2 RIGAUD'S KANANGA JiWATER ■MBMBWB] 11m; uiost deligritfully h beabtnttT UefWaM* m Rnotlen .ho sKia Pflrni. r-. »es MM duito bites anJ i:nparts «*o«Vi feapaßt «ud feeling •feontoTi UfiAVD'S CHOICEST SEW EXTRACTS FECOiIMENDED K^NANGA GRACIOSA LOUIS XV IRIS BLANC ASCANIO IRIS AMBR£ LUCRECIA YLANGYLANG ULAS DE PtSSE I PEAIi DESPAGNE BOUQUET
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    • 778 2 Posada 15 Sh,erry. psle dry 9.00 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE public are hereby warned that from i i~! |uh iexi,a)ld«fs found oat ri doors, i rot having the registration bnt'ge Xt the yt-ar 1893-1893 attached tc the co .r (although such dogs may Lil inu^i'cdi w.ii be liable ;o Le destroyed.
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    • 722 2 X>X^X3KTZSL THE AERATED WATERS OF THE Singapore Straits Aerated Water Co. THEY ARE THE BEST. Offices: 15, BATTERY ROAD. Factory: 20a, COLLYER QUAY. (Senio-nag Shortly to now and larger premises m Robinson Street.) D. C. KEAVE, M~ C AL STER& Co. Having takes over from Messrs SAVLE Co., Ltd., the
      722 words
    • 905 2 Posada Wines, as supplied to Clubs. ESTABLISHED 1865. RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Ikon Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Shipbuilders General Contractors. Ship-Building Yard. HIGH cliss STEAM VESSELS always under corMructjon, from 38ft. i<> 150 ft. length of keel, of bes- ilcitfn and finish. M ACHIN KRY from leading British Firms with
      905 words
    • 384 2 /^H^aK Ha* stooH t! c t<-t of Critics for over FIFTEEN YEARS m this market ALWAYS THE SAME IN QUALITY. ALWAYS IMF. SAME IN FLAVOUR. ALWAYS THE SAME I\ PRICE. Each bottle guaranteed to contain one-sixth of an Imperial Gallon. The heavy fa!! m hx< hangc alter-- cur Price. $6
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    • 925 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port ami date of depan ;r.- t w\m% kno.-. ni date due here, and name of Af» Si BaHBKS. Acitii.LF.s. London, Ant n, London. Bei Lr.RopiioN. Livefpooi, da* f MaaaneM Hr.NviMi, Antwerp. June l> CtlnUM, l^ndon, June a C»TM*T, London, due Aug. f P 1 O. f
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