The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 July 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1053 1 Posada Clarets, good after-dinner wines PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAI r STEAM NAVIGATION A COMPANY. •rrtct— Callyer Quay. Godowns,— New Harbour. MAIL |«fu| LINES. Hi mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwares and leave Singapore homewards as follows OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. a*. ,Bq_. Ganges C.thay Aug. 9 th. Malwa Au/. ,_th Bokhara
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    • 1281 1 JJORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. Imperial German Mail. '"THE steamers of this line are subsidized by the Imperial German Cevernment and run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo. Singapore and Hongkong. In^onnection with the arrival* and departures of these mail steamers
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    • 908 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART 1 For Borneo Ports via Bawean Sourabaya. MAATSCHAPPIJ. I Every four weeks a steamer runs in this direction (Under contract with the Netherlands India j taking direct cargo and passengers to BandjerGovernment). massin, Pulo Laut, Passir agd Cotie. Agents at Sinj_auore Ship Aeencv, late r '"-'T "gcin.j,
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    • 246 1 THE INDIAN IMPERIAL MARINE INSURANCE Co., Ltd. "P HE undersigned, Agents for the above Com pany, are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. MEYER BROTHERS. Jan. 1. u.c. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. FtrwDS 886. Heavy Reduction in Rates. New plan life policies on European lives in the
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    • 568 1 Posada 75 bis Hennessy's, 1 star 12.00 I "DOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY I xx OF LIVERPOOL. Capital £2,000,000. Funds in Reserve, Exclusive of Capital £5.493.073. LIFE DEPARTMENT The Company has recently revised its Rates of Life Premia and is now prepared to offer very advantageous termb to Assurers. FIRE DEPARTMENT:— The
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    • 725 1 1 fTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI x BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAP1TAL"... 7. .7..' 10.000 00 -RESERVE FUND 6,***** i RESERVE LIABILITY OF PRO-) PRIETORS j yi0.000,00 Court oi DaaacßMa Chairman— S. C. MICHAELSEN, E-.q Deputy Chairman— l. POBSNBCKER, Esq T. E. Daviks. Esq. A e_ ataCaaraonat, i;sc, C-^ Hoi.LiriAV. Esq. j S
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    • 761 1 Posada 77 Gin. best London dry, ;.oo m tmm m aaa PACIFIC MAIL SThAMSHI o X COMPANY AND 0 QCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL w STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Thrcy^ pa tag* ucket granted I franc. and n( A\ of Steaim San Fra of tne al I. apei liiced rates ifficei Army, Navy, and
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  • 3277 2 The Fight a«aj|ukit Brapit. I Tht Ex-Orang Kaya's Camp at Batu Balei Occupied. Flight of Rebels from Ulu Chika. Narrow escape of Colonel Walker. Raub, i 7th July. In mvlast I mentioned the preparations made for the despatch of a flying column under Colonel Walker to the
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  • 583 2 •Siam Free Pies'.) Captain Morris of the Para C'r.ont Kloa had a narrow escape trom drowning in the Koh Si (hang harbour. He had put out in the ship's cutter to vi^ii the Gorgsn when a squall came on and the boat was overset. A severe wetting was
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  • 262 2 Fourteenth Tournament. Handicaps. Ladies' Singles. Mrs. Salzmann, owes 15. Mrs. Howard Bentley, owes i> Miss Grey, scratch. Miss Wishart, scratch. Mrs. Waddell, ree. 15. Mrs. Lovell, ree. 15. Miss Eraser, ree. 15. Miss A. Gi«y, ree. 15. Ladies' Doubles. Mrs. Salzmann and Miss M. Keasberry, owe
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  • 1193 2 Irom the monthly progress report lor June of the President ol the Municipal Commissioners we extract the following j paragraphs Mi si. il- m Si vi I The inmis, loners alter i 10n.14 and carofu: investigation, in which they were assisted by .Mr. Knight ol the Audit Office,
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  • 248 2 The following excellent report of our To.wn Water must give a good deal of satisfaction to the Municipal Engineer and those who work in the Water Department, as well as to the general public Government Analysts Office, Singapore, July 25th, 1892. Sir, I have the honor to
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  • 348 2 i- rem our Anjer Correspondent.) The four-masted sailing ship Howard I). Troop left Greenock. Scotland, on her maiden voyage on the 12th February this year, and arrived at New York on thr 27th of the same month, thu- making tin: passage across the Atlantic i 1 14 day-,.
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  • 69 2 .Jut. ts., Taken si Kamianu Kerbau Hospital Observatory 9s. si \r.n.q r. m B Fah. to 819 M (Temperature 77*5 80.4 7^-5 Wet Bu'b'Prciinotneter... 700 js.o Dir.ofWmd S.SAV. S.W. 5.E. Max. lento, in ade Bo 5 M.n. do da 750 M tx. in 1155 Terr. red. ["ha 1.5
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  • 105 2 luiy 24. Per Peninsular: from Brindisi. Mr. W. Dawson. Prom London. Mr. Spencer. Mrs. Creagh, H.E.C. V.Creagh.and Mr.C.C Trotter. From Colombo.— Dr. Ifiddieton. Prom Penang. Mr. Abram. Per Warora from Svdney. Miss Atkinson and Mr. King. July *S Per Baivean from Sourabaya. Mr. Martin. Per Van Diemen from
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  • 239 2 (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press). r Date of passing Anjer; Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Whtre and when sailed Destination.] July 14. Brit, bq., Procyon; Dundas, New York, April 9; Shanghai. Juiv 15- Brit, sh Howard D. Troop; McLaughlin New York, April 5
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  • 29 2 oaeecTßO or to Jolv Iv. I.'.M/UN. Benk 4 2 1 demand.... 2■' Private 1 at 1 do .n-.ents Oms Sovee Blows, bsty) t < Bank of England K t
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  • 71 2 [Jum r i I r Gaminer s do. Cubi I do. I Pepj n do. rVhite. (Fail *Nu!:. .'I !■;:> tO th Ma e Bands I „...<■ 10% Btat i H 375 do. I 3 So <:.,. do. cto. 475 4/° do. i i- 4 t-. ,r Mgo, small
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  • 209 2 UwvrZrM* N«p s***** V».«t P4 Div. H ■knnei S'tui. Bank. 88% Prr«. Sales,. |!.*-«»«i«ioo)O,e» !•*«> |>J 17,,.' Pa*ar Dock. Sig 7 i Sale* i,y.o c*>o i.500.000 "S*» w i«« to pO. da 1 pern. Buyrrt. o-O-S™ XmHlh ciurDackCi! (J» Laii »a!e. *S»,9"> 35».9^ rrci.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 112 2 THKRE are many Officers and gentlemen in India, etc., who suffer from that most painful (.1 maladies, GOUT, and who fancy that all the cures for tins complaint which are advertised are more or less quack; in this they are mostly hjght, but we can assure these gentlemen this
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    • 520 2 QCEAN STLIAM SHIP COMPAN'i Tr.r Comaanj ta 1 ers j vt out— area lot Stn 1 iaad China aad f bon lards for London every BRBSk oosriatodatioa for frst ar.d third rj ii r a S urgeon sad Sfees r-.r-y. Through Bills of Lading are is Chir.a, Japan. Manila. Saigon.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 121 2 MAILS CLOSE I e-MSRRaw. Fsr Per A I Australia, fee, Antfonlin i 8 M. Saigon. In^raban. MOOSI. Saigon. Tibre, u n DeG. Hebe 1 r. M. Europe, Gangs t. aMuar, >'^«_ v. m. Sourabaxa. sic Bawean, 4 M Bangkok, Medusa. 4 f. Hnngkonar Arr.ov. Xam Ycng 4r a Pontianak,
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    • 617 2 SHIPPING IN FORT. Giving -a 1 ten nag* mestc p d l-ii* I pei cergi >i*i 'V" 'I I yn !< I 1 fajji B w lentee Whs N.I I «-v _wd Slip 1 Quanen* I I I i 1 Mmfsam iii'Do J m. Hn Owe* Di i. I La
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 498 3 SANTAL-MIDY ft The pure Essence of Santal obtained by I lEdy's peoceas from tha heat Mysore wood. SaMTaL-MipY"^.^! rent from the santal oil of the Indian mt Bazsrs, is superior to Copaiba, injections, and free from all bad smell or other inconveniencea. SANTIL^MIDYcure. an deran. I g_menta ofi^le urinary
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    • 780 3 I Posada 72 American Whisky, old 9.00 1 1_— 1 1 I— Bl ii ill mm 111 11 11 un Howarth Erskine, Limited, Civil, Mechanical and EtECTjrycAL EnciNEt'KS, Iron \nd Brass Founders, Bridge anu Ship BuiLoqffs GENEN I CONTR \C l"ORS, H. B ir. lOVERNMENT. AGEjN 1 i FOR r
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    • 696 3 13 JR. I KT XSL THE AERATED WATERS OF THE Singapore Straits Aerated Water Co. THEY ARE THE BEST. Offices: 15, BATTERY ROAD. Factory: 20a, COLLYER QUAY. (Itemovlno; -Shortly to new and larger premises in Robinson Street.) JOHN FRASER, I_. m c Froprietors. D. C. NEAVE, M C AL ST
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    • 192 3 Posada 71 bis Scotch Whisky, 7.50 The Singapore and Straits Printing Office, j 15, Battery Road, Singapore. Commercial and Artistic Printers, IHHWIiIMtEHS, STATtGXEItS. I.ITHOUItAPHERS ACCOUNT HttttK MANUFACTURERS. 'I'm- Oman wm" 11 DETorai the «ii«. ik of n> gvxaataa to JOB PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, &c, 1^ 111 K Most Replete Printing Office
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    • 915 3 Posada Hocks Moselle, best imported EST A BLIS'HEO 1865. RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Shipbuilders General Contractobs. Ship-Building Yard. HIGH dass STEAM VESSELS always under construction, bom 38ft lo 150ft. I^n^'h of keel, of best design ;.nd fini*h. MACHINERY from leading- Br kish Firms witli
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    • 404 3 m m \Srg _wa_a_a _^_^B^^_ mmU^L^^mmm li.-i* Stood t 1 e ti*! cl Critic- for o\f-r FIFTEEN YEARS in this market 1 ALWAYS THE SAME IN OIALI'IV. ALWAYS THK SAME IN FLAVOUR. ALWAYS THK SAME IN' PRICK. Each bottle guaranteed to contain j one-sixth of an Imperial Gallon. Tbe heavy
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    • 959 3 VESSELS J Giving port and dagfd m^rWrfm% and iwh»r« knov.nj date due liere^Apd name of Afreni 4_PMatK. Achilles. London, Aden, London, Bellerophon, Liverpool, due Aug. i M,,,,,^ Benvp.nce, Antwerp, June 15 C*Rt «*aoi, lamdon, Jumc I C*Ta*v, London, due Aug- m .m O. Cestcriov, New York, June 13 Chino Wo,
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