The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 July 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 963 1 Posada 35 Marsala, old and sweet 8.25 OENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Q ff \ct. Collyer Godowns, New Harbour. MAIL LINES j- c mail steamers may be expected to arrive out- uards and leave Singapore he mewards as follows: I OUTWARD. HOMEWARD 180a. 180a. PemosuJar Idy 2Cth. Ganges July
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    • 1203 1 MORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. Imperial German Mail. THK steamers of this line are subsidized by the Imperial German Government and run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore and Hongkong. In con- j nection wish the arrivals and departures of
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    • 983 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART For Borneo Ports via Bawean Sourabaya. iPc -.^^-pgCHAppij, Every four weeks a runs m this direction IT 1 1 j 1 j- takinir direct careo and passenptis to Bandier- (Under contract with the Netherlands India laKinj, cucii tdigu 1 k 1 Government). massin, Pulo Laut, Passir
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    • 213 1 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Funds £23,681.886. Heavy Reduction m Rates. New plan life policies on European lives m the Straits. o'ITTFARCKEN k Co.. Agents I l an NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. Established 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured /a00.000.000 Premium income 600,000 Losses
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    • 651 1 jsada Wines on tap, 3, Battery Road. OVAL INSURANCE COMPANY i h OF LIVERPOOL. Capita! £2,000,000. iNDS m Reserve, Exclusive of capital jt5>493>°73AFE DEPARTMENT The Company has 1 ently revised its Rates of Life Prem^ and is w prepared to offer very advantageous term.- to j surets. ?IRE DEPARTMENT:— The
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    • 715 1 AND SHANGHAI I BANKING CORPORATION. AID-UP CAPITAI Itojoa > .KSERVE FUND I 6 JOOyBOO KSEKVEI.iABILiTYOFPKO- > PRIETORS Court M Dua roai Chairman— S. C. MiCii lELSEN, K:,q Dkpl-tv Chairman— U. POESNECKER, Bag E. Daviks. XM f a:.:x. MoCovACHn, Baf. J. EiOIXCDAV, K-f J S M I H-: LHomira E-<j. D.
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    • 774 1 Posada Wines should be m every house PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAI STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Thrmigti pusage tkkets granted to i >•. France, and (mniany i>y all Era \:..i.! >f 111 aiiwrt. alao to SUn Fram iacoi en )f the abim hoc. To oilier European pvint! al pro|
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  • 22 2 1 r 1 [Voplc'f rig t >i nw ■<r nt, n-d by f* i !r-,-:c-n)n r r '"i
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  • 781 2 Thk result of the General Election may be now looked upon as decided, for by to-day's telegram we have the following figures. K lections decided 652 Remaining undecided 18 (."orr-crvalivrs 2 f >o I tiionists 50 Liberals 268) Anti-Parnellites 65} Parnollites 9 It will be seen
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    • 51 2 London, iSth Jul\ rf«j The Marquis of Salisbury has conferred with Her Majesty the Oueen at Windsor Sir Charles Dilke has been elerfd for th Forest of Dean. Two hundred ani vx Tories, fifty Unionists, two hundred tmA sixty eight Liberals, nine Parnelliir. sixty five Anti-Parnellites hay»
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    • 74 2 Kaub. July 1 Bth, 4 At the fight at Bukit Brapk tl Perak scout Klana was killed 1 Walker's orderly was shot wh'-is sthat officer and Mr iifford. I h»: Orj Kaya s camp was abandoned \u m<-n having escaped iown the s Chika on raf:<. The
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    • 65 2 A committee meeting ol the (roll b has decided tin- c ond'tions under m r. Golf Club Annual Kawftrsp shall \,r <*,* cd. All competitors ar»; to play sfl two rounds on Saturday 2]r\ conditions o! play are now posted 1 CU:>.,, and the Handicap will i>-- liierf, but
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  • 552 2 Iwo cases were dispos> ol ,v tbt A-size-> yesterday, one Renggasam; a J o-' Office employe, being committed for thrr. years on an indictment charging; irtth delaying and opening 1 o.respordcn 1 The other cas»\ that ol a Chinaman n I a variety of aliases, was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 939 2 Posada 70 Irish Whisky, very old io.oo MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE Buifefaqj Aliotmem- t> 1 Ha:k Rd., n«nr PtarK Hill. AI-.> 57 ItCfW vi l.nd off Bale^tier k:iad. Thursday, 2stk Jmiy, at 30 p. m. FIVK m ILDINC ALLOIMMNI'S. held under •statutory ijrants tor ever, as follows: Lot 1 Area
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    • 947 2 BUY THE BEST. Imk Singapore Cycling Club's one-mile and two-mile Handicap Races, held on the ruli and 9th JuK. 1892, respe< lively, were \v.>n by Mr. D. H. \V*AI>F. from scratch, on a Royal Psycho" Mai hine fitted wilh Donlop Patent Pneumatic lyres SOLE AGENTS, RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. 13, Battery
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    • 715 2 Posada 77 Gin, best London dry, 7.00 PRUSSIAN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF STETTIN. (FIRE AND MARINE.) TRANSATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BERLIN. HTHE undersigned, Agents for the above Com panics at Singapore, are prepared to accept fire and marine risks at current rates. KATZ BROTHERS. July 16. 16.10 LADIES' SCHOOL.
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    • 70 2 AUCTION BALE or 35 Tons nt WILL SELfcC TtP SIAM TEAK PLANKS. THE undersigned will sell by Auction, at No. 14, Hall Pine I.*Nt, (entrance from High Si 1 eel j, on Monday next, 2jtn Inst., at 2 30 f> m. 1,000 TEAK PLANKS, from I* to 3" thick usual
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 102 2 The Week. T«a«4ajr, 19th Hifh Water 5.35 a 5 p m Haf- Yearly Meeting M. k M. As^oc c B W«4Be«4ay, 20th p Hifh Water 7.21 a. m p rr French Mail Outwards hjrch Work Associa!i#n, tl.Jv Municipal Commission, > !T Tharsa'ay. 21st Hijn Wmm 8.53 a. m of Siam.
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  • 1774 3 Native Conspirators. To nu Editor. DEAR SIR, It may not generally be known that apart from the Secret Societies of the Chinese m these parts, and which the Government has nearly stamped out, there is something akin to it amongst the people of the State, notably amongst the Klings
    Times of India  -  1,774 words
  • 494 3 The Onry.a. is a paddfa steamer, 17 years old, but well preserved for her age fast, but extravagant m coal. She was I.itely the property of the Straits Steamship ompany, and was ordered to go to Japan and get heraeU sold somehow, as, for instance, to some
    Hongkong Ttlegraph  -  494 words
  • 1461 3 The First Budu Expedition. When Mat Kilau's action m the Budu district assumed commanding dimensions, when the Raub-Lipis route was absolutely closed, with the hill position m the forest of Bukit Kayu Ara stockaded and strongly defended by the rebels, Col. Walker's duty, under Mr. Clifford's advice as
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  • 381 3 News comes down by (he French Mail of a very severe storm and whirlwind at Saigon on the ioth The Chinese part of the town is called Cholon, and is between three and four miles distant from Saigon itself, with which it is connected by steam
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  • 284 3 Further new- to hand from the Courrier <>' Haiphong conctrMng the aduclion of M. Veztfl shows that tie abductor was J.uu-ky, who IS at the- Lead of a itrong band of rebels m the mountainous regions. It was this same rebel chief who abducted the brothers
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  • 268 3 Operations on the Korat Railway arc still going ahead. Another batch of 250 coolies recently arrived from Deli, and there are now nearly 2,000 men at work. Three bridges have been finished up to now, and the embankment is steadily progressing between here and Ayutlua, except where stopped
    Bangkok Times; Siam Free Press  -  268 words
  • 862 3 (By half-a-oue.) A copy of the Vegetarian, a journal for the promotion of Humanity, Purity, Temperance, Health, Wealth and Happi- ness lies before me. It is a penny paper and j I am compelled to admit a good pennyworth, well printed and with plenty of illustrations. It is
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  • 80 3 July 1 8., j Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory g m. 3p. m. 9 P. M Bar. red. 32 Fah 2g.g 8 29.529 29.896 Temperature 85.5 86.8 Wet Hulb Tt.eirnonuier 79.0 77. s 76.5 Dir. of Wind S. S.W. S.SAV. Max. Temp, m sliade b 8
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  • 290 3 f)u»TATiwN. -.'i Pn. up St>ar« V»i«« PA T H'kot-.v haißmfc. 88% IV'-m Ssb>. ««*o»§» fuMM •>■ i.- r?r I nit '.,^ar |)i« 1.. 7 i Sales i ,s>*>.>*»> 1, -,<*.>. o.r, i [»g tic !>' hcnu:r«kOp.c. l% p-em. Buyer*. 00Q..5"" V« H.<i ■< ;ir Dock
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  • 63 3 OKMCTCn I r TO JOLV l<< ()v I.ONPOS ttaak 4 m •> i (< ili numf I Pru^tc n din i ii ,'Tl^lil^ m s t f t| pn 2 i I ()s JNIIH. Bank 4i m m .;?4 IK li(lK(,rf)N', B U.U cl' BHH OS B«*d m md
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  • 88 3 f IULV 1 Q 1,.. I Hi m Garni <-r gJM d.. < übe N 1 do. do. s v Pepj;ei BUd linaiy S do. White, i .r!. Vv 14WutWC|fl 1 M Mace Banda v C!< es na I lia; 1 1 o B acfc! 18.5 Tnato mm -.1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 300 3 THE results of rich living do not show themselves m one day; it is after some years thit that complaint of the rich and well fed, GOUT, makes its appearance, bringing with it the most excruiiating pains possible for man to bear. But why suffer them Is there not a
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    • 405 3 I QCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPAYN The CoawMtj a et»«i J\)o<j. book .ras iur Struts oad Chi r- Ei si tii .ai hOMMrfl lur !.'>:. (i r. f.iry mofc comrricidauon for fir-t ta4 tn;rci dan pUMngrn rymg a Sur^ >.mi Stew.irde--Ti.rou>;h liiK> of L.niir.;; are i ed < Japan, Manila, Saigon.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 103 3 Passengers Arrived, lulv 18 Per Malacca from Teluk Ansou.— Miss Webb, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Davis, Mr Williams, Mr. Russell, Father Damais and Father G July' e ''io:-P" Sumatra: from Deli.-Mr. Schriever and Mr. de Greve. Per Caledonien from Yokohama.— Mr. Stonor. From Hongkong.-Mr Bennett From Saigon.Mr. Buckley, Mr. Bailey, Mr.
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    • 221 3 MAILS CLOSE. To MORROW. F». Pt: \l Honuktir.n. ttmpth, 11 *.m. Penan X Olflileb. \c. G. G. Sieve,. I r. M. Malacca, fee MmJmeem, Yin ir, Glsm£ f j r. M Muntok 5c Patembanaj, b*i i>v. 4 1. m. B^n-k k. Singapore, 4 P. Penan^, H.M.S Met uty j
      221 words
    • 862 3 SHIPPING IN POPT. di> n| kmsmmiM)', j, ajMir, pawl d dal* o! depailurr, c«i k invjifntj italr ot Btvin f. aaalinatiai *l«ere know) a; d *ia!.«' aatt. U Ko»d« I I* —la a f'-.'w li W liniawi Wharf N Ef New ilarfcom l>. 4rj d«^ k S.— S ipwa; 1I
      862 words