The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 July 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1003 1 Posada 10 Tarragona, Red, old 8.00 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. ©f?ici,— CoUyer Quay. Gouowns- New Harbour. MAIL |Kff&£ LINES The mail steamers may be expected to arrive out»ards and leave Singapore homewards as follows: OUTWARD. HOMEWARD ISO 2. 1802. Pama&ular July atth. Garges July 27th. Cathay Aug. oth.
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    • 1296 1 JJORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. Impfrial German Mail. "THE steamers of this line are subsidized by the lmper;al Gerr.ian Covernment and run regularly between Brenieih;.'. en and Shanghai, railing en route at Antwerp Southampton. Genoa, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Coli-tnLo, Singapore and Honykone. In con- nection with the arrivals and departures of
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    • 932 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART For Borneo Ports via Bawean Soorabaya. MAATSCHAPPIJ. Every four weeks a steamer runs m this direction (Under contract with the Netherlands India taking direct cargo and passengers to BandjerGovernment). j masstn, Pulo Laut, Pasbir and Cotie. Agents at Singapore Ship Agency, late Once EvEKy SIX WBBKS a
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    • 221 1 NEW YORK LITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Funds £23.68 1 ,886. Heavy Reduction m Kales. New plan life policies on European lives m the Straits. D "TTFAFf.KEN Co., Agents lan. 1 IVTORWICH UNION" FIRE~INSUR*SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. Established 170,7. FOR FIXE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured 200,000,000 Premium income 600,000 Losses paid
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    • 677 1 Posada 15 Sherry, pale dry I 9.00 DOYAL INSURAhfcE COMPANY XX OF LIVERPOOL. Capital £2,000,000. Fundl m Reserve, Exclusive of Capital V 5-'93.073-LIFK DEPARTMENT :-The Company has recently revised Katts of I-Ue Pretmaandis now prepared to o::er -.try advai.Ugecub tetSBM lo Assurers. FIRE DEPARTMENT:— The Company isptcI pared to accept
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    • 565 1 TLJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI xx BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 1 11 *****0 RESERVE FUND 6-jooooo H i m^: u m^, Cm >.•■!• Csuus Dsauir ia*— Ml E T. K. i) w Ks C I 11;< :.....i H li 1. I Hon. 1. L Xi C Hr !!<,n,. V UUM > rER.
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    • 436 1 Posada'/-"' kiec Sc teh [risl un 4 An DACIPIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AMD r|CCIDENTAL AND OKXENTAI w BTE AM E HIP COHPAN Y. Sp Ira I to O Army, 2jjavy t and *pj 1 Deeding a Bttdiag Si b 1 bon Vol t kU do For further j Oil FILI
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1069 2 T» t« Editor. Dear Sir, The general theme of conversation is now. of course, the general elections m England and the prospects of the two parties m relation to each other and to future Government, so that perhaps I may be allowed to encroach a little on
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  • 885 2 {From our nm Correspondent.} The weather m Malacca for the last ten days has been excessively hot, and many people are complaining of ailments caused by the heat. Rain threatens, but that is all, and the present spell of hot and ury weather is more like what we usually
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  • 284 2 {Bangkok Timit.j Two murders are reported, one of an Indian constable, the supposed murderer being a fellow countryman, and the other of a European selling'iiquor at Autung, 40 miies beyond Ayuthia, m an affray with Custom officers, two of whom were also shot dead. Our advices from Paris
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  • 1939 2 THE EDGE OF THE EAST. By RUDYARD KIPLING. {By special Arrangement with the Author.) Part I. The mist was clearing off Yokohama^ harbour and a hundred junks had their sails hoisted for the morning breeze, so that the veiled horizon was stippled with square blurs of silver. An English man-of-war
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  • 776 2 THE "PEKING FUSHUN" COLLISION. On Ma\ 6th the Peking came t i anchor m a tlif k log while <'ii a voyage from Hongkong to Shanghai. She rang her bell continuously, but the C. M. S. V o. Fushun ran into her and sunk li r. An arbitration was held
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  • 1173 2 An abstract of the Imp-rial statistics bearing <>% the drink question m Germ. my for the year [889-90 his jusi bier, nude by Dr. Willielm Bode. It rs (says the Times) the first study of the kind made m Germany. "It appears that the production of maferi
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  • 547 2 QU EENSLA N D HORSES. I ttattsitan. The i ros| sets a an ootkt fbrQa en lan r m m British ln«iia as weU as Netnolaid, have rccoiitly !><■ n rt cc ving a i_>o k! deal oi atten--1 tion from the Queensland public but, as Ear as *<■
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  • 268 2 yrorA.i-.s. >■> ■•> O v Fflt«i*acSt»ißM*. o>% P^t». Sales. %t»*» '-i Tanjoti* Pagar Dock. H<J7§ Sale* ;..s •■<■""• Jo < •<- f d* l>rtxin:ure*op.c. I a p'em. Bujers. qoq.S"-> Vrw It Arbour Dock C* t3ol-a«»*lc. .s-vi.-o 258,*** IjHW Mil%M rhvf K-rr Dork Ck. »5 WtoW.
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  • 55 2 [Conmscno or t* jolv Ij. On London. Bank 4 10J Private 1 reditf n»,'« dot mni iitß o n 1 > l l ii Us Im>:>. Bank femaod ',i UN H NOKONG. BiiiK deMMki t% fi*. Oa j* v B wk demand 17--fi !rate i Sovbm isk, [ta bny)
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  • 102 2 fjut.l i; r»... 5 39^5 Gambit d 1 8 >■■ j, s S Pepper, H■ rdinary Spore) In* 10. VV! (-.1 r L \V— -,/j n5" Nutn erf* i! j tbc b. I V 7. Mace (Banda I nbu im ifi |< Bal!) I 10/t tilacK^. 1 1 Paptoca,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 424 2 Th^ CumpHny's rt"—«"fn dtspMi'h -6 Irum Live;pj A oatwanu fur StiwiUlllli Chi ia *b 4 tr^ai Shanghai nini mnh for LjOoAaU every Wtek ..nd have accomri,. ila'.iur. for t:r->t nrA 11. .rd MS passengers, carr»ir;i: a Surpe._.n ami S't-warde.'.s. Through Bills of Lading ace issned (< »l C^ir.a, J.ipan, MaiiLH,
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    • 1007 2 Passengers Arrived. Pfr IWm frawi M«dns,-«-ifr. 0 vh g ca«} Mr, and >1-- Evam Mi -K< M hG inu ."-.iid Mr <■■ 1 Per rf»r fn m Mm Mi M -Mi G. Fana redi Mi I. rt« ins. Pei tea* t. X bmr -Hi lCet« Mcci I 1., r IfK'.n^'.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 212 2 MAILS CLOSE 1 a mmt, f,r Prr M Saigon, Ru r '°f n i Sourabaya b Bali. C* thmm, 1 vi. Malacca It Linegi, CkU C Smith, 1 r. Malacca Klang, &9» Phj*. J* 1 Bangkok,, 4 P. FfciDav. Mahrra, loc, P. »< Batavia, i.i_., Gi**g Amm 4 p.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 717 3 RIGAUD'S KANAN6A 4t teWATER jgffi JAPAN (übfennED; 19 Ttte most delightfully IteshlnijToilciWdtcT It renders ihe skin i~as£uaM£2s3SmV Arm relieves mosiuito b!te* and lnsparta delicuic fraganco iad roclins of conuort. IIBiOD'S CHOICEST Kf EXTRACTS RECOMMEHDED KANANGA GRACIOSA LOUIS XV IRIS BLANC ASCANIO IRIS AMBRE LUCRECIA YLANGYLANG LILAS DE PERSE PEAU DESPAGNE
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    • 782 3 j Posada i Port, Corte, 9.00 MRS. ROOKE HAS JUST RECEIVED The Lady's Shirt FRENCH MADE AND Ladies' Scarboro Shirts PERFECT FITTING. 43-a, Raffles Place. Singapore, uth May, 1892. SINGAPORE AERATED \VATER FACTORY. VI E can with confidence recommend our waters to all who like a good article. Our machinery
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    • 708 3 X>XfcX3NTS£. j THIS AERATED WATERS OT THE Singapore Straits Aerated Water Co. .THEY ARE THE BEST. Offices: 15, BATTERY ROAD. Factory: 20a, COLLYER QUAY. (Removing Shortly to new and larger premises In Robinson Street.) JOHN PBASEB, t D. C. HEAVE, 1 M c ALfSTER Co. Having taken ovrr from Messrs.
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    • 365 3 Posada 3 Port, Vintage 1874, 15.00 RILEY. HARGREAVES CO. ITngineers, Shipbuilders, &c, SIN APORR. FOB •A 1 E HIGH I I VSS S H VESSBI^ \xn i 1 .\i ;i! 5. t> 1 i< r \\< h r now L.' injj mpl< ed ivt all 85 ft. lijr 13 '<j
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    • 915 3 Posada 4 Port, Douro, 1858, 28 00 KS TABLISHEI) 186 5. RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Knginf.kks, Ikon Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Shipbuilders General Contractors. Ship-Building Yard. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38*1. to 150 ft. lenzth of keel, «f bes design and fini-h. MACMINKKV from leading Mulish
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    • 269 3 I Has ood the test of Critics for over FIFTEEN YEARS m this market j ALWAYS THK SAMK IN QUALITY. I ALWAYS THE SAME IN FLA\OIR. 1 ALWAYS THK SAME IN PRICE. j Each bottle guaranteed to contain i one-sixth of an Imperial Gallon. The heavy fall m Exchange alters
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    • 1028 3 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port and date of departure, and *h» r kn« j date due here, and name of Agent< Steamers. Achilles, London, Ancbrs, Hamburg, June 3 Ardanmhor, Hamburg, May 29. "Bei.lerophon, Liverpool, due Aug. 1 Miiftjj Berenice, Trieste. June 12 Brandt. I Bormida, China, due July 15 Bcha M«
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