The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 July 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)

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  • Domestic Occurences
    • 37 2 On July ioih, at his residence, Prinsep Street, the wife ol A. P. Williams, of a daughter, still born. On the lah instant, at 27, Sophia Road, the I wile of K. 11. Padday, (fa son.
      37 words
  • 22 2 I trrr patriot Tntth her gloriotu pieuqiU dacw, led. 1 i \c Re leton, I oyatty, tad Law.
    22 words
  • 354 2 The I' rerx h transport Cumorin. on her w iv from Toulon to Saigon and Haiphong wit!» troops and passengers catted at the Borneo Wharf for coal to <!;ty. J her lion .sir Henry Keppd, <.(»., Admiral of tli«- Elect, the only surviving brother of th<-
    354 words
  • 726 2 i fit adjourned case a^.-iin*.t Mr Aspii na;L the Cbiel Engineer oi tbe Srt Trin^ganu. ami the m-< oik] '-ri^iu'-i-r a hinaiTi^r: who WCTC r> nt'v I !,;iro»-(l wth mur<\t at the instance oJ the Father of r <n^ of the boys on
    726 words
  • 1531 2 Between Chong Moh Co., plaintiffs, against s.s. Camelot, her cargo and freight. Mr. Nansuu appeared for the plaintiffs, and Messrs. Drew and Napier for the defendants. Petition di tub Plain 1 m. SI: .il\ lief ore 6 10 p. m. on tlie Ist day
    1,531 words
  • 84 2 REUTERS TELEGRAMS For the Free Press) The General Elections. London, qth July r g. The Tories lave gamed tfctrteea tk Unionists six and the J.iberaN forti seats. Renter is too much for the" After giving us two or three contrad I counts on previous days he le-,ve>- off t
    84 words
  • 824 2 Nat urally much ol the WMtt c*e ol the week I* Occupied i,v th- f« the New Oriental ink \v, report of the nMettag u\ <>,» j where. There is ippueatlj the Bank continuing busiaCM wmpathj fdt for „i thrown out ot employ me. I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 745 2 JOHN LITTLE Co. I COMPLETE HOLSE FURNISHERS. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES FREE ON APPLICATION. Drawing- Room Suites m Solid Walnut and Upholstered m Silk Brocatelle and Plush. 9 Pieces from $150 to $250 Complete. Uf3 tt. 1 •I 1' it Imp 1 1 v 5 C»SBBBBaBBB^Si^^ ?j^ l^jl. S^F^},' I r'K-
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    • 801 2 I Posada 25 Italian Vermouth, (Turin)6 50 Singapore Sporting Club. NOTICE Fiic Half-Yearlj General Meeting •>{ the j .Members oi the Sporting lab will br hel 1 m tlie Ex. h^iii^e Room, on Friday, r s th inr-tar.t, at 4 45 p Hi >l\» I receive a statement >>i the
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    • 806 2 Posada 26 French Vermouth, 6.50 TRY THE Schlitz Milwaukee Pilsener Beer. Case of 4 Doz. Quarts $10.50 8 Pints $14.50 Famous for its clearness, purity and taste. TO BE HAD AT KATZ BROS. July 5 NOTICE. is hereby given t 1 at we a\e »s from tlds date j-.Htnittcd Mr
      806 words
    • 943 2 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. j MASTER MATES ASSOCIATION OF THE BTRAITS SETTLEMENTS. 'FHE Half-yearly Genrral Meeting will be held 1 m the Marine Club on Tuesday, July 19th, 1 at o v m. Business To receive the Committee's Report, j to pass the Accounts; Wo elect officers, and lo I transact
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 109 2 The Week. i Moaday, nth High Water :—r 1.54 a rr,.. tfjap M Philharmonic isocietv i:n m Tu«Uiy, tath Hifii Water: 0.6 niidd.i-, :i A-s /.fs Open, r a 01. Lodge /.fUnd Rep.jl.r I p n j W«d-.isd3y, 13th High Water 0.40 midday P. x O. Mail Homeward*. Thursday, 14th
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 701 3 RICAUO'S KANANGAI J. WATER &j-t» 1.- re fci kd' The most doli*htftiny freshlivTollelWater n renuers the skin Pfirm. reli -v-^ niosjullo bites iiid tm;au-ts a deUcaic iragancr mx<l fov'Uu^ of 0 ii:Jort. USAQD'S CHOICEST HEW EXTHACTS KANANGA GRACIOSA LOUIS XV IRIS BLANC ASCANIO IRIS AMBR£ LUCRECIA YLANGYLANG UUS DE PERSE
      701 words
    • 780 3 Posada 16 Sherry, very fine, dry 11.00 MRS. ROOKE HAS JUST RECEIVED The Lady's" Shirt FRENCH MADE AND Ladies' Scarboro Shirts PERFECT FITTING. 43-a, Raffles Place. Singapore 12th \'ay, iSq3. ST. ANDREWS, HOUSE SINGAPORE. THIS is a Boarding House for boys attending the Raffles Institution r other day-schools ol the
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    • 976 3 DRIKTKL THE AERATED WATERS OF THE Singapore Straits Aerated Water Co. THEY ARE THE BEST. Offices: 15, BATTERY ROAD. Factory: 20a, COLLYER QUAY. (Removing Shortly to new and larger premises m Robinson Street.) JOHN FRASER, P. C. HEAVE, M C ALISTER Co. Having taken over from Messrs. SAYLE Co., Ltd.,
      976 words
    • 738 3 Posada Whiskies, Scotch, Irish and American. Howarth Erskine, Limited, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical i:nginefrs, Ikon and Brass Founders, Bridge and. Ship Builders, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. B. M. GOVERNMENT. AGENTS FOR Robey, Engineers. England, Engines.* Mumford. Engineers, England, Pumps. Kcddaway, Manufacturers Belting, Camel Hair, j litjibuin's Fattnt Indestructible Valves. Hocking's Fresh Water
      738 words
    • 267 3 Has stood tb« teal of Critics lor over FIFTEEN YEARS m this market ALWAYS THE SAME IN OTA LIT Y. ALWAYS THE SAME IN FLAVOIR. ALWAYS THE SAME EM PRICE. Each bottle guaranteed to contain one-sixth of an Imperial Gallon. The heavy fail m Exchange alters not our Price. $6
      267 words
    • 377 3 "THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT All literary matter lor this paper should be nc| to the Editor. Correspondence intended for publication am.i br accompanied by the name .<nd address of th» wrifer ■ot necessarily for publication but as a tfuarintet o» good taith. Communications should be written
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 681 3 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port and date of departure, and < whrrc known) date due here, and name of Agent*.. Steamer*. Achilles, London, Ancers, Hamburg, June 3 Ardanmhor, Hamburg, May 20, Bellerophon, Liverpool, due Aug. i MaitsfieM Bormida, China, due July 15 Behn M«yei. Cartbage, l»ndon, June 2 Cathay, I^ondon, due
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