The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 July 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1049 1 Posada 75 bis Hennessy's, i star 12.00 pKNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL x STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. OrriCE,— Collyer Quay. Godowns,— New Harbour. _wHSrI 'A MAIL |y£^jP LINES 1 he trail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore horrewanis U follows: OITWARD. HOMEWARD. >Bq_. iBq2. Surat Ju'y 12th. Roh'.la 'ulv
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    • 1320 1 MORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD X^ BREMEN. Imperial German Mail". *T* H E steamers of this line are subsidized by the Imperial German Government and run regularly between Brenierhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore and Honjjkone. In connection with the arrivals and departures
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    • 1207 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART For Borwbo Pours via Bawean Sourabaya, J4A.ATSCHAPPIT. l Every four weeks a steamer runs m this direction (Under contract with the Netherlands India taking direct cargo and passengers to BandjerGovernment). massin, Pulo Laut, Passir and Colic. Agents at Singapore Ship Agency, late owcE EvFRY SIX w IhKS
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    • 674 1 Posada 77 Gin, best London dry, 7.00 j DOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY j xx CF LIVERPOOL. Capital ;£_,000,000. Fundc m Reserve, Exclusive of Capital j£5.493i073LIFE DEPARTMENT The Company has recently revised its Rates of Life Prerrna and is now prepared to offer very advantageous term, to Assurers. F IRE DEPARTMENT The
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    • 756 1 XJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI X L BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAI *>„<.,,.... RESERVE FUND 6^ooooo I RESERVE LIABILITY OF PRO-) hrietcrs I Hoammm <iri,T y Dm 1 Chairm* r— S C. M CH _EL! EN, I i Dam Chaikman— L POESNECKER A.~ T. B. ).a\ n s Em. I -x M Com
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    • 705 1 Posada 35 Marsala old and sweel a PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND /"ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAI v# STEAMSHIP COMPANY, I;, Ipa I-rai ci and I« mai«> by all tra It <•■ Steami Iso to Sai Fran .1 the .1 1 we lii es. ro atha an p ints at proj r.
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  • 629 2 A very fast and interesting game ensued last evening between the Engineers and the Artillery m the final round of the Association Cup Tie, when it was definitely decided that the former were to be the first holders of this well-contested trophy. This was the second occasion on
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  • 368 2 ALLEGED MURDER ON THE "SRI TRINGGANU." The adjourned case against Mr. Aspinail. t'-e Chief Engineer of the Sn Tringganu. and the second engineer, a Chinaman, who were charged last week with murder at the instance of the father of one of the boys on board the ship, and who disappeared
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  • 113 2 A government audit is suggested for the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, on the ground that it is the Hongkong Government Savings Bank; that it has a note issue of over $6,000,000 and that it has or had «ome £16,000,000 sterlingof the people's money lodged on deposit, of which a considerable
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  • 1077 2 For the third time the Hon'ble E. E. Isemonger makes the annual report on Malacca, which appears m the Gazette to-day. The following paragraphs are taken from it < The years 1891 has not been a favourable one the depression m trade which has been so
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  • 79 2 A very successful dance was given by the Sergeants and Staff-Sergeants m the Town Hall last night, which was prettily and neatly decorated for the occasion. The floor was m splendid condition and the wants ol the inner man (and woman) were well looked after. Dancing was kept up with
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  • 1155 2 The author of a comic opera is responsible for a good deal of suffering. The public ear is afflicted with the popular tunes, hummed, whistled, parodied and mutilated till the public eye glares and its forehead puckers into an ominous frown. But one does not usually
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  • 1545 2 Eight Hours by Law. The following amusing skit on the eight hours movement appeared m one of the London daily papers last month, and Major McNair will no doubt excuse us for letting his many friends here know that it was a piece of fun
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  • 149 2 The schedule time for cars on the proposed electric railway between Vienna and Bud Pesth is expected to be 75 minufes for the entire distance of 150 miles. As planned, the road will have two main power stations, with 100 sub-stations, but only three or four stopping places. Each car
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  • 525 2 Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-aye as sung by His Ex. centricity Prince Caesar the Kestless at the Mother's Meeting on Wednesday last, with a full chorus consisting of well-known Singapore celebrities Tampion, Buckets, Sandy, Gobo, Comedown, Soso, Downall, Sawbones, Armament, Blanket, Pickanini, the Office Bhoy," the Office Cat, Clerks, Orderlies, Punkah Coolies. &c,
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  • 476 2 Mr. William Warren Assoc. M. [nn I Memb. Inst. M.1... I.X < ..v. 5..., an English engineer, who has reported on the Peruvian and other oil fields, has just visited Upper Langkat, m company with Mr. Jacques Dcci the holder o! a liige petroleum concession there,
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  • 417 2 NOWADAYS the fiscal policy is always a prominent plank m the platform ot every politician, yet is it a wise policy on the part ot the consumers to place a tax on the articles which they do not make but only consume Suppose, for instance, the customs
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  • 265 2 Quotation. d^. ..p Sltx Yam* tv v, v H'konir S'ha: Hank. 88% Prr-n. $in*o.«w|i» > OM f.0.*****^ (7^ i'.noi.. I'.ipr DiKk. *iQ"i Salw 5 >■>.<>>»> I,S I&OM |1V > >'J n, p i brnturoop.c. 1% p r em. Ruvers, pM£M V< -,< I!. ,::,,::r I
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  • 61 2 (corrrctso of to j i i- v Un London. Bank 4 111 5... 1 i. demand.... Ic. Private credits 6 ni s 2 111 documents onis 2 li. ~>, m s j i (> India. Banh demand I*4 On MoM.KOMi. Bank demand I ds. On Java. Bink demand _75
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  • 113 2 tjt Ll p I m Gatn'./itr C. do. Cube No. 1 %-tjo do. do. No. 2 I Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore, B 9 do. White. 1 Pair L/W—jJJ 14 j Nntsncgs itos totheib.) v_ Mace Banda- v Cloves (Amboina; 10 JO ii.illy Coilee (tO% Blacks] c lap.o. a, small
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 QCEAN STEAM SHIPCOMPAYN The Company s steamers are despatrhed Irom Liverpool outwards for Straits and China and trom homewards for London every Week, .md accommodation for first and third class pa.sser,^ -r- r.rrymga Surge ,1. and Stewardess Through Bills ot Lading are issued for a.! China, Japan Manila,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 159 2 MA'LS CLOSE. To-morrow. For Prr At Muar, Glangg. \v. v. Malacca aud KUng. S.ippnc. r st. Deli, Cmifpm, I P. si. Indragiri, firnn't. 1 H Billrton, ite. hnta, I Penanp, Tere^x, 4 1..M. Saigon. Hornef 4 t* St. Bangkok. Gorgon, 4 p. m. Sourabaya. B_._. flan Poh Smmm, 4t. M.
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    • 982 2 Passengers Arrived. ful) s Per S I V1 Ivm.. H 1 IC IC the ol K. ,i..i Ml Paul, P, IHC Si 1 etai md J2 foil ra ci SHIPPING IN PORT. y tt natl mnl I tc .age, mnan r, p I dni: <• departure < irgo, consignee,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 773 3 I t% CURE POR ASTHM AI /__iT_l* A TTT omm INDIAN CIGARETTES Asthmatic people who suffer from Oppression m breathing, stifling sensations, Hoarseness, and Loss oi woice, Nervous coughs, Laryngitis, Colds, with Wheeling, Bronchitis, Insomnia, Catarrhal affections, and difficulty m Expectoration, =xc promptly relieved by theae Cigarette*. GRIMAULT CO., Paris,
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    • 1038 3 Posada Agents, T. L. QOSLING Cc. The Dispensary. 43, RAFFLES PLACE. Proprietor it MANAutR A. MACKAY. BUSINESS HOURS. Daily fum g m. to 5 p. h. Sundays Irom 11 i.m. 10 1 r. Df. For urgeit r.i-i where Medicines are required f during the nitit, -n \ssi-iant be found
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    • 1052 3 DRINK THE AERATED WATERS OF THE I Singapore Straits Aerated Water Co. I THEY ARE THE BEST. Offices: 15, BATTERY ROAD. Factory: 20a, COLLYER QUAY. (Removing Shortly to new and larger premises m Robinson Street.) JOHSrSASES,) D. C. NEAVE, I M C AL!STER Co. Hay me taki n ovrr from
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    • 899 3 Posada Wines should be inevery house. ESTA BLISHEO 1865. RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Ikon Brass Founders, BbILBRMAKEKS, BRIDGE BOILDSRS, Shipbuilders General Contractors. Ship-Building Yard. T T Kill dis* STEAM VESSELS always under 1 construction, from 38ft. iv. i5 oft length of keel, of best design and finiafi. MACHINERY j from
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    • 281 3 War stood tli'.* test of Critics for over FIFTEEN YEARS m this market always thp: samp: IN QUALITY. always the same m plavol'r. always thp: same m price. Each bottle guaranteed to contain one-sixth of an Imperial Gallon. Tke heavy fa!! m Exchange -Uteri not our Pri;';. $6 per case
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    • 380 3 "THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISKR. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT All literary matter lor this paper should be wi to the Editor. Correspondence intended for publication mv be accompanied by the name and address of the wnter not necessarily for publication but as jr_ar._nt« ol good taith. Communications should be written
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 664 3 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port and date of departure, a n<j w known j date due here, and name of Agents Steamers. j Achilles, London, Ancers, Hamburg. June j Ardanmhor, Hamburg, May tg, Bellerophon, Liverpool, due Aug. 1 M sn .c, Rormida, China, due Juk 15 Behr M, N I CaRTBAGE,
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