The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 June 1892

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 647 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. fjgtmm. rilfil Quay. Gouuwns,— New Harbour. MAIL »4 F^' LINES The mail steamers may be expected to arrive out- 1 «ara« a»d leave Singapore homewarris is follows. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD I*Q3. IBQ2. Cathay May jut. Surat June Ist H a lwa Junr 14th. Thames 15th
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    • 1018 1 TSJORDDI. UT^CHER LLOYD I x^ BREMEN. THE sttaaocxs Ikis Hi,, are sabskltze4 by the ln'.ptrial Gernu^ overmnent .md run regularly j between BrtroeThaVea J Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp Southampton, Genoa, Port Said, Suez, j Aden, Colombo, Singapi re and Hongkong. In connec;ion with the arrivals and departure* oi
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    • 800 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART For Borneo Ports via Bawean Sourabaya. MAATSCHAPPIJ. Every f« ur we.ks a steamer runs m this direction j .Under- contract .id, the Netherlands .ndia **H direct cargo and passenpr, to Hand.crGovernment). massi n, Pulo Uut, Passir and Cotie. A oents at Singapore Ship Agency, lale Omk Evkry
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    • 336 1 _J 1 "z SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Capital £2,000,000. Fire and Marine Insurance* cftcctwi at curren rat'-* 20 per rent, caafc Discount allowed on Marini Policies n lieu of ainvti Bonui. Wm. McKKRKO'.V i Co. Ajrent' I'" NORWICH UNION FIRE INSUR ANCE SOCIETY OF
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    • 629 1 ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. Capital £2,000,000. Fund:, m Reserve, Exclusive oi Capital 5.493.073LlfE DEPARTMENT :~Trie C<>m;>-ny ha-, recently revised its Rates of Life P'-er.iia and is now prepared to offer very advantageous term» to Assurer g. FIRE DEPARTMENT:— The Company is prepared to accept first class risks apto £15,000
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    • 752 1 TJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL Mojaaavaaa FLE^fiRV? PUND $6,*****0 k; --V- lA3IUTVOFPRO.I Utum+pm PtUETOkS C.OVRI <-P DIKECTCKS Chairmw- s. C. MfCHAELSBN, E*\ Dfpitv Chairman—! POESVECKER, Bag. T E. Damfs, Eaa. I Mat M- C»«aCNt, B»| j C 1 Hoi lidav Baa I S M.jsl>, E»q. H UomVt »q.
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    • 772 1 PACIFIC MAIi- STEAMLHIP A COMPANY AN OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP < CM! „::V. J Tin; -i^li pacwp Lkfc <"> France, and Germam I of Steamers, also to S.n I wett o! the abovi tint To «'ihi r iuu.pi an p 1111 .•;>•;■ w -1 Special •educed rates granted I Army.
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  • 481 2 The Singapore Free Press. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1892 "'-M... Ite lh( l>.pictr. t iMiMg I fa) I c :cr sm „nbr hri b* j-» '!<•- pi n- T- .< IwrgMaw r'^'p"'- (!r'>; ts I> icio I o)sty, a:-d Law. I i Amongst the passengers by the Sui at j to-day are
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  • 495 2 - < Mariai's wrmijrrie or the r^m^in, of it (•fetch maa nld to the Great Chinese Garden lor lf k 0* iv iraveh again, n H&nostofi and Sot \uun pordiated it. Amans the animals ia ihe lien 'Vicun which watpnM9Med ,,t> --even \cir- a/go by King
    495 words
    • 150 2 London, j/st. May rfiq; In (lie House of Commons ih<= fyid, Education Bill has bern read a se, onri time I h»* majority was on«- hundred. tVeare ask<-<] tocajrffctt the registration i dofl within the Municipal Limits wtud shottld OMMtOMt to-day iHubeei pwt{joned until the (Jtfc
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    • 136 2 I'his afteraoon bdorc Mr. faatiot Wo n the n^tt^r ot faajcs .Valter Btrrell, who ha> (ommitf'i \ur csjatenjol Couil m <ii-ob<-viny an in|un< tion r^-tri... ing mm from sHlmg or parting with certain goods m the cwstod) ofMessi fasten and Co., Mr Prwaldton Hsli d thai be had
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    • 112 2 II). annual exhibition of the Singapore Amateur rhotographic Society will be aptmmiim the S. V. A. Drill Halloa Fridaj Jane ffd (>y invitation trom 4 pm. to 6 p.m. On Saturday the Exhibition will be mm t. bo tli-- paMii from p.m. to 6 p m By
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    • 569 2 A mytterion* saf«= robbuj took place at the PostOSoelasl night and so far t h« thif-l has saoceeded m avoiding detection so successfnßr ha> the affair been taxied out. I lure is however no appearance ol a burglary, there being to signs whatever ot a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 Singapore Philharmonic Society. T^'RST PifWic Concert of the Sea»c has ben postponed tifl Moncla June 6th. The FIRST PART will coasal afscle* tions from HANDELS MESSIAH, •nchMiins sou**: ol tl c nx si l.uori'.e Sole and Choruses. Tfce SECOND PAR! will includ Orrkeslnj «o*ks, m Sp''ji* a:u OCi So\o> Conductor.
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    • 499 2 JOHN LITTLE Co. )n Special Net Qlotations for Best Quality AUSTRIAN BENTWOOD FURNITURE. c- Ami h.,., .n,, 1 J'ockcrsNc 6. Aim Cha^ No. 15. •a I- doot s >."" each. $38.00 p« do* >mdll Staadaid arl4 So *i on pc d/. s- 'IS I1 i s^c v,: ,1 i! hair
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    • 620 2 Waringa Hill and Deanrow. I I I(j SAL '•1 IH I Two Valuable Freehold Properties WARINGA HILL DEANROW, -ll' >. t I IN Pa*?rsoii R' ifl. Tinfji n a p. m THI c I rue ted I I \<i< 1 •■>. ■5a l m I gili ■>... rinj freel
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    • 952 2 1^ TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. BOARD AND -LODGING. AT BELMONT. VVilkie Road, dose to Town. rx r.imforta'-!-' Kngli h Home for three Badte* lor-, aher the ***** .11 int. Stabling and Co.ioh- H use. lV ly to C. W. C/o Singapore Free Prats, T Ju»e 1 m.wj. ii "AUCTION SALE. Tnnnirro-v. Thursday,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 The Week. Wednesday, Ist Water !.j| a. m.. 2 p m. Marine lub, Anniversary Dinner Thursday. 2nd Hijjn Water: 2.28 a.m.. -„40 p r* MeetMff< ha.nlM-r n- Commrn,, noon Football.— T. P.P. A. 1 <.H. c 5, Moan, Firrt Qsarter. Friday. 3rd High Water -j.« a m 4.4, p
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  • Correspondence.
    • 2499 3 T» Tl» E»ITO«. I Sir, Forgive me tor again taking the liberty of troubling you once more with a c letter on the above subject. It was with a no great surprise that i read a few days ago a letter m the columns of the Strait*-
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    • 632 3 {From a Correspondent.) On Sunday, the 22nd, a very heavy downpour of rain commenced at about 5 p.m., which caused a good deal of damage to the railway line, washing it away m four different places, so that no trains were able to run from Seramban to Port
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  • 804 3 THE HONGKON G.S HARE MARKET I. m iouS t.'isji to have to remind paopfe "i losses, even though these ma) ■„,.-lv onswt of depredation on paper only. It t h( rel ire an nnptea anl dutj to call attention to lhever\ considerable tall which has occurred m H mgkon 'ot
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  • 1511 3 (Gazette, May 27th.) Mr. E. M. Marples, State Treasurer, retires from the service from June Ist. Dr. C. Leech is appointed m his place Mr. E. J. Brewster becomes Commissioner of Lands; Mr. C. Wray District Magistrate, Krian Mr. D. H. Wise District Magistrate, Batang I'adang Mr. F.
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  • 799 3 Sir Gricnten Broww delivered the annual oration at the u&h annivei arj meeting of tl \'< dv .1 Society of London, I Id on >la\ 2, on the 1 subject "Sex m Education." In th<: course ot j h:s remarks he showed thai tlte femak brain i
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  • 327 3 {From Australia.) Sydney, May J*L— The sculling race for the championship of the world and £200 a side, betweenStan.burv and Sullivan, was rowed on the Parramatta river yesterday. Stannary led all Ihe way, and won easily by three length*. I -me 18 minutes 27 seconds.
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  • 128 3 H'koni: fc S'»,.ii Hank. 10-5% Pre*. $,o ..k. f ,n rvy j KrwOrirnulßank. *25 Seller. i T.w. n- I'.isjar Dork. Jl<)rl Buyrrs 1.-.""" «M [IcbenioraUipx. 1% mem. B«yer». ''°'-> v. :!.<.!. ur Dork 130 Last sale. 2-,^.i-> Kvrr Dock-.. S 5 Sellers. Sin^pore Insurance O.
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  • 54 3 I iiKKF' WW i.l I M (Is LOMOOM. Hank 4 m. Aenumtd 2 Pnvate grad tt i i M ,I.»i -invnts t> I *lH m t C(| Bank demand On Mnkow. B ir.K demand S diS < s |*v a Bat* demand ■'r rate i I. SoVMtaMVS, ft«l '«:v
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  • 88 3 r 2=- Gmmitkt 5-9* l di.. < nM No. i <i,. do. No. I Prpp. -i H'.< t> (ordinary Spore) S *•< do. White, (F«rL/W»S%) «S* M Nutates:* it«« l»Jtl»elb.) > Mace (Banda '-> 2 loves (An la i Bafi) Cottee I l«jt W!aok-i raptoat, seaali pew [Fair ana
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 436 3 QCEAN BTJEAI* '.iM T P CCMPAYN -j> .1-^ if. 1 r .-r< (.■■-pat 1 l i<^ :n>m l.'ye pooloai«atd« tcr udCai dltow Bbaa^ai nai'MMiiiilinii Bw 1 m m<J i I* r r ryinf a Surgcc- aw! brooghß I 'a« v i n Ja-.r..-., M;»i.:.a, S-.gc:. Saaiun British Mottfc BorDeo, Stan,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 171 3 t.tails CLOSE. i a lonwt tr P.. i> kong, V Shan^ 0 M Diami X Saigon. Malacca I inggi, Cecil C. Smith, ir. Ha skong k viv f r W h i'A Ri:. 9 Bang ol Mai... Be Sk« Baw< a .v i r .ii'ib'i,,i Bauvia a. QUmgA* 4 I
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    • 573 3 Weather Re; Hi M I Taken at Kanca:.., X v Bar. red. Irf [empe, .tore. Wei Hull Uir.ot Wind M..X. 1 Hk ta Man >r >■'■ Ten rad. 1 Rain, Rl M kW Passe Pw I I«n I Sane CM. i Mr iV. G. I an i R. R. Bli|j
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