The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 October 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 662 1 Iff 'ULAR AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION pENU CQMPANY Siu.w. j:; WN3 New Hirbour. °"-^->" NES MAIL M^^ _rctc<i to ,»rnve 1 a* foQow TJ f IOMEWARD r. 3 JF****™ »*y be ,8,,. S'ppur, "<- iWARo 'V» 1891.. JS^Dt nna r^ulnw >:e, the arrival ■iOWSSf D !lVbe.ith«e. 1 r > r r
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    • 588 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (Under contract with the Netherlands India Government;. Head Office.— t6d, Prins Hendrik Kade, Amsterdam. Head Agency. Batavia. Singapore Agents. Scheepsagentinu Voorheen, J. Daendels Co. 3. Robinson Quay. Fiee: of the Company. Tons Gr<->s 1 "«npoiaa 7sg 4 l apara M K»r-«g 337 1 '■>»<•• 933 16
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    • 629 1 Sekvh c No. 6.— Every four weeks. From Batavia to Billiton, Pontianak and back. Service No. 7 and 7a.— Twice a week. From Batavia to Samarang and Sourabaya and back. C'heribon, Tagal, and Pacalongan will be called at by the steamers leaving Batavia on Thursday and Sourabaya on Tuesday. Leave
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    • 788 1 DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFFS RHEDEREI ZU HAMBURG. The Imperial German Mail Steamers OF THE SUNDA LINE, TAKK THE IOI. LOWING RoTTE Outward;— Hamburg, Amsterdam, Southampton, Genoa, Fort Said, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Sourabaya. Homeward.— Sourabaya, Samarang, Batavia Singapore, Port Said, Marseilles, Amsterdam! Hamburg. Arrivals m Singapore, 1891. Leave Leave Arrive Hamburg. Genoa. Singapore.
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    • 504 1 POYAL INSURANCE COMPANY v OF LIVERPOOL. Capital £2, 000, 000. Fi NDS !N RESE RYE, Ex( LUSIVE OF < APfl Ai ;(,5.493,073. LIFE DEPARTMENT :-The Company has recently revised its Rates of Life Premia now prepared to offer very advantageous term- to i Assurers. FIRE DEPARTMENT:— The Company is pre-
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    • 339 1 |J[ONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FL'ND LIABII.m PRIETORS Chau<mav- S. MOSES Eag -S C Mil T.I M < H H Hoi Chiei Mad |xr a r i ntln 4 per cent, pi ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPAN Y. ES SCBSCRIFihD CAi ■;AL..,/,.. HfcAn Ofpici Fire Dej i l I
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  • 22 2 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. At Singapore, on October 21st, Gerald Byrne, of Cork, 2nd Engineer, s. s. Ran Whatt Hin. Aged 33 years.
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  • 381 2 The Singapore Free Press. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1891. Here »hall thr Pr<-* the Pro;.i*'§ rijht maintain, t'naunl by Influence and unbribei by f»ir Hrrr pjtrni Truth hrr glorioua preceptt a'r»«, i'lruecrf to Religion, loyalty, snd law. Lady Clementi Smith was "At Home" last night to about two hundred guests, including
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  • 391 2 The Rviaostefs Hakdw ap.— Value $150. A Handicap fur horses that have run m the roadsters' race on the first day. Distant c, I mile. Col. Ellis' Talavera, ii.<>. Mr. Wilson's <ie.T:r.i!, [0.7. Mr. Howden's Slow Joe, 10. 0. fscr.) Mr. Paton Ker's Kitty O'Shea, 9 Mr. G.
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  • 77 2 (Ceylon Observer. The following communication from an officer formerly stationed m Colombo, and now resident m England, has been placed at our disposal, and we make it public, as it throws a new light upon the present aspect of the military contribution question
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  • 132 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (For the Free Press. The Charterea Mercantile Bank. London, 21st October. iSqi. At the usual half yearly meeting of the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Lon- j don, and China, the Chairman said that the unfortunate result of the working of the j past six months was due
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  • 1341 2 There is one aspect of the proposal to interfere with the independence of the Native State under the mask of moving for the institution of a system of appeals to the Court of the Colon) that is not a little comical to those who have not
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  • 321 2 T J f*« At.orfow awtf O;;k^ Lxprett.) Sir —In your Ust issue is a leadmg article Ihe Native States Courts,' m which hwrw prominence to a letter from your Singapore correspondent, whc^e opinions are 50 much m accordance wah those ot Mr Arnott Red the editor
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 372 2 KATZ BROTHERS. BICYCLES Just Received, New SHIPMENT OF HOWEjS CROSS FRAME ROADSTERS. \LE cV CO., LTD., LADIES SHOW ROOM. n Paris of High Class Fancy Printed Muslins. Lawns. Zephyrs, Cambrics *ed ot I and Wool m A-t:st'.c Colounngs < \FTF.RNOON n DRESSES SHOES. PITH HATS. 1 ud m DRESSMAKING AND
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    • 779 2 EVENING SCIENCE CLASSES. Under Dr W. Bott, F C.S. FjCS. and FP S Berlin Ac UteLrciurer aiil Demonstrator st Owen's College, Manchester. At the Raffles Institution. "THE principal object ot tSe coir-f to enable Students to acquire such kivwi- dge <■! scien liric laws ai'-d elementary analysis a^ practical use
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    • 900 2 BEKAISIM IMAtHUWU. DXX Fuehrer und die Mannschaft des Oeuls<l>cn Damp ers I.uebeck wird am Donneri--1 .ti». den 22. i. M. urn 10 L'hr Vormhtaga i m .hatrltsliicalt- ties Kiiserlichen Konsulats tr^' 'tn -.-abltic'n, was gemaess Art. 4^2 des I ,i!i;,-ni' men Dmt»clten Handelsgesetz huchs hier- 1! irch i» karrnt yeniacht
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    • 696 2 X\J-UJ\± O nUVCKUO£>IUbI<I 10. The Bankruptcy Ordinance, iBBB~ In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements, Settlement of Singapore. IN BANKRUPTCY No. 75 of 1891. RE John Donohue. Notice is hereby given that a Dividend is intended to be declared m the above matter. All Creditors must prove their debts
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 130 2 The Week. Thursday, 22nd High Water: -I 4 a. M., 0.33 P. M. Races, Second Day. Tinted Service "Junglers," Barracks.g P. m. Friday, 23rd High Water —1.53 I. 1.17 P. U. [debu Mining Co. Noon. i-oot Ball— Police v. Rattler. Tank Rd.. 5 P. M. St. George Regular, 5.30 P.
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  • 1418 3 MEETING. ANTICIPATIONS. 1 11MN "-d.iy s racing were Lt noon yesterday, of the day they were discussion, the general 1 can judge, being that <>nes. But after care.hem one by one I confess J •it ot one or two mistake? irh wrong with them, and <. .the handicappers had to
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  • 204 3 1 m ttee ol ibe Singapi re B 5 ts Associaiion met M< ssrs 1 to be I the. Colony set fort-, m 11 E I 1 rs address to the Leg 1 i. md the necessity of again pressing 'I iunent the extr
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  • 333 3 Shocking Occurrence in the Harbour. A EtitorxAS Stvbbed k\d Drowsed. l.a-t night on board the Ban Whatt n a tragic occurrence resulting m the death 2Bd iv g oeer, Mr. Gerald Byrne, whether from stabbing, or drowns not quite dear. There is some conflii t a-> to what happened, but
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  • 1871 3 Consul Trevenen transmits Mr. A. Cook's Re I port upon British North Borneo for the year 1890 Mr. Cook is Acting British Consular Agent a Sandakan, and holds the office of Treasurer-Gen-eral m the British North Borneo Company's GovI ernment. Mr. Cook writes: Some five years ago
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  • 764 3 (Pinang G i As a ton^kang was conveying a large shipment ot tin belonging to \les-r-. Boustead < o to the P. He O. steamer Teheran on Saturday owing partly to the strong flood tide running at' the time and partly to bad sleermg, she went broadsi ie
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  • 242 3 yUUiATION. Dl PJ. a^. >> H'kong SMiai Bank. 165% Prem. 7,500.0007,500,000 60. j v w Orients IV-nk. >4i Sell' rs. ■,< km £507,100 ..1 ,ong Pagat Dock. $-185 I.a s t sale. 1 .<; »>,ooo do Debentures 6 p.c. Par Buyers. 909,500 Vpw Harbour Dock
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  • 49 3 i < ORRIU PCD OF TO U< miBKK 22 <)S I.OMIUN i'aiik 4 m heinaud Private credits 6 m !y fi<K uments 6 m*. m Us [wm*. Hank demand On Hokcmim, I'^llk df !MHlld Oh Java B ink demand IQJ i at«r ■.<■ H s So/KRI v^, 10 I.
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  • 332 3 (Oci l,i, Gambler... do. Cube No. i Pepper, do. White, (Fair L/\ NuLm< us M.n c 1... .1 loves Axab Baily nftee i i;- i, sma i do. do. do, I 4.65 do. 11 cdi im pear) ne do. Hake Kine < Copra li^i'y do. Pontianak Opium Benan Rice,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 FOR SALE. ONE Sandalwood pony, trap and harness complete for sale cheap. Apply T. A. L. 48-1 Hiii Street. Oct. 21. 28.10 FOR SALE. THREE complete sets of Siebe. Gorman Co. 's Diving Apparatus Patent speaking ap- 1 paratus, extra speaking hose, valves and glasses, Also complete set of Appleby
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    • 306 3 X <». BKHNAhij -broker. QCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. are d»>-p;it< he dNj Lines, m operation frorr. Singapore PiWTS— A (team. Gaya X is nd Bi lv» !>... —7 \na iea\«- tfaii [„,r radio n Westers X Pons Frcem a.v i Sour. Time Table for Singapore. HOMEWARD S TEA V. FH
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 152 3 MAILS CLOSE. To-Day. H"r Pei A! I longL -]j Bin^kok K. P.) i ing to Sn 4 i m. Bangkok, Uedu i 4 p. M I O H Billitoi KP■ tak, /v !1' Penang, p, M Palcrnr.. p. M Malacca, fee, Kian m 3 r m. Sati rdav. I-abuan, Ace.,
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    • 87 3 Passengers Arrived. r2 S k Ml HON'GK< ING V Baromen and hundredths. tj SHIPPING IN PORT. St. J anw < b I .P >. G. \*n i.\^v^^ Rd (Jhenbon. j Batavia O SAKDAKAK.5 AKDAKAK B. N B. kan Sep 1 g tain.— N.H. Es< okt Am. bk v Sam hi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 269 4 McALISTER Co. f* < t >ad. It > the !.i the the work turnrd twit is equal to am* work itathifM-s Ike Pitching ol «hith js %*bte than that Uv i.and' and km *upcrv:>»on »»s an t-xperj-rd European "»d«r* are iir> 1 AWNINGS. t Wax, Cotton or Wuioden Kot- *t
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    • 493 4 Sequah has Spoken. Sequahs Cure, One dollar. Seqaah s OU. One dullir. Sequah's Instant Relief, One dollar. t*se«l th<\ are always B*ed !l *">' ilwa>> pW Saustaction. Sequah Popular RfeOiedtics can will be hi* Gcdown m B er) (>A!LV FROM IO >0 Also of the Local Chemists. Dealers and
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    • 743 4 RILEY ARGRE AYES Co vCr NOTICE To .jBmpowners, Masters Engineers. Wt vhave been appointed Sole Agents cj^apore and Straits, Java, Siam and Saigoi"} for the rCERA LIGHT Co, Ltd., Glasgow, and having J ust received a large shipment OF CERA OIL are now to p^P ared v to fPP'X same
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    • 886 4 ESTABLISHED 1865. RILEY HARGREAVES cv. CO. Engineers, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridgk Builders^ Shipbuilders, General Contractors. Ship Building Yard. TTIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under conslruclion, from •jSit. to iy'H. It-nyth of keel, of best design and finish. MACH I'NERY j from leading British Firms with Hoard of Trade j
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    • 932 4 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCI' COMPANY LIMITED. I'ni-jMH r r-j srtaat*d «t T«n- j jong P;i> ;^r. adj v.i 1,1 Singapore. Si<-Mir> I tram-cars ran at inl^rvafe f.-.rrym<; pawafi^eri ratti.s. i.- hari t:*.\: ..1 10 ■'<- inilr and a anarteraad 18 divided l>y 0,- n- Graving Dorks .nt c- thrcf ji.-.rts.
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    • 714 4 VESSEI 1 t* Giving port p.ndc S EXPECTS EJfiMJI date dm lien. q (]eptatlte of i and name o■' *nd umneiMM Antftn^i'E, Cardiff, j eAMfcRh »rit*#m* Aihiiu- China, due Ajax, erpo..!, Sept. l 'J a 1 Bvv,,-.. Hongkonp. dv, P H 7H Bi (.i.kkmphon, China. dv,^ don > ot f
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