The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 September 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1206 1 tJEHINSULAR AND ORIENTAL yf STEAM NAVIGATION ■p»— Coi'yer Quay. Gooowns New Harbour. Tke mad tinmen may expected to arrive out Kjrtrt.l aad 'e.tve Singapore homewards as follow* OUTWARD. HOMEWARD iSftl. ISO. B<fcil* 1 Sep*. 22nd. Ifalwa Sept 2^rd. ttnnnai Oct. wk. Cathay t.Kt. ;th. Wskawu nefc R 21st jjfl Ro»et»a
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    • 387 1 StKiut No. s and 5a iortnightly. Batavia Deli aad De'i Batavia, without calbng at any other ports. Once every fortnight. From Deli, to Edi, Deli\ Bilab, Paneh, Bengalis, Singapore, Siak I Paneh, Bilah. Assah in andjDcli. Siak Paneh and Edi, will be caiied at nly once m lour weeks
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    • 639 1 Skrvice No. 6. Every four weeks. From Bai.ivia to Billiton, Fontianak and back. StRVtCE No. 7 and 7a. Twice a week. From Batavia lo Samaranfj,' and Sourabaya and back. Cheribon, Tagal, and Pacalongan will be called at by the steamers leaving Batavia on Thursday and Sourabaya on Tuesday. Leave Batavia
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    • 824 1 DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFFS RHEDEREI ZU HAMBURG. The Imperial German Mail Steamers of THE SUNDA LINE, TAX.X THB FOLLOWING ROUTE Outward. Hamburg, Amsterdam, Southampton, Genoa, Port Said, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, .Sourabaya. Homeward. Sourabaya, Samarang, Batavia, Singapore, Port Said, iMarseilles, Amsterdam, Hamburg. Arrivals m Singapore, 1891. Leave Genoa. Arrive Singapore. Aug. i6th. s.s.
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    • 703 1 i DOYAL INSURANCE COMPAN/ i xx OF LIVERPOOL. Capital £'2.000,000 Funds m Reserve, Exclusive of Capital 5.493.Q73LIFE DEPARTMENT The Company has recently revised its Rates of Life Premia and is now prepared to offer very advantage > us terms to Assurers. FIRE DEPARTMENT:— The Company is prepared to accept first
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    • 666 1 LTCNGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE Kf'N'D RESKRVE LIABILITY OF PRO-* c, nnnn PRIETORS .^1 *>oooooc. ki oi- DißCcfloes Cmaihah- S. MC*»ES Dtpc-rv Chairman- S C. MiCHAEI.SEN Esq T. K. Daviics Esq I A. Ml WACHK C f. HOU.IOA, fV*H'Xi\i\. POESVI KE* H tl.. P-r> Eg "-^ici 1
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    • 344 1 **1 CJ fr <* PACIFIC MA IL STLAV.r COMPANY ANE- PJ (ACCIDENTAL AND ORIEK STEAMSHIP COMPAI— M Through y. -„-..< m France, am I am lraui--A lam of Steamei S f-'ranosco bj te of the above lines. To other European p..ints at pnppcwiionataj Special reduced rati grantee lo 0 Ar
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  • 704 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1891. !lcre*hall tf.r PfCM lhe People* rijht miintnin, Una wed by influence anti linbribed by gain I lore patriot .Truth her qlorimu precepts draw, edaetJ to Kelition, Loyalty, and Law. Lady Clemetiti Smith will be At Home next Thursday afternoon, at a quarter
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  • 39 2 Scotland v. The World. The return match between the above has been fixed for the 26th Sept. (next Saturday week.) Notices have already b ;en posted on the board m the S. C. C, to that effect.
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  • 205 2 {Times of Ceylon, jrd Sept,) During the brief stay of Sir J. Frederick Dickson m Colombo, quite a large number of native chiefs have journeyed to Elie House to see him, some having come all the way down from Kandy for the purpose. It would
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  • 993 2 The Gauloisa. Paris newspaper, publishe- what purports to be an interview with Sir Morell Mackenzie, the famous English physician. The interview is mainly devoted lo the physical state of the present Emperor of German). Sir Morell is credited with saying that the Raiser is suffering from
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  • 376 2 While the S traits Independent is persuaded that it would be of service to the Malay Protected States to have a more elaborate system of law administration. it makes some sound and sensible observations on the necessity ot preserving the integrity of the status of these Malay
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  • 72 2 For the Free Press,~im Russia and Tuftey. 1 There are fresh reports of an I nature from a German source dMJI| is preparing to seize Constantinople^ J also reported that the Turkish MM dors at London and St Petersbafg Mjj§| both been summoned to Constantinople Vf the Turkish
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  • 508 2 Via Cxylon.) London September 4th— The great feature the ontineritai army manoeuvres is the use that made of yc::r,g Corps ior carrying despadK f. .aill.. ih At yesterday's meetv ongress a paper was read fcJff Mr. Bt!!.-w or. tne Ethnography of Afghanistan,!? In the paper Mr. BHlew said
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  • 216 2 The following is the report lor presentition to the shareholders at the twentyifth ordinary meeting, to be held at Hongkong on Thursday, the 17th September, 1891. I- have now the pleasure to lay areholders a statement of the counts for the year ended April ia
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 -FhrSEQUAH SPEAKS WT't To the Halt and the lame, to the *H^*ncurable To those whom Doctors *fl**P av bailed to relieve .To those suiTer- mg from Chronic Diseases; To those J whose life is a misery on account of 4 suffering and pain J TWICE DAILY. rlfWiiiuou a i M.
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    • 496 2 i[ET FILS, ;h the undersigned their TED CHAMPAGNE Verzenay i of 3 Double Magnums. 6 Magnums. xa Quarts. 24 Pints. 48 Halt Pints. ANU GH CLASS CLARETS, t. Julian of t doz. Quarts. 2 Pints. Medoc of t doz. Quarts. 2 Pints. Iv challenge a comparison brands m the market.
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    • 1014 2 MATTONIS GIESSHtfBLER NATURAL WATERS FROM THF. CELEBRATED Giesshubler Spring, near CARLSBAD. THE EMPRESS OF TABLE WATERS." Giesshubler Water, owing to tbe presence of free CARBONIC ACID, holds a position of first repute among TABLE BFVL RAGES and possesses the character cf a natural aerated water, without causing any of the
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    • 824 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL, SATURDAY, SEPT. igth, 189/. Mr. Ronald Smedley begs to announce a second Grand Dramatic, Literary and Musical Entertainment, Under the Patronage of H. E. Sir Charles Warren and the Officers of Her Majesty's Military and Naval Forces, and of the Brethren of the Masonic Fraternity. By
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 Hiei Water:— 7-1 M..6.10 p. m. -Wednesday, 16th ttmtt _H I igii alrru—i,.Q K. H,. Si? lunicipai Commission, 2.30 p.m. t I hi Ss Orchestra, 8.30 t. ta. xhmrf. J igh \V.ver —9-46 A. 9.28 P. M. ootball. Rugby S.C.C. v. Services," 5 t-Hf igh Water —10.17 v ,01 7
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  • Correspondence.
    • 135 3 In reply Inquirer's '^M fcP ssue of '4 h inst. t. I afl HPlrm to the present X Pb say- weight m KpKes shall not exceed 1 1 st. 7 lb." Wmy the members who attended the tGcvicYal meeting .1* which the Autum:, tptme was
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  • 2925 3 ENGLAND'S MILITARY ROUTE TO INDIA VIA CANADA. rßv Otto \V\chs Ma|or retire It is to be hoped tint, tor tne sake ol those interested >n oi imperial! aland the union e*ean»g betwee i h Colonies tht un< kilt Canadian Pacihc Railway which \l Wachs contributes to the current P______________6*of ai
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  • 289 3 The .Netherlands Indian Telephone Company have declared a divid end of nine and a half per Sixty-six thousand eight hundred guilders is the highest offer for the Opium Farm of Batavia, Krawang and Latnpongs. News has been received that on Baron de Horn's e-,tate Bavaria" at Deli three
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  • 173 3 The p^t has been an exceedingly qu iet week all round, and freights remain practically unchanged. There is an absence of outside tonnage, and the usual lines are keeping rates up. Cargo remains rather scarce. For London via Canal, Bag goods are still being carried at 32/6, and
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  • 981 3 By/ a Convf.rtfd Scpptic. Sequah speaks." Such is the announcement that meets the eye daily m the local press. speaks.'' In proclaims k his present c m our midst m Ihese terms, Sequdi errs thtough excessive modesty. Sequah does more then speak. He does that which from time immemorial
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  • 292 3 ytufATlON. C*p. i'-. UP "W"*^™ 1V H'kon*&Shaißank. 174 Prem. Sellers. 7,50., .000 7.500,000 60.000 125 12s Ww Orient.,! K-nk. *4S Selxrs. i^00..-.™ £567,100 67. too 50 V 6px. LnjongPaga, i>odc. MB5 Sales. 1 5 .500,000 t 3 ,^> io» too 1 P do Debenturcs6p.c. Par
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  • 58 3 i( ii k kisi fd up to Sen pmrph 15 OS I.OSIriS Bank 4 m •I- mand I Private credits A m «i fin. iimenls 6 m.rt 3 3l 3 m s jj On India Bank demand "4l Ow HoaoKims. Bank demand i%dis. on I*v B.nk d< n md
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  • 65 3 (SfcPTkMBLR IS do. übe No. I Pepper, Black (ordinary S'lion I >'• do. White, (Fair I. W 75 I lre (Banda) 9 2 Amboina '7.11y Cottee (10% Blacks; 25.50 j 1, small pe-irl (Fair q lalily), 4 r > io. do. tiake (do. do. 1 410 -Jo. Ho. do.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 521 3 QCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. The Company's steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards (or Straits and China and from Shanghai homeward* for London every week and \.-.v *< commodation for first and third class passer,, rying a Surgeon and Stewardess. Through Bills of Lading are issued for a 'apar. Manila. Saigon.
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    • 347 3 Il and Commercial DrKruMEWTs. a^n Xc dec Batavia, Cheribon and Samarang. Kirn Tian Limb s™ a w.*k, and have excellent ae.ommo 11 kinds of passenger-. Velestial 1,017; lons. Hang Ann bjj enang 62 t and passage Apply to TAN K'l VI TIAN a. SONS. No. 1, Prince Street ala Pahang
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 318 3 MAILS CLOSE. To-morrow. Billiton, kc, Godaverv. 8 a.m. Cheribon Samarang, Penang. n a. m. Muar, Kian Yang. j P. m. I Klang. Choiv Phvn. \r.M. re, Malacca, p. m. Ooryia, 3 P. Wing Sung. 4 p j 1 HURSDAY. Speelman. 8 M. < kc, Sri Pagatan, 2 p. m. Rajah
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    • 721 3 Passengers for Straits Settlement P.-r I'ul. Aug Mr. J. Ken Mr- Waikm- r~— —-"""">> ley. For Pettang. Mr P. S pei s. Rol; aon Sept. 22 j Per 'shannon fr. <C apore.— Or. and Mrs VV. C. X Hived Baker, Mr- J. R. Sa Mr. D Per Bene- fron I,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 _^_^k Pj'i.... iji^fi''' .j 1 Co. «tir Saii Lv ,n featiei) X Ac cu^fti»t ut b etjual to f [havcJp^ -%snr: ng W rt-gulai and whl *§H*fl ai an cx P* rr „i_\ -amt-T. AWNINGS. .A a Jl 11 or Willesde: m SAILS WOM SAILING VESSELS, YACHTS AND BOA 1
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    • 980 4 PAHANG GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be recived at the Resident's Office Pek-tn, cp to noei, the ?f« O' October ia*. t, lor the toi owing Pants ior a period ol 3 years, from Ist Jaiiaary iS<i2. lo Jtst Deceraher 1*1.4, inclusive. I. Farm oi the right to coiLct a duty
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    • 978 4 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOC If COMPANY LIMITED. Thk premiss of the Company «re situated..'. Tatiiong; Pagar. Ac oining the Town of Singapore. Steam tram-cars run at abort intervals carrying passengers and jf<- I "ds (rom W^-irf to destinations at Tow rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter
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    • 503 4 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. The above Dock, situated m Province AYeHe.sley at the entrance of the Prye River, lias lau-Iy been lengthened and deepened and is now of the follow--1 iiif ilirnensions Length on the blocks 330 feetBreadth at entrance 5° Depth of water on sill at ordinary spring
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    • 815 4 ESTABLISHED 1865. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Iron Brass Founders, iermakers, bridge buiujers, ship- JILDERS, General Contractors. hip Building Yard. Its* STEAM VESSELS always under uction, Irani 38ft. to 150 ft. length !St <i<;sijrn d finish. MACHINERY British Firms with Hoard pf Trade 1 This department is under SKILLED kN SUPERVISION
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    • 499 4 1111 Howarth Erskine, Limited, Civil, Mechanical anu Electrical Engineers, Ikon and Brass Founders, I and Ship Buildkrs, A I. ONTK A'TORS, ".Nil 7 0 GOVERNMENT. IGENTS FOR ers, Ertland, Engines. fleers, Flngland. Pumps. lUfacturers Belting. Camel Hair. irxt Indestructible Valves. b Witter Condensers. .due: C Co.. London. lyptur, Bo^er, Anti
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    • 498 4 lALCOLM. LYON Co. .NCINEI.K-. IRONMONGERS MAC H I X I X V AG ESI T S Battery Road, SINGAPORE. E NEW HARBOUR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. This Company executes Ships' repairs <__( a' daa eriptions m the most efficient manner, coder &e*iper. of Europear rights anc EcglOßfcSSL Ti No. 1 GaAViKG
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 381 4 "IH. na i n.taaaam a— —a i at Ct\vng port and date «fi|p|f 4| <n „Mj date due here and naiorlH yj STKAMEaSN, am \bhrdake, Cardiff, July 18; jf \< hilljss. Liverpool, Aug. 22CHM 9 \ghia, Japan, due Sept. 45. ftjj X Amhises, Liverpool, Aug.'l9'fTMl J llavkrs, due Sept. 25.
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