The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 17 January 1851

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1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 20 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. ¥\>L 17. SMJiret^POHJE, lit HP .11* MORJTMJrG, 17th JAjrUJLRY 9 1851. •*V :i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 834 1 FOR LONDON. I'll HE A. I fast-sailing M, p SIR JSjQg X HENKY HAUDINGE. ot 60S R Tons burtueu, a^um Mc[)ui«ld, USfIBLH will sail tor the above Poit on or about the tOih inst. >he has splendid Poop accommodation and excellent family Cabins. For Freight or Passage, apply w JOZK
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    • 814 1 n NOTICE APnvate Hospital for Merchant Seamen was opci.ed on Monday, the 13th instant, under the peisonal superintendence ol Mr Little, Surg*oi». Terms 50 cents per diem. Aimgoporg \stkJonuary, 1851. ~NOTXC3B" IS herfbv given, that during the ensuing three months, commencing from lie Ist February, all Dofis found going loo«e
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    • 719 1 I Children's Cap* and Dresses Dresses— an elegant assoilmeot of Silk, Satin and Dress Improvers Muslin Krabroidered Praam, Scarfs and HandkerchttU Flannel— Plaiu and Piinted French Kid and Silk Gloves of colors Hose— cotton and silk Handkerchiefs— Bi!k, Grass-cloili, Cambric h Pioe Horse Hair Petticoats Long Clo.h of Horrock's manuiacime
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    • 914 1 NOTICE. I Hereby declare, that 1 have appointed Messrs Faco&RicK Lends* «t Co as my Agents for Singapore and all the neighbouring Settlement*, ai.d that »hey alone are authoriied to sell aud to receive oidert for ray manufactures. Cologne, nth September, 1848. JOHANN MAKIA FAKINA Tlip Genuineness of JobaMM Maria
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    • 935 1 Beilm wool, and patterns for embroidery. Blank Books an assortment. Ready-made diess and Polka coats. Waiscoat pieces of new vauerus. Woollen cloth, black and blue. Vinegar in ta^ks and cases of 12 hullitj. Split peas in kegs, Westphalia Hams. Hardware and Cutlery of every desciipfion. R-izor boxes and hooks and
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  • 1613 2 TO THE EDITOR OF TUB slN<..\ V Kl. FUEE PaKSS Mr Editor, In your No. 24, dated 14th June last, you quote an article from the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant of the 23rd April 1850, which is headed, v Famine in Java. Samaranv, January 1850." The writer of that article
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  • 1740 2 1. Act XL. of 1850 for Licencing Pawnbrokers in our Settlements, is 10 t^ke effect from and after the first day ol May next, but »he sooner it is again blotled out from the Statute book, the better, lor it U impossible to imagine a set of more incomplete
    REPORTER  -  1,740 words
  • 27 2 Al Singapore, ou Hie i-ith instant, llemiy RtciNALD, ide be ov«d Sun ol Mr fit Mrs li E. Kr* l. aged 3 months and 23 day*.
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  • 109 2 THE FREE PRESS Singapore, Friday, 17th January, 1851. Memorandum of Covers Received and Despatched at the Singapore Post Office, by the Oveiland Sieamerß, during the Month of January, viz: Rkckivrd. Per steamer BaUtia from ItaUvU &c. 9a% Per Achilles from China §;j P«r Pekin from Ku^land.. '.5,875 from olber placet..
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  • 67 2 The Bishop of Calcutta arrived here on the ll th instant, last from Malacca, and landed under the salute due to his rank. He preached in St. Andrews Church on Sunday, and on Tuesday morning eroUrked on board the H. C Steamer Semiramis, Captain Stephen, for Sarawak, where he will
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  • 597 2 "c hear many complaints regards the rate of exchange at which pa 88a j money &c is received by the P. O Con pany. It appears that at present, while th. current rate of exchange on England i 8 4* 9d per dollar, the P. &O. Company w£ state their
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  • 433 2 The maintenance of the Dutch Trading Company ha> been so frequently shown to be most injurious to the real interests of the Dutch Indian Colonies, as well as to the Mother Country, except to those individuals who are connected with the Company, that one would be led to imagine that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 722 2 u>T or v. ARTICLES FOR SALE. AT THE COMMISSIO.\ ROOMS O9 X.XTTLE, CURSGTJfiE efc CO CuMMtRCIAL Sql/AHE— Simyaj,O,€ LAI)IES*aI>PAREL P*»Ub Wool of color. 'toet and Sboet. English aad Freaca. Bosaou direct frora Paris, silk, aatia and act» Donstahle and straw BalxarJao Drreana t M s— Blond and Lao* «iti aad
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    • 277 2 Mil (A rr oni eeaaalar ia>po«4a4ions from JUad Oil and g.rdinc SaU|e.-h.lia D and Getmaa T6D»ues. smoked an.l ..Watttfand Vermicelli. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Baskets, Cbina.made for clothes Buttoas, gilt for Coats and Jackets Caaileta (blue? and ashmere for ditto tlgars. Msnila No. S and 4 Cigar, Manna and China <
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  • 1028 3 Surh facts aa these, one would think, should be sufficient to seal the doom of this obstructive Company, and yet we find it still upheld in all its entirety, and for its sake the Government turning into a mockery and an insult to foreign nations, the so called abolition of
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  • 110 3 Tt will be seem from tbe report which we have given of the proceedings of the Municipal Committee, that the members of that body have recommended an alteration in the mode of levying Assessment on agricultural produce, proposing to take it upon the gross amount, instead, as at present, upon
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  • 839 3 Below we give from the New Rotterdam Courant of the 23rd November, the regulation which has been passed by the king of Holland, relative to the throwing open of the mines in India to private enterprize. It will be seen that it is somewhat restrictive in its effect. Only Dutchmen
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  • 1508 3 (From the Friend of December 1 Memorial. To the Right Hanonrab c Viscount P.m.mkrston, K. C. b.. Her Majcty't Principal secretary °f HUU /or Foreign Affair: The Memorial of the uudersigned Merchtnts of Singapore, interested in the Tiadc with Siam. Sheweth, Ist. Tbat your Memorialists beg Xt express their
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  • 142 3 {(From the Bengal Hurkiru, Nov 28 Who will say that in 1 ndta at least, English jonrnalitni is not duly honoured by tliost* in authority The Bombay Gazette informs us that" Lord Falkland contemplate* the appointment of Dr Buist as Sheriff of Bombay for the ensuing year!" Dr Bnist,
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  • 663 3 (From thf. Bengal Hurka>u, Deer. 12.) We learn iiom tlie Enyltshman (lint theie has been, some limn like a decided move t wards comprtiiiou lie > c in an tffer ot the Austiaiau Ll. jd's umi any to esablUh a line of steamers between Suez and Calcutta oo
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  • 1145 3 (From the Bengal Hurka*u, December 1 6.) We reiiubiith from llie Pinatig (Jazitte, some We have italicized tbe words not for publication" because we c«n only understand tbeir meaning to be— Meiiri Editors of public j v m.ii be good CDoagh to spare Buy leuiml
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  • 500 3 {From the Englithman, December IF.) When < ur last Mmlinain letters reached us Me staled that we had not received ibe newspaper* to which thej pfened, containing a report or the illtrcaiin in which Captain Crisp and his officers received from the Burmese au hoiities at Haoftocn. We have since
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  • 2271 4 The Massacre at Aleppo. TO THE EDITOR OF Till TIMES. (Tfn the Timti, hovtmltr 12 Sir, A faaatietl Mosleou irit has burst into fury on the Christian population of ibia U»*n tacb a horrible) aad altogether unprovoked peraaeXttion aa ova in > our pontioo ou^bt to bear and England
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  • 220 4 From Witlmtr Smith's European, Times, Novr 1 3.] In the original drsigo great care waa taken in ureiding on the material to be employed, la tbe first instance glass for the roof wan specified, Hoi. to the foot; tbis.tfter due deliberation, not being
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  • 140 4 Airangeineuts htve been entered imo liy the General Sciew Steam Snipping Company with tbe Admiralty and tbe Post-office to conDmmce the new mail packet service to the Cape of Good Hope on tbe 15 b of Dec. ueit, on which day the mails will be made up iv
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  • 353 4 Frightful Explosion— Nine Hundred Lives Lost. (From the Willmer Sf Smith' European Times, November 18.) A most dreadful catastrophe, attend. d wiili fearful lota of life, occurred at Constantinople on tbe 25. b uit. Tbe Turkish three-decker Nei.i Slievket, sbip of the line, 120 guns, was totallj dest.oyed by ao
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  • 169 4 We stated some time since that a monster globe was in course of canstruction by Mr Wyld. M.P., for the exhibition. We understand that considerable pro* gress has been made in its preparation. The mountains will be in relief, the regions of ice will be shown in
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  • 398 4 {From the Nautical Standard. Oct. 26.) Mr H. D. P. Cunningham, late secretary to Rear. Admiral Reynolds aud Moresby, has invented a contrivance lor retfing topsails from tba deck, without sending men aloft. Tbe plan has been fi'ttd on board of the Heniniuhr and Oiiental Company's vessel Iberia,
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  • 102 4 (Prom the Nauticai Standard, November 16 The officers of the Mariner, M, just paid off on her return from the East India station, as t mark of respect towards thtir oouoaaadar, Captain Mathiaon, invited him to dine with tiiem at Townsharad's London Hotel, where the evening was
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  • 160 4 Court of Inquiry on Commod re Plumiidge In coniequeocfl of certain representations made to the Admiralty by Mr Wymond Hanltfj, late secretary tv Commodore Pluasridge, when in tbe East lodie«, tbeir Lordships ordered a court of inquiry, composed of tbe commander-iii'Cbief at Devonporl, Admiral Sir W. li. Gage, G. C.
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  • 222 4 There n at proaeot Ijing in the Mersey a ibipeaMed the lUnnati. whicb will leave this port with the first fair wind under novel and peculiar circuautancet. Tbe Haoßih is fine, frigate-looking veMtli, of 480 tons burtheu, which bai beeo purchtee'i by a Mancbtster gentleman,
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  • 605 4 (From the Examiner, October 26.) The re is a bold conspiracy afoot. Even in the public printt we sometimes see tha finger- marks of a conspirator. Let u« also conspire. Tbe year of the great Exhibition is fixed upon at the moit proper time for the oatb>e<>k of
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  • 726 4 Confusion of Tongues in the Babel of 1851. [From the Spectator, Novebmer 9 The Crystal Palace in Hyde Park U suggestive of many old memories. Iv rapid progress sets one to think of Aladdin's palace. Its material reminds us of the palace of Pandemonium, exhaled from Mammon's foundry, the first
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  • 292 4 A Matsrkal Comi-limk nt.— The Hon. Rob. rt LindsHy, when living in Bengal, received a letter from bit mother, in which she iaid,— I undented, my dear Robert, that you are a great shipbuilder. Your talents in tbit lire Ido not dispute bu« I have one great fa»oui to ask
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 761 4 SHIPPING ITf TKB H&RBOVft. I Kisel* MwitK* i Ions Cownnndfirt \.»ns%nner.% i^txuitiim II C steamer fto»t>htt/ Stewart Aia.aJTa 11. V. brig T<iv>v\.... Bauson D. schur Polk* 165 Wyati WS. Duncan For Bale B.hrin Pantaloon 150 Konnyman Almeida N Sons Auarui B. ship Sir H Hwdt'itr I 608 McDonald Ohio London
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