The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 8 March 1847

Total Pages: 5
1 1 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 29 1 THE OVERLAND SINGAPORE FREE PRESS Monthly Summary of General and Commercial Intelligence from me StraUs, Jaea, Ma,*la, *c JVo. 16. SINGAPORE, MONDAY EVENING, Bth MARCH, 1847. Price 20 en/y.
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  • 624 1 Monday Evening, 8M March, 1847. Dining a considerable part of last month llie merry-making amongst the C hinese consequent on the advent of their new year produced much l-ustle and noise in the Streets, whilst it had the effet t of causing a comparative stagnation of business in the
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  • 102 1 Memorandum of Covers received and forwarded at the Post Office, by the Overland Steamers, during the Month of February viz Rkccived, Per steamer Merapi rVom Bitavia.. 152 Per Braganxa from < hiua.. 505 Per Lady Mtry Wood from England ti« Galle 3,024 Her Do. from other Placet.. 730 4,411 Despatched.
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  • 227 1 The Spanish brig Quid- Pro-Quo, has just made one of the speediest voyages etweeu this and Batavia on record as having been performed by a sailing vessel at this season of the year. The following are the particulars of her trip. She left this on the morning of the Bth
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  • 1122 1 A new Chart of the Straits of Singapore in two sheets has just been published, to which we would beg to call the attention of such of our nautical readers as have occasion to traverse these Straits. This Chart is from the joint Survey of Captain Congalton, of the H.
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  • 1063 1 W. J. BUTTERWORTH, Governor. Singapore, 6th February 1847. N.B.— Company European Artillery, 1 Company Golundauze, 1 Re*t. Native Infantry, 2,234 Convicti, 1 Steamer and 4 Gun- boats. Another bottle was also deposited containing a Company's Rupee, specimens of the new Copper Currency for the Straits, a shilling, sixpence, silver fourpenny,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 NOTICE. lill GEORGE CLARENCE HOUGUTOM if I ha*in? been ad mi Me I a Partner in my BmImIO, ihe same will he carried on for ihe Milure under 'tie firm ol Hunter, Uoi/ghton V Co JAS IJUNTF.R llatxvii, lit March, 1847.
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  • 1556 2 MM who has been engaged in planting operations at the Mauritius, and who, after a thorough exploration of Malacca, pronouures that the soil is of excellent quality for the culture of the cane, the worst noil in Malacca bein>r equal to the best in Singapore.
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  • 4081 2 We have been startled by an announcement, wliicli we find contained in an article in the Morning Chro?iicle, that the Netherlands, in the progress of the dis«ussicn with reference to our proceedings in Borneo we presume, boldly claim the allegiance of "nearly
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  • 495 3 TJI -MUMI tnancj papers have been received dnrin* the month Ul to the 20th ult. From thesi we learn that His Excellency Sir J. T Cocrikane, and a part of the Fleet, still remained at Fiiiang, and that hh Excellency would not take his departure for England until the
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  • 692 3 Manila journals to the 24th ult. have come to hand^ since our last. On the evening of the 17th January a destructive fire took place in Manila by which 15 houses built of stone, HO of wood with brick frames, and 382 of nipa or attap, were reduced to
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  • 13 3 0008 000'f T OttO'n OOf'Kl OOfl'PT ())<)'V!H ()fl )'Z\ )9H'U\ "•<•«§
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  • 989 3 H. N. M. Steamer Merapi, arrived liere on Friday last having left fiatavia on the 2nd instant. The news from Batavia are not of any interest every thing being apparently quiet and dull there, as in Singapore at present. We learn however that the Balinese still continue sullen and
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  • 259 3 On the 27th Jany His Highness the Sultan of Madura, Tjokro Adi JXinyrat, Commander of the Order of the Netherlands Lion died at the age of 69.— Java Courant 6th Feb. A fire took place on the 9th January in the district of Wedong, residency ot S;imarung which destroyed J7l
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  • 142 3 Manila KTarket. (From the Weekly General Price Current, Feby. 6.) Imports Cotton Goods —Tbe Marki it{|| continue dull both for plain and coloured Q* Very few Bales have been made during tbe week, aud tbe shopkeeper* complain of want of customers. Exports. Suoar. Nothing has been done in
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    • 2260 4 Singapore, Bth March, 1847. Since oor 1m( #port the only arrivals from Europe haf e been the Prussian Barque Elisabeth, and Bremen Brig Johanna Ctesar from Hamburg and the DaniiL Barque Hersmann from Flensberg. The festivities of the Chinese New Year have, at usual, interfered materially
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    • 661 4 PRICES. Stocks Sp. Dollars Anchors 7^^ Cwt. 6 7 WanTed" Bottlks ..100 3$ Supplies Cork* ..Gross T lft do. ..Cwt. 5 6 Wanted Copper Sheathing Nails ..Picul 32 Supplies fcoppßß Tokens Dollar 630 C4O Sales. Cordage, 1« 9 inch ..Cwt. 9 10 do. Canvas,
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    • 523 4 St co K| "Alum Sp Doil ALUM PiCHIX.ZO I Arrack, Balavia Per SO Gallon 11 S^ f WAx f Plcul s l 2 Bbtelnut, g 34 Sale Cloves, 8 None. 9, v ****> h 84 9 S| U'plie, China Root, 21 Jsnia Camphor, China,
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    • 170 4 rssel'x i\-i"trs i lons ivntmunders tiowMgnflß I >est mutton HC. «te,,mer Huoghly Congalton I Fr ship Avenir 304 Heiard j A. I. Johnston Co Pourhon Hamh harq ilhtlmine Mane 302 Boysen Diito I Hamburg French ship L'Aigtc 482 Cttitl I Almeida Sons j Bourbon B. srhr.
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    • 84 1 Coffee.~ Some sold during the week at 9f Rice* Iloco« and Pangatinan, procurable at about I.} t%. p. i>l. on board. Begars.— The n»xt auction expected for the end of the month. Sapamcood Abundant Exchnnrje on Englad.— Some 30 diys Bills have been sold at 4a 4J and for 6
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    • 6 1 asfasfasdfasdfasf
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    • 4 1 asdfsdafdsgdfghfdhgfhj
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    • 906 1 Arrivals. Feby 6 British steamer Brayama Muody, from Hongkong list Jany. 7 Spmiuh bi»g Q«'<* P« Q (0 C.rranci S a, Ba- tavia 27th Jany, 7 Ijillini ship Caroline Auguste, Creamer, PtaMf M Feby. 8 Bfitisli schooner L '»s»t Corint, irankljn, Clflftv 30lh Jany. 9 British barq Arnn,
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    • 63 1 On the 4ih Insiaot. at Si Andrew's Church, Singapore, by the Revd H. Moule, a. m. Captain George Tod Wright to Miss Mary Blundell, both o( Singipore On the 4th Instant, at t Andrew's Church, Singapore, by the Rev H. Moule, a m. Wm, Traill, Esq m.d of the
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    • 48 1 At Singapore, on the ***** instant, Mrs W. 11. Read of a Dauchter. At Sin^.j^oroj on the evening of the 20ih instant, Mrs W Marp.ett of a Daughter. At Singapore, on the morning or ihe 23rd instant, »he la!y of CafMtM W, C Leisk or a Son.
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    • 19 1 j At Malacca, on the 3rd February, of Apoplexy, I Lieut William Charles Law, 2isi ttegt M. N.
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