The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 19 June 1845

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7 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 17 7 The singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. «5. r*»i. 10. THUHSMKIY MOBJrMJTG, 19th jrUJTE, 1845. jno. ccccrvm
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    • 2050 8 Butaviu, i\6t A/ ay, 15 45. I btive read wiih chagrin and as'onishnient ycur Bfitoris in your No. of the B.h of this mcnih coi.ce.ninu my proceeding against the Java Hank esuM.>bed here ;-wi«|, chagrin, because knowing m e you aMn
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    • 719 8 TH E FREE PRESS. ttngapor*, Thursday, 12'» June, 1845. Batavia —by the arrivals of the Bri* Ameliu, fn rn Batavja, we liave reeeiv t fi Java Cuuratits ftoui (he 14th M,ty 0 7 t I" i»;e. from winch we give the foiUwwg l>ier nppvn£ Lrsf viz J »j U— Bxitiib
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    • 92 8 Malacca— We lea,,, IVom Malacca that -re s considerable d, s ,urb a nce ,re? ai ,t lile i^ut^ri"!;,/' is C' d to f'o™ Mle iajti^SX' ana'lri.h^he'assi^ a»ce ol ier alll chmcHe inhabitant, of Ma acC4 -ho w, B t0 e,tal,| is a o o nopo 'J%™ aue-n^n^ l0 5C
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    • 1335 10 In this Fojt there are no Duties on Imports and Exports and Vessels of every Nation are free of all charges Afcoimu are kept in St»ni<li Dollar, divided Uito Onts. The tuttal credit on sales is as follows Ei/Kofic Gooua S Months. Indian and Chika Do. a Months. Opium, 2
      1,335 words
    • 343 10 Ar* Th RFRR WIIV ES SPIRITS. d»u""|": B «"»-P«'«'.er supptie., ,l, e B ,ock i, now rather b,., y llld Alum Selling in .mail lol« at *!.5O «n Per n C I Cui»(!,_l n f 1 ,i r e nand <!9 0 91p erpc p .c.«p
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    • 35 10 (From the China Mail, Mav 22 C«t> ti IMPORTS. nivkt "Th«. d^ nceBhaveco "'i»»ed upon a fair scale, .specially of Tin™ciz:r±z l ™xttsii < atio s My is d the remainder.
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    • 646 11 Island of ongkong. fr»m tk* Frtemd Ckmm. May \b.) When Hon«k<»n« was ceded to Her Majesty mott f tb« British n»ercliauts resident io China were 10--.ijcfd t° *>«ild homes and stares oa the uland in the ,«ioe«ble expectation that a Urge Junk trsde would mm rdiately spring up. similar
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    • 162 11 Iri'iu the l-'rie.ud <>/ i'ftina, \lay \7.) Tin* transport Oiestet vailed for Madras on Sun\\,w pMM with the detachment of the 2nd M. N.I. r<ui«i*tiiig ot' I) European etficers, and 3S men of ■II ranks, exclusive of to.limwrs, under the com tiinrwi of Major Apt'uiop K. P. A
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    • 288 11 Arrangements have been nude for building an Ice house and for obtaining a supply of Ice from the United States anil no doubt the community will consider themselves indebted to the Gmtleuien who have been at a goo<l deal of trouble in tbe matter. As a comff rt— or
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    • 171 11 Yesterday forenoon, s boat belonging; to tbe John Bnrry, Messrs Dent Co.'* receiving ship, was iiliet by a sudden squall aud the thief officer, a inomUing young man, whs unfortunately drowned. From being balloted with iron the boat hlled and went down immediately. Besides the
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    • 720 11 fh. kit* Aiail.M.y 15 Thr tarri^u cum>uwiuty mil be graiitird U learn that Kryiu£ La* icceiwed a acal in the Cabinet M Aaaiatant M» >, r nit uouuur which hia predeceator Ke«hen Uki. When it is remembered that Keying waa taat N> r degraded from Uolvi'-jg bit office*, and
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    • 647 11 We have been favored wit:» the perusal of several letters from Shanghai per Alligator and Flora, which last brings dates to the 27th April. The stock of of good* on band is still large though a few sales continue to be made. Prices have not declined so much might
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    • 677 11 On the morning of Wednesday last, the 7th I aslant, tbii Uland «ii viaited by one of tbose tbuader storm t •tteuded by beaty rain, not unutudl at this period of the year but according to Cbiueaa report it exceeded in violeuce any atom during the
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    • 365 11 The State of Punjaub. (From the Gemtteman'a Gazette, May 5.J The prefect state of the Punjab is one of a most extraordinary nature. The KhaUsa troops have caugLt iu their clutches the Queen. mother and her brother, and Goolaub Singh, They are dete. mined to have money from her
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    • 260 11 CALCATTA. Re-marriage of Widows among Hindoos. Tbe Bengal British ladia Society has also we perceive taken up tbe subject of tbe remarriage of wiUuws, and a paper, drawn up oa this, subject and iigued by several Puudiis has been ordered to be printed as embodying, we suppose, tbe views ot
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    • 865 11 &We beliete that tuere is uotbtug in the admiaistra* tion of justice id this country wtiicki in productive of more serious evils than the uutlue detention of witoeiwi at the Court* of Magistrate. We know of eases where persons have preferred to sutler m aliened
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    • 318 11 The Britomart's Sugar. From the Soutn Australian Regixter, March 5 The Britomart takes the great bulk of her cargo of sugar on to Sydney, notwithstanding the extraordinary price £U> to £bi) per ton— at which it is now selling in Adelaide The circumstances under which this takes place
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    • 1469 11 (From the South Australian Register, March i.j Three men have arrived in the Britomart, who b*ve performed a long aad iuvolumary voyage. Their adventures have all the interest attaching itself to perils, and dangen of the »ea, and include, besides, an account of recent Admiralty
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    • 343 12 The German Church. From the United ittrvict (lnztltr t March 22. The schism which has lately broken out amongst "0»e Roman Catholics ot Prussia, and which bas spread into Saxony and the south of Germany, occupies the German journals. Tire frw«M m Government continue* perfectly passive, and taken no
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    • 1606 12 {Fnm the Atlat for laMi, April 3.) A straii^f letter has appeared in an even tag piper 1 from the Duke of Newc*stle. Its avowed purpose is i to explain the circumstances of his Grace'* purchase j Iroin the Crown, which Mr Williams
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    • 1142 12 MR CAUDL.K HAS LKNT AN ACQUAINTANCE TUB UMH.V U.MBKKI.LA. MKSCAUjLt LhCIUKKS TUMRKUN. Bah! Thai'* the thud umbrella gone since Christmas. hut were you to do Why let him 30 home ia (4m rain, to be Hunt. I'm very certain there was ■luium* nbout hiit. tb»t could
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    • 493 12 (Before Sir C. F. Williams,) Sir C. F. Williams, In the case now before me, I am asked to withhold the bankrupt's certificate' Where does that draft come from it cuts completely through me. The certificate, it is true, may be asked for, because thU court is
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    • 1090 12 Country Lifk. bee the hulf-frd chil.l of the «i| derness and bleak moor, mid mark well hit contr»r* That child will make bis menl of n r«w turnip 0I a( blackberries, and laugh aud work *s they iig rBt a^ tu-cjuie good blood. No food is lost to him
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