The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 26 December 1844

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1 2 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. f Vo. sg. V\>l. 9. THVHHn.Ijr MORjriJTG, 36th DECEMBER, 1844. J*V> CCCCLXXXIV
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 949 1 fl^HB FOLLowiNo Notification is published J. FOR GENtfUL IMFOaMATIOM GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. With reference to the Resolution of the Hon'ble the President in Council dated the 26th April 1843, an 1 the instruction* received from the Right Hon'ble the Governor Gfcrwral of India in" oiintil under date the 30th October 1844,
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    • 1602 1 FOR UVREPOOL. '^k^ mH E (red letter) Ship LADY EAST, 648 Tons Uegister, Capgjptjyift tair > Ooldsuitu, has the chief portion of her Cargo engaged, and will hafe despatch. For Freight or Passage, apply to SVME&CO. Singapore, 16/ A AW. 1844. FOR LIVERPOOL. <-l rpHE Bri hh Barque MALCOLM, JHkgX
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    • 586 1 RECEIVED A M AT F. MARTIN'S. N assoiiment of the loJlowinl UQODS, H adapted for Lad, is Xi D 0 lUvrsb D HE t es, Childeeh's Froces, Boy. Tunics and rM tlimw', FaocKand dLsb Coats (-Astrakak Cloth, t Angola ditto. austaaltan ditto Aiiorted Ohlbans ditto I U«eful J f A
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    • 447 2 TO THE EDITOR OF THE SINGAPORE FIUE PRESS. My Dear Mr Editor, It is singular that among your many Correspondents no one has brought pro- uniiently umiei discussion a measure which I believe wouiii be a radical care for hair the local grievances complained of through the medium of jour
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    • 352 2 I TO TIJE EDITOR Of THE tINGAPORK FREE P M ilhin L a yer X »hort interval two Hurimr robberies have been commmed one ol ifa. v important r*m of ,he Town-the Comm, a TT l he ne f ok nlace a few >— and the oiher between the evening
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    • 525 2 TO THE EDITOR OF TOE SINGAPORE FULE f lU.W Sir, The annual Examination of the Institute Schools took place on Friday last,, egreeably (o ir,« nonce previously given w, your two preceding i\\ but notwithstanding the invitation backed by ¥WU *J own judicious remarks, I regret to say that lUlfuneral
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    • 406 2 TO THE EDITOR Of IH li >l\ii A p,»Kt t flfct. On me when Duncks a-e satiric, I take it fur a Panejyrie H'lted by Fools, ami Fojls to liiti, Be that my uiotto and my Fj/e S*S In emerins the aren I of polemical di«cus«jon, wi»h such a doughty
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 925 2 FOR 8/I.r. TWO L»w-noor kori»on at Su^ar Mills cjlmdeis of tko one IS by 25 inches, of iht o her 15 by to inches, with wa-er wheel, tenue sha t,-«n<i arm ras#s, apuli able to enher, o> oth of >he Mills A Low- moor Steam Envine, hnh pressure— B boise
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    • 871 2 TOR BAX.S At the Godowns ef the Undersized Ancliors and Grapnels, of sties. Cham Cables, t{ inch. Europe Canvas, bleached and brown. riumtn— mi, white, veilow, blue and green, SmiVs Deck and Scuttle Lights of s»*e», uS'sSTKH. 0 11 1 :rlst» and Cape Salt Beef. Arrjck, (Uatavia) in wood. Sherry,
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    • 623 2 Curtains Mass's n ImilUm, Brandy uilto Superior Sherry, Pom, F.wrorw Car***, kt, Singapore, md 1844 PATENT IMPROVEMENTS XN CHRONOMETERS, WATCftES tiWD CLOCKS. <*• J. L>i&{\ T, »V csn«i*rt <*~ 33 Lock>.|»ur Mreets I w<« London, Watch a».ci Llixk aker,6y appointment to iht Quren and Hi* Haunt Hi^hneu Prince Albert, '•♦sis
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    • 102 3 (PrtH the Bombmy ouritr, Nov. S\) Our reader* will be gratirieu to leiru that autben* tie iotclliteiice bat readied bumbuy from Persia, rrtpertiug tiie adveuiuroua Doctor. Tlie tyrant ol Bokhara had permitted him to leare, and be was, wbeo trie'Ei^uiDaluQU Jell lue PeibiaD bult. safe in Persia. We
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    • 178 3 Piom the Lourter, Nov. 19.) We utidKrttqnrf that Mr John Liwleit, an Uncoveuanted Assistant in the custom house, is to get half the nine, .S.OOO R« of a quantify of Wool, lately seised by hi« means *»n board a ship in the harbour, it tinting brrn mnpripcrlr
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    • 148 3 (From the OnAMl'i Gazette, Nov. 10./ Rumour asserts that there have been condition* grst.u-d to tie hiefs of Bathurghur, which may hereaftf embnras* the proceedings of Government, and that some duubt is entertained of their being complied with, on the gninnd of the Officer, who sanctioned them, not hiving
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  • 1159 3 F,nm thr FngUshmuu, November 21 W e have hepn informed that Colonel Uuuam his own supirs^Hpd in his new mission t>y Colon* I )van? «f "h" Ronnbiy establishment, formerly lletident at Sa't.uah snri »n Ip;,m thi* «'ep has I'pti occasioned by Colonel Outran)'* having resulted o Idiot* itif a
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    • 153 3 (From the Spectator, November 16.^ An accident occurred to a party lunding in a Ma aoolah boat on Thursday, but happily without any f«t.i result. There was a confuiied sun, which stmck |b« boat on her quarter— the cargo of timber, shifted, an<i she was fairly capsized. There
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    • 353 3 Matters are tml uu.-etucU io Mm Kolapore e«nntry L- tters of tbe 4th, fiom General DcUmoile's Camp •tated, that the ganison of Bmhuighur bad sent word they would give it U|>, jirovidfd tln-y were allowed tilt tbe morning of the Mb, to go to Kolapore for the purpose
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  • 675 3 (From the Ceylon Herald, November I.J From Bombiy papers we learu that disturbances of an alarming nature have taken place in tbe Southern Mahratta Country. The Uouubay Government Las taken prompt measures to repress them, we derive the following from the T>mes ot tbe 12th ultimo. "That something ut
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    • 568 3 Tbe following letters have been received by the last advices from tbe Cape Ichsboe, 23rd May,— Thif island is 2* mile* in «mtcu inference. The harbour is not safe, for if a strong north wind were to blow, vessels would be compelled to put to sea. We arrived from
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    • 2714 3 THE QUEEN IN SCOTLAND. Her Majesty, her Uoyal Contort, the Princess R >yal suite leli Woolwich in the V tcl&ria and Albert yacht, on ihe 9ih of September, and returned < n i he 3rd lost. 1h j passage to Dundee was a rein nk i lily prosperous
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  • 47 4 The line* of**Malacci Straits' do not suil. We subjoin the last four as a specimen: If worthy of your columns will tbeie lines appear, A>niut them Mr Editor in a comer there, While duly appreciated will your fat or be By a lover of Cbmtianity."
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  • 3618 4 THE FREE PRESS. Singapore, Thursday, 26 th December 1844. We have to apologise to our readers for our paver making its appearance nearly two days behind its usual time. It is caused by the intervention of Christmas-day so near our lime of publication, and as Pimteis, albeit commonly called devils,
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    • 1620 1 1 subjoin a statement of the value of the imports and e i poiis into and from Singapore alone, during the past 1 v years. This will show the eitent and nature of the tiadr, wbicb, from Mr Pbipp's Prsctic*! Tieatise en the China and Eastern Trade," published in Calcutta
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    • 1198 1 (From the Friend of China. D cembtr 4} To oar latt paper we announced the arrival of Monsieur L'jrrene (he French Minister Plenipotentiary with his Lady and suite. We understand that this visit hat been marked by the most kindly interchange of feeling, and tbtt nothing c 'Uld surpass
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    • 880 1 setter, we received tbe following documents in j the Percae and Eagli»h languages, which to those iaterte»ia the trade of China are of great impor- tauce. i read io these enactment* of the Macao j Senate fate of their beautiful town. Io the vain I hope oHsing a «mall
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    • 380 1 (From the Friend of hina, December \l.) We are informed, by a Gentleman who recently re- I turned from the abo^e port, thit some disagreements j have taken place betweeu H. M. Consul and »He lorM j Authorities, in cons* queoce of which Mr Lay Ind found it necessary
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    • 380 1 From the I'niu.ig Uuzttie, Deer 7 The petty war between Delli an I Sirda cominues wiihoul a »y apparent advantage on either ttde, alibtugU tht iorces of the forn»er are sUteU io be J more n«m tous than tbose of the latter bnt t)iere|i» every likelihood of a Ipttdf
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    • 367 1 9flaj?r Broadfort vs. Mr JOela Condamine. (Font the At ml mam Chro.iicle, Novr, 13.) We ue«r mat the Plot has at lust brought thn decision of <i )verum. i»t upon the charges picleircd by Maj >r Broadf iot ugainst bis Senior A**ist>tnt r Mr Dels CoiicJ inriim*. Tint g-utleuan,
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    • 681 1 Commercial Relations between the King of Bur mah and Maulmain Government. We inserted in our No. 16 o; Urn SJrd u'timj the proceeding* of cue Public Meeting held iv c <nstquence of the Local Government giving infjruia i m that the King of Burmah w- s about to make w;tr
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      • 1270 2 v- thfe F« t there are no Duties on Imports an Exports and Vessels of every Nation are free of all charges. ArcomiM .re kepfin SpwWi Doltor. dmded into Ce.i^JH* us«l credit od »*le» is o :-Eimop« Goods^ 8 Months. I«i>ian and Cam a Do. 1 Months. Opium, 2 Months.
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      • 493 2 EUROPE GOODS. The Market continues unusually dull, even for the season of the v^r TS-SfftuwiiStF' B eneral| y ha be n done <»»»«* the week. GOODj»_aie exceedingly dull and price* generally have a fen dency downwards the only sales reported are about 1«» cow, SaragsK «5.
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      • 454 2 F'om a Liverpool f'nee Cimrnt Sth Obtober Sugar.— The trairaciion* ilmlgi ||n Mmtik are upwards of H,nno bag* of Bengal at an advance of „i> Hie lower, m d 2s on the liner qualities fine white having leaKsed 69s to 7us 4,mnt Maiu-bhis have also been Uken
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      • 31 2 To Et'ROPfc (not north of Great Hrituin)2\ y cent Do. (north at Do 3 Amf.bica and N >. Walfi 2J Cape of O Hope St. Helena.... 2 Calcutta U
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      • 40 2 'rora England, sth October via Calcutta. Rom Bomhav, l!Uh November via Calcutta. r rora Calcutta, 4th December p«r Rob Roy. >oui China, 15th December per Arduaeer. Vom Manila, lit December per Charlotte, 'torn Batavia, 18th December per Britomart.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 367 2 &UXPTTMQ IK THEHAJipotf*. JJ« S. Hoi/aiut Parkir^oiT, Eiq .7.777. M.cuiter Prince George Aird, E*q Sourabay* H. N. W Frigait Bt/wi Jolly, Esq s J^raer Flrr/orM 378 Hanks Martin, Dyce h Co Salt or Charier lh 'P Eue/e» 275 Walker Do larnbro' schr. 78 Almeida Belm, Meyer Co Jj'-em. »Jiip Wmkmgttm
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      • 436 2 ARRIVALS. Date Flag Vessel** Names. Captain From Date Q -—A De art. Dec 18 British ship E :rl of Clare Assar China TBlh~inBtT ff 18 H.NM friaate Boreas Jolly Rbio 18 British slip Dutius Ui.derhill Hontjkong j JOtbfost. 2l> British brig Jivia Akim Saw Piitang j1 tht in 1 20
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