The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 12 January 1837

Total Pages: 5
1 1 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. 4 <9» Mon.wa 12 jr^.vr^i. i S3y V -s»'
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  • 1599 1 (/-Vo/n int journal Atiaf $ic!e(> rfn Sept. idW.) y J pratMM by Dr. ARD from Penan and Queda.] iJt? tllC Mrlll > r I»«ninsulv terminitei in the China 7>^' J p ci atOa?u of laMd t:ilLa hfthen«tifei nolMPuuit, somewhere «bout 104 E. lonritude, for is not very corvertly
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  • 211 1 (From the Pinanrj Gazette^ 24/4 Dec.) By liis Maje., r c o BqMjk which returned yesterday from a cruize down the oli tmm stimd that a prahu hmehamf t which sailed from Malacca for Belengore on the 2nd ultimo with cargo of merelumdiea valued at about A'* 1 dollars
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  • 2427 1 ,i v do mini. Kho Coin Jam an.t another Venmt Lim Tow Lim and two others. This hi an action of sssmnpsit founded on an alleged breach of warranty and the Plaintst* seek to recover back the petrehase money paid by them to the Defendants for 158
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 656 1 to li;t. rjIIIAT commodious l)\v«l!iu^ Iloime f i lal Ihn pom ro) Hi Ji-otreet, jH rt«e Court lliiusH— th" Hall' i and all the Upperi 1 A I SO, TOE PREMISI 5, Nov. 7 n ,,,l o, Coinmerci .1 $H v «>»:•)' ''c entered ou immediately. 1 r jiurtieulars, apply
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  • 699 2 The Allowing account of tlie passage of the II uttr H'/.'fA from Singapore, luis been sent to us by a [«i%su)jtr on vessel: 44 Mater Wktki Eiohrn Channel, 2d Dec. We Icti Singapore t»u llie 7t!i ultimo, and have had a very unfortunate pa^s;u;o. In the
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    • 1134 2 West Coast of Sumatra, Muy, 1836.. TO TUT. I DITOHOK TJIK SLtfO.vrOßj: FIUiE HMM, Sir t The Pedestal upon which the proud column of Britain* greatness stands is her unrivalled comI'itn c—here her ships are not only found mi tv«M sea, U.I iv t\ t v harbour, haven or creek
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    • 952 2 Tt> THE IMtTOaOI THE SIX. APOUX fc'lUC I»UL3S JvV. Kditur, Visiting lately rite Wool Toasfof Sunudra, I there heard from the Natives nool deal about the numerical strength of the fone which the Dutch luive now collected there with the view of ovotwJmMmj ri»e peojjJe of MmmmkiUw mlvi however Were
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  • 14 2 On Thursday tlie otli lust, the Reverend Edwin SnrftVfcMft, of the A.uericun Mission.
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  • 519 2 THE FREE PRESS. Singapore, Thursday, January 12th 1837. By the Btrque Guillardon, which came in On the evening of the lOtli inst. from Calcutta the 4 2CJtU Doer, our usual Bengal tiles to 20th of that month have been received, containing Europe ikows up to 30th August last, from wiiivh
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  • 55 2 Among: Oie e\tiac(s in tliis numlier Oiir readers will find an account of a dreadful gale NvliicU the WcUer Witch, encoiintered on her voyage from this to Calcutta. She arrived in that port on the 4th, as also the Cowayee Family* and Corscur, the foniier on tlus 1 1th tiie
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  • 291 2 Our receipt cf Penang liles during the week include, since our last, a Gazette of* the 2<4th ult. from wliielf extracts will be found in a preceding eolunyv among which the Judgement of Sir William Noiuu» in the cause of Kho Chm Jan v. Lim Tow Liai will be found
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  • 23 2 We are indebted to the kindness of a friend for the Statements of Export! at Manila, which we give in our present number.
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  • 195 2 We the attention of our local readers to the following order of the Governor General in Council legalising the importation of Foreign Sugar $c, at this Settlement, extracted from the Calcutta Government Gazette of 3rd December lust vft No. 26. FORT WILLIAM, GENERAL DEPARTMENT. The 3Qlh November, 18:J6. The Right
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  • 122 2 Tlic following notiiLiMticm confirming M Boviiaii in permanent charge of the Government oftlie Sinits Settlements ftppean iv t!u* Cover nine )U Gazelle of 3J ult. viz. No. ?4. 7%*90H November 13.^0. Mr. K. Murdtiaon, Govefaorof Prince of Wales Is! i;»cl, Sin^apw« aod Malacca reported l»is dej).nture from Princfe of W^les
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  • 32 2 Sir El J. Gam bier our late Re-order \v;i*, I we perceive, sworn in us Pui-n- J-adge of the Supreme Court at Madras <m t!ic -}'M.U Movr. List uudec the usual salute.
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  • 1002 2 TTie writer of tlui coonmntaitibti signed A Sv#ffßMßß, which wt? publish in the present number, nod which has reached us after m* \o\\Z a journey, and by such a circuitous route, would; not of coarse have deplored the existence o/' piracy in thcxse seas, nor so warmly deprecated the inactivity
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  • 1264 3 W€ are bappy J» M* to trace some *>:m; loirs M revival in the trade carried on 1 om tins port in SmmpUm-pmJkdU with tlie native port! ot. Lite Eml CoLel of the Ponin■ala. This valnabte brandi of our trade I \-(J uitliiu Urn Utt
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  • 657 3 Exi'ouis at M\MLy/h»//» ltm to 1830 imlmim Exported from Mrnil'i /horn \st January 1333 tj \st January 1834< Sugar, to Europe *29,()C4 Chile S.SM) Bombay 10,000 U. Slates -29,150 70,464 pis. Hemp, to Kurope 1 ,900 L\ States 35,916 37,816 pis. Coffee, to Enro|>e 900 U. Suites 3,432 4,332 pis.
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  • 171 3 Somewhat in- Akrear.— The following para graph in a Uhode Island Taper, the Providence American, recalls to our recollection the UliiMM of newspapers thirty or forty years a ;o. (TUe !<.r. Debates in Parliament on Vriday ni^Us WtTt; to:il monly postponed in part till Monday, anil tho news given
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  • 231 3 A venerable parish clerk in the country wai «>o overjoyed at the return of his Bishop safe, from Londdn, that he determined he would compos a hymn expressly for the occasion, to be sung mi th« Sunday. The time arrived tor the hymn to be given out, and,
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  • 467 3 ft. brig Napohm, fh>/n l*cnang 850 pis. pp >- per, 200 pis. ebony, 100 ps. jaconets, 35 pis. lin, 15 pis. beeswax. jMutaccit—42 pis. tin, 1 ,000 iiyio. cocoanuts, 10 pis. coarse sugar. B. brig J-Y//, from Penung 50 pis. sugar, 20 pis. saltrish, 400 pis. tin, 2 pis.
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  • 377 3 B. ship Sir Charles 'Malcolm, for China 173 pis. 99 ctvs. tin. Ji. brig Supoleon, for Malacca— 60 pis. oil, 10 cks. beer, lot> gait, and 25 doz. brandy, 5 pis. su sr-:r candor, 1 cask coal tar, 30 doz. sherry, 4 cks. Lisbon wine, 3a coys. Pegu* rice.
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  • Singapore Free Press Price Current.
    • 1373 4 No Duties on Imports Exports and no Port Charges on Vessels. The Cv~r*mrrr in «rA«>A rnnit-iirinl tranxactions ere calculated, ix the Spanish Dollar divided info Cruts. The common weight is the Picvl, tf \X\\ Ibm. aroirdvpoise, divided info 100 Catties. Salt end Rice, are comniwh/ tvtd t>tf the hufftm, of
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    • 972 4 As all sales can now be effected for payment in Cash, our quotations in the Price Current are made on this principle. lie. turns for consignments can generally be made in Bills, Specie or Gold Dust, when Produce is not preferred. EUROPE GOODS. BEER, WINES SPIRITS.
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    • 88 4 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. Tm Antimony Ore i?-2. o.s. per 20 cwt Sugar in hags, £4. do. Do. baskets It casks £1. |.v. do !JW«« £3 £5. lti.s. do. •nriibior in bulk, n t\n 1 Do in basket j l 0» NomiiwU. S offe6 JC-i- 10v. «.f,. per IHout. i^Pper
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    • 63 4 hi London, Nary Treasury Bills, to a 30 days Sieht 4s. </. Xi lie Private, G Months sight per Dollar. On Calcium, (,o\t. CO days' St 2l9CoyY 1^ per 100 Sj>. i)is. None. Private, "0 days' st. 2*id JfcO Coy's. per 100 £:>. Dra. On Dombay, 30 day's iigUt
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    • 288 4 (F.ry-n f*e Bwya! JTcnkaru trice Crrrett, Deer. 17, 183^ BLO X TIN.— We hive hoard of no 5-ile, nor any chanire iv i prices since our last. 34. 12 a 3<>. 12 (;t. rs. per f. m. The stock is very small, nad the Metal in demand. MACK
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 380 4 VESSELS EXPECTED FROM LIVERPOOL. Brit'oh •brijr lxalella 183 Tons, Lowden, Beta lis and FBaaapoie. br.g Derutnt 220 Batavia aad Singapore ARRIVALS, JANUARY. 4th D. ship Fattal Ruchmnn, Sheik Obit, Indramayo c^. 2"/th Novr. 4th Am. beia Lucille/, W. Silver, Paamng 12th Novr. and Pepper Porta— loth B. bri^ Napoleon, A.
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    • 101 4 rmSBOA OP INSURANCE ON GOODS. To F trope (not north of Greet ■Britain) 3 per cent Do. (north of Do. 3| Americas and N. South Walks ;t Cave or Good Hope and St. Hblkm Si a nam; m a rc t r a 2 Madka?, a Bombay, 2 IPabsiab Gllpii,
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    • 173 1 {From the Culcutta Englishman Extra. December, Ith 1836.^ One of our kind commercial friends has put us in possession of English papeis to the 22d August, re- md, in advance of the dak, per Antonio Ptreira. The intelligence is important, and we hasten to lay n bel'ort
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    • 190 1 (From the Times, August 22.) We have received the Paris papers of Friday, and account* from Bayofine of the date of the ltith inst. The latter uttiie the arrival of Colonel Kvana at Bayonne, and describe the British force, which he left in a» being in the most
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    • 89 1 (From the Atlas, 4%«fl \i.) V>'e stated last wmk that meetings had been convened in the three IndUn presidencies, for the purpose of considering the mut ette«-tu>«l uieau-. of promoting Itcam navigation betwet'ii India anil Lnglund j and we are now enable to au i that petitions to
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    • 50 1 (firm the Atlas, August 14.) is th«t a Fit-nch army "under General Bngea:»d v. ,il cros^ the I'vi euees, anJ with the co-opera-fSm of the nojtl.tin poweri it must be intended, IherefiNW, to act rather against the juntas and the re-I>al>lii-au «MufesU.iiv>:i thau ajjiinst the Carliats.
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    • 690 1 (From the A/tvs, Augunt We regret to iiml that the reports of the mutiny in BdlMl legion >\:v continued; yet we are hound to say there was uhuudant provocation to j u 1 r t"y the conduct of the men. It appears that, ou the
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    • 815 1 1 My Lord* and Gentlemen, The stat«* of the public business enables me at length to relieve you from farther attendance in Parliaiuent; and in terminating your labours, I have again to acknowledge the zeal with which you have applied yourselves to the public business, and the
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    • 741 1 (F.o.h the At/ is, Augmt 11) In addition to the debates in the two houses on this subject, we may stale that ;»fter the formal conference, v free conference vv.i> held, at hal'-pa-t eight on Thursday night, hi the litfgest of the lyjrd-. torn mittee -rooms. The rapid
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    • 446 1 (From Princes Price Current, August It.) East India Sugaii.- -Benijai Skaaf duriag the hsf few days Ims been in belter demand for the scale, and x slight improvement in price has taken place, but the transact io is repotted a.c only tririin^ tlie shippers are still oat
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    • 534 1 p London, Attgitst 30. Si gar. The limited transactions in Bengal have been con tined to small pa rtels of ord. white, taken by the grocers, for which importers have barely succeeded in obtaining former rates; Manila and Siam still dull of sale, the former, is freely offered at 3ls.
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    • 700 1 (From the Globe, August 13,) The following statement may be confidently reli^iupon as containing the most import* if items ia the last will and testament o*"th.e late iV. Iff. It jcusciiild a document which, fro.n many om nai tg cirousn9tanoes, will be looked to
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