Singapore Daily Times, 28 May 1881

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Daily Times
  • 13 1 The Singapore Daily Times. VOL. XXII. SINGAPORE, SATURLVY. 28th MAY, 1881. No. 14,400
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  • Steam Ship Companies.
    • 182 1 o<ncA-Collj« Qw. Godowab— New Harbour. T ."y •WJLV&Z J OVTmitD isth r*b. riMw ua B T rth T iprt I#ai April ,25 .J rtmvtso ,!S *a j-. tes j«~Srd IMb h *>• SS A. Si S A* 2 B**t- ns <*• *s r A
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    • 286 1 WSiaa a The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageriet Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the current year:— Ovtwamb. Ho»wa*d. 1*1 1*1 Mood*; 7 March 8«d»y jo Vbmary *1 So «March 1 4 April do 17 oo S April
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    • 150 1 Agamemnon. Patroclus. Ajax. Ahtenor. Achilles. Deucalion. Diomid. Glauctfs. Nestor. Ahcbibks. P*um. Orestes. Sarpidok. Stehtor. Hector. Trucrr. Menelacs. Lantes. Ct clops. Telrmachus. Bellrropboh. Jason. Ultbsbs. The Coy’. Steamer. Are despatched from Liveroool outward, for Straits and China, and from Shanghai homewards for London every ten days, and have
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    • 1504 1 (Under Contract, with the Netherlands Indian and South Australian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. 0. The following are the dates on which the Company’s Steamers running in oolneotion with the mail steamers of the P. A O. Company, may be
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  • Insurance.
    • 57 1 Established 1710. Insurances effected upon almost ever description of property at the ourrei Rates of Premium. Total Sum insured in 1879. £262,492,46 Claims arranged by the Local Agents and paid with promptitude and liberality Tbe jurisdiction of Local Tribunals re cognised. mgapore A^®*g TI!9 DYO j;
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    • 129 1 London Edinburgh. (.Established 1809. J (Inoohboravrd bt Rotal Chart fa. i pi Fa! DEPARTMENT. TOSS Five Re erve ,/ji. 31st Dec., fUO... £841,580 Fire Premium Reeerve 300,890 Total Fire Reserves ~1,*****0 Tncomtegf the .‘'ire Depart Ant, BietPreminms and Interest... 974.121 The
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    • 44 1 wad rail i. London Onniob, 2 old Broad Strebt. Thb undersigned have been appointed Agente for tbe above Company, and are prepared to take riske upon oargo on tbe oustomary terms. HAMILfON. GRAY A 00. Singapore, 15th Jnly, 1872. (n-
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    • 38 1 COLONIAL SEA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, BATAVIA. Thb undersigned have been appointed Agente for the above Company and are prepared to accept Fire Insurance risks at tbe current rates of premium. MAACK A Co. Singapore, 17th Jan., 1881. (n.
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    • 71 1 Capital 10,000,000 Francs. Thb undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon oargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 83* o/o discount allowed on all risks for ooasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks
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    • 69 1 Head Ovvice, Batavia. Thb undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing veesel on the customary terms. 33* o/o disoount allowed on all risks for coasting voyages, Mid 15 o/o on all risks to Europe
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    • 55 1 Uniniims ineunanus uu. muuau Head Officb, Honokono. The undersigned have been appointed Agente for the above Company and are prepared to issue Policies on tbe usual, terms. Last return to contributors 23* o/o The usual discounts allowed on Coasting and Home risks. GUTHRIE A OC. Singapore,
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    • 54 1 Capital, Two Millions Bt**lino. OFFICES. Qubbi Insuranob Buildings, Livirpool Quern Ibsunancb Buildings, 60 Oracr Church Btrrrt, London. Thi undersigned have been appointed Agente for the above Company and are prepared to take Fire Insurance risks at the current rates of premium. HOOGLANDT A 00. Singapore, 30th
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    • 52 1 Ebtablishid 1821 Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Total Invested Funds, upwards of 3,000,000 Annual Inoome upwards of 400,000 The undersignod hare been appointeAgents at Singapore and are prepued to issue polioies against Fire on the usual t rm PATERSON, BIMONB A 00. Singapore, Ist April,
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    • 43 1 ALLIANCE BRITISH FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital £5,000.000 Stirling Extension op Limits. One F rat class risk 9 80,000. Two adjoining do. 120,000. Three or more do. do 160,000. PATERSON SIMONS A 00. Agents. Singapore, 17th Dec., 1875. (u. o.)
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    • 31 1 Thb undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept marine aisks at current rates. PATERSON SIMONS A 00. Singapore, 18th Deo., 1878. (u. o,)
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    • 44 1 Capital 2,000,000. Funds in rrsrrvr exclusive of Capital £4,260,595. Agents at Singapore and Penang t BOUBTBAD A 00. Fire department: Limit£l2,ooo, on a first class risk. Life department: Limit £2,000 on one fife. Singapore. 4th June 1880 fu. «Q
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    • 25 1 Chirp Offices. Edinburgh, 19 George Street. London, 39 Lothburt E. 0 Agents for Singapore. BOUBTEAD A 00. Singapore, 25th November, 1879.
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    • 72 1 Capital 9 1,500.000. Paid-up 133.332. Reserve Fund,, 90,000. General Agents. Messrs. Jabdine Mathbson A Co., Hongkong. The undersigned, Agents for the Office, are authorised to insure goods by A. I. Sailing Vessels or Steamers to the extent of 9100,000 on each bottom, and on the Block
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    • 102 1 Capital 92,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund,, 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andrs, Eiq. (Mauri. Malrban, A Co.) J. P. Baron (Maun. Holliday,Wiaa A Co. A. T. Mannar, rMaaan.Doorlaa-LapralkACo. H. Nloalaa, (Bornao Company Ltd.) J. J. doa Ramadloa,
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    • 133 1 Capital £1,600,000. Paid-up and Invested 700.000. Funds in Hand 1,200,000. Directors. Richard J. Ashton, Eiq. Alfred Gongar. Eaq. Thomaa G. Barclay, William Hawthorn, Robert C. L. Beran, Oaonja Hibbert, Perciral Boaanqnet, Bamael Hyde. Jamet Brand, William ball, Chariot Care, I Charlee Marryat, Georft H.
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    • 47 1 EBTABLIBHRD 1836. Capital £1,000,000. Reserve £340,000. The undersigned has been appointed Agent st Singapore or the above Company, and is prepared to aooept risks by first Glass Steamers and Sailing vessels: H. W. GEIGER, Agent. Singapore, 14th Feby. 1878. (u. o.)
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    • 1012 1 Financial Position (1875.) Snbscibed Capital £B,OOOOOO. Accumulated Funds 1,778.,000. Annual Revenue from Fire Premiums 313,000. Life 188.000. Interest upon Invested Funds *****. The undersigned have to announce that they are the duly appointed Agents for this Company in Singapore; with authority to grant
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    • 101 1 OFFICBB OF THE COMPANY. Manchester—Exobange Street. Liverpool—2B, Bxchang Street last Birmingham—l 2, Bennett’s Hill London—lo, OornhilL Glasgow—4, South Hanover Btreet Bristol—so, Broad Street. CHAIRMAN IN MANCHBSTNE. John Todd, Eaq. (Meesn. Todd A Ooeton CHAIRMAN IN LIVIRPOOL. Ohas. Holland, Eaq. CHAIRMAN IN GLASGOW. Alix.
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    • 212 1 FIRE AND Lin. Capital ONI MILLION Strrliro. Chairman— Alixardik Roraldsor, Es* Vi* Chairman— Ja*. Nicol Fluor*, ls<j Ssorsiary—HAmrrqs, Bkitr. ».LA. OHHF OFFICES] Glasgow, I®® Wist Gsomr l Strut. Edirburoh 17 Obour Btbrrt. Loimm. l I'SsSKr Marchrstxb, 47 Bbowr Stbrrt. The undersigned haring bean appointed Agents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 74 2 Thi N. L 8. N. Co.’s steamer* leaving for Batavia on or before the 4tb proximo, will |take passengers and cargo for the shore pert* in Australia, to be transferred at Bataria to the Company’s steamer leasing that port for Australia on the
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  • 47 2 I IThi 100 Al. British steamer Clanlamonl, 1,854 tons register, 8. H. Pa'mer commander, will sail for the above port on or about the Bth June, and has splendid aooommodation for saloon passengers. For terms, apply to BOUBTEAD Co. Singapore, 27th May, 1881. u. c.
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  • 76 2 The 8. 8. Sune will leave on Friday, the 13th inatant. at noon, from the Roads, opposite Johnston’s Pier, for the above ports, and will henceforth oontinne this service. The attention of passengers and shippers is drawn
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 18 2 At Boonygrass, on the 27th inat. the wife of R. Little, m. d., Ed of a daughter.
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    • 249 2 Singapore. 28th Mat, 1881. Gambn-r 9 4 15. Black Pepper. 11.40. White Pepper, fair quality 17.75. Sago Flour. Bar 815. Pearl Sago. 3.85. Coffee, Booiayne— 13. Tapioca, ainall Hake 420. Tin 27.00. 40>. Male twist 104. S| lbs Shirtings 1.624 7 do do 1.45. f
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    • 1970 2 Prince Leopold. London, a —Prince Leopold has been ra oeerage under the title of Du Irish Has passed ini. th 42 pages of amendmet. The total Return of Visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 27th May, 1881, was 884.
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    • 784 2 The following new notifications appear in yesterday’s Gazette A proclamation by the Governor in Council dated 31st May extends the prohibition of the exportation of Arms, Ammunition, Gunpowder, Military and Naval Stores from any port or place in this Colony to Netherlands Inala for
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    • 1045 2 A general meeting of the Chamber of Commerce waa held in the Exchange Room 8 yesterday afternoon, to consider the question of the Indian Immigration into the Native States. There were present the Hon. T. Shelford, (Paterson Simons A Co.), Chairman of the Chamber, Messrs. T.
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    • 1884 3 The following' particulars regarding Cinchona cultivation in Java is translated from the Batavia Handeltblad of the 29th April. “Prom the report on the Government Cinchona culture during the flnt quarter cf 1881 by Mr. J. C. Bernelot Moons, supermtendent of that culture, appearing Cowmt of yesterday, the
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    • 1700 3 Variorum. 11. Compared with the tride of shoemaking or tailoring, the profession of journalism stands at a decided disadvantage. Those who stick to the latt or follow the goote can always work at their business unless they are actually stretched on a bed of sickness. Neither are their mills
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 723 2 #rto 2*brrttefnunt. notioi. Book*, (riving Ladie*’ and Gentlemen’* t*n<7 Bell Drea* Coetnme*, will be received in wont 10 day* time. 8ATL1 k Co. Singapore, 27th May, 1881. NOTICE. Thx undersignei hasjnst reoeired, per Glenfinlai" anew selection of Ladies’ Gold Watches with Engrared cues, by Thos. Russell A Bon also s
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    • 621 2 TO BE LET. Immediate Entry. That desirable and comfortable residence known as Rose Cottage, situated on the Mount Elizabeth Estate, and lately occupied by Mr. Lovfridoe. The house is pleasantly situated, with a good view of the surrounding country; it is 0001, and has ample accommodation for a family. Good
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    • 680 2 m VICTORIA THEATRE. Beach Road, Near the Hylams' New Temple. Immerse Success! Immense Success Come One! Come All!! THE PARSEE VICTORIA THEATRICAL COMPANY, Will perform for the second time ON MONDAY, THE 30th MAY, 1881. The Charmino Hindostani Fairv Opera of INDUR SABHA. Ever Fresh! Ever New!! DO NOT FAIL
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    • 474 2 During mj isence and until further noti .‘»c will act as Agent for th Maritime* Co. EASIER, gent M. M. Co. Singapore 11. (to 9th June.) Thi Meet islatire Council I advertized ext, will be held I on Thursda ne, at 230 p. m. if the Outi g not arrive
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  • Notices.
    • 49 3 CAPITAL. ONE MILLION STERLING HEAD OFFICE, 158, Leadenhall Street, London. The undersigned have been appointet agents for the above Company and ard prepared to take Fire risks ae nrrent rates of premium. t.. JOHNSTON A Co. Fing-tpnre, 16th March, 1881. (to 16th June.)
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    • 126 3 nun, lidugu. The steamers of this Company will be despatched from Singapore weekly foi Penang, Moulmein, Rangoon and Calcutta, calling at Malacca, every alternate week. Passengers and Cargocan be hooked through for Akyah, Chittagong, Bimlipatam, Vizagapatam, Coconada, Masnlipatam, Madras, Calient, Tellichery. The Company
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    • 67 3 Reduction in rates op Passage. The following are tbe rates of passage that will henceforth be charged from Singapore Ist class 2nd class Deck. To Malacca 6 3 1 Penang 15 7.50 3 Moulmein „49 24 50 8 Rangoon 56.50 28.25 9 Calcutta 80
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    • 137 3 In the Supreme Court or thr Straits Srttl* mints, Settlement or Singapore. In the matter of Tan Chyb Guan, of No. 75 Neil Road. Singapore, Trader, a Bankrupt. George Edward Evans, of Singapore Official Assignee, has been appointed trustee of tbe property of the bankrupt. The
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    • 58 3 Messrs Apcar A Co.’s steamer Aimtoo» Apcar, Captain McConnell, is expected here on or about the 21st instant, en route for above porta. proceeding on board, otherwise they will not be admitted on board. For freight or passage, apply to the undersigned. BARKIE6 A MOBES,- Agents.
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    • 62 3 TAKING CARGO FOR KOBE, YOKOHAMA AND NAGASAKI. Messrs Apcar A Co.’s steamer Japan, Captain Gardner, is expected here on or about the 27th instant, and will take cargo for above ports. Intending passengers mnst apply to the not be admitted on board. For freight or passage, apply to
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    • 101 3 Friday, 27th May. British steamer Ruby,” 149 tons, Beasley, Palembang 26th May, Wee Bin A Co. British steamer "Banca,” 235 tons, Woods, Chenbon, 24th May Cheng Tee A Co. British steamer Penang,” 336 tons, White, Samarang 23rd May, Tan Kim Tian. Sarawak steamer Rajah Brooke,” 254 tons, Dinsdale, Sarawak
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    • 85 3 Friday, 27th May. British steamer Venice,” Beard, for Hongkong. Saturday. 28th May. British steamer Penang,” White, for Batavia. British Ite! mm Ruby .’’Beasley, for Muntok A Palembang. British rcbooner Sen BippV Bly, (or K,ur,t,u.. British steamer Glenavon,” Taylor, for Hongkong. British barque Lord Kinnaird Black, for Cebu.
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    • 201 3 Snip’s Numb,. |u»p«.n,. J Fmb on inin,.. sr w R fes teds is as ass- gss ass: iiiSsf o—. sr kT pay tsar sssssps isss a* tsr tessr «fssga- E. g£S ik 'sss: usssSiSisSw Brfd.rikho# 587 Feb. 13 B.Uri. W« M.nki SJaSgEX™' Stotatod b sss,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 TO BE LET. With immediate bjitby. A convenient residence called Bellman House situated in Ktlleney Road, lately occupied by Mr. George Norris. The ground is well laid out and is planted with fruit trees. For further information, apply to D. J. HENDRIKS, ai Mr. E. Kobe's Office. Singapore, Ist May,
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    • 48 3 THE COVENTRY ROTARY TRICYCLE.” W e hare received five per s. s. OUnfinlat. BAYLE A Co. Singapore, 14th May, 1881. TO BE LET. UNFURNISHED. WITH IMMEDIATE IHTBT. FEHN HILL. lately in the occupation of F. Wobslbt, E,q. Apply to RODYK A DAVIDSON. Singapore, 9th May, 1881. (u. c.)
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    • 81 3 POE SALE. An English bailt M&il Phaeton comC' e by Messrs. Naught Smith of Lon- in first rate condition, and has been only two months in use. It has a pole for a pair of horses; a pole for a pair of ponies as well as shaft# for a single
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    • 278 3 NOTICE Is hereby given thst s certain power of Attorney, dated the 13th of October, 1980. and given by me. Wan Koo Keng, to Wan Jee Thoo is cancelled from and after this date. Singapore, 27 th April, 1881. NOTICE. Wasted, in a Merchant’s Office, an Assistant with a good
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  • Docks.
    • 746 4 The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, vi* Whaef.—Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water alongside for vessels of the heaviest draught, and protected
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    • 191 4 Tail Company executes ships’ repairs st all descriptions in the most efficient manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Qeaving Dock. Length—4ls feet. Depth of water from 14 feet to 15ft feel Width at Entranoe 42 feet. No. 2. Graving
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    • 254 4 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY LIMITED” INCORPORATED UNDER THE INDIAN ACT X OF 1866. In 2000 8harea of S 100 each of which 9 93,900 hare already been subscribed. BOARD CF DIRECTORS. David Beown Esq.—Chairman. T. C. Bogaabdt Esq. O. P. Tolson Esq. J. M. Vebmont J. Lamb Oh Tear
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 601 4 NOTICE. A considerable redaction has been made since tbe 15th of this month in the rates for Dock hire in the Graving Docks of tbe undermentioned Companies, in the charges for cleaning and painting Iron vessels, and for Coppering Wooden vessels. Tariff rates can be had on application at either
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    • 688 4 APOLLINARIS WATER, Th* Natural Soda Water. The qneen of table water*. British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATER. C9T Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OP WALES during the laat fire year*. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. ‘Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Midical Times and Gazette,
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    • 767 4 J. MOTION. Chronometer, Watch and Clock Maker, ahd Optician. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well selected stock of Jewellery. Watches, docks, Nautical Instruments, Ac., comprising Bracelets, lLadies’ (fold watche, Brooches, Gents’ ditto., Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets, American clocks. Ladies’ rings, Carriage clocks, Signet rings, Marble clocks, Wedding rings,
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    • 625 4 »torts ant) iflrrrftantitst. JOHN LITTLE CO. GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN 1 Importers op European, China, Japam amd Manila Goods OUTFITTERS i Chronometer, Watch, and Clock Makers; JIWBLLEBB AND GOLDBMITHB; WINE, BPIRIT AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. Outfitting Department. Gentlemen's outfiits made up on the shortest notice, fit guaranteed, and of the latest fashion. A
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    • 595 4 ROBINSON CO. Importers and General Warehousemen. Drapers, Milliners, and Outfitters. Gentlemens’ Department. Every description of Gents’ Clothing made np on the shortest notice and of the latest styles, fit guaranteed. Cloths and Tweeds, in the best qualities. Boots and Shoes of the beet London makes. Socks, the Balbriggan, Silk and
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    • 797 4 KATZ BROTHERS, GEVERAL STORE, SINGAPORE. Commercial Square, aiSBl fort. Soot lon- Habbsn nt«s4s 3SSC iTT.X S"*2SI. SSa t tits s&sa “SG-Jisrare.s as »n 4 fcL J 01 4srss.M»l- prrtsn. AIM »oa I rool. -on 4s non- order. words* I* BMisnanc Ssnes. immor m-t 4. nrMi,EM >k^ r,NK Hker Brandy. Ac..
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