Singapore Daily Times, 14 March 1881

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Daily Times
  • 12 1 The Singapore Daily Times. VOL. XXII. SINGAPORE, MONDAY. 14th MARCH, IPS! No.
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  • Steam Ship Companies.
    • 202 1 ~TK AM WA T luauwi* Owe*—Collyer Quay. Godowjii— New Harbour. Thb undemotrt are tbe da*, on thia Company’* Mail Steamer* ®»y be at Singapore during tbe l** 1 Hosiwas*. H K 4»ii w* A r rfl ■B ”7*’ *■> T tna j™. srt J
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    • 152 1 Agambmuou. Patroclcs. Ajax. An-tenor. Acn idles. Deucalion Diomid. Glauccs. NieTon. Arcs rax*. Friar. Orbstxb. Sakpsdon. Stektob. Hbctob. Tkucbr. Mxkelacs. Lantis. Ctclops Telemachus. Bellerophon. Jasor. Cltssr*. The Coy’s Steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for Straits and China, and from Shanghai homewards for London every ten days, and
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    • 77 1 (TAKING CARGO FOR) KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND NAGASAKI. Messrs Apcab A Co.’s steamer Arra foon Apeor. Captain Mactavkh, is expected here on or about 17th instant, and will take cargo for above ports. Inter dir g passengers most spply to the undersized for passage tickets before proceeding on board,
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    • 65 1 Masses Afcab 4 Co.’* steamer Japan, CatUm Gabdnbb, is expected bere on or about 21st instant, ea route for above porta. Intending passengers must apply to the undersigned for passage tickeU before proceeding on boerd, otherwise they will pot be admitted on board For freight or
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    • 130 1 Thi steamer* of this Company will be despatched from Singapore weekly f..r Penang, Moulmein, Rangoon and Calcutta. calling at Malacca, every alterna e week. Passengers and Cargo can be booked through for Akyab, Chittagong, Bimlipatam. Vi*agapatam, Coconada, Masulipatam, Madras. Calicut, Tellichery. The Company are
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    • 280 1 l's e following are the dates on which i tbe stesmers of the Meeeageries Maritime* I may be expected to arrive here during the current year:— OwwiSD. HoaawiSK. Mona»r. ,?> 7 Marcl. SsndSy I tl do sMsssk anmiss. a**? lA" 1 r 7 2» do Thursday
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    • 1352 1 The Steamers of the above Company will nowply between Singapore andBatariaevery fortnight, leering Singapore 24 hour* after the arrival of the English Mail from h< -me Head Ofuci, Fbiabs, London.* Pasbaoe Monet, First Clam. From Singapore to Batavia 46 Padang 94 Cheribon 60 Samarang
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  • Insurance.
    • 57 1 Established 1710. Insurance* effected upon almost every description of projierty at the ourren Its tea of Premium. Total Sum insured in 1879. £232,492,461 Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdiction of Local Tribunals recognised. Singapore Agents, MARTIN, DYOE A
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    • 145 1 London ahd Edinburgh. (Established 1809. (InoobfobaAd bt Royal Charter. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Subscribed Capital £2,000, W Paid-up Capital 450,00 Fire Reserve Fubd... 31st Dec., 1879... *341,580 Fire Premium Reserve 800,890 Total Fire Reserve* 1,142 470 Income of the v&d.. partment, Net Premiums
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    • 42 1 Loedoh Office, 2 old Bboad Street. The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company, and are prepared to take risks upon oargo on tbs customary terms. HAMILTON, GRAY A 00. Singapore, 15th July, 1872. u. c
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    • 118 1 Capital 1ft.000.000 %arcs. The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take riak* up«n oargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the I customary terms. 334 o/o discount allowed oa all riaks for 'coasting voyage*, and 15 o/o on all
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    • 69 1 Head Office, Batavia. The undersigned, Agent* for tbe above Company, are prepared to take riaks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on tbe cuetomary terms. 384 o/o discount allowed on all ri*ks foi coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks to Europe
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    • 87 1 Financial Positior (1875.) Subscibed Capital £3,*****0. Accumulated Funds 1,778.,000. Annual Revenue from Fire Premium* 313,000. Life 133.000. Interest upon Invested Fund* *****. Tbe undersigned have to announce that they are tip duly appointed Agents for thi* Company in Singapore; with authonty to grant'insurance*
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    • 55 1 Cafital, Two Millions Steblin OFFICES. Queer Insurance Building*, Liverpool Queen Insubano* Building*, 60 Grace Church Sirset, London. The undersigned have been appointed Agent* for tbe above Company and are prepared to take Fire Insurance ri«k* at 1 the current rate* of premium. HOOGLANDT a 00. Singapore,
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    • 41 1 Established 1821 Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 The undersigned have been appoint*. Agents at Singapore and are prepared to isane policies against Fire on the usual terms. PATERSON, SIMONS A 00. SingßPore, lat April, 1875. (*jo)
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    • 42 1 ALLIANCE BRITISH FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital £5,000.000 Sterling Extension of Limits. One F r*t class risk 80,000. Two adjoining do 120,000. Three or more do. do 160,000. PATERSON SIMONS A CO. Agents. Singapore. 17th Dee., 1875 (u. c.l
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    • 32 1 The undereigned, agents for the above j company, are prepared to accept marine aisks at current rates. PATERSON SIMONS A CO. Singapore, 18th Dec 1878. (u. n.)
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    • 44 1 Capital 2,000,000. Fund* in reserve exclusive of Capital £4,260,595. Agents at Singapore and Penang: BOUBTEAD A CO. Fire department: Limit £12,000, on first class risk. Tjiwr DEPARTMENT: Limit £2,000 on one (ife. Sieganare. 4th June 1 In. a I
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    • 25 1 Chief Offices. "dirbuboh, 19 Georoe Street. Londoh, 39 Lothbtry E. C Agents (or Singapore. BOXJRTP.AT) A 00. Singapore. 25tb November. 1879.
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    • 45 1 Established 1836. Capital £1,000,000. Rkskrvk £34o,Coft. Tiik undersigned has been appoints] Agent at Singapore or the above Company, »nd is prepared to accept risks bp first Class Steamers and Sailing vessels: H. W. GEIGER. Agent. Singapore. 14th fp 0.l
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    • 73 1 Capital 1 1,500.000, Paid-np 133.332. Reserve Fund 90,000. Gen seal Agent*. Messrs. Jardine Mathbso* A Co., Hongkong. The undersigned, Agents for the Office, are authorised to insure goods by A. I. Sailing Vessels or Steamer* to the extent of $lOO,OOO on each bottom, and on the
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    • 103 1 Oapital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400.000 Reserve Fund 664,202 General Manaoers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andre, Eaq. IKim. Malcbara, Co.I J. P. Kama* (V M n. Holliday,Wlaa A Co. T. Bum, rMMars.Donglaa,LapraikACo. W. Nloalaa, (Boimo Companr Ltd.) J. J. do* B«m*dioa,
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    • 147 1 Capital £1.600.000. Paid-up and Invested 700.000. Funds in Hand 1,200,000. Directors. Riehnrd J. Ashton, Enq. Alfrsd Oougnr, Esq. i Thomas G. Barclay, William Hawthorn, Robert C. I-. Beran, Geoura Hibbsrt, Psrelral Boaanqust, Samuel Hyde. Janies Brand, William Lyall, Charles Cars, Charles Marry*!. Geers* H.
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    • 97 1 HEAD OFFICE, LIVERPOOL. Robert Galloway, Esq., Chairman. George 0. Frames, Esq. Dsputy-Cbaifmaft. Underwriters. Herbert B. Bratne, Esq, Liverpool. Charles T. Manlrt, Esq., London. Secretaries. W. Dioby Simth, Esq TAverpool. Anthony Radcliffe. Esq.. London. OFFICE IN LIVERPOOL. 20 A 21, Exchange Buildings East. OFFICES IN
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    • 107 1 OFFICEB OF THE COMPANY. Manchester— Exchange Street. Liverpool— 2B. Exchang Street Bast Birmingham— l 2, Bennett’s Hill. London— lo, Oornhill. Glasgow— 4, South Hanover Street. Bristol—6o, Broad Street. t CHAIRMAN IN MANCHESTER. John Todd, Esq. (Messrs. Todd Cotton CHAIRMAN IN LIVERPOOL Chas. Holland,
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    • 220 1 FIRE AND LlPi Capital ONE MILLION 'Sterling. Chairman—ALEXAHDEvRoiTALZJOH.Rsq Vice Chairman—Jah. N: jol Fleming, E»c Secretary—H. Ambrose Bmith. P.I.A. CHIEF OFFICEB: Glasgow f 5O Wbst.^eorgb X .wEnfcjrr. Bdihbhbom, i..., 17 Geoboe Stbbet. London f Ning William l Street. rsKSsr Manchbster, 47 Brown Stbebt. The undersigned having
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    • 47 1 niouxvanva ocauviaiiou. It is requested that the Masters of all vessels insured in the above Association, having Sustained lost or damage, report themselves to the undersigned immediately on arrival here. CAMERON, DUNLOP A CO., AgenU Singapore, 11th July, 1878 (u.«.)
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    • 50 1 Head Office, Hongkong. The undersigned have been appointed Agents tor the above Company and are prepared to issue Policies on the usual, terms. Last return to contributors 23j o/o The usual disoounU allowed on Coasting and Home risks, GUTHRIE AOC. iBagapore. llth Nov. 1879, s. c.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 NETHERLANDS INDIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. Th* undersigned having been appointed Agents ib* Power of Attorney dated Batavia, J9th Jane. 1869.) to the above Company are auth rised to grant and bay bills on Java, diacoant acceptance*, give money in loan on aecnritiea and generally to represent the said Bank at thu
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    • 84 1 MONTROSE UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION. The Uuteri of Ship* or vessels insured in the above Association, which may arrive or pat in here having aoatained damage, are requested to report tbemaelvee to the onderaigned. CAMERON, DUNLOP A 00a Agent. Singapore, 10th Jane, 1878. (a. c.) ARBROATH COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. UNION ASSOCIATION OF UNDERWRITERS,
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    • 573 1 /,)===|`%@\&(;=:*`/_$]>`&{%&}'% NOTICE TO MARINERS ADMIRALTY CHARTS, AT iiii 1 Pirei or Eacn. Nautical Almanac* 11.25. Chart#, de (Double Sheet) 1.80, y (Single Sheet) 0.90. Sailors’ Home, Singapore, 11th Sept, 1878 MILNER'S SAFES. The undersigned hare just received a large assortment of Fin Paoor Saris and Boxes. MARTIN DYCE A 00.
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  • 46 2 The Spanish steamer Aurrera. Captain Urratia, due here on the 22nd instant, will have room for cargo for the above port, which can now he engaged. She has excellent accommodation for passengers. E. A H. HINNBKINDT, Agents, Singapore, 12th March, 188l< to 22ud inst.
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  • 44 2 PENINSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Intending passengers by this Company’s steamers «re reminded that the busy season from India is now commencing, and that early application is necessary in order to secure accommodation. H. W. GEIGER. Agent. Singapore, 26th Feb.i 1881. to 26th March.
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  • 79 2 FOR MALACCA, PENANG. MOULMEIN, RANGOON CALCUTTA. Thi B. L 8. N. Co.’s steamer Pemba, j 1,536 tons, will leave the roads for above I porta, at 2p. m. on Thursday, the 17th March. She will also take passengers and Cargo for Basaein, Akyab, Chit- tagong, Cuttack. Gunjam, Bimhpatam, Vixagapatam. Coconada,
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    • 2406 2 Singapore. 14th March. 1881 Gambier 4 Slack Pepper.... T 1 White Pepper, fair quality 17 46. 5 Sago Flour, Bruui *35 > Pearl Sag- Coffee. Bootpyne r Tapioca, small Flako *7O. Tin ‘f™ r tOs. Mule twist |0« 8* lbs Bhirtiogs I 7 do do ‘Hi e
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    • 412 2 The following Calcutta telegram i» a ken from the Rangoon Timet, and jives fuller details than any hitherto published of the last disaster in Natal, in which Sir George Colley lost his life, being shot through the head, rhese details make the disaster even more serious than
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    • 438 2 We take the following paragraph I from the Penang Gazette of the 7t i March ProUetor o/ I«n.ig™.Mr^”',' w ”,d that Bi. EICoIIOBOJ, Sir Frrd ho. .enroll, boon .d.i.ed «nd It pnrpone. .pointing an officer*' i unacquainted with any of th e ln guigee to act as Protector
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    • 2468 3 Minutes of*proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners, on Thursday, the 24th February confirmed at meeting on Thursday, the 10th March, 1881. Commissioners Present. Major S. Dunlop, b. a., President. Captain H. E. McCallum, E. K. Edwin Koek, Esq. L. J. Fraser, Esq. Sved Mahomed bin Ahmat at Sagoff, Esq.
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    • 1547 3 m February.—The breach between the two banks of the river still continues open, though eirnest efforts, which I thin 1 may yet be crowned with success, have bien mode to close it. The Regent remains at Rathburee. about <0 miles from the capital, aod declines to visit the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 808 2 fUto aibfrtiwmmti. STRAITS ICE COMPANY. DEPOTS: FLIRT STREET Below Mm. Emmibsoh's Win Booms AMD RIVER VALLEY ROAD. AT Miss ms. Howaith. Ebskihe ACo.s Worn ICE AT ONE CENT PER POUND Wll I be delivered from the depot* m Flint Street and Hirer Valle* Road from (.Am. till noon and from
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    • 973 2 government notification. ENUMERATORS FOR THE CENSUS. Applications in writing for 500 appointments as Enumerators under the Census Ordinance, at Singapore, will be received by the Secretary to the Census Officers, at the Colonial Secretary s Office, up to the 18th March. 1881, at noon. Their services will be required for
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    • 750 2 WANTED. A Competent Baw Mill Engineer, for the Johore Steam Saw Mills. Apply to Mr MELDRUM, Johore Bahru. Singapore. 11th March, MW. to 11th April. FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The A. 1. ship Alva, 632 tona,. Apply to JOSE D’ALMEIDA. Singapore; 11th March, 1861. (to 19th inat.) BEKANNTMACHUNG. Die
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    • 465 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders will be received at the Municipal Commissioners Office, Town Hall, op to noon of the 19th instant, for farming the fruit from tbe trees on the land belonging to tbe Municipality surrounding the Impounding Reservoir. Thomson Road, from Ist April to 31st December, 1881. For further particulars
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  • Notices.
    • 96 3 Im the Supbbme Coubt of the 3TBAIT8 SETTL1M1HT8. Settlement of Singapore. In the matter of MQONA Pstn* R*«*A AiuQApPA Chit it, a Bankrupt. Whbbbas under a bankruptcy petition presented to this Court against the said Moosa Petna Reena AUsAOappa Chitty an order of adjudication was made
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    • 52 3 Saturday, 12th March. Si»m.b steamer Borneo,” 310 to»m Urrauri, Glaago. Slat 730 L» Gibbona, Ho„ s ko» g Bth March. Sunday, 13th March. P. 0. .learner -Khiva,” IJ><X ton., Aldertoo, Shanghai 2nd March, P. 0. Company. Monday, 14th March. British steamer Beeart,," I.U» ton., Potter. Sonreb.j. 13th March, Kim
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    • 89 3 Saturday, 12th March. British steamer Somerset,” Ritchie, for Samarang. bourabay* and Chen bon. Britiah steamer Bellerophon,” Freeman, for Hongkong. Chinese steamer Hai Shin.” Gibbon*, for London. Spanish steamer Romeo.” Larraun, for ManilaBritish steamer Lorne,” Mckechnic, for Saigon. British steamer Kongsee, Uldall, for Bangkok. Britiah .Unm.r Elgin,” Mt
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    • 243 3 Ship’s Names. .um-s. J MEN-OF-WAR u ,50 p.s 26 8»tam Senior Nssnl Officer Slntion Zephsr P»U; rf 2 t 5£ 11 Senior Bml Officer SUtoe Modeste 3 1 r S 5:1 lj P.Snnn Senior ».~1 Officer 8UOo. 5“£* WtaitaM B. M’s. sir: 894 imr. 11
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 192 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders are invited for the construction and erection of Wrought Iron Dustbins. Plans and specifications may be seen, and full particulars obtained at the office of the Municipal Engineer between 11 a. m. aud 4 p. m. daily. Tenders will be received at the Secretary's Office up till
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    • 459 3 FOR SALE. A few casks of good dinner claret at 140 per cask, just arrived. PUTTFARCKEN' RHEINER 4 00. Singapore, 13th Nov., 1880. THE SINGAPORE CRATED WATER MANUFACTORY. NOTICE. THE undersigned beg respectfully to inform the public of Singapore, that I having had nearly thirty years’ experience in the manufacture
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    • 327 3 TO LET. The House on Mount Elizabeth, now occupied by Me. T. Lovebidoe Entry from Ist April. Ap ly to JOHN LITTLE A CO. Singapore, 19th Feby., 1881. CAIHN HILL HOUSE, Very conreniently situated near Town, to" be let. Apply to DONALDSON A BURKINSHAW. Singapore, 28th Feb., 1881. to 31st
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    • 378 3 LIGHT SPARKLING PALE ALE. Refreshing, invigorating, and constituting an appetising tonic, while slightly stimulating. Easy of digestion. This Ale is of a lighter Malt gravity than the proverbial English Ales, jet possesses the pleasant and appetising combination of Malt and Hops. Selected and bottled specislly for the East by E.
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  • Docks.
    • 262 4 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY LIMITED” Incorporated under thr Indian Act X of 1866. CAPITAL 200.000 In 2000 Shares of 100 each of which 93,900 have already been subscribed. BOARD CF DIRECTORS. David Brown Esq.— Chairman. T.C. Booaabdt Esq. I G. P. Tolson Esq J. M. Vermont J. Lamb Oh
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    • 757 4 The works of the Company are situated at Tsnjong Pagar, within one mile of the wwr of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, vis Wharf.—Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water alongside for vessels of the heaviest draught, and protected
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    • 192 4 This Company execute* ships’ repair* yt all description* in the most efficient manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Graving Dock. Length—4ls f*et. Depth of water from 14 feet to 154 feel W ldth at Entrance 42 feet. No. 2.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 765 4 JVfetrUanrottfi From and after thia date. Lemonade, Potash, Sods, and Tonic Water*, of superior quality nay be had at THE DISPENSARY. (Cobbbb or Battibt Road abd COMMERCIAL SQUARE.) Other Aerated Waters comprising Lnmi, Bromide abd Seltieb, may also be had to order. The abere Water*, ready Iced, are always to
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    • 470 4 r NOTICE. A considerable redaction has been made since the 15th of this month in the rates for Dock hire in the Graving Docks of the undermentioned Companies, in the charges for cleaning and painting Iron ibis, and for Coppeiing Wooden vessels. Tariff rates can be had on application at
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    • 690 4 APOLLINARIS WATER, Thk Natural Soda Water. The queen of table waters. British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATER, gijr Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R H. THE PRINCE OF WALES daring the last fire years. APOLLINARIS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. ‘Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Medical Times and Gazettk,
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    • 653 4 *tortB still itttrtltanSiS. JOHN LITTLE CO. GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN Importers of European, China, Japan and Manila Goods OUTPTTTLRS; Chronometer, Watch, and Clock Makers; Jewellers and Goldsmiths WINE. SPIRIT AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. Outfitting Department. Gentlemen's outfiiU made up on the shortest notice, fit trnaranteed, and of the latest fashion. A large stock
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    • 621 4 ROBINSON CO. Importers and General Warehousemen. Drapers, MtLUNERS, and Outfitters. Gentlemens’ Department. Frery description of Gents’ Clothing made up on the shortest notice and of the latest styles, fit so arm teed Cloths and Twe ds, in the best qual.ties. Boots and Shoes of the best London Socks, the Balbrifcrtrm.
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    • 719 4 KATZ BROTHERS, GENERAL STORE, SINGAPORE Commercial Square, ri lw *V float ton- Hebben otaadl V" I w,l l wMbwma -in imm Mm oorr»4i*«*t> »“•> woblwaortir- »««ortlt -yk MWirt*ncMir aunrt- Tju^r m «nt van Eukofan K'>r>ipaa- to-ut><4ss -op»i»-bn wtiEorowwand L,h, r Cim- Vli-woss. V“ r foods. 4rtl 0.,, mo r Mllyk*
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