Singapore Daily Times, 9 March 1881

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Daily Times
  • 13 1 The Singapore Daily Times. VOL. XXII. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY, 9th MARCH, 1881. No. 14,332
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  • Steam Ship Company.
    • 188 1 Oftice— Collyer Quay. Godowes— New Harbour. Tmw nndeiuoWA are tbs da*** 0,1 ulCB Jitwa to urin »> Sioppon *>™g u.h *f| X gt t, T "f- ‘i;i Z 'S md J“»* isth soth M Ist J °h 14th Jnly- isu mb Z b ll*b
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    • 149 1 Agamemnon. Patroclus. Ajax. Ahtenor. Achilles. Deucalion. Diomed. Glaccus. Nestor. Anchibee. P»im OpRTSB. Faepedon. Stentor. Hector. Teucbr. Mekelaus. LANTEB. Ctclops. Telemachcs. Bellerophon. Jason. Ultsses. The Coy’s Steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for Straits and China, and from Shanghai homewards for London every ten days, and have accotrmodaticn
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    • 75 1 taxing caego foe KOBE, YOKOHAMA AND NAGASAKI. Messes Apcae A Co.’s steamer Arra toon Apcar. Captain Mactavish, is expected here on or about 17th instant, and will take cargo for above porta. Inter ding passengers must apply to the undersigned for passage tickets before proceeding on board, otherwise
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    • 66 1 Misses Apcae ft Co.’s steamer Japan, Captain Gardnee, is expected here on or about 21st instant, em route for above ports. Iutscding passengers must apply to the undersigned for passage tickets before proceeding on board, otherwise they will not be admitted on board. For freight or
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    • 130 1 lion walrani, uiaiicu. The steamers of this Company will bo despatched from Singapore weekly for Penang, Moulmein, Rangoon and Calcutta, calling at Malacca, every alternaie week. Passengers and Cargo can be booked through for Akyab, Chittagong, Bimlipatam, Visagapatam, Coconada, Maaulipatam, Madras, Calient, Tellichery. Tbe
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    • 263 1 The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the current year i—■ Ovtwabb. HonWsBD. Koata,- 'VEST *SA 4o Thursday 1* do II Jus H do 26 do 9 m 10 July T *4 do
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    • 1348 1 v lUAiivn Thi Steamers of the above Company will nowply between Singapore and Bata via every fortnight, leaving Singapore 24 hoars after the arrival of the English Mail from home Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. Passage Monet, First Glam. From Singapore to Cftfrie..---
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  • Insurance.
    • 58 1 Established 1710. Insurances effected upon almost every I description of property at the ourren Rates of Premium. Total Sum insured in 1879. £262,492,461 Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality, j The jurisdiction of Local Tribunals recognised. Singapore Agents, MARTIN, DYOE
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    • 136 1 London and Edinburgh. f Established 1809. (Incorporated by Royal Charter. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Subscribed Capital **,000,00 Paid-up Capita! 450,00 Fire Reserve Fund... 31st Dec., 1879... £841,580 Fire Premiuih Reserve 300,890 Total Fire Reserves 1,142 470 Income of tbe Fire Department, Net Premiums
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    • 42 1 London Office, 2 old Broad Strut. The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company, and are prepared to take risks upon cargo on the oustomary terms. HAMILTON, GRAY A 00. Singapore, 15th July, 1872. (u. c.
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    • 72 1 Capital 10,000,000 Francs. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 334 o/o discount allowed on all risks, for coasting voyatres, and 15 o/o on all risks
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    • 45 1 (Berlin-Cologne Fire Insurance Compant, Limited, Berlin.) The undersigned, having been appoint, ed General Agents of the above Company are prepared to take Fire Insurance Risks at the current rates of premium. RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT ft OO, Singapore, 27th Jany., 1877. u. o.
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    • 69 1 Head Office, Batavia. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 334 o/o discount allowed on all nsks foi coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks to Europe
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    • 88 1 Financial Position (1875.) Subscibed Capital *3,*****0. Accumulated Funds 1,778„000. Annual Revenue from Fire Premiums 313,000. Life 133.000. Interest upon Invested Fund* *****. The undersigned have to announce that they are the duly appointed Agents for this Company in Singapore with authority to grant
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    • 55 1 Capital, Two Milliohb Stieliw i. OFFICES. Qoebn Insurance Buildieob, Liverpool Queen Insurance Buildings, 60 Obace Church Street, London. The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company and are prepared to take Fire Inanranoe risks at the onrrent rates of premium. HOOGLANDT A 00. Singapore.
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    • 51 1 ESTABLISHED 1821 Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Total Invested Funds, upwards of 3,000,000 Annual Income upwards of 400,000 The undersigned hare been appointeAgents at Singapore and are prepared to issue policies against Fire on the usual terms. PATERSON, BIMONS A 00. Singapore, Ist April, 1875.
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    • 41 1 ALLIANCE BRITISH FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital £5,000.000 Sterling Extension op Limits. One F ret class risk 80,000. Two adjoining do 120,000. Three or more do. do. 160,000. PATERSON SIMONS A CO. Agents. Singapore. 17th lB7B (n. o.)
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    • 31 1 The undersigned, agents for the abore company, are prepared to accept marine aisks at current rates. PATERSON SIMONS A CO. Singapore, 18th Dec., 1878. (u. c.)
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    • 44 1 Capital 2,000,000. Funds in reserve exclusive of Capital £4,260,595. Agents at Singapore and Penang: BOUSTEAD A 00. FIBE DEPARTMENT Limit £12,000, on a first class risk. Lipr department: Limit £2,000 on one fife. Siagaoore. 4th June I*Bo fe. «Q
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    • 25 1 Chief Offices. Edinburgh, 19 Georoe Street. London, 39 Lothburt E. 0 Agents for Singapore. BOU8TEAD ft CO. Singapore, 25th November. 1879.
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    • 48 1 Established 1836. Capital £1,000,000. Reserve £340,000. The undersigned has been appointed Agent at Singapore or the above Company, and ia prepared to accept risks by first Class Steamers and Sailing vessels: H. W. GEIGER, Agent. Singapore. 14th Peby. 1«78. (n. c.l j
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    • 169 1 Capital 9 1,500.000. Paid-up 133.332. Reserve Fund 90,000. General Agents. Messrs. Jardine Matheson A Co., Hongkong. The undersigned, Agents for the Office, are authorised to insure goods by A. I. Sailing Vessels or Steamers to the extent of 9100,000 on each bottom, and on the Block
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    • 130 1 Capital £1,600.000. Paid-up and Invested 700.000. Funds in Hand 1,200,000. Directors. Richard J. Ashton, Esq. AUr*d Gou**r. Esq. Thomas O. Barclay, William Hawthorn, Robert C. V Berea, Oeor«* Hlbbert, Peroiral Boaanqoet, j ta«i Hyde, Jamas Erand, Care, Chari** Marryat, Sms* H. Cfcamh***, I Jjm*A***.
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    • 28 1 COLONIAL SEA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, BATAVIA. The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company and are prepared to accept Fire Insurance risks Bi,,»pore, 17tk j™.. 1881. *>
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    • 99 1 HEAD OFFICE, LIVERPOOL. Robert Gallowat, Esq., Chairman. George C. Frames, Esq. Deputy-Chairman. Underwriters. Herbert B. Bratne, Esq., Liverpool. Charles T. Manley, Esq., London. Secretaries. W. Dioby Bihth, Esq Liverpool. Anthony Radclippe. Esq., London. OFFICE IN LIVERPOOL. 20 A 21, Exchange Buildings East. OFFICES IN
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    • 105 1 OFFICES OF THE COMPANY. Manchester— Exchange 8treet. Liverpool—28, Exchang Street East Birmingham—12, Bennett's Hill. London—10, Oornhill. Glasgow— 4, South Hanover Street. Bristol— 50, Broad Street, CHAIRMAN IN MANCHKSTBR. John Todd, Esq. (Messrs. Todd A Ooston CHAIRMAN IN LIVERPOOL. Chas. Holland, Esq. CHAIRMAN IN
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    • 207 1 FIRE AND LIFE. Capital ONE MILLION Sterlino. Chairman— Alexander Ronaldson, Esq Pics Chairman —Jab. Nicol Fleming, Esq Secretary— H. Ambrose Smith. F.I.A. CHIEF OFFICES: o—* r Edinburgh 17 George Street. Manchester, 47 Brown Street. The undersigned having been appointed Agents of the above Company at
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    • 44 1 It is requested that the Masters of an vessels insured in the above Association, having sustained loss or damage, report themselves to the undersigned immediately on arrival here. CAMERON, DUNLOP A GO., Agents Singapore, 11th July, 1878 <•)
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    • 49 1 The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company and are prepared to issue Policies on the usual, Last return to contributors 234 o/o The usual discounts allowed on Coasting and Home risks. GUTHRIE ACC. I ißngapore. lUh Nov. 1879. 0.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 NETHERLANDS INDIA DI3COUNT COMPANY. Th* undesigned haring been appointed Agente 'by Power of Attorney dated BaUrn, 19th Jo»e, 1869,1 to the eboee Company are authorised to grant and buy bill* on Java, diacount acoeptancee. gire money in loan on aecuritiea and generally to represent the said Bank at thie plaoe.
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    • 84 1 i*: I MONTROSE UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION. The Masters of Ship* or tmmli insured he shore Association, which mar arnrr put in here haring auatained damage, requested to report themaelree to the er g CAMERON, DUNLOP A OOe Agent Singapore, 10th June, 1878. (u. c.) ARBROATH COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. UNION ASSOCIATION OP UNDERWRITERS,
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    • 586 1 iHtettllanfoti*. NOTICE TO MARINERS ADMIRALTY CHARTS, OF TH* IAT18T 8URVBT, and NAUTICAL BOOKS, At Modiuti Pbic**, KEPT FOR SALE at the SAILORS’ HOME. Psicb OF Eacn. Nautical Almanac* u. I1.1S. Chart*, de (Double Sheet) 1.80, y (Single Sheet) 0.90. Sailor*’ Home, Singapore, 11th Sept, 1878 MILNER’S SAFES. Thi undersigned hare
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  • 62 2 Thb next steamer of the Netherlands India Steam Navigation Company Limited, will leave Batavia for above ports on the 15th proximo. Passengers and Cargo from Singapore can be booked through. Early applications for freight and passage are requested to be made to the
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  • 72 2 FOR PENANG, MOULMEIN, RANGOON CALCUTTA. The B. I. 8. N. Co.’a steamer Oriental, 1,496 tons, will leave the roads for above ports, at 2 p. m. on Wednesday next, the 9th ins*. She will also take passengers and Cargo for Bassein, Akyab, Chittagong, Cuttack. Onnjam, BimliDatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Negapatam, Calicut,
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  • 44 2 PENINSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Intending passengers bv this Company’s steamers are reminded that the busy season from India is now commencing, and that early application is necessary in order to secure accommodation. H. W. GEIGER, Agent. Singapore, 26th Feb., 1881. to 26th March.
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  • 94 2 In the Buprbmk Court of the Straits Settlements. Settlement of Singapore. In the matter of Moona Petra Reena Ai.i.aqappa Chittt, a ruptWhereas under a bankruptcy petition S resented to this Court against the said [ooma Petna Reena Allao^ppa*ChjtI TT an order of adjudication was made ou
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  • 163 2 In thr Supreme Court op tu I Straits Settlements. Settlement op Singapore. Ahna Mahomed Ghousk, lately carrying on business in co-partnership with Pi- na China Tomby ana Assana Mbbican j as Cloth shop keepers at No. 212 Beach I Road, and residing at No. 33 Beach
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    • 264 2 Singapore, 9th March. 1881 1 Gambler Biack Pepper JJA*. White Pepper, fairqoality 17. Sago Flour, Bruni 3.35. Pearl Sago 3.60. Coffee, Bontnyne Tapioca, small Flake 450. Tin 27. Vis. Mule tw,st 108 j 81 lbs. Sbirtiogs 1.62|. I 7 do do 1 456 do T. Cloth I«7*
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    • REUTER’S TELEGRAMS. (For Straits Times.)
      • 1212 2 London, B tk March. —An eight days’ armistice has been agreed to in order to enable the Boers to reply to the conditions of peace; in the meantime the British garrisons are being revictualled. Parliament. In the House of Lords, a motion condemning the policy of the Government with
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      • 840 2 The shipment of Frozen Meat from Australia to England seems now to be an assured success. A second shipment in November last by the steamer Protot from Melbourne arrived in London on the 21st January and proved even more successful than the first shipment by the steamer
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      • 3291 2 The latest Australian papers contain reports of an important Conference of representatives of all tbe Australian Colonies, which sat in Sydney from the 18tb to the 27th January, and which may be taken as a hopeful sign that the Confederation of all the Australian Colonies will soon come
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 754 2 STRAITS ICR COMPANY. DEPOTS: FLINT STREET Bilow Me. Ehhiuoi'i Tiffih Rooms ajtd RIVER VALUSY ROAD, at Mimes. Howabth, Eeskine A Co. s Wo EES. ICR AT ONE CENT PER POUND Will b« delivered from the depot* in Flint 8treet and River Valley Rod from 6. a. m. till noon and
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    • 990 2 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. ENUMERATORS FOR THE CENSUS. Applications in writing for 500 appointmenU a* Enumerators under the Census Ordinance, at Singapore, will be received by the Secretary to the Census Offioers, at the Colonial Secretary s Office, up to the 18th March, 1881, at noon. Their eerrices will be required for
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    • 579 2 FOR SALE. A Soda Water Machine, complete and in good order, with a quantity of material required for making Soda Water, Ac. Apply to POWELL A Co. Auctioneers. Singapore, 24th Feb., 1881. FURNITURE SALE, WEDNESDAY, 16th MARCH. Thi undersigned have received instructions fron Captain Reynolds, family leaving for Europe, to
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    • 387 2 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. There are several vacancies in the staff of Chinese Interpreters in the Straits Settlements. The Salaries attaching to the Office of Interpreters, in accordance with the Schemes published in the Gazette of 17th October, 1881, are as foUows, Ist Grade ***** 1600 2nd 780 900 3rd 420 ~540
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    • 69 3 Tuesday, Bth March. German barque Bolton,” 558 tons, Forster, Cardiff 21st Oct. Puttfarcken Rbeiner 4 Co. American barque Agate,” 600 tons, Brown, Cardiff 17tb Sept. Siamese stoamer Bangkok,” 330 tons, Rademaker, Bangkok 4tb March, Kim Ah Mah. British steamer May Flower,” 225 tons, Morrison, Malacca 7th March, Song Boon
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    • 21 3 Tuesday. Bth March. British steamer Billiton” Geary, for Penang via Mab BriUsh steamer "Glenearn” Duke, for Penang, Colombo^
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    • 329 3 Ship's Names. Icerai... Flao l Rio. j »««>■ P*"« Diatiiiamoh. RIVAL.' MMI-WAH o H N M TIM Feb. S4Acl». B- (WO-" 1 gjj" Pollard H. M's sir. 450 Feb. 26 BaUtla Senior N.t.l Offloer SUtion STEAMERS n ec 26 Batavia PaUrson Simon, A 00. Jam
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 615 3 #iottrr$. CAIRN HILL HOUSE, Very conveniently situated near Town, to be let. Apply to D0NALD80N A BnRKINSHAW. Singapore, 28th Feb., 1881. to Slat March. NOTICE. Mons. Edouard Hinnekindt is anthorized to sign our firm per procuration. E. A H. HINNEKINDT. Singapore, 1st March, 1881. (to Slat inst.) NOTICE. SALE OF
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    • 668 3 EX GLENEAGLES 8. 8. John Little Co. have received by this steamer a large parcel of very elegant Costumes, Ready made, in Pompadour Print, Sateen, French Crepe, which they have marked at very low prints. Children’s and Ladies Shoes in variety. Black Groe Grain Silk. Lisle Thread Hose. Cambric Edgings
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    • 407 3 FOR SALE. A few casks of good dinner claret at r |4O per caak, iust arrived. c PUTTFARCKEN RHEINER 00. Singapore, 13th Nor., 1880. THE SINGAPORE CRATED WATER MANUFACTORT. NOTICE. Thx undersigned beg respectfully to inform the public of Singapore, that baring had nearly thirty years’ experience in the manufacture
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    • 307 3 TO LET. The House on Mount Elizabeth, now occupied by Me. T. Lovbeidoe. Entry from Ist April. Apnly to JOHN LITTLE A 00. Singapore, 19th Feby., 1881. EX S. S. TELEMACHTJS.” John Little Co. hare received the following new goods. Ohshmere, in Navy Blue, Maroon, Black Brown, Dk. Green. Black
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    • 59 3 11l ill 28 2 s II 11 825 la" ii 41 U 8|! lIS tn-° I ill j,a j.55.J23 -j-sISMfS-sa-sl Silfslllsleis 1 E 1 m i ghs(£ £w.9 oa ll* a |;i: rf I”-iJ f-rjafi* *ili| i pM I S a s a 5*3 J? w a P 8i i
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  • Docks.
    • 267 4 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY LIMITED" Incorporated under thb Indian Act X of 1866. CAPITAL 200,000 In 2000 Share* of 100 each of which t 93,900 hare already been subscribed. BOARD CF DIRECTORS. David Brown Esq.— Chairman. T. C. Booaardt Eeq. I G. P. Tolson Esq. J. M. Vermont J.
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    • 94 4 26, Holbobn Viaduct, London, E. C. Established to supply Residents in the East with every article at the lowest cooperative rates. Ba» KERS. The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London and China, and all its branches. The Delhi and London Bank Limited, and all its branches.
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    • 749 4 The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf.—Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water alongside for vessels of the heaviest draught, and protected
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    • 186 4 This Company executes ships’ repairs it all descriptions in the most efficient manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Graving Dock. length—4ls feet. Depth of water from 14 feet to 154 fee* Width at Entrance 42 feet. No. 2. Graving
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 770 4 7 jHBDK Fbom nd after thi« date, Lemonade, Potash, Soda, and Tonic Water*, of suprr quality maybe had at THE DIBPENBARY. orßarrcsT Road abd Commbbcial Squab*.) Other Aerated Water* comprising LnHIA, B*OMID» AMD SILTIKB, may alao be had to order. The ah or* Water*, ready loed, are always to h*
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    • 373 4 NOTICE. A considerable redaction ha* been made since the 15th of this month in the rates for Dock hire in the Graring Docks of the undermentioned Companies, in the charges for cleaning and painting Iron ▼easels, and for Coppering Wooden vessels. Tariff ratea can be had on application at either
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    • 698 4 APOLLINARIS WATER, The Natural Soda Water. The qneen of table water*. British Midical Journal. APOLLTNARIB WATER. %jF Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES daring the last five years. APOLLINARTS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. ‘Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Midical Tim is and
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    • 614 4 JOHN LITTLE CO. GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN Importers of European, China, Japan and Manila Goods OUTFITTERS; Chronometer, Watch, and Clock Makers; Jewellers and Goldsmiths WINE, SPIRIT AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. Outfitting Department. Gentlemen's outfits made up on the shortest notice, fit guaranteed, and of the latest fashion. A large stock of fine Tweeds.
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    • 615 4 ROBINSON CO. Importers and (Several Warehousemen. Drapers, Milliners, and Outpittbrs. Gentlemens’ Department. Every description of Gents’ Clothing made up on the shortest notice and of the latest styles, fit enaranteed. Cloths and Twe’ds, in the beet qualities. Boots and Shoes of the beet London Sock 8, the Balbriggan, Si'k and
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    • 663 4 KATZ BROTHERS, GENERAL STORE, SINGAPORE, Commercial Square, H*raalwtn| H»lt4*n fort. Bont ton- Hobbra rtooda WISE, BS*R. Bujsdt. »o, S«. Rhine wines exquisite, Italian and Spa* ntßh wines. Sherry and Portwine, Bitter*, English, German, French, Danish, Norwegrian and other Beers, Breakfast. Dinner and after-dinner Claret and other Bordeaux wines in bottles
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