Singapore Daily Times, 17 January 1879

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Daily Times
  • 12 1 Singapore Daily Times. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, 17tr JANUARY, 1879. No. 13,682 VOL. XX.
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  • 392 1 Office— D’Almeida Street. Godowns— At New Harboar. The urdernoted are the dates on which tto Company’s Mail Steamers may be exited to arrive at Singapore during the Ur 1879:3 Ottwasd. Hohewa&d. ST SI— S2S ,S1 st a;* «t *>«. Si in-W S JMb M*y-
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  • 145 1 Aoamemnon. Ulysses. Ajax. Patroclus. Achilles. Antbnor. Diomed. Deucalion. Nestor. Glaucus. FRIAM. ANCHI8E8. SaBPRDON. ORE8TI8. BECTOR. StINTOR. Minelaub. Tbucbb. The Coy’s St* amera are despatched from Liverpool outwards for Straits and China, and from Shanghai homewards for London every ten days, and have accorrmodaticn for first and third
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  • 253 1 The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the current year:— OtrrwiED. Ho fi? A I> 1878 1878. Wednesday, So' Jinoury Thuruday, 31 J»»““7 13 February S.S* "Is* Tvf, Sunday, 5 May Jr 47?
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  • 150 1 The steamers of this Company will be despatched from Singapore for Malacca, Tnmiim Montaem, Rangoon and Malcuit*. taking Passengers and Cargo for Akyab, Chittagong, Bimlipatam, Vizagapatam, Coconada, Masulipatam, Madras, Calicut, Tellicbery Ac., during the current year at the undernoted dates Saturday, January 11th Saturday,
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  • 43 1 Messrs. Apcar A. Co.’s steamer JAPAN,” 1,865 tons, Captain Gardner, mav be expected here on or about the 20th instant, en route to above ports. For freight or passage, apply to SARKIES A MOSES, Agents. Singapore, lsc Jan., 1879.
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  • 41 1 Messrs. Apcar A Co.’s steamer “ARRATOON” APCAR,” 1,392 tons, Csptain Mactavish, may be expected here on or about the 24th instant, e» route to above port. For freight or passage, apply to SARKIES MOSES, Agents, Singapore, 1st Jan, 1879.
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  • 913 1 The Steamers of the above Company will nowply between Singapore andBatavia every fortnight, leaving Singapore 24 hours aftei the arrival of the English Mail from home Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. Passage Monet, First Class. From Singapore to Batavia Padang ®4 Oherttwn j
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  • Insurance.
    • 73 1 Capital S 1.*****0. 133.332 Reserve Fund 90,000. General Agents. Messrs. Jardine Mathkson A Co., Hongkong. The nndersigned. Agents for the Office, are authorised to insure goods by A. I. Sailing Vessels or Steamers to the extent of 1100,000 on each bottom, and on the Block
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    • 46 1 Established 1886. Capital £1,000,000. Reserve £340,000. The nndersigned has been appointed Agent at Singapore for the above Company. and ia prepared to accept risks by first Class Steamers and 8ailing vessels: H. W. GEIGER, Agent. Singapore, 14th Feby. 1878. fa-«.)
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    • 56 1 Established 1710. Timiiriincps effected upon almost everv d emptier of property at the current of Premium. Total Sum insured in 1877. £254.303.817 Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberalitv. The jurisdiction of Local Tribunals recognised. Singapore Agents. MARTIN. DYCE A CO.
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    • 41 1 London Office,'2 old Broad Street. The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company, and are prepared to take risks upon cargo on the customary terms. HAMILTON, GRAY A CO. Singapore, 15th July, 1872. fn. c.)
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    • 50 1 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to issue Policies oovering Marine Risks on goodt to all partof the world. Policies payable one month after due notice and proof of loss is given. HOOGLANDT A OO.) Singapore, 5th April, 1866. (u. c.)
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    • 44 1 The undersigned, having been appoint ed General Agents of the above Company are prepared to take Fire Insurance Risks at the ourrent rates of premium. RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT k CO. Singapore, 27th Jany., 1877. c.
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    • 69 1 Head Office, Batatia. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 334 o/o disoount allowed on all risks foi coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks to Europe
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    • 44 1 Capital 2,000,000. Funds in reserve exclusive of Capital 3,200,000. Agents at Singapore and Penang: BOUSTEAD A CO. Fire department Limit £12,000, on a first class risk. Life department: Limit £2,000 on ne life. Singapore, 19th Sept, 1877. (a. o.)
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    • 28 1 Capital fl.Gon.oon. CHIEF OFFICE'S. London 79, Cornhill E. O. Edinburgh. 31 Oforge Street. Agents for Singapore. BOUSTEAD A CO. Singapore, 22nd Feb., 1876. (u.
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    • 70 1 Capital Francs. The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 834 o/o discount allowed on all risks for coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks
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    • 191 1 Offices. Queen Insurance Buildings. Liverpool. Queen Insurance Buildings. fiOGracechurch Street. London. Chairman of the Company, Bernard Hall. Esqre. Deputy Chairman William Hiud, Eeqre. Patrick Hunter, Chairman in London, Peter Me Lagan,Esq m. p. Deputy Chairman, John T. Fagan, Esqre. The security offered
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    • 64 1 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to issue Policies covering Marine risks on goods to all parts of the world at reduced rates. They are also prepared to take Fire risks of every description at the lowest current
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    • 86 1 Financial Position (1875.) Snbscibed Capital £3,*****0. Accumulated Funds 1,778.,000. Annual Revenue from Fire Premiums 313,000. Life 138.000. Interest upon Invested Funds *****. The undersigned have to announce that they are the duly appointed Agents for this Company in Singapore; with authority to grant
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    • 54 1 Established 1821 Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Total Invested Funds, upwards of 3,000,000 Annual Income upwards of 400,000 The undersigned have been appointep Agents at Singapore and are prepared to issue policies against Fire on the usual term,. pATBRS0N S i M0 NS OO. Singapore,
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    • 42 1 ALLIANCE BRITISH FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital £5,000.000 8ierling Extension op Limits. One F ret class risk 80,000. Two adjoining do 120,000. Three or more do. do 160,000, PATERSON SIMONS A OO. Agents. Singapore, 17th Dec., 1875. (u. o.)
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    • 97 1 Established 1W, and EmpoweredbrBpe cial Act of Parliament.Capital One Million. Live Assurances of every description granted. Retiring Provisions combined wttn Life Assurance. Free Policies issned which can never altogether lapse through non-payment of premiums. No extra charge for sea
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    • 98 1 OFFICES OF THE COMPANY. Manchester— Exchange Street. Liverpool—28. Exchan* Street Bast. Birmingham—12, Bennett’s Hill. London—10, Cornhill. GLASGOW—4, South Hanover Street. Bristol—50, Broad Street. CHAIRMAN IN MANCHESTER. JoHNToDD.Esq. (Messrs.Todd AOoston.) CHAIRMAN IN LIVERPOOL. Chas. Holland, Esq. CHAIRMAN IN GLASGOW. Alex. Ewing, Esq. f Messrs.
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    • 211 1 FIRE AND LIFE. Capital ONE MILLION SrtmLi**. Chairman— Alexander Ronaldson.Esq Vice Chairman— Jab. Nicol Fleming, Ebq Secretary— H. Ambrosi Smith, CHIEF OFFICES: 50 Edinburgh, 17 Gborgi Strut. 2K sZl ,lLUM t— {WSSS? M ANCHE8TER 47 BROWN STREET. The undersigned haring been appointed Agents of
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    • 101 4 Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400.000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andre, E*q. (Meeers. Melchere. A Co.l J. P Rumen (Messrs. HollidsT.Wise Co.l A. T Msneer, (Messrs.Donelss,I*nrsikACo.) H. Nirause. (Romeo Commnr Ltd.) J. .1 doe Remedios. (J.
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    • 136 4 Capital £1,600.000. Paid-up and Invested 700.000. Funds in Hand 1,200,000. Directors. Rich«H .T. Ashton, E*l- Alfred Onnmr, Esq. Thnmw O Harrisv, William Hawthorn, Rnhsrt. C. L. RsT*n. i Osore*, PerHvsl Rossnqnet, 8amnel Hyde. .Tsmss Rrand, WilUsm Lrall, fhsrlss Csts. nhwW MsrrTst O-ow H. Ohamhers,
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    • 79 4 The undersigned. Agents for the Ttalia” Marine Insurance Company Limited, at Genoa. Have now been authorized to accept Marine risks upon Cargo by steamer and sailing vessel on the customary terms. The usual discount is allowed on all risks for coasting voyages
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    • 56 4 The undersigned have been appointed apents for the above Company and are prepared to accept risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. The usual discount allowed on all risks for coasting voyages and on risks to Europe and America. REME RROTHERS.
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    • 62 4 The undersigned have Hern authorized to accept risks on goods insured with average by Steamer to Mediterranean and Adriatic Ports, st a considerably reduced rate; and a further reduction of premium is granted on shipments by the Steamers of the P. A O. Company, Messageries Maritimes
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    • 31 4 The undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to aocept marine risk" at current rates. PATERSON SIMONS A CO. Singapore, 18th Dec., 1878 (u. c.)
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    • 39 4 The undersigned, agents for the above company, are now prepared to accept in* surances on the blocks of steamers on favorable terms. Apply to PATERSON SIMONS A CO. Singapore, 18th Dec., 1878. (u. c.)
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    • 82 4 London and Edinburgh. (Established 1809. (Incorporated bt Royal Oharteri.) Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up Capital 350,000 Fire Reserve Fund... 31st Dec., 1877... £829,577 Fire Premium Reserve 302,671 Total Fire Reserves .,1,182,248 Income of the Fire Department, NetPremiums and Interest... 908,014 The undersigned, Agents for the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 SINGAPORE ICE WORKS RIVER VALLEY ROAD. Notici. On and after the let January, Ice will he sold retail, at the rate of 3 Genie perpound. The Ice Hooee is opened for the sale of !°e daily from 6 a. m. to 6 p. Tickets for 2, 3 or 5 lbs.
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    • 130 1 N''TICE TO MARINERS ADMIRALTY CHARTS, OF THI LATK8T SURVEY, NAUTICAL BOOKS, At Mod irate Prices, KEPT FOR SALE at the 8AILORS’ HOME. Price of Nautical Almanacs Charts, de (Doable Sheet) y (Single Sheet) Eacu. 11.25. 1.80. 0.90. Sailors’ Home, Singapore, 11th Sept.? 1878 (u. c.) NOTICE. A stock of Sarawak
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    • 125 1 NEW CASTLE GENERAL A. L INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. It is requested that the Masters of all vessels insured in the above Association, having sustained loss or damage, report themselves to the undersigned immediately on arrival here. CAMERON, DUNLOP CO., Agents Singapore, 11th July, 1878 c.) ARBROATH COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. UNION ASSOCIATION OF
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  • 49 2 The O. 8. 8. Go’s, steamer Hector, Captain Billinge, due here on 4th proximo, will have room for Cargo for the above port and also for London, and will have quick despatch For freight and passage, apply to W. MANSFIELD A CO., Agents. Singapore, 15th Jan., 1879.
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    • 1167 2 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY LIMITED.” TO BE INCORPORATED UNDE* THE INDIAN act x. of 1866. CAPITAL $200,000. In 2000 Shares of $lOO each. PROMOTERS. Hon'ble Walter Scott, of Messrs. Brown A Co., Penang, David Brown, Esq Do. Do. Lawrence Combe Brown, Esq. Do. James Lamb, Esq. of Prye Sugar
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    • 143 2 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY LIMITED.” Notice. With reference to the above advertisement, notice is hereby given that all shares in the Company applied for prior to 12th instant have been allotted in full, and the Balanc® of 310 per share now due thereon will be received here by the
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    • 80 2 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY LIMITED.” Notice. Th* Company are now fully prepared to undertake the docking, cleaning, painting and repairing of steamers and vessels and to execute repairs to machinery of every description. The following are the dimensions of the Graving Dock Length on the blooks 280 feet. Breadth
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  • 221 2 In the Supreme Court, Straits Settlements. Division of Singapore. In the Mater of Tan Ann Peng and Tan See Soon Bankrupts. Whereas at a Meeting of Creditors held under this Bankruptcy on the 12th day of October 1878 pursuant to notice given by publication, it was
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    • 130 2 Jjflicioi mnivnm smoAPons, 17th January, 1871). Gamb'er 420. Black Pepper 7.32$. White Pepper, fair quality 13. 8 vg« Flour, Sarawak 3.65. Pear! Sago 4.40. Ooffee, Bontyne 17.10. Tin. 18.12$. Mule twis 86. 8$ !bs Shirtin.R 163$. 7 do do 1.52$. 6 do T. Cloth 1 02$. 7
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    • 125 2 Per Gordon Cattle, 16th Jan. For Singapore.— From London: Messrs. R. Jeffrey and W. Collins. For Hongkong —Mm. Sangster, and Miss Jackson. For Shanghai. —M isaes (2) Cubbins, and Mr. Cbaa.W bitty. MAIL NOTICES. Mails close for Bangkok, per steamer Martaban, at 4 p. m. today. Ceylon, Calcutta, Madras,
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    • 389 2 Franck. London, 15 th Jan. —Martel, the moderate Republican candidate, has been elected President of the Senate. Major Street has arrived here from Rangoon and will leave at ODce for Bangkok in H. M. gunboat Frolic, for the purpose of making some surveys j connected
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    • 978 2 (Before Mr. Justice Ford and a Common Jury.) The Trials at the Criminal Assises were continued yesterday. The following Jury was empanelled i—Messrs. John Scantlebury. William Lawson, Francis Hendriks, James Leonard Scheerder, Arthur Sclatter, Gottlieb Bueler, and Robert McEwen The Queen «s. Wi Ch ng—The prisoner was charged
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    • 782 2 14th January. 1879. PBI8KNT: His Excellency the Governor, The Hon’ble the Colonial Secretary, The Hon’ble the Treasurer. The Hon’ble the Auditor-General, The Hon’ble the Colonial Engineer. The Hon'ble H. A. K. Whampos c.m.g. The Hon’ble W H. Read, The Hon’ble I. S. Bond. The Hon’ble Thomas Shelford,
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    • 1606 3 (It is rsqasstod of oar oontemporsriss that, in reprodnciaf these translations, thsir original appssi«nac i» ths Strut, Times may be acknowledged.) If an of War. Yesterday there anchored in our port, the British iron clad frigate Iron bske, on board of which there appears to be *n Admiral
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    • 609 3 The Kwang-Si Rebellion.— The Canton authorities are reported to have discovered that a continental firm established in Shanghai and engaged in the sale of arms, with an agency in Canton, has been supplying Li Yung choi (the rebel leader in Kwang-si) with arms and munitions of war for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 552 2 £tto aabfrtisrments HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Pud up Capita] 5.000.000 DoUara Rcaerre Fnnd 1,800.000 Dollar!. COURT OF DIRECTORS CAalnaoa.—F D. Sinooil.Eaq. Mew™. David Sawoon Sona A 0o.) Deputy CMmaa.-Wh. H. FoaBiB, Eaq. (of Meaara. Ruawil A do.) E. R. Bklilio8, Eaq. H. L. Dalbtmplx Eaq. (of Messrs. Birley 4
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    • 467 2 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE PROPERTY On Dr. Oxlry’b bstatc. Thr undersigned will sell by Public Auction, on the Spot, on Wednesday, the 22nd January, at 7 o’clock in the morning. That valuable property on Killiney Road described on the Chart of the district as lots Nos. 192/3 belonging to
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    • 248 2 PRIVATE BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT. Stamford House, Nearly opposite St. Andrew’s Cathedral. First Class Accommodation for a'limited number of Boarders. Arrangements for Board only, can also be made. Singapore, 13th Jan., 1879. to 13th Feb. FOUND. On the 12th January, an Irish Water Spaniel, wearing a chain collar with the name Irwin
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  • Notices.
    • 68 3 The Company’s Steamer India.,” Captain Bhizzolb8I, having left Genoa on the 1st instant, may be expected here on or abiut the 3rd proximo, and will be despatched from Si igapore for Naples, Genoa and Marseilles, on or about the 20th February. •This steamer has excellent accommodation for first
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    • 155 3 Thursday, 16th January. French barque A-line, 285 tons, Lemaistre commander, Menado 27th Dec. consignees A. L Johnston A Co. British steamer Gordon Castle, 1,312 tons, Waring commander, London 7th Dec. consignees Guthrie Co. British schooner Lucy, 319 tohs, Habekoet commander, Bangkok 9th Jany. consignees Behn Meyer Co. British steamer
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    • 26 3 Thursday, 16th January. British steamer Namoa, Westoby, for Hongkong. British steamer Weazel, Burlingham, for Siak. M. M. steamer Yang Tse, Nomdedeu, for Saigon.
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    • 1115 3 I 1 I Date 1 j Ship’s Names. Captains. Flag A Rio. of ar- WherkFrom. Where Lying Consignris or Agints. Destination. RIVALS. MEN-OF-WA Ddi Brockhuijzen H.N.M’s. str. 700 Nov. OAcheen T. P. Wharf H.N. M’s. Consul General. Repairing frolic A. E. DupuisH. M’s. str. 462 Nov.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 276 3 NOTICE. The undersigned has received instructions from the administrator of the Entate j of the late William Samuel Leicester, i to sell by Public Auction, on Saturday j the 15th February 1879, at 2 o’clock p. m. i at his Godown, Battery Road, the valuable I property called the Suka—Ranee.
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    • 216 3 NUR8E WANTED. A Lady, leaving for England in March next, wishes to engage a Nurse to accompany her, and to take charge of three young children. Apply by letter to A. B. C., care of the Straits Times, Singapore. Singapore, 9th Jany. 1879. (to 9th Feby.) NOTICE. Singapore Saw Mills
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    • 184 3 NOTICE. Th* undersigned has just received ex Teucer. Telescopes on Tripod stands. Binocular glasses. Sextants. Patent Logs. Ac. Silver hunting watches, English ana Geneva. J. MOTION. F int street. Singapore, 15th Jan., 1879. FOR SALE. The property of Captain Glen, proceeding to Europe. Chestunt Australian Horse, quiet to ride, up
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    • 211 3 NOTICE. The partnership existing hitherto in this place between Mr. G. Kaltenbach, Mr. F. Engler and Mr. H. Fischer under the firm of Kaltenbach Engler St Cg. having expired on the 31st December, 1878, the business will be carried on from this date by the undersigned under the style or
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  • Docks.
    • 705 4 The work* of the Company are situated at Tsnjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharp.—Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water alongside for vessels of the heaviest draught, and protected
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    • 190 4 This Company executes ships’ repairs of all descriptions in the most efficient manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Graving Door. Length—415 (set. Depth of water from 14 feet to 15| tee' Width at Entrance 42 feet. No. 2. Grating
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  • 462 4 ET N. B. DENNYS Ph. D. The following are selected from numerous not'cea which have appeared in the London, Continental and Eastern papers:— Dr. Dennys has done good service in bringing towther and presenting in readable form the hitherto scattered contributions to Chinese Folklore—Times. A very
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 85 4 juiy, io<o. NETHERLANDS INDIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. Thi undersigned having been appointed Agents f by Power bf Attorney dated Batavia, 19th Jnne. 1869,) to the above Company are anthoriaed to grant and buy bill* on Java, discount ac3eptances, give money in loan on securities and generally to represent the said Bank
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    • 796 4 FOR SALTS. Oarlsberg (Danish) Beer in Cases of 4 dozen, quarts. Rfme Brothers. Singapore 15th November, 1877. (n. c.) J. MOTION. Chronometer, Watch and Clock Maker, and Optician. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well selected stock of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Nautical Instruments, Ac., compri ß imj Bracelets, Brooches,
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    • 604 4 JOHN LITTLE CO, GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN Importers op European, China, Japan and Manila Goods OUTFITTERS; Chronometer, Watch, and Clock Masses Jewellers and Goldsmiths WINE, SPIRIT AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. Outfitting Dkpartment. Gentlemen's outfiits made up on the shortest notice, fit guaranteed, and of the latest fashion. A large stock of fine Tweeds,
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    • 693 4 KATZ BROTHERS, GENERAL STORE, SINGAPORE Commercial Square, Hilton fort- Sonttononhuidiwen *Mhrend mn ionrs btoo Mlectod and wohla*gortir- agsorti* j h y lAirer al- <l*llB tous m stock of all l«r Enropse- lea article* ropsischeartiEuropean and too.hmi ft sn- d’Europe. kelen toeen other Foods. deren Arti- Prix mo- zeer billrke Moderate
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    • 270 4 NOTICE. J. M. LYON A CO. I Have on hand the following for sale 1 Horizontal Engine BH. P. 2 Circular Saw Benches, 2 Screw Cutting Lathes for hand or power 6" heads, Portable Ice Machine 4 lb. size, Asbestos and Tack’s Packing, Foot Rales and Spirit Levels, Oircul«r Saws,
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