Singapore Daily News, 2 February 1933

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily news v n>4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 2, 1933. 5 CtNTS
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  • 734 1 M elk !l no tn... I I* ii I itag wiih terial dech atMM tandii i t-, c t\n ili-fiilco 'Ii v, onseni of tin that Reichstag lt- •• lie" t than I, the exact car., m <,• fixed -..-..■■•nnK'iit intiinatc- jmto Hi to
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  • 406 1 u r witk cuusklerablc reli< ,„!!»< irnt that the Governs to continue the m v concession in regard to rent n »»i lcultui al lamb. The origina h applied to all rents „f two dollars an acre and tht oi any definite aMNWt had caused a consider of
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  • 126 1 r LATE NEWS I'd Im. Wfdnesdaj The possibility th I the Reichstag muv be diss(»!\«'d before it has been convened, ncrha;)* even tonight or tOpjOHOW, is opened up by the news that the Centre Party and Kijvunans ;ne nnwilKllg to co operate >*ilh Hen Hitler »n
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 299 1 RIOT TERROR G RIPS GERMANY MANY INJURED IN FIERCE BATTLES General Strike Bid Fails iolenl rioting and battles between Nazis and < nimunists swept German} on Tuesday night. Hitler. Europe's stormy petrel of polities, h;is brought the feared trouble to his country within IS hours of his accession to thr
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 53 1 TOOWOOMBA CAMSCENTURIES FOR AMES AND HAMMOND Toom oom '.i. Wednej' du im. \,.< I. cyan ;i ;i.aU-h I H klMl i.' ''<;•:'. anii .1 i■■ iiirnic In] an A. 121 not out Fhc imunci in a Bed i.y much etvefn i IH I Qae< [island had nadt
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 40 1 Police Shoot Four hi (Calcutta Rioting broke luring Um !;j-ation of a f [nde] endei nrn\ the police were obliged to Four peo 'I- i e wounds d. Kdn foreement arrived iir.mediat calm oon re i as.
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  • 39 1  -  Aneta-Havas 1 Df in Bii Mr. vii:-- < < t: i i no confidence in the i-uiic-y of led inflation" a'lvocato'l l\\ Mi M< K nna. tain would 9 re a\ n bo th< men; on the niw-dinn
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  • 28 1  -  ljci.ii :i\ Bund The Gaekwar Baroda a decree forbicUlui mai riagt of vei >■ youi g i men. ;nul V g Aneta-Havas i--1 I J I i
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  • 98 1 FINAL BFFMTI IF IT FAILS THEN\a:ma i kepori Tokio, W ediH-(i:»> Following Count I'chid;i's audience with the Emperor thN morning. instruction- have been cabled to Geneva. Though officials are reticent, it is authoritat n el> indicated that the delegation iinstructed to exert final efforts at conciliation
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 185 1 Tali I Her. 1 !»0Ol: .1 |a uuiietl wi. had ude to Um Lratf :>- 'ount L T hla bowed bip r -K t: ion- cabled d'le^ation at Geneva thla V.i' I LF\(,IE IHIY Mr. Lo Wen-kan To The Powers Nanking. Wednesday. '"'l' I.'-n- ha- come to tho> stage where
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  • 61 1 Tokio, Later. i is instructed that if ColH-lJi.itrll 1' |0t CO ragraph Four see what m i ii».M< ii .a' ioi Ut\ i Wi ihei < will examine i!ie rcoommendut i n Itl ;enw It is ger i that if the > onhivieredJapua will then either :KW fioni ll^c LaBJ
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 416 1 The Um of the art ef converseMi i« laMcalcd in the article below by the CmUn Jean e> 1'....::. Half ible in the worl<» HjrtHH Ironi lh«- t;u 1 'h«v v PesSjii dp not talk sufficiently together. My amafl Ktantlmother, Madame dt Stael, believed that if only you
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 182 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. sing prices today w« T RUBBER. Spot I M Pmm I I 2 3/32 Unchanged 2 1/1« -June anrlJ :*J t. l>«» u1 1 Oet.-Dec. II Baa*!* .iket BM TIN. M £U8 lls. 3d. tp 68.3d. 3 Months £149 Ba. *d.
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  • 453 2 Miclilh' Ouotalion- On t-ilncMhiy. MINING. Middle prices of local issues wer* as follows in Singapore on Wednesday, according to Fraser Co.'s list Asam Kumbang 24/6 Austral Malay 19/-, Ayar Hitam Tin 10/9. Bangrin Tin 11 6, Batang- Padang Batu Caves 0.35 Bukit Arang 0.40 (nom.) Burma* Malay (im).
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  • 476 2 INDIAN CHARGED HINDU MARRIAGE QUESTIONS Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitlc-y icserved judgment on Monday in a matter Which had boon submitted ■a a special case by the Third Magistrate for argument in the Supreme Court. An Indian, named K. Govinda^my, had been found guilty of
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  • 89 2 Bli/zard W rrrk> Trai?i Halifax. Tuesday. Fir; ms hav, raprinp for nivwaJ v>n the cast coa Canada, and sen 11 b.magre is reporti <i. Shipe have en unable 1 At r Sal fax for 3r> hour? and >- r -"<-: a! afl I btejn> on adiifti Blizsards are
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  • 48 2 Vostcr. lay's exchange rates indudsd tho following: SELLING. London, i Maths' tight i I 16 k London, 3 month*' sight 2 3 29 London, GO day-' sight 7 Loaita, M day.;' right 2/3 2; U London, doma ,'i 2/3 13 K London, r.T. 2/3 fe t
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  • 743 2 HOPES FOK 1933 MR. BALDWIN'S NEW YEAR MESSAGE Mi as leader of the i Conservati N I car message I :ne and Empire: lauda 1 'ake stock 'if our position :r r ng of a New Year: ack 1 on k of the past 12 moi and
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  • 74 2 THE SINGAPORE Daily News. sisi4m > Kual» ampor. BU WOUPTION I4i|| I^V«bfo Hi Wirery Monthly u^ Quarterly M^ Half-yearly m Sißfflc Copy r cask All communication- relative u L. iaess matten, vir, advertUw!? tiona, aceour.i', pru^J should be addret«ed to THE »if* ADVEtnMBHEKT ftAi^ For casual small advertiMfc^ I inch
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 169 2 SMALL ADVTS K\ln\<. CIANa MEYER KOa la erti— in rroundo aa i Laixe \eraadah a«| t..< feSJ ssa. ■<>' 14 rcMar water. Ifaafera Sanitation. TrH» Garajrev. l*aoof WSUCSS PREMISES TO IE Noa. 172, 173, 174 an. .-ze Road. im. aasea R< I f7, 1 -«et. Api- mu Robinson Road. oirices
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 311 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. Brit.. 7,810 tons, from Yokohama 1-2, fo* London hut. h, SH taaa, f r <>in IndraI I \K. Bril I HBO, Out.. .^i:r> tons, ftraa D J for Deli 3-2. Hal a Ports MO! from London for Austrilia KARAPARA, Brit., 2,722 tons, from Calcutta 1-2, for Penang 2-2.
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    • 428 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. ..(i i> February 2. Kevue at Rafiles Hwtel, LUO p.- i. Friday, February -on raaei :i**r SingHaarc Tmri lal al Cbambai 1 of -i r.-c, Itrtafl p. Uvr 1.11 p.m. Satu r fla>. Februao 1 lal ras^t^ •Miu-h Married" Sin^aptM-e R««p--i 't' i'. Playors, Victoria Theatre. Reuve
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    • 710 2 SWPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. fht fellewUit •eeeeßsjei sailings art p r. lias;: For Europe. P. and 0. S. N. Co.'s Carthago Feb I), KaMera (Feb. 17). N.V.K. lir.fcme Maru (Feb. o', Suwa Mam 'l\b. 84). Hambarg Amerika Line: KnulandJ Feb. E Reae>bazg 'Feb. LS), Leverkusen (Feb. U), Nerdmart
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    • 4 2 A.R Passeflige' -apor* on
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  • 427 3 PADANG HOCKEY WILTS. SPRING A SURPRISE DDEN SCORING Wiltshire^ 1 utll-inntested name ,1 hack., up the S.K.C. ground ve^terdav. Ikt Wiltshire Kcuiment drew hnmt tram ,1, «,-..rini: f«»ur ,oals. •awrhaaec rail. feature of the play .•>:an very well indee< al led by three clear riw Regiment
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  • 77 3 LEAGUE GAMES BRLNTFORD SHARE TEN GOALS WITH LUTON 1. h !a the re-ull football matches which to<» today: up U,.plaj Leeds Utd. i Tranmere R. KirM r.ivi.ion I- MM 1 0 Arsenal 4 BheaWld UM. Liverpool llesborouKh I Manche.-ter C. 3 Everton 1 Blackpool 1 >• Drvi.ion.
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  • 199 3 ENTRIES FOR SPRING MEETING for ak Tni Spi ing aweting on Feb. 11, i"» >. IS ll< 'I l» I Sigh, n< Mountebank), i Iden M.uze, Beat, ingor, Tim lit Limber Up, Hatchci Lane, KingaMa, L;. irood, Brai Knob and T r.a^ill. H..r- lass II: 1 ;eld,
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  • 33 3 N«i- In Bf Opened lor IVarticr will start at khfl m row. wsathei pi art -he weathc- beI -i lc the nets will be up agt i i I mini n«xt.
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  • 41 3 follow. 11/ v lent the \1 against Fort Canning un the YM.CJL I :> N"- on a A N'elson, r. Sri- i: r K. Stracey, r. 0 Regan, H. B ti Kng Sai l) U c) ,s. K Miles. m
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  • 15 3 M will met■: Chill MC at Jalan I'., sar i r k
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  • 711 3 MALAYS WIN RAF. CONCEDE 3 GOALS OPEN TACTICS Malays R.AA 0. Playing superlatively clever football the Malays beat the R.A.F. at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday afternoon by three clear goals. The winners did not exploit their usual short -passing game but adopted more open tactics. I .t:
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  • 17 3 ih< Gari ison Ciolf lul championship cup was won by Mr. R. Renton, 5 o.
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  • 1072 3 OPEN VERDICT QUESTIONS TO A PSYCHOLOGIST Edwin M!.:ii:. UY-; London i nmmTi concluded at] Bal «ii eeently the inqntst ei bi tod? Ol Ifisi I-ly R«>>ma Lei lock, aged 30, a lady'- companion,! of Ramsden Roafl, Balham, S.W., uho \va> found dead in the bath roo
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  • 149 3 ENTRY REGULATIONS PUBLISHED The Governor of the Val City hai iirard those regulation y into the city which v. I shadowed in Law 111. in June, I regulations will come into i m Janua:;. I. I'-'oo. Th. public will have access to the museum- on!; new entrance ia
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  • 107 3 l*la\ in^f Tit IHIchaal lias been asked] if it o a famous al well;. i n. riswer was a Imt N Dr. (yiil Norwood, inday Express repre a much money was offered, replied in coldly digi unguage, pant so far as The famous headmaster added, "Harrow School stands
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  • 85 3 Our Hilt Knilnl FamiH I rouhh* London, Jan. 15. •lack cat I'ffCOfiWd a husband vifo in Tottenham Police < /day: i i had summoned A •>.<■ I." imped on the clerk's table, and ate, Mr. H was a sign that if she Id k-t bygones be bygones life
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  • 135 3 I Ol M> i NDER Due rOR'Js MAI IN MALI London, Jan. 12. I I was dr. ffMHon Court, by Arthur ages and a furth* The BHMHMnPnaI temper/' and added laat the d< I missed 1. the »po I at»ked an ish course, ami rtjie j" the pwence
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  • 30 3 Ih< <H statin Ol < m ;>i« ♦n\ i< loriii Woodbridfe (Suffolk) Jan. 16 Woodbridgv people awoke ted* learn that the face of the Queen II I• -!a' iii r
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 Beware of the Ifjl TEMPERAMENTAL sMi. GOLF BALL him t*Ma-p€rxhf of cmer ficmetratt m m m info '•''< eli '•tie winding during nmoM #»■»«< VNhtMi iou art off >.. U i uhv twlu-n >our hall «<m-. «h»n x,,u rlidn I pint ,t v* h. rant aifve is twenty yards sheet
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  • 1069 4 SCENE OVER FURNITURE "HE TWISTED MY ARM AND HIT ME ON CHEST" An alleged assault on a European woman in fur house had a sequel before Mr. A. C Boyd, the Fourth Police Magistrate, yesterday, when the proprietor if (hop Kenjc Hup Sflag, furniture makers
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  • 217 4 HMHI\G CII\N«.!. HUMAM CONVICTED OF Own Correßpontl Malacca, Tuesday. There has be»n a quick sequel to •break of t. in Bun^a Raya I oday aamed Mohamed Alan was charged with theft before Mr. Rawlinps. :>ector Whittles stated he was on duty on the night of the fir.
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  • 42 4 Before <tice a Be i 2nd. Court today at 11 aan. Judjrme' as A jw. «6, 67 an., 88 il. rahim bin Ada Lha hag Pel .v MJI/2»— R ong lee sflai CV ag |Ce (I ssetioas>. Mr. Justice Wl
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  • 116 4 \l\ ERS FOR 1933 CONCESSION RENEWED BY GOVERNMENTS The following communique and ■he S.S. i 1 tariat, K I innpur. The G I the four Malay 91 ato i mi >■ i repeat n (»f the .er of all current rent n] toll t.ut on condition Mr
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  • 84 4 Drnlici Thai \Ya>n*l tti< n, M i I'll I i f (jovei ni ent Ifoi incl tanl Super* Tan Ewe <3m i pi i e >■ led ti search an abai loned tmpan lying moored in the n tl Singai: ehii ipong LBS tahil> I Red I.i I
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  • 119 4 THREE WARSHIPS PROTEST AGAINST PAY CUT i Batavia, 1 m Mlaj it 'viMiitcii i hat mitiny occur hint I 'utri: vanhipi at Um India bjn :i j IM€ at Bonra* ye-tenlay. .\v ding u> qm itatcrincnt, iHttß all hand- HH piped OB dtck for the DBOming
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  • 110 4 AT THE CINEMA. "Thr LOW Parade," perhaps the most hUBOUS Of all talkies. has :(.!iuht i»ack to the Pavilion lot a NtMB, and judging 1 by the enthusiasm of last night's audi- thii «'\ival experiment ii to i .i decided BoeceaSi it is interesting to hear ajram the
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  • 51 4 Aboui dusk yesterday, an aj?ed 1 in ■>«• climbed up Lo the roof <,f tttap house m Bukit Ho 9wee, vhicl aboui 12 feel high, anH p il-i-vn. Whei Mif ami.u lance arrived qq Rnd conveyed the man i .'al. ho v.M, muttering, 'Someone is fryiru- to
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  • 216 4 BOXER IN COURT AGAIN Vincent Peiieau SMI aiv t Mr, F. the Singapore quiry in deatl a Chin.- lohammedan ia *ai ssaa t >nl> one witness was call* d aft< A inqoin was postponed. >'h;a KiO M ':v;n- :v No. 6. 1 ■ng [Usage* wan Ae 1 I
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  • 62 4 Km pi re. 2.30 p.m. Time gnal I i Big n. n M litai y ban< corno! 4 (gramophone nem <is) :.i' Evensong, from West minster A ■<■■_ GJLT. A Talk. LO. Mililavx iianl i r (■<■!' (COttf i. I Bandoeng. 7-8 r.iLrht im j < B-9
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  • 54 4 Afessrs Aw Boon Haw and Boon Par who gave $18,000 to St. Andrew*! Mission Hospital foi in* terna! sitenitioiM and improve merits have now a furthe 11,260. It is proposed to hold a re-open-ing ceremony OB April r >. when Lady Clement; will unveil a taMel com
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  • 51 4 [n conne( I n wit] the of the Empi*si el Britain today a cm ball will It> jr on RaffleEi tel in thi ening, and thei e w ill be ar, cxtei i ion until 'J a m. "Dot 1 Rt vuf" trill again b< 1 1 tbart
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  • 106 4 "revou now miv REMARK ABI E RESULTS WITH ATFBRIN In rf an ad<: 4 iltural Medical Board. roMU (1 tremtmeii' the i vbii-ii he said I bead of lt result loop* ■aid i i and Atebrin quini <rc<l in hospital and a further three vr quinine in
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  • 18 4 iese jrirl of ad, right upper arm ami B by a mr>- Scianpoon Road yeultrI on.
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  • 7 4 Chin. a n< facr.
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  • 56 4 \<,i\!>\ MISSIV, so na r ha u* PARTY lotariar. resent I point you today, tells me there is no wihm. an have a .e-ran, a lonp hall. of a i etary. osence and no<>dy. r line of a Mr. J Community :i piairvd that I Uayment of
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  • 27 4 I I .1 taken ther with an fight in? in K< 'l about noon ye combafent? all abrasion- itfct. and a' the General H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 112 4 Suttons Seeds Orow your own delicious Vegetables and beautiful Flowers from the World's BUTTON 5 CABBAGE L6TTUC6. SUTTON'S VEGETABLE SEEDS. Cos Lettuce Plain Cress < Li-ttuct- White Mustanl >iato Peachhlow Shuilot .mto E^Best <>( ..II (i rv (>i;uit whik> Leek improved MusscmiirUh \S s P mish Onion .rr Kolil Rabi
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    • 29 4 3 I C 3 r 3 f IT BECAME 1 MALAYA'S I f FAVOURITE I I IN A WEEK! I IT liinuMiim 1 1 W. \T^^^^ y/^ I3L3L3L3IJL3L3L3L3L3L3 LsT^
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  • 1372 5 DYING WOMAN'S STORY "HE SHOT TWICE, AT EACH OF IS THEN RAN OUT" !l! M: were found late at A in c-ritic-al condition, both r »"»dv with a revolver, wa,s old at the Selangor Assi/- on Tamhn t that the accused was fmi.-ht trial ?t n-ime
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  • 305 5 COLONY TRADE COMMISSION GOVERNOR'S PLAN LETTER TO S.S. ASSOCIATON "GAINS AND LOSSES" ELK. the (linn h;?s decided fo appoint a Commission: ITo inquire into the tail if the fiifj, Ihe directions in which it has gained or lost, and the reasons for the>e sains or losses, and its future T*
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  • 61 5 Two Killed In Irish Train Disaster Dublin. Wednesday. Two people were killed when a passenger train en route to Belfast W9§ derailed near Dundalk. The accident i> belie\ed to have been due to the removal of a rail. The train was manned by voluntary workers, part of a skeleton service
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 996 5 I MOVER SAW WIFE WITH MAN IN RICKSHA l'.J2iS a Chines< bus-driver, Tay Eng Lmb, hum hesac |q Bad Mi wife MM with another Chines-, All Joon. Ovn I year later he had not seen or heard of than during the period- he f|| driving
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  • 962 5 "JUST ROMANCE" WITNESSES ALL disbelieved JUDGE'S COMMENT Harpal Singh, a'ia^ Suppiah, a Hindu youth, and an Indian #irl wore the central figures in a love drama which had its sequel when the youth was charged with enticing the woman away from her hushand before Mr. A. W.
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  • 25 5 Police* unit) In Spain Rl or \narrhisN Madrid. Monday. rUint discoveries dump* have i^i celona. i r I ;t; within a On-ai
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  • 119 5 VI. N Dm CIATION \S PR] MIUM lay. situation iiv Japan, remarks that the depreciation of constitutes a premium of fifi cent, in her <h:. -till adhering to the gold and of 40 par ceir countries who*the pound sterlii a and Malaya. ier advantages resui lower wages and
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  • 118 5 Ju|»an< -< I i Suil Judgement was reserved by Mr. H. A. Forrcr, th< trict Judge, yesterday in in v Situ: >ng, was el having in his possession 20 piece* h bearing a c< The complainant was a Japanese firm of Osaka Japan, ar Kred that for 20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 1 FOR LINE AND HALF-TONE BLOCKS that print as well as only the Best process blocks can print. J GO TO THE STRAITS TIMES PROCESS DEPT. Phono 5151.
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    • 176 5 At Malaya's Largest Sporting Good*, Slorr Come and inspect ij(H|k VINCENT ItICIIAIIh■Hi "THE BAT" ffi^^^^^S World's Fantchl ami H«>| Rark« t Racket made by Champion for Cliampi* Best Tennis Shcx-v >" For Everything Phones II I ROYSONS W The Malayan Sportb D«pot U 111, North Bri«i-( H,,i Sint:a[>or«'. HAVE YOU
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  • 542 6 k STOP THAI PISTOL THREAT TO STOCK EXCHANGE MAN London) Jail L5. A masked and armed raidtf wki entered a bedroom at Red House, Sandwich Bay, near Deal, at 1 a.m. yesterday, covered the occupier. Mr. K. Guy Kitipath. member of tfai London Stock Exchange, with
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  • 117 6 LORD WILLINGDON'S REGRET v-u D [hi, Wedat day. I iirvi that ■he •id 1 1'* 1 1 ivil Disobedience moveim-ni ii.i\c n<>' "M MTU of to which tln v an still pledged" s;ii«l Lord PTttlugdoo ia i h in the Km leml today. He straaiod Ibe at iafa
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 65 6  -  Aneta-Havas Buen Aii Sunday. 'I'!. i- w;t r coal in Soul h Adm < imimuniquc* from A un- i f i r 1 1 c- i a: thv Bolivian ••')>u!-c.i v. h I IOM of 'i' 1 .<•)', much ..u.ii ri| ;i r i < 1 mar. onei
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  • 64 6 HoiiH', Sunda; Ihi m ell ;.;:..w n pilot, < apt Shut4 k".vn 1 1,. has landed al Ihe aerodronii' vi I .ecteur m a 'oinp^i Stilt, the smallest ueroplai in the world. He left immediately i'"v Naples. He is on a flight to Delh n an iTirnphnn which
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  • 738 6 THE OPENING VITALITY OF RAILWAYS BIG STRIDE i L... Mayin I Ald< P«Cf (i:vu!utwayi. m MBpM <1 by the B W book part ia 'hc> Southern 1 d B i rthing. H :i a. v. airman ;>1 w EraldiM Loder, lead :a railway, and i unl
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  • 260 6 DOCTOR ON THE MAKING OF GOOD FATHERS w nd ng Ihe tv< at Bedford < nliegv. K< ran a.idvtiMd by Dr. -lame; olßcer of health for Ktammgl Up to th< uih ha •■;>•.■ affoi ignore, was apt to torgctto*. BtOH thought tM Hi teach f;craft w;
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  • 25 6  -  Aneta-Trans-Ocean of Labou u" i < their respective coun 1 I the past tw very ran granted to foreigners t« watrk in i!
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  • 10 6  -  Aneta-Havas i ii a sink:: i Mshmr
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  • 114 6 iOH-IKI< I'A.wj-,., AUK. A- "don, j ai man was brought to prevent a guilty of imnv lth ■■MM Mta\ ued Mr cB ■Of* complain,-,] of an I !i.j' Ik hao i >«bh < OiacKr MM in smi At" Sepii'inl)!.'! h .1 '■I The vicar assi: cad
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  • 26 6 (..<., 1 I'm H I Ml in th<- I registered. I encinjr the arrangement i&m wook the woil<: wms ab<» im increaw of 6,OiM» as.
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  • 810 6  -  Aneta-Havas ,r u v, I ll' Reuter J;t pan I' n justified." Geneva. Wednesday. work of the Di afi ing Corn b oa \ht Birir JmpmviFM dk pate is ted axcepi for Ihi reco latian v hich ill be lefl to the ■ng of tk< lommittea of Nineteen
    Reuter  -  810 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 39 7 I. ndott, Pi iday Since Nov. 1, 1932, crdeiv^ fof 18 new Bhip h«v« i n placed hi Ei d fards. This acn I i .i ibly exceed the whole of thai luced in 1932.— AnetaHava^.
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  • 429 7  - BIG OFFENSIVE Jehol Attacked Along Three Routes Sin Chew Jit Poh Shanghai. Wednesday. b i no course of a tekgni MM aturday, Yulin, (iovoinor of Jehol, rial nat enemy had started their hi*r off- ling, ""1 Mfl mad. i. k for Um dafanM of our country and I hope the
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  • 24 7 ELMi J Ji-v -.-Kirc is dM Sin^apon from Song K r a for Pmm on M dl R I A-i-- D. i.
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  • 485 7 MONROE DOCTRINE Japan May Apply It To The East Ttal :;;y. \ccording T" a «omi-official proi ncemei' > 1 late on Fi iday ing. in case the League •oi con id i that re it i vei ti constitute an,', id attack on i bina, the >.» am i
    Reuter  -  485 words
  • 66 7  -  Aneta-Trans-Ocean BTeeeOWi Monday. TJ e ptrilstflirt runiowrs of secret hinese and Kurfsian negotiations With spearhead against Japan. emanating, allegedly, from Tolrio, WOTe again vigorously denied by the semi-official Izvestia which characterises the report as "unmitigated Met spread with malicious Intent," insisting that in this category belongs ako the
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  • 95 7  -  Aneta-Trans-Ocean Moscow, Mon. ay. The verbal I alt!e U'twcn .lapa/; ese ar.'i Kus-ian itfttc BMB h'. Press continued on Sun<ia.. with a sera -official agency*! rigoroui der.i• i i of the report published in the Japanese newsp^peri the Kichi Nichi, forecastii g an early ai d
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  • 168 7  -  Aneta-Havas Geneva. Sunday p v.. \v. v- -n. Um a%kf Ckta- ir; r;it'. denounced Um a n1 ol UMZ 9i Kafam n Jebd frontkr m Jan* |1 t Japam m tnny. Kleven sol liers and ovt r 100 civilians were killed, and the numi,, i of wo
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  • 119 7 WHF.N A COMET HIT Till- FARTH a statement made ■iation I Science, which is meeting ui Atlan- < tM i,oo§i 000 years a earth was in ha giant comet, larger by one-third than !Ia!l< y comet was smashed to pieces it.} was the wmX\ ssions, averaffiiur hf
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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