Singapore Daily News, 28 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 49. MONDAY, NOV. 28TH, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 382 1 rubber restrictionfoc every rebuff, he continue* schemes for the iys with Governce—of the sorely and refuses to v >- thc Government m Great BrH »lland <t in the Fjf.S., ti:i^ n^ r sa iL on the matter. But le by Brig.-General m the course ting interview puul> Sunda)
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  • 614 1 PENANG FLOODS. MANY HOUSES DESTROYED. NO TRAINS YET. It is now known that seven People lost their lives m the floods which swept Penang B*HkP.L a I a 5 were km <*« "ltd* \f" Vll J aKt Where a »andshde destroyed every house. 1.1,1 V* still
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  • 470 1 WAR DEBTS CRISIS. BELGIUM LIKELY TO DEFAULT. London, Friday. I do not believe for a moment that if a real effort is made together, if both sides put themselves into the other's shoes, a solution cannot be found to enable Dec. 15 to be passed, the future
    Reuter  -  470 words
  • 329 1 MASTERLY 157. WYATT DOES STRONG POSITION. A masterly unfinished 157 by Sutcliflfe was the feature of Saturday's play at Sydney m the match between the M.C.C. and New South Wales. R. E. S. Wyatt made a bright 72 and when stumps were drawn the M.C.C. were m
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  • 121 1 Japanese Plan. COMBINING BRITISH AND U.S. IDEAS. Geneva, Saturday. While Sir John Simon has left for London for the Cabinet war debt discussions, Baron von Neurath has left for Berlin and M. Paul Boncour for Paris to discuss disarmament with M. Herriot and they will probably decide whether
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 54 1 Mr. Gandhi Not To Resume Fast. Poona, Saturday. Mr- (iandhi has receded from his decision to start fasting a^ain :>n Jan. 1 unless the famous temple at Guruvayoor is opened to Untouchables, which strict Hindus cannot agree to. He has now consented that a referendum shall be taken
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  • 434 1 LONDON OPINION, BAD BLOOD AT GENEVA. GRAVE DANGERS. The week's events at Geneva have not brought the League any nearer a solution of the Manchurian problem, and, according to our London correspondent, it is anticipated there that Japan will defy the League which is thus faced
    Reuter  -  434 words
  • 1193 1 Keich Minister for Defence Vs *ert,ng that (icrmanv no war of revenue, m the f, lowing article, makes .o quent plea m the cause "f (.ermany s right to self-defence. Even the League of Nations, M says, recognises the principle of nat.onal defence as (he come.--stone of (he
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 120 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. The London rubber market waquiet it i the cloac on Saturday acci ltlr.iiT to a cable from our corrcspondeni with the prices as follow a. Snot (Buyers 2 19 32d. (Setters 2 21 S£d. Jan •Mar. l 1 21 '3UL Apr.
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  • 669 2 Middle (Quotations On Saturday. MINING. Middle pricei of local Issoei were follows m Singapore on Saturday, I tccording t<» Krnser Co.'i list: A?.im Kumbanjr 27/-, Atistral Malay It/-, Aycr H:t:.m Tin 11 ff. H;itt{rr n Tin 11 Batang Pad' ng •(♦•(JT 1 Uatu Caves O.'-lT'j. Bukit Arcng 0.46
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  • 256 2 Tuesday, November 29. Annual nitsr. of Singapore Polo Club, Balestio", 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 30. Rotary Tiffin, AuVphi Hotel, 1 p.m. Thurnday, December 1. Piano Reaitul by Hen no Moiseiwitreh, Memorial Hall, 9.30 p.m. St. Andiows' Society dinner and Caledonian Bull, Adelphi Hotel. SPORTING. Today, November 28
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  • 117 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Friday. The following rubber results have been announced: Hevea (Johore) Rubber Plantations, Ltd., a loss of £858 for the year ended June 'M\ against a profit of £758 m the previous yemr. A preference dividend of E334 is to be paid and a
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  • 40 2 Ottawa, Friday. The Dominion internal loan ol $80,000,000 has been over subscribed. The loan will consist oi $25,000,000 worth of three-yeai Four per Cent. Bonds a! 1)9.20 and 20-year Four per Cent. Loan of $50,000,000 at 93.45 Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 515 2 PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following paasen&er sailings Are pending For Europe. P. and O. 'S. S. Co.'s Comorin (Dec. 9). N.Y.K.: Hakusan M; ru (Dec 1). Hamburg Amvrtka Line: Ramies (Dec. si. East Asiatic Co., Ltd.: Alsia (Dec. 13). Blue Funnel: A«tfeas (Nov. 29), Cyclops Dec. 1
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  • 42 2 Saturdaj r > exchange rate; included the following: SELLING. London, 4 monthV sight 2/3 31/32 London, 3 months' sight 2/o 15/1(3 London, 60 days' sight 2/3 29/82 Londor, 30 day.V sight 2/3 7/8 London, demand 2/3 27/32 J^ncUra, T.T. SJ/U X5/i$
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  • 71 2 12 noon, Nov. 26, 1932. Buyers Sellers Gambier 5.50 Java Cube 9.50 Hamburg Cub? 10.00 Muntok White Pepper 22.50 White Pepper 21.50 Black Pepper 17.50 Mixed Black Pepper 15.00 Suhdrkd Copra 5.75 Mixed Copra 5.25 Small Flake Tap 3% Fair 3.25 MH.: Pearl 3.85 Small 3.75
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  • 571 2 PLANT RESTARTED. VALUES IN WESTERN SECTION. The fourteenth annual general meeting of the Lingui Tin Co., Ltd., was held m the company's offices at 6*4-66. Market Street. Mr. J. M. Sinie presided and otheic present were Messrs. .J. A. Elias, Lee Chim Tuan, S. Q. Wong,
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  • 379 2 Drrdge Mow Economical Unit. Tlu» eigth annual general meet ing- of the Kuchai Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., was held at the company's offices at 64-60, Mark<>i Street. Mr. J. M. Sime presided and others present were Messrs. J. A. Elias, Lee Chini Tuan, S. Q. Wonjr, E. S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 The Royal Dutch Airways K. 1,. M. <>"tw;ird Mail l'l ;i m- j |j,. ilM u a j Mail IMan,. 9S! Riccbifd Place. snip" Kinslisho, Left 16 Nov. 24 Nov. LONDON Ai» ;l 27 Nov. A Amsterdam Marseilles Rome Hi inrii'si Due 2h Nor, ithena Mersa M. Cairo Rittbah 2H
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    • 331 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily Hews. Head Office: 7K, r ri Singapore, ia 1 n 'in# it 51.-I-.-i-j. Tel: Tlares" siir, i[l( r Kuala Lumpur Office r:>, lan >, r t Phono SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable m SSTamec, i Monthly $1.& Quarterly $4.50 Half-yearly $9.00 Single Copy D All comrnui'ifat:' business matter-?, subscribtions,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 TIDE TABLES. Toda\ X«vt»m!>"r "Js. H. W. !♦.:}."> a.n,. i> fi. m. 11. 1 p.m. I ft. 2 m. Tuesday, Novomlvr, 29. B. w. 10.15 a.m. s« ft I m. UJ6 I>.m I ft. 1 ir. Wednesday. November .?0. H. W. 10.55 -i. mi. io ft 1 m. Thursday. I)oceml)er
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    • 337 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. MAONET, Brit., 207 tons, from Soen-Kt-i Liat 20-11 for Soengei Lial and Hatavia SO-lli KOLA, Brit., 729 tons, from Bangkok 27-11, for Bangkok 1-12. CYPIiOPS, Brit., r >.7S6 tons, from Otaru 27-11, for Port Swettenham 2 11. TONEGAWA MARU, Jap., B<MS tons, from Miike 26-11, for Fremantle 5-12.
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  • 1997 3 LAST MEETING ON THE 01 D RACECOURSE. TRIUMPH FOR HARDING FAMILY. hrn tx.sunco of nearly nine(v Twr Huh course off Kampon- Java Koad w kmsrapore a saturda> wh»-n the second day tf <h last "»eet- a m t<> a cl<»m.. aa> OI lhe amateur meeting
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  • 1641 3 MALAYA CUP WIN FOR SINGAPORE. NEGRI-MALACCA BEATEN AT COMMAND VICTORY IN JOHORE. Showing gfjod form Singapore beat the Nt -uri-Malacca combination m a Malaya Cup match at Stremban on Saturday by thirteen pointy to nil. The back division, reshuffled owing to players inability to travel, was a success At Johore
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  • 51 3 YORKSHIRE I N BY CKESIc I." 1 i c folkj i olleading ru;-' day Cheahj i' ■< Ivi v Midlan land 11. Lancashire 11 i) Wary 8. Arm/ Bristol 11 Plj ambridge L 9 1 Devonpoi S I Harlequins 1" U i [>cic«Bter Northampt till O.M.T. 5 Ricl
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  • 23 3 American IN I Thr I iiv. i si polo L l ir.}-- th. A l t l- \yy lj reals to lv.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 9*** CHILDREN'S ANNUALS THE IDEAL PRESENT. r H TIGI-R TIM S ANNUAL PLAI Contains many St«>ru s and Pjftures (if ,\s h,»: a »a owriti the Famous Bru.n Boys. For all children children h v i up to 12 years of age $.*2-»cach. !2 1 V^*l^^^/^3 »w ANNUAL-' y MRS.
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  • 1900 4 CLAIM FOR WRONGFUL ARREST FAILS. COSTS AWARDED AGAINST "THE MOST FACILE LIAR." 'The most facile liar with whom it has been my misfortune to come into contact," was an expression used by a local advocate and solicitor who was conducting his own case m a counter-claim for damages, and he
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  • 330 4 LOCAL COMPANY. $1 ,000,000 STRUCTURE TO REPLACE EUROPE. The Daily News understands that a scheme is under consideration for the formation of a local company to build a new hotel on the site of the old Europe Hotel. The prospectus is m course of preparation
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  • 120 4 Field-Marshal Milne's Successor. London, Friday. General Sir Archibald Mont-gomery-Massingbred, K. C. I' X.C.M.G.I has been appointed chief of the Imperial General Staff m succession to Field Marshal Sir George Milne. Reuter. The new Chief of Staff, who i> 01 years of ape. has been Adjut-tan-deneral to the Forces
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  • 47 4  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Preparing Appeal Tor Privy Council. Shanghai, Saturday. Sir William Jowitt, the exAttornejMGenerni, is preparing to appeal to tho Privy Council on behalf of Cheng Kwok-yau who was sentenced to death for procuring the death of George Fung m Hong Kong 1
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  • 164 4 A WILD MANIAS SHOT THREE WOMEN. DRAMA IN WOOUs Prom Our Own c,,, London, Sal James fhomas Collins, he Buffs Regiment, ruilty but insane ai B Cent, assies yesterdaj >f the murder of two I girl Of 13. Counsel for the def enci ury to say that
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  • 257 4 DETAILS OF LATEST DUTCH PROPOSAL (From Our Own Corrosi Mcdan. In connection witl tion m the Final* i new rubber sent i of the scheme, Mr. il the Hessa Rui (Sumatra) provided following- details. It is an absolute i the superfluous nat areas and the Eur< an tates
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  • 145 4 AT THE CINEMAj Those universal favc Brooke and Claildette I starred together in from Yesterday," the P picture now showing Rt l The film is a deeply «J story of a man believed the war who come* bee his wife in love with He leaves again and I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 283 4 RUN YOUR OWN RAILWAY. /Ny i railway of l^'s own. But it must be a real U-"" y ¥f^'^ railway, correctly laid out with main lines, branch W i*__p__ g _MßiH lines a nil sidings, stations, tunnels and bridges, and fully equipped with points, signals, etc., —m PETROI TANK V^
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  • 558 5 CLERICAL UNION PROGRESS. Kmm. meeting, MSFACTORY STATE OF FINANCES. B 'ting of H Singapore H at the H soon Road. J.P. presidB fair attendV the 1: I V i and conW il's report B me discus* B iccounts for the B that the reB atisfactory R i rship had derable
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  • 591 5 "BELABOURED WITH STICKS." Five Sikhs, Omar Din, Ratan Singh, Ujaggar Singh, Sadhu Singh and Sarjan Singh, appeared before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, on Saturday on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to Jawala Singh. Mr. D. X. Banerjee appeared for the prosecution, while
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  • 180 5  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh STRONG POSITION. ELABORATE DEFENCES. FIGHTS NEAR MUKDEN Shanghai, Saturday. The Japanese general attack on the National Salvation Army m Manchuria has not yet been launched, but the latter is co-ope.-*--ating with Gen. Ma Chan-shan and they have completed an elaooratc defence system which
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  • 525 5  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Admiral Saigonje, the commander of the Japanese fleet m China waters, has given orders for the fleet to be concentrated at Shanghai and Hankow as a precaution against boycott activity during the League session. The Japanese marines m Shanghai have been suddenly mobilised m
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  • 60 5 Two Local Magistrates Arrested. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Two Glasgow magistrates, Baillies Strain and Ritchie, were arrested m a teashop yesterday afternoon on an unknown charge. Glasgow detectives also arrested a young man recently returned from the United States m connection with the murder of Robert
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  • 84 5 Not Soluble Fur The East. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Mrdan, Nov. 22. The Indteche Courani states that the director of the Department of Home Affairs sent a circular to the heads of the provinces to ask their opinion regarding women police, m connection with the action of the
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  • 77 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Nov. 22. Mr. John E. Breman of "The Unevangelized Tribes-mission of Borneo" established at Muskegon (U.S.A.), who is now working amongst the Dajaks of Bengkaiang (Borneo) states that he has translated the Gospel of St John into the language of the Lara-Dajaks,
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  • 27 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Saturday. Mr. Davidson, late rector of Mittkey, is paying a first and final dividend of Is. 7d. m the pound
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  • 78 5 Ambitious Plan For Flight to Far East. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Nov. 22. If is understood that the Compagnie Air Orient made a request for the help of tke K.X.I.L.M. m the matter of a lor.jr distance light from France to the Fa i East. The airmen concerned
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  • 67 5 Undergoes Major Operation. Detroit, Sunday. A major operation has been performed on Mr. Henry Ford who walked painfully into the hospital bearing his name, was Immediately taken to the operating theatr and operated on for strangulate I femoral hernia. He is progre— in satisfactorily. Mi. Ford, who
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 PILSENER BEER. d m AUSTRALIA I, om Australian Malt, Hops and Crystal Water. TOOHEYS is a genuine brewed beer. NOT a synthetic product. Ask your Provision Store for a free pint bottle. SOLE AGENTS.— THE EASTERN AGENCIES LTD., SINCAPORE.
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    • 300 5 MALAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE. teWt* < I F r Everythin p hone 2938.' I^fM FINEST Q UAUTY «H* TENNIS I Y Sp and POLO SHIRTS. jf Price $1.25. J RESTRINGING OF TENNIS fflfwts^ 0 BAt) MINTON RACKETS OUR Jj|iS^ SPECIALITY. ROYSONS The Malayan Sports Depot. 111, North Bridge Road,
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  • 1730 6 SIR SAMUEL WILSON. REPORT BY FEBRUARY. RUBBER SITUATION, (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sir Samuel Wilson discussed his tour with a Sunday Tunes correspondent at King's House on Saturday morning. At first Sir Samuel was asked whether there Has any prospect of his prolonging his stay beyond the
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  • 75 6 Scotland Yard Expect Early Arrest. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Scotland Yard anticipate the early arrest of Britain's master forger, no fewer than 20 of whose confederates are now undergoing terms of penal servitude. Tin ha iks have been swindled of many thousands by the forger, who
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  • 71 6 Storekeeper Appointee! Go\ ernor-General. London, Saturday. Mr. Daniel Buckley, of Maynooth, who has been appointed Governor-General of the Irish Free State, is a shopkeeper. He was a member of the first and second Dails, and was defeated at the 1928 election. He is now member for Kildare. Mr.
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 33 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Saturday. A remand prisoner walked out of Brixton Prison yesterday wearing a warder's cap and overcoat which had been left m the corridor by the owner.
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  • 96 6 A Chinese arrested for the possession oi' 500 tahils of opium valued at $4,000 was produced before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Jucjge, on Saturday. i< was stated that, acting on nPormation, a party of revenue officers shadowed a oar m the Changi district on Friday afternoon.
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  • 66 6 An unusual charge was preferred against Kartar Singh, a Sikh police constable, when ho was produced before Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, t!ii« Third Magistrate, on Saturday! il«' accused of absenting himself trQm duty m circumstances iho\ying that he had an intention of not returning to duty.
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  • 60 6 Before Mr. A. Hay, the Second Magistrate, Low Yong *oo^ wa& chacgcd with voluntarily casing hurt with a danpero-js woapQn to JU>w Kirn Yonj;- last Friday niffht m Middle Road. The a(c-u-/j'l i., alleged to have s.a.,!>cd the conipiainanl, who was bis employer, with a oobbler'H knife ioilowint:
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  • 13 6 The Negri Stmbilan Estate Owners annual meeting has been postponed until Dec. 10
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  • 490 6 WOM! J SINGAP^ I DA Collyi i I cars di I v, .1 B Mr. J by I turn bi I An mi v. ffulation car pa] B Quay r B oilier I going behali I I I B itc the ft or. Sept. B hi* r v B
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 144 6 r Ji f\ f^ f V^ "W% f\ 3/* is complete without i Make your selection from the wide variety offered by the j SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. I 6, RAFFLES PLACE. B a ii P\. 2^ bT% I 8 Importing DIAMONDS of every size and quaßty, PEARL Ni;CKLACES
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  • 225 7 tfIRDAYS HOME FOOTBALL EXPECTED REVERSE FOR THE VILLA •tfrjratra HVas* arss.^ <>n ARSENAL REGAIIN LEADERSHIP. I. Saturday. i he* played h< h :>n<l as follows: 1M ROI M> I 0 > 0 I I> 0 3 6 iuh l 10. 2 lead 1
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  • 823 7 ARSEiNAL REGAIN THE The following »re the positions of teams, to-date. m the English tnd Scot' ish L .v First Division. P. V L. D. A P. *enal 16 12 2 2 51 27 26 •»n Villa li 7 0 2 1 42 23 21 £j/by Co. |9
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  • 565 7 FATHUL KARIB LOSE TO PERANAKANS. Spore Peranakan 4 Fathul K. 2 It was a distinct, achievement on the part of Fathul Karib to restrict the Singapore Peranakans winning lead to two goals when the two teams met yesterday afternoon m a Malay Football Association league match at Jalan
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  • 802 7 WEEK-END HOCKEY RAFFLES ALLOW FIVE GOALS. POLICE VICTORY. V. Services ."> fc.C. 0. Raines College received a decisive defeat at the hands of ilv United Services officers m a hoek-y match at Bukit j'imah yesterday, being beaten by five clear goal Lieut. Parsons distinguished himself by
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  • 118 7 Attempt to Blackmail Sultan of Langkat. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Nov. 22. A Benjiation has been caused by a statement by the polici that a man was arrested m the neighbourhood of the Sultan of Lan^kat's bungalow m Medan. niter an attempt to blackmail ll i* Highness.
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  • 145 7 WOMAN OWNER'S WIN AT 20—1. London, Saturday. The Manchester November Handicap, run today at Manchester, resulted as follows Mrs. C. Beatty's. HYPOSTYLE (Richardson) l. Lord Derby'a GUISCARD (Weston) 2. Mr. 11. (lay ton >. ISTHMUS (Nevett) Won by one and a half lengths; threequartera of a length between
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  • 102 7 BIG LEAD FOR AMERICA OVER AUSTRALIA. Brisbane, Sal unlay. In the lawn tennis u-st match between the American touring team and Australia here today Van Ryn a.S.> beat Spronle 8 V. 1 <», 7 T> WHmer Allison U..S beat Hopman .'1 6, 6— 1, S- i Ellsworth Vines
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 EVERY MORNING a Singapore Daily News DELIVERY VAN passes near YOUR HOUSE "Sign on the Dotted Line* below and it will come right up to your door and deliver the Singapore DAILY NEWS which gives M^O RE NEWS than is contained m any other Malayan Morning Paper j CUT OUT
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    • 111 7 SUITABLE GIFTS FUR MEN iw t y g HE? *i DRES <.<»n \s. Art Sill n< m<. '.lourIng 1 I (1 1 Pria I each. HEN'S i'liJ.ov i:»: English made .-'if puic < 1 newest coloui ing and d< Pricei to $15.0t. KoVelfiei i-rv HEX'S TIES. A la r latest
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 8 A Raffles College player interc spting a pass during the hockey game v>\\h tin I ni«~i I Oflicers jresterday. I
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 Much damage was during a i-on. nnemployed demon jtra ti{;n m Hyie Park and ike picture ifcowi tailin.ns that irer c trampled down-
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 8 Some ot the thousands of unemplovc.l who t(>!>k part recently m a monster demenstrati Park to protest against the means test.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 8 Raflri illrße wert- well heatcn at hocko hv the limited Services Officers at Hnkit Timah yesterday by five Stall to nil.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 269 8 Harry S. Elias, m.i.o. QUALIFIED OPTICIAN j Capitol Building I Tel. 2751. I CONSULTING HOURS— j 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. J SLUMP TIME NECESSITATES ECONOMY Then don't throw away your olil clocka, watclios or pbonefi Send kbem to us. \\Y will uivc eaoli of them a new life to
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    • 53 8 i JL JBL JU. JHL JBL JBmJI i TONIGHT! Two Popular Stars together for the first time— CLIVE BROOK and CLAUDETTE COLBERT "The MAN FROM W/M YESTERDAY" BF M An Outstanding Paramount Production NEXT CHANGE:— The World-popular Pair Together Again MAURICE CHEVALIER and JEANETTE MacDONALD "LOVE ME TO-NIGHT" Paramount's Most
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    • 94 8 1 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903. NINE TILL 1 From the Famous Stage Play by Aimee Phillip Stuart. LOUISE HAMPTON ELIZABETH ALLAN. Hi BOHHrn Bl maHBOHH HD ■BBIW a H 1 I tin: lecithin roon rpcommended by thousands of pkyniciaiiH m A HEALTH FOOD FOR CHILDREN ADD! I The bad weather is
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