Singapore Daily News, 26 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 48 SATURDAY, NOV. 26TH, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 346 1 itinerant iml junnanent feattowns throughout Malaya. ■gainst fortune- are honoured m rather than m the <o impuder.i l«dv t tiona of these gentry that they invade the .lows and tfar-lens, ling hotels and m the Pres*. A of this category ..< coated the chief Singapore— a pro- vvhich
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  • 634 1 TWO DROWNED IN DISASTROUS PENANG FLOODS. HOUSES SWEPT AWAY. MAIL TRAINS HELD IP: ROADS F H/ID A 00 A Di r 1 •W«y by CST ?n drowned and four houses washed SlriM iSfift* !f K enan f «"o>vin« torrential rain hours Thp hi I lnchesare to have fallen m 11
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  • 45 1 COURT DISPUTE TO LAST SIX WEEKS. The Hague, Wednesday. The sovereignty dispute over Eastern icy wa.stt^ between n>enroark and Not way will occupy the attention of the Court of International Justice foi at least mx weeks, according to the Court's arrangements published today.— Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  45 words
  • 45 1 Sir Konaltl Ross's Successor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Pnlday. Sir Allo Castellani, director of tropical medicine at the Ross Institute and Hospital, has been appointed chief director of the Tr.stitute of Tropical Diseases m succession to the late Sir Ronald Ross.
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  • 74 1 Mrs. de Mtlker, a former BUTSe and the wife of a member of the Springbok ru^by team which visited England m l!>or>, was charged with murdering her two previous husbands, Wilfri Alfred Cowl* and Robert Sproat, and her 20--year-old son, Rhodes Cecil Sproa*. It was alleged that she
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  • 69 1 Nol m Imminent Need Of v Bath Chair. London, Tuesriav. Mr. Ramsay phys;cally and mentally is a fit man declared his physician, Sir Thomas Hoffder, at the Health Resort*' Association lunch today, thus dispoefatg all kinds of rumours thai the Prime Minister was m almost imminent need
    Reuter Wireless  -  69 words
  • 22 1 London, Tuesday. It is understood that the doctors advise a long rest m the country or a cruise m the Mediterranean. Aneta-Havas
    Aneta-Havas  -  22 words
  • 302 1 "NOT LONELY/ PLEASURE TRIP TO AUSTRALIA. Mr. J. R. Hebert, the French Canadian owner of a Gypsy Moth machine m which he is making a pleasure trip from London to Australia, arrived at Seletar Air Base just before 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon from Kuala Lumpur, having accomplished
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  • 22 1 London, Tuesday. Sir Austen Chamborlian is suffering from lumbago and has cancelled his engagements for this week. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  22 words
  • 317 1 IN.S.W. ALL OUT. CENTURY FOR FINGLETON. ALLEN'S 5 FOR 69. The N.C.C.'I match with New South Wales opened yesterd ly and by the end of the day the Australian side had been dismissed, thanks to good bowling by <i. O. Allen and Tate, for 273
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • 48 1 Stolen from Columbia University. New York, Tuesday. A very valuable document, the second volume of the original manuscript of Sir Walter Scott's Guy Hannering,* 1 owned by Mr. J. P Morgan, has been stolen from the Scott Centenary Exhibition m the library of Columbia Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • 46 1 Barter Arrangement With Canada. Montreal, Tuesday. The first shipment of Russian fuel oil, amounting to 12.000 tons, for use without further treatment m Canada has arrived. This follows three shipments of 30,000 ton< Of Soviet crude oil under the aluminium barter arrangement.— Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  46 words
  • 41 1 To Broadcast On (ihristmas Day. London, Thursday. It is announced that the Kin^r will broadcast a message to the people from Sandrintfham Palace On the afternoon of ChristinaDay. It will be radiated from the new Empire broadcasting .station. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 48 1 London, Tuesday. The Third Hussars, the oldest cavalry regiment m the British Army, which has spent only four years m England since IKDX, landed at Southampton today from India. Over a hundred telegrams of welcome were received by the Commanding Officer when he landed.— Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • 106 1 MURDERED HER SON. WOMAN TO DIE. HUSBANDS NOT POISONED. FIVE WEEKS' TRIAL. After a trial lasting over five necks the wife of a member of the Springbok rugby team which visited England m 1906 has been sentenced to death m Johannesburg for the murder of her son. She was found
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 1262 1 Mr. Edwin Geagfc, who n;« travelled the world m many capacities, and M who has served sentences m many lands m the following article, tells of his own grim experiences m tin: hands cf the > American police. His article is of particular interest m view of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 215 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. Al L'sd. s|ji.i robber wma unchanged at the close IB London i;t-t night compared with Tkursday*i }»ric'.-, :i< Dordins to a cable from our correspondent. The market ii dull and the forward \nu->< »re: I) i Aber >s An i. Mai
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  • 690 2 AlifMlr Quotations On Friday. Middle price* of l O al issues were follows iii Singapore on Friday. ording to Prasei i CoJ« li.-t MINING. Asam Kumhansr 17/-, Austral iy li> Aycr Ritaa Tin 11 t, grin Tin 14/-. Batang Padang 1 Bat u Caret M 7%, Bukit Atxaf
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  • 549 2 PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings are pending For Europe, P. and O. S. N. Co/l Comorin (Dec. 9). N.Y.K.: HakHMn (Dec. 1). Hamburg Amerika Line: Ranues (Dec. 5). Kast Asiatic Co., Ltd.: A\A& (.Dec. 14>. Hlue Funnel: Aeneas i Nov. 29), Cyclops Dec. 1
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  • 43 2 rrulay'j. exchange rates included f allowing: SELLING. London, 4 month.,' tight 2/3 31/32 London. 3 months' si^ht 2/3 15/1G London, 60 days' bight 2/3 29/32 London, SO days' gi^ht 2/3 7/8 London, demand 2/8 27/ s*> London, T.T. 2/3 13/16
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  • 378 2 Today, November lifi. Singapore Amateur Races, Second Annual gen. mtg". of Clerical Union, 2.1f» p.m. Today, November 29. Annual mtg 1 of Singapore Polo Club, Balesti ->r, 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 30. Rotary Tiflin, Ade!pkd Hotel, 1 p.m. Thursday, December J. Piano Recital by Benno Moisei\vit:3ch, Memorial
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  • 73 2 12 norm. Nov. 25, 1932. Buyers Sellers Java Cube qjqq Hamburg CiU>- v{ 00 Muntok White l\ nper wor, Wnitt Pe;n>er 21 16 Black Pepper 17 50 Mixed Black Pepper 15 00 Sundried Copra 5.75 Mixed Copra 525 9^ Small Flake Tap 3% -1 MH.: Pearl
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  • 84 2 Uneventful Journey Across France. Marseilles, Tuesday. Trotzky and his family arrived aboard the Italian steamer Prmjfa, slipping ashore unobserved m a tender m order to escape attention. Trotzky who drove m a motorcar from Marseilles to Lyons, arrived from the latter city by express train m Paris early th:s
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  84 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 304 2 THE SINGAPOPIE PaiSy News. Head Of!i«e: 7hf f rj| Singapore •i 11 SI. 515 2. Tel: Tlare* N Sin X 1( Kuala Lumpur Pkoae SUBSCRIPTION Payable m ad. I. r-u delivi Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Single Copy, All rointnunioati., business matters, subscribtions, accottl etc., should be sddr. MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT lo For
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 155 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. PARTS MARU. Jap., 4.471 tons, from Ifageya 24-11. lur Bolawan Dell 2»;-ii. MIA T()N(;. Brit.. 10'J tons, from Muar 2")-n, for Muar 26-11. CBLBBBS MARJ, Jap., 4,25S ton.s, freai Moji J."» 13, for Durban 26-11. TASMANIA MARU, Jap., 2,517 tons. from Bedi liundar 2")-lI, fur Java I'orts 26-11.
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    • 146 2 TIDE TABLES. Today. November 2U. H- W. h.17 a.m. S ft. C, m. <J. 24 p.m. Sft. 7 m. Sunday. -November 27. H. W. B.'>"> a.m. 9 ft. 2 18. 10.16 p.m. i) "ft. I m. ."Monday. November 2S. H. W. 9.35 a.n.. 'J fi. r, ni n;; p.m. 9
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    • 636 2 CHURCH SERVICES. BETHESDA Iras Hasan Koad. Sunday. 0 a.m. Breaking of Bread. 4 1 .in. Bible (Musses ami Sunday School, s p.m. Gospel Service. Speaker: Mr. L. J. Donaldson. Subject: Tuesday. \.m. Prayer Meet. in^Wi»dn«*sd:i> B p.m. Gospel Meetin^ m Malay. Friday. .".:;o p.m. Bible Address. Speaker: Mr. L Hodgson.
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  • 1492 3 TKF. DAILY NEWS GIVES FOUR WINNERS. CAMEO II PAYS $141. Amateur* provided a rerj iatcrcstia« Tfi«.r» »pon lur. -lul> M .st«.rdav. A nr^ra^" Ht ,X over lurionirs and two ov,, w mt of ||> and provided mm* exeeHeni finLh arried out ridtrs included some
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  • 359 3 EVENTS FOR LAST DAY. I'KOGRAMME. HANDICAPS AND SELECTIONS. Handicaps for today's amateur aces arc as follows: Kace 1. I'cnif.s, Class Div <-"' 1 r«n.)2.lft, M^it Dust 11.7. Land".' r-nd 11.7, Slum;. 1!..",. Shorty 11, Hats Off MM, Baeth.iMie 10.2, Minoru «J. 7, Sahara BA. Hju-c 2. Ionic, (lass Div. 1,
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  • 539 3 PUBLIC SERVICES BEAT WEAK S. C. C. SIDE. S.C.C. 0. f\S. "B" 3. In a -crappy Rugby game on the Padang yesterday, a weak S.C.C. side of 13 lost to the Public Services' B XV by the only try scored m the match. Territorially the Public Solvices had slightly
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  • 769 3 CHARITY FOOTBALL. COMBINED SCHOOLS AND S.C.F.A. Ccm. Schools 2. S.C.F.A. 1. Ideal weather favoured the charity football match between teams drawn from the Senior Combined Schools and the StraitChinese Football Association at the Jalan Betar Stadium yesterday afternoon. The attendance, however, fell far short of
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  • 21 3 I ondon, Friday. In the Manchester November Handicap probables Lowrey H<;<--Scardroy un<\ Rockliffe and Diaarmameni are scratched.* Re uter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 25 3 I): .un-. Friday. There was no t>]«y today m tNtest lawn tennis match betweea i ht* American tourists and Au--tialia owinsr to rain. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 92 3 Berlin, I uegday. Negotiations for a revision (>\' the Franco-German commercial treaty opened yesterday at the Foreign Office m the presence i the French envoy t<- i «i. Prancoifl Poncet. The German delegation wraa headed \>y lh. J 'o.--f anfl th<* French delejpation i).v M. Blbel who
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  • 87 3 Need for International Cd-operation I'a The vital m|.«.> > f•■ man i o operation For I I ion of int<i lems empha ised ii »h; 4 nv,.*<i between M. Lebrtin, and the n I Ambassador to France, H< Koester, w hen latter his eredenJ ial yestei >
    Aneta-Trans Ocean  -  87 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 Xmas Mail Closes Dec. Ist. Cnnstmas Greeting CARDS A .-'-mi--- 'j::;i iH' M?j!;'.y:in 1^" 'T^ well-known m this I'oiint iy. In £?'fJTh. «^k black and white, and m colours Cyji Ai;»: MUCH APPBBCIATED m ho.vk Li:rirn:vis. tr^z 3 t-'^-XI Charraing but i' **A Cards embossed writ! of Singapore or \rJ^'v'
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  • 3383 4 "TOO TERRIBLE FOR WORDS" COMMENTS JUDGF, INTERLUDE IN CHEATING CASE. Further evidence was recorded before Mr. Wilson, the Criminal District iwdgt, yesterday, m the case m which Elias Sassoon Joseph, Philip Newton Ueedl Charon Henry Tack and Teo John Lon^ were charged with cheating to
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  • 140 4 Two Months 1 Gaol For Chinese. A Chinese was charged before Mr. A. W. Hay. the Second Magistrate, yesterday with voluntarily causing huit to the "'head boy" of the s.s. Nieuw Holland on Nov. 20 m Seah Street. It will be recalled that th.» complainant's evidence was recorded
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  • 72 4 Police Invade Private Card Party. Twenty-one men from Shanghai were brought before Mr. J. F V Gregrjr, the Third Magistrate, yesterday on a charge of gamb'ing m a room m the Southern Hotel m Eu Tong Seng Street. His Honour held that a room m a hotel m
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  • 299 4 ALLEGED THEFT 01 MOTOR-COAT. The alleged thefi a I i boat valued at $<f>oo on N< I j formed the subject of a i hi I theft against a young named Ahmai bin Al I before Mr. J. K. G Third Maoist rate, y< The complainant, Tan Ah
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  • 28 4 Munich, I Sixteen person* u »P e t f d II |2 the leaders of a Comi to launeh a political nut--Rhenish Palatinate rere at Ludwigshafen last night.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 492 4 X'MAS IS COMING! Don't Forget Your Friends at Home. This Year! Practical Gifts that Please. Gift! that are splendid tokens of the X'mas spirit of goodwill, and that are certain of appreciation. The prices quoted m each instance includes all charges for Duty, Packing, and Postage, etc. m the United
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    • 71 4 fX I fs"f? A I r I THE BEER I I m 1 v j- II iH^fciß Hn rai SD I I 'Ml kI m mso Bus l»~ U r f- -J v n r" g Brewed And Bottled 3 E In Malaya For 3 v n IT g The
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 115 4 LAW NOTICE. Before Mr. Justice Whit ley m the 2nd. Court Unlay at 11 a.m. Criminal App-als: 1. Rex vs: Mariappan alias Appavu. 2. Rex vs: H. Ball. Criminal Revision Rex vs: E. D. Sykes. Before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell m the 3rd. Court at 10.80 a.m. Jud-ment:— R
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  • 1520 5 Utioning creditors UNSECURED DEBT. OF TIME REFUSED. well known b> ,i Jaffa**, „n trarlor »djud*.d bankrupt and i receiving^SerwS m >', Bankruptcy Court i,.,r.,re Mr JJTg rmHioni were Alkaff ,V <„.. ViUrvtl »»«*5 br.Mivhl mofioa »«»r a rmMsin,. whn m lurn fifed a motion asking for
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  • 45 5 The damaged bow of the Hlu e Star liner Afric Star, which was m collision with the Norwegian steamer C harente m the Channel, off Dover. The I'harcnte sank while being towed to port. The crew of ei«jhu*en were rescued.
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  • 166 5 Mr. MaeDonalfl ami Mr. Lanshury. London, Tuesday. A bitter battle was witnessed m the House of Commons this afternoon between Mr. Mac Donald aivl his old colleague Mr. George Lansbury, Leader of the opposition, during the debate following on th.King's speech. Earlier, Mr. Lansbury had charged the Government
    Reuter Wireless  -  166 words
  • 36 5 Rome, Tuesday. The Grand Fascist Council met last night with Signor Mussolini m the chair m order to deal with current problems. It is understood the discussions included the question of Franco-Italian rapprochment.— Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  36 words
  • 32 5 Cologne, Tuesday. The whole socialist Press m the Lower Rhine district has been suspended until Saturday next for satirising Dr. Bracht, the Comm a i .innpr for Prussia.— Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  32 words
  • 143 5 U.S. JJl>els on London IVople. 1 London, Tuesday. Photographs m one oi the American "Uildoid" newspapers have just reached London which are described as libels on London people. They were mentioned by Lord Haiisham, Secretary of State for War, at the Pilgrims 1 Club luncheon m honour of
    Reuter Wireless  -  143 words
  • 131 5 Sir Herbert Samuel On Prospects of Return. London, Tuesday. The question of Great Britain returning to the gold standard wa.i lef erred to by Sir Herbert Samuel m a speech m the House of Commons m the debate on the address. He said we might be pressed by
    Reuter Wireless  -  131 words
  • 292 5 KNIFE GASHED BODY ON ESPLANADE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penanjf. Friday. One of the most extraordinary and baffling murders of recent years was discovered here early this morning when a posse of police going out to drill caocc upon the body of a Chinese
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  • 68 5 Many Acquittals m Mass FT! I Trial. Hekingfon, Tuesday. The trial of 1)6 Lappo leaders involved m the Mantsala coup resulted m the acquittal of 44 while the remainder were tinted to terms varying from two to 30 months' hard labour, though sentence was suspended m :f2 cases.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  68 words
  • 91 5 Thief Denounces Himself to Police. Berlin, Tuesday. One of the most valuable pi<c m the collection of the Far Ba« tern Art Museum for ethnology here was stolen by working man who forthwith went to a police station, pave up the picture and denounced himself as the thief.
    Aneta-Trans Ocean  -  91 words
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  • 794 6 FROM THREE SIDES. FIVE JAPANESE PLANES BROUGHT DOWN. Shanghai, Friday. The Volunteers Support Society of Shanghai h:is received word that Gen. Wanjr Teh-lin (commander o.J i the Kirin National Salvation Army and chairman of the Provincial Government) is attacking,. Kirin City from three directions}, ,hs
    Reuter  -  794 words
  • 208 6 DANUBIAN STATES BLOC UNDER ITALY. MANY PARIS RUMOURS. Paris, Tuesday. Thic improvement in ItaloFre'nch relations since M. Harriot's Toulouse speech and Senator Berenger!s conversation with Signov .Mussolini appears to have been of brief duration, arid the press is full of talk of Italian plans' 'for the Danube
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  208 words
  • 258 6 BANKRUPT TO BE GIVEN CHANCE TO EXPLAIN. In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell, Mr. E. X. Taylor, assistant Official Assignee, made an application for the committal of Lim Boon Hing, bankrupt, on the ground that he had not tiled hi-six-monthly accounts. His Lonisnip:
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  • 67 6 London, Tuesday. The world's mercantile marine was reduced by 450,000 tons during the quarter ended June 30. One fourth of this was due to c-ii-ualtv or stress by weather. The biggest disaster was the burning of the M.M. liner Georges Philippai. 17,359 tons, off Aden. Two United Kingdom
    Reuter Wireless  -  67 words
  • 117 6 A Loyal, Member." Geneva, Thursday. The feature of today's League Council Sino-Japane^e delegate*' duel \vas Air. Matsucku's objection to ihe Ly.ton Conrcnission bein--asked to rfpptf proceedings to the Council. Replying to Dr. Wellington. Koo's attack Mr. Mp.tsuoka de Glared that Japan hopes to remain a. loyal supporter of the Leaguj
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  • 206 6 A. P.C. NEW CO* c m formed in Si to ;.> meeting iasio] Hs. A.I ,C. it '■•>.) sgn Discus lag oxer Bupcrinti Emily Swin tfai re ap li i mended !< Mr. G. I den i. ricksha w we 1 < i i i mei til rec«
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 without I^L-. ZL i Make your selection I from the wide i i variety offered I by the i I I i SINGA PORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. j WIW HlWWMß__Wi>_w.»««_ J M| im >^^_ __^^~^J~^" 0 I MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL. RIJSTAFFEI. SINGAPORE REPERTORY PLAYERS SPECIAL DitiHER RACE SALL ''kksicnt
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  • 425 7 HOCKEY. R G E O E AL Q S UICK I A c BEATEN. M foi some of the I and I lal play m I ather weak I however, I m scoring eitfht I half of their Royal Air round yes- ther ju»l on replied
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  • 485 7 HRST ROUND. TORQUAY TO MEET BOURNEMOUTH. Knl'rV 11 1 rouml Pr«P<M- of the lish football Association Cm Ineet Whe 8 teams The F. A. Cup w a tr I Jim L arly SITUO with the ansepJ!^ of the four years of the viMjst War. R,^ StOI l
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  • 228 7 r UNFAVOURABLE REACTIONS. Geneva, Thursday. It is toured that the American attitude on deMs will have seriourepercussions m Geneva an.; react unfavourably, not only or the question of disarmament but on the Sino-.Japanese dispute and the Worl.i Economic Conference. The Washington Note r,i< thrown cold water on the
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 41 7 Prague. Tuesday. Czei-ho-Slovakia has associated her.- elf with the other powers m requesting the United States t> afire? to a postponement of the pay. i ?nt of the next instalment of debt and advocating revision oi war debts. Aneta-Trans-Oean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  41 words
  • 197 7 Allrgrd Victim of An Extortion Attempt. The patience of Mr. A. W. Hay. the Second Magistrate, was taxed yesterday m geiting ai the story of the complainant, an aged Chinese hawker, m a charge I f attempted extortion against a young Hokkien named Ong Kirn Hock. Court Inspector
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  • 213 7 BULKY MEMORANDUM IN PREPARATION. Berlin. Wednesday A National-Socialist memorandum setting forth Hitler's detailed suggestions for the formation of a non-parliamentary Government is beinj; drafted by Gregor i Strasser, his most able political adviser, m conjunction with Dr. Prick and Dr. Goebbels, it wrmt learned from National-Socialist qfjarters late
    Reuter Wireless  -  213 words
  • 144 7 Discovery In [Northern Canada. London, Thursday. Th* discovery .n Canada 6i i new rich source of radtom and a inir.etal area producing gold an.l Bilver was by Major Be nard Day m an address to the Institute of Mining m London. He predicted that the area, whirh is
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 EVERY MORNING a Singapore Daily News DELIVERY VAN passes near YOUR HOUSE 4i Sign on the Dotted Line v below and it will come right up to your door and deliver the Singapore DAILY NEWS which gives MORE NEWS than is contained m any other Malayan Morning Paper j CUT
      103 words
    • 89 7 SUITABLE GIFTS PFOR MEN T T^j j m I J r MBN*B DRESSING > w NS. Art Silk Bnj •\v :-.uriuu< m or i|r i nal <• i Price I t-.uli. r■• Wx MEN'^ PUI LCV ERB. Knuli-ii mm! v. I i: colourings and Ie Price* t« $\SJ%. if MEN'S
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 8 At Jalan Kesar yesterday the C mMnri Schools met an S.C.F.A- Uari. headed for goal and the schorls' goalkeeper i< just ibout punch rl
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 The lacrosse s?asmi has opened m Bn^lai*d ani ftbovc is a Lee forward Retiinj ball m a reient match with Catford, played at Ravensbourne, h nt.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 8,!. Ichn Hilk Md l.ady Uuscmary Bwteft dau s hl.r of the Karl and Countess of (Tomer.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 In the third race yesterday Cameo 11, I'uth Arl and I'hoon Tok loupht a fast, close finish, \imeo 11, Archer up, nearest camera, just winning to pay $141.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 i Harry S. Elias, mi.o. QUALIFIED OPTICIAN j 'afiilol Building i J Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS— 1 i 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. HV\ X KE \HI» OF REPAIR& Wll\ SOI TEBT <fc HEAI MORK <»l IMJII KKI'AIKS 1 1 iv. rs you, von \vk cuai: a.'.TKK PEkFECT BER- U
      175 words
      56 words
    • 98 8 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903. MATINEE TODAY AT 3.15 The greatest laugh-maker ever! "THE With ALISON SKIPWORTH, RICHARD lERIEU Packed with fun all the- \\;iy! /^Z^\ NEXT CHANGE!! ai i 1 99 V \\\/\IM I II J^IIIIwIJ JEANNE DKi:\SUfi P'^TTtJ K^^l ll( ihi; I! \m f (1 >v y/ famoui stage J
      98 words