Singapore Daily News, 22 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 13 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 44. TUESDAY, NOV. 22ND, 1932. 5 CENTS. t
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  • 562 1 Something of the "Our backs art 1 to th<! wall" attitude of early is to be round m the latest London Press comments on the v ,-4i Debts negotiations. At first mcd that the United States »ukJ Iriid a friendly ear to the I' iti li and French
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  • 945 1 LEAGUE TALKS. worlFpEace MENACE. "A >IEEK LAMB." the discussion o{ t|u >H<M '^P«rt by tne Learn 0u.u.l yesterday both X h t and Japmyeae represen. wUves spoke. Mr. Matsuok i •"ii. law the CMnese boycott, disHaimecl any bitterness or hostil- < .ii Ml f.,0 condition «f China
    Reuter  -  945 words
  • 94 1 Caught On Way To Von Papen. Berlin, Saturday. A somewhat ludicrous attempt to assassinate Chancellor von Papen early this week was revealed at the police court when Frau Budda, aged :!8, was sentenced to three months m the second division for invading the Chancellery armed with a dagger
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  94 words
  • 277 1 LANDS AT GAG. AMY JOHNSON NOT TO FLY BACK. fiondoa, Monday. Vbrn anxiety for several days to the whereabouts of Victor Smith, tho South African fiver ,4 relieved by news for Gmo of hh arrival there. It was learned that he previously landed at Dori, loO miles
    Reuter Wireless  -  277 words
  • 51 1 Moscow, Friday. It is announced that the film trust will soon release a film depicting the life of the Russian emigres. The leading role will be that of GorjroulotF, the assassin of the French President, M. Doumer. i Gorg-ouloff's name will also be c uiven to the film.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  51 words
  • 430 1 AM, OUT FOR 60. AUSTRALIA'S CTOSEIN^ NAGEL& FOR \\2. rollowinu a st r i t>s of scores ia Ihcir previous ■atrfcva m Australia lhi s four Hie M C.C yesterday mad- stto of (he smallest totals „n rtTord m sm-h a rcprettenUtivc -ame and were ••II ou<
    Reuter  -  430 words
  • 108 1 LEPERS' VISIT. DEPUTATION ESCAPE FROM COLONY. Bucharest, Saturday. The Minister of Labour, M. Jo&nitesca, sustained a severe shock when three visitors appeared at his home, and, intrtducing themselves as lepers, stated that they had escaped from the leper.-,' colony at Tichilesti and formed themselves into a
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  108 words
  • 74 1 Hoover Cabinet (Jifi w To Drinorrats. Washington, Monday. In order to nresent.Hr. Roosevelt wiih a balanced budget, the Hoover cal»iii;-t is planning to reduce appropriations for the fis-il year beginning July 1 by $700,000,000 -ross and $560,000 000 net to $4*2ll;000,000 winch m $200,000,000 above the Democrats 1
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 423 1 PRESIDENT'S TERMS. NAZI LEADER'S CHANCE. OFFER TO HELP. President Hindenhurjr has agreed to the claim of Htrr Hitler, the (lerman Na/i leader, to h- C i hancellors hip. provided Hitler can secure the necessary majority. Karlier messages indicated that the Nazi leader and nis lieutenants had
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean; Reuter  -  423 words
  • 50 1 Eish Journalist's th In Moscow. Moscow, Thursday. A British journalist Mr. W. Hughes, met with a fatal Accident when he tried to board a tramcar and slipped, sustaining concussion. Mr. Hughes represented the Public Affairs News Service, the New Leader and the South A fn can Witness. Aneta-Trans-Oeean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  50 words
  • 43 1 Copenhagen, Friday. The final results of the general elections have given slight vfain«, for the Socialists and Conservatives and losses for the Liberals and Radicals. The new alignment will permit continuation of the pr sent coalition with the Socialists. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  43 words
  • 756 1 I here is no doubt al all 11i.,t I rotcction by a tariff ran m ils immediate effects, benefit the employers and workpeople iv particular trades. n j m port duty imposed on a particular article, so leaf as i» is having any effect al ill means that
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 198 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. Spot rubber mv up l m t(» i -•h(I. itt the dost m LoodoQ last night compared with Saturday's price, according to eablc from oar correspondent The market is steady and the forward prio ;li ii follows: D member 2% •i
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  • 662 2 MiJcJlr (Quotations On Monday. Ifiddle prices of local issues were ji follows m Siti\;apore on Monday, according t<» Frasei a Co.'j list: MINING. A^.-im Kumban«r 27-, Austral Malay 10 hyt Hit: m Tin 1 1 T,. Banrrin Tin 1 1 Batang Padang 0 jr 1 Batu fc37%, Hukit
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  • 48 2 Gilt-Edged Securities Again Weak. London, SaturdayWith enterprise still lacking, business m all markets was lin:dted. The chief event on the Stock Exchange was the further drop m gilt-edged securities. The commodity markets have ruled quiet an:l featureless. Wall Street wa.s firmer, stimulated by short-cover-ing. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • 75 2 12 noon, Nov. 21, IMS. Buyers Sellers? Gam bier 5.50 Java Cube i>.oo Hamburg 1 Cub? 10.00 Muntok White Foj.per 23.00 White Pepper 22.00 Black Pepper 17.7.1 Mixed Black Pepper 15.00 Surd ricd Copra r>.9o 5.90 Mixed Copra 5.40 Small Flake Tap 3% Pair .°,.25 If**:
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  • 50 2 Monday's exchange rates included the following: SELLING. Lond >n, 4 months' sipht 2 4 London, '3 months' sight 2 3 31 .'l2 London, 60 days' sij?ht 2;> 15 16 London, 30 days' sight 2 3 29 32 London, demand 2 H T s London, T.T. 2 3 17/82
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  • 120 2 Eliminating One-Sided B Trading. Moscow, Saturday. Jt is understood that negotiations for a commercial treaty between Xiussia and France which have been delayed by extensive preparatory work, will be inauguraied m Paris before the end of the month. In order to facilitate the conclusion of the treaty,, it
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  120 words
  • 127 2 MR. HOOVER'S FRIEND REPORTED SAFE. Washington. Saturday. Word has beep received at t» White House of Colonel Robins hmv been found alive.- Reuter. It was recently learned thai President C. Hoover wa i concer ed for the fate of his personal friend, Colonel Raymond Robins, the famous American
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 38 2 M Warsaw. Saturday. N^otiations between Dantiig and Poland for tin- removal by the latter of illegal discriminations against Dantziir'.s export ended m rupture- on Thursday. The issue will now cojn« before the League meeting next w Wk Aneta-Trans-Ocean
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 HERE IS THE TOURER I The embodiment ot everything thai goes to I make motoring eass and pleasant. Delightful m the evenings with the hood down, cosy with the hood and sidescreens up when It I rams. Forty-five miles to" the gallon and fifty miles per hour. ***** miles on
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    • 207 2 THE SINGAPO^ Pai!y Head Offire: 51 SI Tel: 'Times* Kuala Lmpvv Office Phoi BUBBCftIPT«O> i Payable m d Monthly Quarterly Half-yei Single All com nib 1 business;-: subscribtions, etc.i shoald > MANAGER. ADV£RTISEMI For casual mi inch S One i. Two Three > Four Five J Six j Coatract
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 542 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings are pending s^ For Europe. P. and O. S. N. lo.'s Corfa I Nov. 25>. N.Y.K.: HalUMaa Maru (Dec. 1). Hamburg Amcrika Line Kumerland i Nov. 24). East Asiatic 0., Ltd. Erria (Nov. 22). Blue Km.nel: Melampus (Nov. 22), Elpenor
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    • 447 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Today, November '12. Annual jren. mt;r. of Kinta Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.. Derrick Co., 12.^0 p.m. Wednesday, November 211. Kotary Tiffin, Adelphi Hotel, 1 p.m. Tliur-da\, November 24* St. Andrew's Society practice dances, Adelphi Hotel, 5.45 p.m. I'iiday, November 25. Singapore Amateur Races. First Day. {Saturday, November
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    • 494 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. K.UDAT, Uva.. I.C2J tons, from Sandakaa 21-11. for Sandakan 2»">-11. WAR KRISHNA, llrit., 3,52] tons. from Rangoon 21-11, for Colombo 21-11. VYNER, BROOKE, Sar., 713 ton*, from Kuch'm^ 19-11, tor Kuching 20-11. Ni:\ASTR()V. i ".S.S.K.. 3,621 ton from Vladivostok 21-11, Cor London via (;)!onil)(» L' 2 1. SIL'YKRCI
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  • 1030 3 1 HIS YEAR'S GAME THE BEST YET PLAYED. OVER-EAGERNESS OF G. S. C. 5 JESS 'wa I^%^-«--i yid on the Paaani yesterday md resulted < d w L s u.uv beatinß the Girla' Siwrts Club hv L?^" nlhthaaie mi thorough int<ns 'n T nil h
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  • 375 3 AMATEUR MEETING. H ENTRIES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. THe following are the entries for the Singapore Turf Club Amateur nitee meeting on Friday ami Saturday HORSES, n. \ss Windgarde, Zaii.i.i. Gladiator 111, Royal Property, Polly Poaehnni, Manoh Veham, Btawhrood, Calehas, Taiping 11. Tuesday, Ahvar, Hannah' Garden, Hitfh
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  • 191 3 ENGLAND AND WALES AT FOOTBALL. Wrexham, Nov. 17. A crowd of 20,000 .-aw a poor nocter international game betwi >n Wzha and England, th< result being a goall< ss draw. I'm game i *a below intetuiational standard though conditions wt re ideal. Hie poor shooting of both sets
    Reuter Wireless  -  191 words
  • 42 3 F. A. CUP. Stalybrklge Win Second Replay. London Monday. Jn the K. A. Cup fourth qaHt'yinjr round Stalybridffe b«a( Alliincham by one j?oal to nil. This Avys the second replay, th<« tir.<t two games having been drawn, l:oth after extra time. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 613 3 SECOND QUALIFYING ROUND. Then were pnexpected results j m the second qualifying round of the F.A. Cup competition played on Oct. 16. After their sparkling victory over Racking on the previous Saturday Hampctoad were j expected to beat Slouch easily. Hut the Spartan club, giving a dashing
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  • 1153 3 GOOD TIMES. I RACE A TEST OF PATIENCE, j PULO JONG TROPHY. Annually the "A" class boats of the R.S.Y.C. sail 'trie I'ulo Joil£ course, the furthest end of which lies well outside the harbour limits. The tides are strong and should the breeze be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 Fonnrf at Last! I J -K TAILOR. tor S 'JiTS fc^v 1 m Cut, $\S tyle and ji^,^' alt i TUNG CHOY I -""'OI.KMA.NST.
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  • 71 4 Alleged Offences Against Juld. Two Chinese, Wong Ah Kwong j •'"•I i.oh Loke Choo, were charged Mr. .1. K. p. GregE, the Mll "i Magistrate, yesterday— the with committing rape on a < hrn, K ir| 0 aUut h fmn aml becond with attemptinc to commil rape on
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  • 77 4 Two Smugglers Plead Ignorance of Law. Two .lavani-c. YVahab and '•sman were convicted by Mr. C. Wilson. the Criminal District •Judge, of being m possession of 80 Ib. of dutiable tobacco. A Customs oilkvi stated that' the men were arrested when they were coming m a koleh 1
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  • 238 4 ELECTIONS FOR THE YEAR. The sixteenth annual general meeting of the Garden Cluh was held at the Club Room. China Building, Chulia Street. Singapore on Saturday, Nov. li>. Mr. Lee Kong Chian and Mr. Tay Lian Teck were unanimously re-elected president and vice-pre-sident for the ensuing- year. The
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  • 99 4 E UROFEAIN CHARGED Alleged Cheating By i Newcomer. S. M. Douty, a European giving his address as the GrosVenor Hotel, was charged before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, yesterday with cheating Mr. M. Sternberg m respect of $50. The accused, who was arrested by Inspector Mclntosh on Saturday,
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  • 2389 4 TAMIL SPRINKLED WITH SENSATION OF BODY ON FIRE. An HBUSUaI (U fence was raised m (he trial a( the Assi/es \cstcrday of Vnuadasnlam, Tamil, on a charge of imirdcring a woman compatriot m a house m Roberta Lane, ofT Scrannoon Koacl, on .Inly 25,
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  • 152 4 FALSE DESCRIPTION ON BICYCLES. Tan Han Kan^ was sentenced by Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Jud^e, yesterday to a fine of $250, m default six months' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of being m possession of counterfeit transfers. Inspector Mclntosh, prosecuting, said that on Nov. 12, Detective
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  • 90 4 Selangor Motorists Favour Abolition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A unanimous expression of opinion favouring the removal of village speed limit a was recorded at the last meeting: of the committee of the Si'kingor branch of the A. A.M. The Chief Pol ire Officer agreed that
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  • 115 4 ENTERTAINED BY SERVICE Mt> < Prom Our Own < Serem I i Sir Samuel W at 1 p.m. tod r. a evening he waa 9eremban bran< h vice As.MH-iati >:i vi informal pa hit part SembiUui Batta Samuel, who v;• the British ResUh < I arrival by
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  • 86 4 Lead European Slii|Mnal< A European named Victoi v\ before Mr. J. F. Third Magistrate. charged with vol hurt with I knife I nanud B. I> Ramsa> the tf.s. Steel Sb\ day. The two men earlier m the da) CUaed came off set 1 he reported the police
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  • 3 4 Am Indian Wcyli
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 114 4 SOLVE YOUR X MAS 6 P F T S PROBLEMS AT ROBINSONS. Bsißs£ftSffiS.'^a3fi2' v OtVnH > > II if you w;in( your Gifts to show good taste und discrimination You musl visit our display of attractive and useful Gifts, Gifts that are certain of appreciation, and at Prices that are
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    • 50 4 I TH E BEER 5 o g a c 2 U I q r, r Id J I TIGER BEER j "I m -j r" U n 5 Brewed And Bottled B In Malaya For r P The People of r P C Malay a™ c P r c 3
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 58 4 LAW NOTICE. Before the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Burton and Mr. Justice Whitley m the Ist Court today at 2.15 p.m. Court of appeal. Re will of Scow Im Swee deceased. Scow Beng Hay vs: Scow Soon Quee and ors. Before Mr. Justice Beckett Terrell m the 2nd Court at
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  • 232 5 BKI,F4SI VISIT. SECRET LINLN PROCE! S ROOMS. Sat r<!;> wt'ro vv ii n< <1 »n m Belfu i ■>!' the Prince f day vi. it n Ireland. 20,000 people m of d evj il<"l high swarmed > i g and singing, NY* Parliament. yen ;in<l
    Reuter Wireless  -  232 words
  • 200 5 INDIA ROUND TABLL CONFERENCE. I lOndon, Kridav At preliminary meeting i>f Ihe h lian Uound-Table Conference lo fix the :n < nda, thu Preirier pre si tied and heartly welcomed the delegates to the "familiar scenes** :im<l hoped their work would fully lit isfy crybody. As they knew
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 97 5 Extensive Looting In Seville. Madrid, Friday. i r n re t in Andalusia and Cat* lonia continues and is exploding into increasingly sanguinary clashes between strikers an<l civil guards. Seville reports extensive looting, while Barcelona has been shaken by the explosion «»f 'i bomb m the university, causing
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  97 words
  • 50 5 A Eurasian, named G. H. de Costa <>/" Lorong N.. Telok Keiau Road, was alleged to have attenipt.(l suicide by taking poison, believed to be a disinfectant, yestei- .;,v morning about The ambulance was luminooed and took the man to the (General Hospital m an unconscious statv, suffering from burnt
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  • 50 5 j-:Mil.:n is .i, sm ,osml l« hye More narrow ,|nH. than other city m Chin.. The «h»v* pici.r. however, dor. moI romv fro. ..ton. >„„ was lake, m Sin K apo,v. Sl.ndin^ m tfa .ni UllV 'a an <:mi loiu-h BMea i»f U H
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  • 220 5 DAIL DEBATE. I ARMKRS NOT VET TO BE RELIEVED OF PAYMKNT Dublin, ThursJay. Legislation at an early date t> provide for the perpetual remission I of a substantial portion of the land I annuities to be paid hy farmers to the State, was foreshadowed by Mr. de
    Reuter Wireless  -  220 words
  • 223 5 llou Greeting* May IUSent. Bj irrangetneni with the East era Extension Telegraph Co., Ltd., <bn tmi Greet ing TeJegi n»! ;«ilili<- •<l t«. i,ii >i Britain tuifl Northei Irei "'I. I"- Iri l« Pn State, Nil ii.t'ri, r'otiatlst, Cpyloti South, ;t an l A iM I n <li;i
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  • 56 5 Excitement m Austrian 4^ 1 Vienna, Saturday. Large oil deposits have been discovered near Zistersdorf, m Louvr Austria, at a depth of approximately 2,200 feet. The discovery was made as Ui result of several years' experimental boring. They have caused a sensation m the capital, though experts warn
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  56 words
  • 681 5 SENT TO ASSIZES. MANY FORGED NOTES. m ALLEGED POSSESSION. The preliminary inquiry into the case of possessing counterfeit livedollar notes against Lee Kong Koon and of abetment against Quek Swee Teng w^ continued before Mr. A. W. Hay. the Second Magistrate, yesterday. Court Inspec'oi Meeteti was
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  • 353 5 WITNESS'S BOND. ALLEGED EXTORTION OF $90. Two Malay police constables, one* of whom was said to have a wonderful record of service m the force, appeared before Mr. C. Wilson, th 3 Criminal District Judge yesterday, on a charge of extortion of $00. Chief Court Inspector A.
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  • 62 5 Parliament Immunity Withdrawn. Paris, Saturday. The Senate and the Chamber approved raising the parliamentary immunity granted to Senators Jourdain, Viellard and Sehrmmmeek and the Deputy Pechin four parliamentarians inv< lved m the sensational tax fraud scandal m connection with which warrants have heen issued 1.018 prominent politicians,
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  62 words
  • 244 5 MR. HOOVER TO INSIST ON PAYMENT? New York. Friday. Reports that the United States will insist on the payment of European War Debts due m December are corroborated m various quarters. According to the Herald Tribune. President Hoover, after consulting his advisors, is believed to intend to insist
    Reuter Wireless  -  244 words
  • 49 5 Prediction \>\ Riiaaian Meteorologfeta* Mi,- cow, Sal m <iay An exceptionally severe \\mut for Ruuii ami all northern Europe i* predicted *>y the <«'M tral meteoroloe;icftl station. Tht- torecast i- J>a.s»«i »>n th«* formation of rc\<\ irave m th»Arctic Sseji irhicn i< drifting ■outhward causing extiaordinai dapreaiioße. Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  49 words
  • 117 5 TREE DESTRI rnov COMPENSATION AND ALTERNATIVE CROPS. London, Monday. A scheme aiming at the rehabilitation of rubber has been evolved by Mr. A. Hyner, chief planta< tion manager of tli<- H. ;i Rubber Company of Amsterdam, one <>f the leading companies operating m Sumatra! according to tlw
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 88 5 Miiiiflrnl a Month Dealt With at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. That nearly hundred cycli I arc dealt with every month ?n Kuala Lumpur i an official statemen( made to the Selaiucor branch of the A. A.M. Many of the offence* are compounded, however,
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  • 55 5 London, Saturday. Surprise i* fell m politics.! circlet tha; s<»\,«-t hag nut >«■. .•i'i»!'*'«l to the British notiftcatio i last month regarding the termination of th«- Anglo Russian Trad« Treaty. The SuviiM Rmbassy itatet that the mattei receiving attention m MOSCOW, t^'onvrh thru- i- iv» inf<»rmatioa a> t<.
    Reuter Wireless  -  55 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 104 5 I MALAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE. I finest Hockey Sticks as used by Olympic Champions. IOR ANYTHING > n d EVERYTHING, j PHONE 2938. ROYSONS MIL MALAYAN SPORTS DEPOT. 111. North Bridge Road, Swgapore. By W r> To M The KinjI > "''AJ^ Of Siam ENGAGEMENT WEDDING PRESENTS ;>R GIFTS
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    • 139 5 11 BOVRIL" is "multum m parvo". Enlivens soup, helps convalescence, makes sandwiches rind hot and cold drinks. Keep a hotllc m the house. II does not go bad. ÜBDJ B B EBBBBK9 B V fiBBET B 3 &KtF> 8888 BM ***** BB BBBRS PU SEBCSB Jj Dentistry at its Best
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  • 763 6  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Kue Min SU DETERMINED. VOLUNTEERS' STAND AT PAICHUEN. Shanghai, Monday. Part of the forces of Gen. Tan-C Tsu-wu (Commander-in-chief of the National Salvation Army m Ea*i l.iaoninji). who have been moving towards Kirin had a serious engagement with the enemy
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  • 106 6 ATTEMPTS TO ARREST A GOVERNOR. Berlin, Friday. An amazing: incident occurred In the neighbouring town of Koeslin, where an alleged police detective tried to arrest the Governor of the i.istrict on a charge oi Kttveaue frauds. It turned out that the man \va i previously a detective l>ut
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  106 words
  • 123 6 NEW ZEALAND 25 Per Cent Premium Over London. Wellington, Saturday. Definite action owing to the rise m the exchange rate between New Zealand and London, which is 2" pi cent, above par, la likely to lv taken n'wt week. The bar.ks are willing to follow any lead by Government but
    Reuter Wireless  -  123 words
  • 84 6 Trouble Expected At First Election. Barcelona j Saturday All troops have been confined to barracks and all outdoor sports arc prohibited m view of expected trouble m connection with the elections of the first Independent Catalonian Parliament on Sunday The principal parties contesting the elections are the Catalan League,
    Reuter Wireless  -  84 words
  • 83 6 Anti-Separationiste V\ anl Independence. Rangoon, Friday. Following the surprising result of the elections rejecting separation from India as offered by the British Government, the leader <m' the victorious anti-Qeparationists has declined to form a Minisi Mr. Barraw, the loader, told tho Governor thai he interpreted th r vote as
    Reuter Wireless  -  83 words
  • 68 6 Cleineni*} rowardt* Two ell-Known Italians. Rome, I hursday. A further gesture of clemency towaids anti-Fascists is contained m o decree revoking the loss of Italian citizenship and the confiscation of property imposed on 20 anti-Fascists, including Cesare Rosni, an ex-member of the Fasois* Grand Council, who wa^ sentenced m
    Reuter Wireless  -  68 words
  • 43 6 Australian Ex*MiniBter Suspended, Canberra, Thursday. The House of Representative? has passed the third reading <,;• the Ottawa Agreements l Bill by votes to is. a stormy debate took place, (iuiiny which the eV-Minis-tr-r. Mr. Forde, was suspended r..>disobeying the chairman. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  43 words
  • 22 6 Reopened to Foreign Macfeiae*. (From our (Hmi CorreMpoiMfent.) HaiHTkok, l>on Muanf landing ground alter having- been closed U> t'oreiirri
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  • 589 6 FRENCH FEARS. BRITISH PLAN DISCUSSED. ITALIAN SUPPORT. Comments by newspapers on i Sir John Simon's speech are singularly meagre and reticent. The Excelaio*, whose foreign editor is credited with semi-official inspiration, writes that it is as yet impossible to form judgment, but superficial examination of the British proposals
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  589 words
  • 33 6 The report Unit \u- was to fly over the Great Wall of China was I a "pun- invention* 1 declared Mr Bernard Shaw interviewed by Reuter. ]__j*ut_if_any_an man utleml him ;i
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  • 827 6 TROUBLE OVER SOME CHINESE UMBRELLAS. The proprietor a?id the manager of a Chop— father and sen respectively the clerk oi" another Chop, and a tally clerk on a ship, were the accused persona h, a case which yesterday came In- 1 ore the Criminal District Judge, Mr. C.
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  • 137 6 CIVIL COURT OF APPEAL. 1 ERR< I I Tl c I ed tier (Si v dent, and T i> r I I 1• I P he -i plaint Mol :i\ h; I trar who and the a court. Mr. T I for KM Aft< pellai Ll I. thai V" thin?,
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  • 5 6 IP I M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 130 6 1 1 o dinner is complete without i I! Make your selection from the wide variety i offered by the w i SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. i W Rr=« «dr^9 18^^ i Bar In MALAYA'S PWEMIER HOTEL. TONIGHT TOMORROW SPECIAL lsi]«HER DANCE TEA OANCE, 9.30 ?M. -Mi n-.igJit P.M.
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  • 19 7 I, ,>ir Believed i<> Br Mongolia. oe, Tuesday. I istered v (1 x. kilo- Wanly m Mon-
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  • 37 7 Poona, Tuesday. A delegation <»f Untouchables visited Gandhi m Veravda prison. Gatndhi declared thai tf v/ere possible lv- would insert a i m the new constitution ipletely liberating the oppres- lasses from theii a^e-long Aneta-Havas
    Aneta-Havas  -  37 words
  • 139 7 SPECIAL ATLANTIC MAIL SCHEME. London, Saturday. A scheme to brinf* European passenger mails within three days' journey of America ia m an advanced stage of preparation. It involve- the construction of an up-to-date harbour and airport just outside Galv.ay m Ireland. Sir John Griffiths has prepared the plans
    Reuter Wireless  -  139 words
  • 77 7 MR T. J. WILLIAMS. TOrifk of Penang Journalist. Own Correspondent.) Penally, Monday. j* occurred at <m. a clock t«),!a. f T Williams of tV A- <: t'n, Straits Xc« U) V- 11 n >f ill-lnalth fol a lC e f H been M1 Deceased was \2^ e< especially antfng thuV.
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  • 45 7 Paris, Saturday. The Spanish Ambassador, Senor Viadariga, has expressed t<> the Foreign Office regret for the inoff Bendaye where Spanish revenue cutter shelled n French trairtor, killing one man. lr m understood that the incident is considered settled by thf :tiH>Loiry. Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  45 words
  • 30 7 Berlin* Saitmlay. The Bourse rallied slightly with I electrics ami mining shares i ,-hiet bweflci*ri«a and <»>•»•;■ y cl second, r.irt -.-d^cl .^'cunm rei .ame(i wrt*aK. mi nwi Aneta-Trans-Ocean
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  • 240 7 STRICT PRECAUTIONS AT MARSEILLES. Athens, Thursday. Trotsky was nervous on his arrival here en-route for Copejijia^en. He Pegged the police not to allow visitors to approach the ship. He refused u> receive a party of friendly Marxist Socialists. Shortly afterwards a k »«"-i j» oi Communists approached Lhti ship
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  240 words
  • 154 7 Summons Against Compton Mackenzie. London, Thursday. The dramatic suppression of a book l>y a well-known writer on the day of publication, Oct. 27, had a sequel at the Guildhall when Mr. Compton Mackenzie was gammoned under the Otficial Secrets' Act for unlawfully communieatinjK m book, Greek Memories," information
    Reuter Wireless  -  154 words
  • 82 7 Government Measures To Assist Agriculture Paris, Wednesday* answer to several questions iv agricultural crisis M. (iai- I She Minister of Agriculture, >d the manner m which the ti government :s organising oibiem, not only by measures direction but by a policy rati production towanK orgation and co-operation refighti
    Aneta  -  82 words
  • 39 7 Received Him? 1 11 1 H President von %tuniuy. Thursday on and h\< three cob Gronau round the world 1 on hi., played great interes| c is ous pha^o.-5 on the fli>» variirratalated \\n> aimel on success.- Aneta-Trans-their
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  39 words
  • 34 7 Rebel** Occupy Nori Towns. Tegucigalpa, Tinea Revolution ha* broken < the No* then Provinces of dunes and the rebels have pied several towns. Pierce :n*c ba.^ taken place betweei troop and k-Im-Is. Havas
    Havas  -  34 words
  • 80 7 (»rrat Dania^c In IVtfHuim Home, Tuesday. Thirty people were killed a* a result of a cyclone which struck Calabria. In Antonina lisrhtnin^ was responsible for four deaths m one farmhouse. Roads have been torn up over long- stvetehes and railway lines, and stations arei flooded. T)v storm lasted
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  80 words
  • 56 7 (Ar\ Who Fried To Cross In Boat. Hamburg, Saturday. Frat|lein Manna MuelUr, who vst week attempted to CfOI th l>l ij\ann«-l m a collapsible boat and been missinjc since, has been JPfSped by the Hamburg tutf Failtll f h wtildi riirlitcd the Bhi] A ct^ Ffaulein eHkftec to
    56 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      160 words
    • 199 7 WHITEAWAYS TOY BAZAAR IS A MAGICAL PLACE OF ENCHANTMENT FOR EVERY YOUNGSTER. P. ..v J V S y ÜBILDA LOGO. A constructional and mechanical toy m (>iu» attractive box contain* 'mix; all parts and fittings for building" ji U'al clockwork locomotivai Price $1.95 each. j DOLLS PRAM. Large, bpt low-priced.
      199 words

  • Article, Illustration
    96 8 I lv- it-am captained l>> Mi > Griiith t«n«-- (third fr*« K-'t back row) which Seat ;lu- Girls' Spoii Clab m the Pupp) Day hockey natch on the Padaag jrestei lay. 'ihe Girls' Sports Club team A I* nnt f atlur (extreme righi lia k rr.t probably the hardest hitti
    96 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 f" Harry S. Elias, m.i.o i QUALIFIED orriCIAN Capitol Building i Tel. 2751. i CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. L v i;in PROBLEM SOI.N Xl) lUiti that I eful to tin per- >(•! vice, ble t.t 1 h ::«mj ehold und iur* i by oi urh ;i jrift
      210 words
    • 84 8 The Season's l* o^ Fashionable Event! i C A P f TOI 6.15 TONIGHT 9.15 /ngland's most Exhilarating Comedy Entertainment— J(EHEAR"SAI r v I-onclon Film Production Directed bj ALEXANDER Ki)U|)\ (Ol M Service for Ladies") kft 4 1 >V Jin ROLAND YOUNG GEORGE GROSSMITH LADY TREE JOHN LODER Wendy Barrie,
      84 words
    • 62 8 THE BOOK WHICH DELIGHTED THE WHO NOW THE PICTURE TRIUMPHANT A. P. HERBERT'S GREAT NOVEL II WwfWflHj^Bfi' 4^^^^^Bk-K- *ShBc^^^^^^ m^^^B^** '''•^■jwl- ■'<*.• jfc- > "4cBS^'-' amp) b CTMcrMrf TiBT b >ji "riiitfami bue^ i B: r3Y "I |S|i(CTD; lor a l)n<1 > '>tii led r. BURGOYf 5 jPp!^^P^" llif vast
      62 words