Singapore Daily News, 21 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 13 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 43. MONDAY, NOV. 21 ST, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 502 1 ■i u^ of the world's attcn ill Ihe moment i:--or is sumI to be— Geneva whore on > wUy the League Council h ■<•<! to srel ilown t>» consider*the Lyl ton ttcport. Com "ii the at mo r phe v a' i a Unlay arc i iraMjse'y fell
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  • 933 1 WAR MINISTER'S STATEMENT. TO PURSUE SETTLED POLICY WHATEVER HAPPENS. ttouhZZSSE *i the /g 11 W r Minister the Mankuo ir/ em as Japan and Manrhu--1 c n tOnCernCd and this bein^ is deterTho rn rSUe SeUed |M)Ucy wh atever happens. hu i, e
    Reuter  -  933 words
  • 56 1 LYTTONjtEPORT. UNADAPTED TO REALITIES. CHANG TYRANNY. Geneva, Sunday. The Japanese observations' on the Lytton Report assert that the Manchurians rejected the Chang tyranny and their assertion of selfdetermination was a spontaneous and public act. Japan's recognition was not a violation of international entraL-e--ments. The Japanese Government,
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  • 49 1 Explodes Just Before M. Harriot Passes. Paris. Suncla\. A liomh wrecked the railway track near Mantra just before the train m which Htrrict. the Prime Minister, was a passenger, was due to pass. The outrage is supposed to he the work of Krctun ra tionalistH Reuter
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  • 86 1 P. AND O. STEAMER ABLAZE. IN DRY-DOCK. DARADINE BURNS FOR FOUR HOURS. Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. George V. diy-dock was flooded yesterday m an attempt to cool the burning P. and O. steamer, Batadine. The outbreak was controlled after four hours' fierce burning. The Baradine, 13,072 tons, was
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  • 68 1 GirPs Successful Breacli of Promise Action. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. One evening about three year^ ;»^o. John Forrest gave Miss Maruaret Dcrnan a piece of paper bearing the writing "Married! August, 1930." Yesterday Forrest claimed that it was only a joke, but Miss Dornan was awarded
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  • 350 1 WAR DEBTS CRISIS. INCOME TAX UP BY SIXPENCE FEELING IN U.S. It is suggested m London that if the British and French request to the United Stales for an extension of the war debts moratorium is refused, which m the light of the latest cables
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 570 1 u°J >f hv sl ™ Malcdies Hhu-h afflict human beiag»somnambulism, dancing mHni;l and scleroderma (taickeajag oi Ike skin)— arc discussed ;h«. following article h> Maurice Deane, the well-known Rcicnfifi, writer Tin- author also thrown some hunt on tw« historical mysteries, the madness of Nebuchadnezzar and Anglo's horned statue
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 617 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. According i<» a cable from our London eorreapondent the rabbi r market was qaiat <tn Saturday. The (dosing pried Won bji follows Sp 1 (Buyers) J :> 16d. (Sellers) 2%d •lan.-.Mar. 2 LM 23d. Apr.Wune 2 23 32d« July-3ept, 2 *****
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  • 179 2 Midillt* Quotation* On Saturday. Middle prices <»f local a> follow- m Si ijcapore on Saturday, accordinfi to I ,V- < o.'t lit t 4aam Kuniban? 27-. Austral Ms ay I l fcyer Hitam Tin 11 6. Bangrln Tin 14,-. Batang Padang 0.07%, Batu avea < .M.. Bukit Arung
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  • 54 2 .Sterling Loan to Be Paid Off. Bangkok, Tuesday. It is announced that the 1022 Seven Per Cent. Loan of £2,000,000 will be repaid on March 1, VJX>. The amount due on this date will be i' 1,896,000, (20,856,000 ticals.) The annual saving realised by the repayment will be
    Aneta-Havas  -  54 words
  • 45 2 Saturday's exchange rates included the following: SELLING. Lond >n, 4 months' sight 2 4 London, 3 month*' sight 2, 3 .°>l~;-{2 London, GO dayy' sight 2 3 15 16 London, 30 days' sight 2-3 29/32 London, demand 2/3% LoncK>n T/k 2/ a 27/32
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  • 103 2 GIALDINI FREED. APPLICATION OF THE ITALIAN AMNESTY. Rome, Friday. The sentence of live yea is' imprisonment imposed on Gialdini m 19JJ1 m connection with the Hatry financial crash hafl been quashed by the Court of Appeal by the automatic application of the recent amnesty. The court did
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 137 2 Leave !o Appeal to Privy Council Granted. London, Friday. After hearing Sir William Jowitt on behalf of Commander Sutton. the judicial committee of the Privy Council granted him leave to appeal against his conviction. Re uter. Commander Sutton, of H.M.S. Resource, was found guilty at Limasol, Cyprus, on
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  • 149 2 kin«fs Message Of Congratulations. London. Saturday. "I congratulate you on your splendid achievement and trust you are not too exhausted." That message from th^ King- was received by Amy Johnson at Capetown when she awakened from a fifteen hour sleep after her re-cord-breaking flight. Amy Johnson m
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  • 34 2 Loving-Cup Presented On Leaving Tor China. London. Sunday. 11. M.5. Fa 1 mouth, before leaving for China, was presented at Falmouth with a massive ilver loving-cup on behalf of the townspeople. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 41 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Nsrfaoroagh (F.MJ3.) Ru'bbei Co. reports a loss for the yeai ended .June 30 of 0602 again st a loss of £46] for the previous twelve months. A credit of i'2,N4»> is carried forward.
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  • 76 2 12 noon, Nov. H>, li>:;2. Buyers Sellers Gumbier 5.50 Java Cube 9.50 Hamburg Cub.- 10.00 Muntok White Pcj per LM.IMi White Pepper 22.00 Black Pepper 17.75 Mixed Black Pepper 15.00 Sundiied Copra 5.90 Mixed Copr* 5.40 5. 10 Small Flake Tap u% ESf t, ;J 25
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  • 24 2 London, Wednesday. Purchase! at silver for China gave a better tone to the bar silver market which rose one-ekrhth am^iose^ivJ^^ Aneta-Havas
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 173 2 The Royal Dulch^Airwavs "twaid Mail |'i ;il;( 71 n 7TT^ H<.inru;ud Mail PlainQuai Owl l s nipe. Ihis Lcfl *Nov. 9 No V LONDON A A Amsterdam L>ue 21 Nov. Marseilles Rome Bi indi'-; \thens Mena M. Cairo Rutbah Due 21 Nov <ia/ 1 "5 Baghdad > f. Basra a>
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    • 294 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily News. Htacl Oflct: 78, Oeii <stn^ 8««MPoh nf|< Tel: "Tiny- 1 Sin Kuala Lumpur Office :>"». Java Phone SUBSCRIPTION PAT' s. I'ayable m an L cal del.. Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Single Cop All it business mattei subscribtions, ccc< etc., .sli«u!d be aMANAGER. ADVBSTI9EMI v I For
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 416 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. RAJULA. Brit., 4,702 tons, from Madras 10*11, fe-t Madras via Coast 21-11 MITO MARU, Jap., 4,:t57 tons, from Hamburg 20-11, lor 110 11" 21-11. LARUT, Brit., 4G-1 lons, from Malacca 20-11, for Malacca um-. KASHIMA MARU, Jap.. f,,l 17 tons, from Hull 20-11, for Yokohama via Hontf Konp
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    • 556 2 SHIPPING LIST, PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following psssenger sailings Are priming For Europe. P. and O. S. N. Co.'s Corfu (Nov. 25). N.Y.K.: Hakutfan Mara (Dec. 1). Hamburg Amerika Line: Rheinland (Nov. 21 East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Erria (Nov. 22). Blue Fu:.nel: Melampus (Nov. 22), Klpenor (Nov. 22). Norddeutscher
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    • 499 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Tuesday, November 22. Annual tfen. mtg; of Kinta Tin Dredging Co M Ltd., Derrick Co., 12.30 p.m. Wednesday, November 23. Rotary Tiffin, Adelphi Hotel, 1 Thursday, November 24. St. Andrew's Society practice dances, Adelphi Hotel, 5.45 p.m. Fiiday, November 23. Singapore Amateur Races. First Saturday, November 26.
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  • 1738 3 BEAU BROCADE'S GREAT WIN TO PAY $98. IST PROFESSIONAL RACES ON OLD COURSE. 1,000 FOR BIG SWEEP. fJ^gssp l&sn'sto*** ni.-i nterrstiac thai h a n «•>»<), »as what „:u'hi be calM „U'" r r ln ""'> L\D\ SCOTT PRESENTS TROPHIES. m lihi i a the win tote. y ty, was
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  • 67 3 The November Mixed Foursomes competition oi tho Malacca Club resulted m Mrs. F. Smith and ,1 A. Si. C. Bttwart winning with aWe ore cf 48— 6%— 36%. Other reerea were:— Miss Buckloy and CI. J. Dickson 1 U W Mrs. R. Feail Finson and D. Andeis(/ii 54
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  • 2036 3 SELANGOR AND PERAK WIN. LOCAL MATCHES. Sefftngwr S; Singapore 0. Selangor pave a brilliant exhibition of hockey, m spite of a slippery ground, to beat Singapore at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday by five goals to nil. Never before has th<» Selangor side played so well; every member
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  • 25 3 Singapore Krau»ii By Perak. In i hotkey match m Kaala I Mini ur :v "torday Perak Singapore by three goals to (the.
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  • 306 3 SELANGOR DRAW. PERAK WIN BY TWO POINTS. I PADANG GAME. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Negri?Mal 3; Selangor j A brilliant try which would have delighted an y yu^by enthusiast, scored m the last irinute of play, saved the Negri-Malacca side from defeat when they
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  • 36 3 Another Win For Primo Camera. PViilHj < arrn-i thf r::Mi Italian boxer, icored mica] In >< (iut (Ac: 1 another Jose Sant i, a Portuffu^ae, m thi lixth roun<l ti' :t 111 rulliiil I'iiiil.i mi \1.».1i
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  • 41 3 CAMBRIDGE i N ISY BLAtKHEAI k. uj I H Ih > follow Durham Yorksl 1■ I < Blai I Devon] I > H Gu H nhead P. LO I h••. 1 1 i t l u r jt^_lll.l.ii.. l t-1 t ..>.»!,, V
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 269 3 FOR FRSENDS AT HOME te %'"~."jjT? Nothing will prove your ■fIHE j^-^rfEi^^^^B ien d r r p. ething jfll^wKvS be** r thj- v a siii:ti an|) 'SATIN CASKET" A Satin-covered casket of '"ft,' *-&*&si>4&&S&^* f x unusual shape, filled with J«b3 r colaics Wrr^ <*te J^^** and the surplie r
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  • 40 4 After a football match between a side of jockeys and a side of boxers at the West Ham stadium. London, recently, there was a donkey race won by Ken (iettin (right) with 8. Wragfc second.
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  • 139 4 MALWA FOR JAPANESE SHIPBREAKERS. Bound for the Japanese scrapping yard, the P. and O. Malw i arrived m Singapore on her last voyage on Friday. With the sale of the Malwa. there is now only left the last of the "M" class ships, the Mantua, m the P.
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  • 128 4 Chinese Woman Fined. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Friday. For dishonestly receiving stolen property, namely one $15 pendant one $40 gold ring sot with stones and $55 m cash, a Chinese woman was sentenced by the District Judge to a tine of $100 or three months' rigorous imprisonment
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  • 128 4 Jungle Camper Gets Hi» Mail by Air. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. A Kuala Lumpur Flying Club machine performed a novel duty a few days ago when it made a flight of about 50 miles to Durian Tipus, a small village on the road from Kuala
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  • 43 4 kNew Co-operative Society. Bangkok, Tuesday. The new co-operative society tor the production and sale of rice was inaugurated on Saturday under the title of Co-oper-ative Paddy Trading Society of Siam. Th<» ceremony was presided over by Mie Minister of AkimculVire, Aneta-havas
    Aneta-Havas  -  43 words
  • 437 4 ALLEGED BRIBE. STORY OF VISIT TO A TRAFFIC INSPECTOR. Alleged to have attempted to bribe a vehicles inspector, a Chinese bus driver was brought before Mr. A. C. Boyd m the Fourth Police Court, yesterday, on a charge of having, on Aug. 20, abetted the commission "for
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  • 122 4 Chinese Girl Injured By Lorry. A Chinese was stubbed by three at about 7 P- m on Saturday at Cning Cheow Street and sustained three wounds each about two inches long over the left arm. Ihe assailants ran away and the victim had to be taken to hospitai
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  • 164 4 CHINESE AND TAMILS FINED. A little past midnight on Friday, two Chinese became embroiled n a fight with six or seven Tamils a: th > Junction of Jalan Besar and Desker Road. It appeared thai words ensued between one of the Chinese and Tamil and this led to
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  • 45 4 DECORUM Nude Goddesses Clothed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. By order of the Lord Chamberlain, clothing is ln?ing painted on four nude tin goddesses, eighteen feet high, advertising a review at the Prince Edward Theatre. A hugh ribald crowd cheered the "dressing" process today.
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    • 125 4 A good deal of A. P. Herbert*! well-known story. Water Gipsies, is contained m the film version now being shown at the Pavilion. Many of the incidents of the story are faithfully reproduced and the whole is very capably acted by a cast which includes Ann Todd, Sari
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    • 75 4 Lewis Stone, that great actor who has played a small part m so many pictures with such big success, has at last been given a leading role. He is now starring m Metrp-Goldwyn-Mayer's latest release at the Alhambra— "New Morals for Old"— and he plays just as distinguished
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  • 63 4 An old Chinese, who admitted one previous conviction as far back as 1915, was charged before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, on Saturday with the theft of some iron bars. Court Inspector Sheedy stated that the accused was practically caught m the act. His Honour
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  • 306 4 HOURS CONCLAVE. MORE T>M_K o r A COALITION PRESIDENT'S EFFORT Berlin, Sat**, The city l* agog with the mid-day meeting sident von Hindenburg and on which it is realised the f political situation of depends. A considerable crov outside the Chancellor' office formed Nazi and police pthe
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 54 4 Murder After l>i>l»" lt Over a FrM Dollar*. (From Our Own I I Kuala Lumpur, After a three days' h< Pathans have been im doath at the SelanfTor the murder of a compttri dispute over a few dollars w to have been the root <" trouble.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 X7R/lAC PRO BLE MS AT O O IWT O i"^\ AT O o B? »S fl E i X you want your Gifts to show good taste and discrimination You si visit our display of attractive and useful Gifts, Gifts that are certain of appreciation, and at Prices that are
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    • 134 4 NOTICE. I WEDDING REHEARSAI I THE ROXBI M It!* Traffic Notice. For thr benefit <>• ;1! m *r the WEDDING KKIIKAKSM of the f.inmus Roxburj Twit Capitol Theatre 10-morro^ the following Tratli. *H should he obser I (a i Cars eominjt Scrufoon direction I Hill Street with SUmford R reed
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  • 167 5  -  Aneta-Havas ,1,. Chile, Tuesday. )f probable peace and continue to Bow m nflic! m the Chaco. C 1 lian PrcsidenJ propoiei to y P jean scientific sothc geoirraphical Fair. TV .Mii-idcr- ihai the iould \tc impartial and 1(jlllll that thene «ocictie« „1 solution. In
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  • 147 5 NEW COMPANY. BRITISH &^U. S. INTEREST. ELASTIC THREAD. Fsnlewia^ upj::i <hv American imentifni for the use f rubhrr \rii\ as a wcfl i" textile mat riile, a crmpanv hns been re- j !>:f el m Lrrrdon cfrnbi 'in j AmrrKm aw4 A *Tritish in' ere .-t-i-\
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  • 52 5 Romance m Old Clothes Trade. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. John flyman, who made a great fortune out of shipping old clothes, uniforms and stage costumes to the islanden of the Malay Peninsula and to Siamese and African tribes, h living povertystiicken at Brighton alter.. Stock I
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  • 43 5 PYGMY HIPPO." A Domestic Evnu w Al thr Zoo. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Saturday. A pygmy hippopotamus was horn ;it the London Zoo last night. The new arrival, who .is fiJilz.J ''fifteen inches lone and "five h-|pi^ is value 1 at 11.000.
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  • 139 5 DIESEL ENGINE. GOVERNMENT INTEREST IN ENGLISH TRIALS. (Fiom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Mr. Walter Runciman, President of the Boaid of Trade, an 1 Mr. PybtlS, the Minister of Ti^ihporl, vvil] witness trials of the ion{;-Whit worth diesel loconiotivej c-n Monday. -«U H frifUimrjl -that riinnjnir
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  • 72 5 Bernard Shaw to Fly Over Great Wall. London, Sunday. Mr. (Jeorge Bernard Shaw, accompanied by his wife, is going on a world tour on the Empress of Britain leaving m mid-December. He told the Sunday Times that he and his wife intend to fly over the Great Wall
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  • 44 5 Escaped Convicts Drop The Yard A Line. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Scotland Yard lias received a I letter postmarked London. N.W. altigecj tf> have been written by i the escaped prisoner.,, Vfc men yf*&f naxinsr a gpo<ntiin£ in**Lon(lon." i
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  • 188 5 REICH AND PRUSSIA SQUABBLE. Berlin, Wednesday. The conflict between the High Commissioner of the Reich m Prussia and the constitutional Prussian Government presided over by Heir Braun came to a head .'n a ridiculous quarrel on the official celebration of the 70th birthday f the poet Gerbart Hauptman.
    Aneta-Havas  -  188 words
  • 178 5 KING OF SI AM. POWERS UNDER NEW CONSTITUTION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Saturday. On the whole, the- draft of the new constitution has hivn favour* ahly received. Satisfaction is expressed that the Knur is empowei ed to elect a President and Vicepresident of the National A sei.i hly and
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  • 21 5 London. Mr. Savada, the Secretary t< the Japanese Embassy m l.«»i» J clon, has left for Paris where hi A neta-Hevas
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 348 5 PILSENER BEER. Brewed m AUSTRALIA from Australian Malt, Hops and Crystal Water, TOOHEYS is a genuine brewed beer NOT a synthetic product. Ask your Provision Store for a free pint bottle. SOLE AGENTS:THE EASTERN AGENCIES LTD., i SINGAPORE. i > i THE NEW PATTERNS FOR 1933 HAVING JUST ARRIVED FROM
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    • 42 5 MALAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE. C I For E^rything Phone 2!).i8. .-en™ finest quality golf, tennis Jund POLO SHIRTS. Price $1.25. J RESTRINGING OF TENNIS >O BADMINTON RACKETS OUR SPEetoLITYROYS 0 N S The Malayan Sports Depot. 111, North Bridge Road, Singapore.
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  • 1433 6 PROPOSED CHANGE. MESSAGE RATE INSTEAD OF FLAT TARIFF. The Oriental Telephone and Rlectrk < '<>„ Ltd., have asked Goernmeni to allow then to revise the existing telephone rates m Singapore by introducing themes- airc rate system. Tlif proposed new charges are: Business and Residence Plant RefltaL STL'
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  • 108 6 To Disarm is Id Invite Attack. 91 London, Friday. An attack <>i i!n 4 Disarmament 'oni'c'eiKL was made by Admiral Sii 1 Charles: Madden m n speech at the reunion <'t" the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He referred to "one of these infernal disarmament conferences" and adder!: "Everyone
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 65 6 League Representative* In Geneva* Geneva, Saturday. Diplomatists accredited to the League of Nations met to dfecusa the format ion of a diplomatic corps Ml the same lines as those applying to diplomatic representatives at world capitals. It iru agreed to proceed with the organisation, regarding the S^cretary-Genei-al of
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  • 1278 6  -  Aneta-Havas Sin Kuo Min Sin Chew Jit Poh MA AND CHAN. FORESTALLING JAPANESE. BOMBING EXPECTED. 'Shanghai, Saturday. Gen. Ma Chan-shan has been discussing with Gen. Chang Tienchill (vice-eommander-in-chief of the Heilungkiang Salvation Army and second in command to Gen. Su Ping-wen) plan fo: a general
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  • 139 6 EASY MONEY." Attempt to Earn S2 Costs $150. An attempt hy Wee Soon Hock to earn "easy money" ended m hid teing ordered to pay a fine of 8150. or m default serve six months' imprisonment by Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, on Saturday. The prosecution story was
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  • 49 6 Buitenzorg, Saturday. The working committee which has been considering the a«lvi: ability of establishing a Central Sugar Selling Organisation ha* submitted to the Governor-Gen-eral of the Netherlands Tr.dir its final proposals, including ;i new idea for the introduction <•:" compulsory contributions l>y sugar sellers and sugar employees to
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  • 619 6 SIKHS ON CHARGE OF PERJURY. ONE En INVOIV DISTRICI Shunter we the Crii saturd v evid 1 1 foie l Inspector I while i«- .;> o<l l»y Mr, v by Mr. A. Mr. objection to h cuting on the ter was also a His Honour, the rituati< m the Gazett<
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 I No dinner is complete withoui i j Make your selection !i from the I wide i variety i j o f f ered by the i i SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. j 6, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. Importing DIAMONDS of every size and quality, PESRL NKCKLACLS of Persian Gulf
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  • 298 7 ;.\K CARDIFF INFLICTS FIRST kEETAT I i 1 i I I ffi VILLA REGAIN THE LEAD. City, who, |)lav,n ff at homo, won by th« odd Hitherto with the exeefrtioa oi two draYs against I) „n:l SwMn I own m Blc JSSvt ntford had hern hax m-
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 825 7 VILLA REGAIN DIV. I LEADERSHIP. The positions of team.-, to <iat<-. are as follow I ir-t l)i\i>i->n. P. W L D. 1\ A. P. A»tuu iiia If. 10 1 10 L 8 24 V.i nal 1." ii 2 2 IT 25 2 1 'rn'n 2* 1:> Jl 2
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  • 473 7 HARD GAME. ST. MATHEW'S GO DOWN TO BENDEMEER A. C. ttendemccr AX. 2; St. M.Y. l The football match between the Bendemeer Athletic Club and St. Matthew's Young Peoples' Guild m the S.C.r'.A. league wa s fought out with great spirit on Saturday afternoon at Jah;n Besa;.
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  • 68 7 N. S. W. TENNIS. Ellsworth Vines Wins Singles Tiilr. Sydney, Saturday. The Xt'\v South Wale^ Umit.s chanfrpion&hips concluded todi? v Im the singles final Ellsworth Vines l>eat Wilmer Allison, both of the United States, 1 6, t> —1, 2— (i. 6—4, 7 5. The doubles final resulted m a victory
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 116 7 GOLD (XHWTRIES. SENSATIONAL REPORT DISCOUNTENANCED. London, Saturday. Britain's attitud 10 the que tion of a return i«» t he gold stand aid has not Changed since impolicy announced at Ottawa. sensational Import m Load* n paper that France a«d the U.S.A. were seeking to make Britain**
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 40 7 Otiedo, Spain, Tuesday. A strike ha-; broken out affect ing 30,000 miners, caused by the announcement that a large mine would probably be shut, the company having 400,000 tons of stock which they are unable to sell. Aneia-Havas
    Aneta-Havas  -  40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    194 7 COMBINED XI COMPILE 216 FOR NINE. Melbourne, Saturday. Fifty-three thousand people saw the Combined Australian XI CO npile 2\(> runs for the lorn of Rim* wickets when play closed today ill the cricket match against the M.C.C. tourists. The 11.C.C. had made 882 <<; O. Allen -4H, Oxenham .">
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 EVERY MORNING a Singapore Daily News I DELIVERY VAN passes near YOUR HOUSE "•Sign on the Dotted Line v below and it will come right up to your door and deliver the Singapore DAILY NEWS which gives MORE NEWS than is contained m any other Malayan Morning Paper 4W^ O
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    • 198 7 WHITEAWAYS TOY BAZAAR IS A MAGICAL PLACE OF ENCHANTMENT FOR EVERY YOUNGSTER. U3«Lr».i XCI ItÜBILDA LOGO. A cunstructiona! and nuihanical toy In one attractive Ih>x contain* ing all parts and fittings for build- ing a real clockwork loromotive. Trice $1.9S each. DOLLS PRAM. Large, but low-priced. Steel hod^ lined, spring
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 263 8 Harry S. Elias, ma QUALIFIED OPTICUN J J Capitol Building Tel. 2751. j I CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. L-v-j SLUMf* TIME NECESSITATES ECONOMY 11"!^ lUiu't tlnow away vow »»i«J <-.<>« (,k. v. iiti'hcs < 1 1 ;i in« -j lifM vtt V»ad tin m to us. \V<
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    • 74 8 Don't miss this Brilliant Picture! CAPITOL W +o**Bll** MM »A»» ♦»♦»■»•»< »fc> >♦»»»» Last Night of The Radio Production that London Hocked to for 2 months! "SYMPHONY OF SIX MILLION" Fannie Hurst's Memorable Story TOMORROW NIGHT! The BRITISH COMEDY GEM of the Year WEDDING REHEARSAL v* I LI I I
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