Singapore Daily News, 18 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 41 FRIDAY, NOV. 18TH 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 455 1 There very little la t«€ btot froll Geneva t<» Bneovragt jptimwtic feeling among those uhll »re looking Lo the L«a*tM of Na for a settlement of the Ugachurian problem. .Japan, it a)n :i i continuing the merry hv l panic of playing for time consolidates till fur- position
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  • 1236 1 BRITAIN'S BOLD DISARMAMENT PROPOSALS. SIR J. SIMON'S STATEMENT COMPLETE RECOGNITION OF GERMAN EQUALITY CLAIM. J r S dlsar ™™nt proposals, particularly with Noutlined bXTfh" n airn f tr^Cment. were "rd "by h° sarma J" ent Bureau at (ien «va yesTho l», k S mOn lhe Forei S" Secretary. Ihe British
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  • 211 1 Later. President Hindenhurg ha> actopted the 'Cabinet's resigMtion. HOPELESS POSITION NO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. GERMAN DEADLOCK. After many months of political uncertainty m Germany, the efforts of the present Chancellor, Herr von I>apen, to form a Government of "National Concentration" have failed, and the resignation of the Chancellor
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  • 42 1 Reaches Porttiguesc West Africa. Beng-uela, Thursday. Amy Johnson, who is flying from England to the Cape, arrived here at 7.15 this morning-. Reuter. Benguela is on the coast of Portuguese West Africa. The C; pc is about 2,000 miles south.
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  • 104 1 MURDER PLOT. SEQUEL TO ATTACK ON SIR ALFRED WATSON. Calcutta, Thursday. Sunil Chatter ji, aged 23, has been sentenced to transportation for. life for conspiring to murder Sir Alfred Watson, the editor of the Statesman. Another Bengali Hindu has been sentenced to ten years' rigorous imprisonment and
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  • 70 1 Government Chamlu Safer To Use. With parting- advice from Mr. C Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, that although Government chandu cost a little more it was better and safer to use, one of three Chinese accused of being m possession of non-Government chandu was cautioned and discharged yesterday.
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  • 84 1 JUDGE CONGRATULATES DEFENCE COUNSEL. During his summing up m the trial of Khor Ten** Quee, \vh» was sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. Mr. Justice Whitley emphasised the fact that his reference to "a most disgraceful defence" referred to the accused, and not
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  • 53 1 Fresh Move to Obtain Release. Atlanta, Georgia t Wednesday. Al Capone, hatlaail and handcuffed, WBa rushed from the prison m the federal building to attend the habeas corpus proceedinga through which he if attemp\ng to reKain his liberty. The judge K aVl> counsel a week m which t»»
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  • 236 1 SEAMEN CHARGED. NEW TYPE OF FIREARM. TWO BARRELS. Thirty pistols of a new type, double-barrelled with no magazine, were found aboard the (ierman liner Oldenburg on its arrival m Singapore and as a sequel the second cook of the vessel has been charged with being m
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  • 120 1 Spirit of Fun Pilot Killed m Crash. Victoria Falls. Thursday. The Spirit of Fun, the aeroplane m which Mr. Arthur M. Loew, vice- president of Metro-Goldwyn-dlayer, is naaking a high-speed world business Lour, crashed here today and the pilot, Capt. James B. Dickson, of the
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  • 657 1 The inability t« face even Ikr prospect of defeat is bribed bj lleinnch Mann, the GeiWn novelist, as the reason for flu degeneracy of the post-u;,, generation which, he content! lacks the fighting spirit. In ih following interview. h<> d riw the conclusion that the compT. i break
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 829 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. Spot rubber was down 1 '.',2 at the close m London last ni^ht, compared with Wednesday's pi ice, to I 11) 32. The market is quiet and the forward quotations are M follow Deccml er 2' Jon.-M^r. 2 21 :\2 Apr.-Jfune
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  • 45 2 Middle- Quotations On Thursday. Middle pricei of local issuei were >Mowi m Biataporc on Thursday, according to Fraser A list: MINING. A»a« 27-, Austral ■i*laj 1" Ayer Ritan Tin 11 6 Ban*™ Tin 14/-, Batanj- Padans 0.87H-, liatu Cavej („io., Bukit Arang
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  • 210 2 U. S. STOCKS. New York, Oct. 31. Today's closing prices: American Can Commoi T>2 American Smelter 141American Sugar 21 American Tel. Tel. 103% American Tobacco Commcn 66 7 <h Anaconda 8 7 Associated Gas Electric Blank Atchi?on 42Vi Baltimore Ohio 12 7 k BeLhle iem Steel 17 r> 8 California
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  • 47 2 Thursday's exchange rates included the following: SELLING. Jondin, 4 month.;' si ff ht 2 4 London, :j months' sij^ht 2 :i :J1 32 London, 60 day sight 2 3 15 16 London, 30 days' sight 2:: 29/82 London, demand 2 'iC London, T.T. 0/3 37/30
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  • 562 2 U.S. PROSPECTS OF RECOVERY. IBANK OPINION. RESTRAINED OPTIMISM. SOME ACTIVITY. New York. The past month has brought further evidence of emergence from the period of panic and credit strain, and likewise indications of the expansion of business activity for which everyone has been so anxiously watc-Jrin^, says the National City
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  • 71 2 l- no n, Nov. 17. 1932. Buyers Sellers Gambler r>.:>o Jiuva Cube r )0 Hamburg 1 Cm!-. 10.01) Muntok White Peeper J:;.OO White Pepper 22.00 Black Pepper 17.75 Mixed Black Pepper 15.00 Sundried Copra r».xo Mixed Copra 5.25 '2:2') Small Flake Tap '6% Fair ::.ii."» Ufd:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 The Royal Dutch Airways K. L. m. t ai h .i i-i itlll iin^.M'sir )iail S^~ SnipT 9 Nov. LONDON A A Due 18 Nov. An lslt nlam Marseilles Rome Brindisi mVATm. U e Nov. Due i/th Cairo (delayed, R u t»)uh Gaza Baghdad Basra Bushirt Jask Karachi Haidti a
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    • 321 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily Nev/s. H«n<l (Msec: 7s, Cecil Sin K a,,or,, r»):,i--i:,L». Tel: Time** 1 Sin^ r Kuala Lumpur Office :r,. Java I'hoiK- SUBSCRIPTION R Payable m advance. Monthly Quarterly $1. Half-yearly Single Copy, All communication t tiv« business matter-!, vi,: subscriptions, accoanl etc., should be addxi MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT m
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 176 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. MAIMA, Dutch, 519 tons, from I. Hadja 17-11, for Imhatfiri 20- 1 L LYBBMOON, Brit.. 1.751 tons, from Swatow 17-n. for Ptoaanc 18-11. TAMARA, Swed.. SM7 tons, from Gothenburg 17-11, for 110 Ho 18-11. TO(; IAN, Dutch, •'•*.1 > tons, from Pontianak 17-11. foi F'ontianak 19-11. KALAMANTAN. lirit.,
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    • 518 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Today, November 18. Ann. mttf. of British Malaya Trustee and Executor Co. Ltd., Gattey and Bateman, noon. •'lt's A Boy,' by Singapore Repertory Players, Raffles Hotel. Singapore Art Club Exhibition, Saturday, NovemSer 19. Singapore Professional Races, Last Day. Singapore Art Club Exhibition, Y.W.C.A. Annual general meeting of
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    • 570 2 SHIPPING LIST, PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following: passenger sailings are pending For Europe. P. and O. S. N. Co.'s Corfu (Nov. N.Y.K. Hakusaa Mt;ru (Dec. 1). Hamburg Amerika Line: RheinlanJ (Nov. 21 E;;st Asiatic Co., Ltd. Erria (Nov. 22). Blue Funnel: Meiampus (Nov. 22), Elpenor Nov. 22 Norddeutscher Lloyd:
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  • 1550 3 \?HWORTH'S BRILLIANT TOY GIVES S.C.C. VICTORY."" CLUB'S IRON DEFENCE. farewell Ragbj match < f the on the Padans yesterday proved x ,T. >r s auain^ th< d series of tunes that hnCv \L on(l V rf tj| «H»d-«p to -""V- d»ri«g the M nu,n;hs n
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  • 91 3 LAWN TENNIS IN N.S.W. CHAMPIONSHIP TWO AMERICANS IN FINAL. Sydney, Thursday. The New South Wales lawn tennis championships arc now m Progress here and the semi-finals wore played today. The members of the United touring tennis team enter- •< and provided three of the fouY Btmi-finaUsts. Two of them won
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  • 56 3 Rye Goal m For Newport* London, Thursday. In a thij-d division, southern, match today Newport heat Brighton by live goah to two.— iter. A. (In p. London, Thursday. In the P. a. Cup fourth quali [y» n l? '"""'I replay between MerthyT Town and Street, th« former won
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  • 188 3 MATCH TO BE PLAYED AT RAFFLES TODAY. The annual football match between the Past and Present Rafflesians for the Clarke Shield presented by Mr. 11. Clarke will be played on the Raines Institution ground today. The following will represent Ruffles Institution: Loh Yeow; Choo Seng Quee, Musbah;
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  • 301 3 BURIED FAMILY. STRANGE DURHAM DISCOVERY. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. 30. Geologists climbing about a newly-found cave m a limestone quarry at Bishop Middieham, Durham, have pieced together the astonishing story of a family which perished there LOO years before Christ. There were eight people m th
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  • 187 3 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING VISITS. <!!> Air Mail.) London, Oct. 30. The Queen has begun to buy Christmas gifts for the 1,20;) people <>n her li. v< t. And she insists that every present must be entirely British. Every afternoon one of the large plum-coloured royal motor-cars leaves Bu :kiiijrham
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  • 588 3 BIG HOCKEY WIN. FIVE GOAL VICTORY OVER POLICE. HI. Police 0. Raffles Institution had quite a Aeld day when they met the Police at hockey yesterday on the school i ground. With better marksmaiiI ship they should have at least doubled their Anal score of
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  • 225 3 WEIGHTS FOR LAST DAY. The fcUowi ig are tiie hsndica] for tomorrow, the last day of tlv professional ra acting. Race I. Ponies, Class I, Div. 2, '7 !"ut..> Lady Ron a Phar Ronj i *.)2. Golden Q' <-i., apone i Little Laequei iy BJ, Ihe Mahdi J
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 263 4 CHINESE FALLS FROM FOURTH STOREY. An inquiry was hold by Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, yesterday into the death <>f an unknown adult malt' Chinese who fell from window on the fourth storey ot the Air View Hotel on to the road on Oct. J. r
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  • 80 4 Chinese Who Carried Toy Pfetol. The viMt of a Chinese to Beach Road police station to five information about an alleged robbery had disastrous consequencea as far §lm he irai concerned when a discerning Mrgeani starched him and found a toy pistol and ffoe rounds «,j ammumition m
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  • 195 4 AT THE CINEMA. Fanny Hurst's excellent story of the Ghetto, "Symphony of Si\ Million," produced by George La Car a, opened last nigrht at the Capitol. The story. which is full of pathos and moving, loses none of its power on the film and, m fact, gains
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  • 159 4 John Gilbert, the perfect lover, has a peculiar role m his latest picture, M Downstairs," which began a run at the Alhambra last night. He Is a real villain, bat still the fascinating love-maker. The Story, which was written by himself, is of the servants' hall pf a
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  • 227 4 BUSMEN SET ON BY PASSENGERS. A motor bus driver and his conductor, both Chinese, were complainants m a case heard by Mr. A. \V. Hay m the Second Police Court yesterday when two other Chinese were charged with voluntarily causinir hurt. It appeared that the complainants were hired
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  • 57 4 Chan Lam Slang, who had been convicted by Mr. J. F. V. Gregg of the theft of a hairpin from a woman, was brought up yesterday for sentence before Mr. G. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge. The accused was given three months' rigorous imprisonment, twelve strokes with
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  • 62 4 A sequel to a charge of molesting a Municipal servant which resulted m the conviction of one Chinese and the acquittal of another was heard before Mr. A. C Boyd, the Fourth Magistrate yesterday, when Teo Bing Kuan* was charged with depositing outside his shop. Mr. D.
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  • 202 4 ESSENTIAL POINTS. EXTENSION OF KING'S POWERS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Thursday. The Constitution ia now under consideration by the Assembly and after approval by the King h expected to be promulgated within a week or ten days. The official English translation will be issued tomorrow
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  • 1218 4 TEA DISTRIBUTORS AT LAW. ALLEGED SIMILARITY OF RIVAL INJUNCTION SOUGHT. An interesting suit came before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell m the Supreme Court yesterday when the Webster Automatic l\ick«tin£ Factory, through their local agents. F. A. Darin* lomeusz, Ltd.. claimed an injunction against Chop Kirn Leong Thype. of Cross
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  • 741 4 LADY SCOTT AT Y.W.C. A PRIZE DISTRIBIITIO^ INTERNATIONAL AIMS OF THE ASSOCIATION. Lady Scott, wife or the Colonial Secret. iy, distributed the prises won at a recent exhibition of women's work, at the Young Women's Christian Association yesterday when th«re was a laruv gathering of rremben and friends. Mis. A.
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  • 98 4 100,000,000. DEPARTiVIL.rjTAL VICTIIV!S. COMMONS COMMITTEI London, I Economy cut i m sta x local expenditure and m the estimate s £100,000,000 a yeai i the House of omm \> Members' Economj < Recommendationa i. include the abolition stry of Transport, I sidie» and the »"H-i fur.«i. ing
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  • 42 4 Bofore the hurt m Chambers al 11 a.m. cs-in-Chamber «>rigi I irjr > i.vonses and Motions. Before Mr. Ju*t n V\ tlie 2nd. Court at 11 a.m. A —Rex vs: VctipadasaliMn. Before Mr. Justic; H Terrell m the Com a.m. Bankrupt)...
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 75 4 BROMFORD The Finest Golf Ball made. For durability, toughness and flight it is unequalled. Wffis THE \f X LIMIT 111 \l l— ™*n>m 0F LENGTH 1/ BROMFORD "^w '/l/f IS GUARANTEED fin TO BE THE I LONGEST I/J DRIVING fT --5 GOLF U _<^ BALL <Sa PRODUCED PLAYING THE BROMFORD
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    • 234 4 HAVE <l i.\ the latest i:.. A U t lit c i» r Have you noticed I sweep of the Xi ace ful >i r\ v of tl and the handsome A :p! t !)<• pxt< The careful 1) toneu colours «ith y. aruou nt of v h roni i
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  • 400 5 t)i i :ti\<.. BREACH 1 M;.il Nov. I. meet ;i cheque for ;r. L' reach made m LTiiay. < arlys v. i >|»eal w;h i I Justice V.C., for him l.y claim 1 action, ained the 11 omise, refused enee was dant lise. tnnes. •i. ;m«i nted 1: the
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  • 202 5 NEW STATION. TESTS TO BE MADE NEXT WEEK. Simultaneous broadcasting on two wave lengths from the new Empire station at Daventry will begin »>n Monday next, the" wave length* being l.").:; and 16J) metres. This is only m the nature of a preliminary test, but it
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  • 71 5 PAWN BROKER FINED. A pawnbroker with a shop m Rochore Road was fined $50, or m default two months by Mr. A. C. Boyd, the Fourth Magistrate, yesterday, for failing to notify the police that a Stolen watc-h had been pawned with him. Inspector Boyle, who prosecuted. said that a
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  • 30 5 Amon« Ch,ne,e the trad, b cons.dcrec very speculative owing to the damage sustained by the *ood il it is exposed at any safe to rain.
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  • 338 5 F.M.S. ABSORPTION. PROPOSAL BY COLONIAL SECRETARY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Wedmmda) A Committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Malacca) Association was held on Monda) last ith Mr. \V. Munro m the chair. Among other matters letter on the Customs Union proposals from the Colonial
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  • 281 5 MM/S SPEECH. HOME AFFAIRS REVIEWED. OTTAWA BENEFITS. London, Thursday The only references tv purely foreign attain m the King's Speech on the prorogation ol Parliament c .al with the admis ion »>i Irak to membership of the League, thereby marking the tuccessfal issue of the policy British
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  • 555 5 TO HE IMJMSHEI). SEQUEL TO CHINESE SHIPPING SCANDAL. Shanghai, Thursday. At meeting of the Central Executive Committee yesterday it was decided that Marquu Li (exmanaging director vi the China Steam Navigation Co.) an J M>. Chen I'u-niu (ex-manager of tnc same company and ex-Vice-Min-ister of
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  • 61 5 Unusual Fatality At Malacca. Malacca, Tuesday. A Chinese has met his death m Malacca m an unusual way. A ricksha was proceeding down the hill at Kubu Bridge, and the puller, being 1 unable to pull up m time, ran into a pedestrian. One of the shafts
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  • 68 5 The case m which' Budh Ra'ii was charged with having given false evidence when he appealed as a witness m a case was called before Mr. J. P. P. (iregg, the Third Magistrate, yesterday who transferred it to the Criirinal District Judge's Court. The accused claimed trial and
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  • 45 5 Chan Yaw, who VM charged before Mr. J. P. V. Graff, the Third Magistrate, with the theft of a Kold pendant valued at $27 from a woman at South Bridge Road m i.M.aii daylight, pleaded guilty yesterday. Sentence 111 postponed until Nov. 21.
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  • 82 5 Opening ol Third And Last Session. London. Thursday. The third and last session of the Indian Round Table Conference opened today m the conference chamber of the House of Lords committee rooms. The number of both British and Indian delegates was far fewer than on previous occasions.
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  • 189 5 POLICE CALLED. MILD COMMOTION IN FINLAYSON GREEN. A minor disturbance was created by about 30 to 40 unemployed itannni yesterday morning' at the R.P.M. offices, near Finlayaon Green. The nun, some of whom had, it fa believed, been m the employ of the X. P.M., were dissatisfied
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  • 275 5 SEQUEL TO WATCH ON EAST COAS ROAD. Acting on information, a party of revenue officers under Mr. Tan Yew Chee proceeded to the fifth mile, East Coast Road, about 8 p.m. on Wednesday and after a weary wait of four hours had their patience rewarded. About 12.50 a.m.
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  • 255 5 REPLY KEAin. DEALS ONLY WITH FIRST EIGHT CHAPTERS. Geneva, Nov. 10. The Japanese reply to i h«* Lytton Report, which will l»«- circulated to members of the Lcagw Council on Friday, is a document of 90 printed pact's and will b< published on Monday. It
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  • 129 5 Revenue Men 9 Find In Koleh. Lim Veang Khun and Thye Cheng Lye were produced before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal tHct Judge, yesterday on a charjr of importing tobacco into the Colony, or. alternatively, of i>eiri" m possession of dutiable tolucto Mr. F. S. Kkkard, who prosecuted,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 [Jalayas largest sporting goods store. World's finest Hockey Sticks as used by Olympic Champions. FOR ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, PHONE 2938. kO YSON S THE MALAYAN SPORTS DEPOT. I I Norlli Bridge Road, Singapore. ijoh: r r n»n z je ay. vi ib H HB its Best and Chea;est J l>e
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    • 28 5 "ASPRO" taken early will break up all attack of 'flu' or cold. Keep a packet m the house. Bay British and buy AS PRO ff s X X
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  • 1540 6 WIDOW'S -STORY OF ALLEGED I X W lav ASSIZES MURDER CHARGE. Th«? story of how a Silh named Kebar Singh met his death through, ii, is alleged, being hit en the head with a heavy door bolt by another Sikh was told at
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  • 1542 6 DARING FORGERY. CONVICTION OF INDIAN. CASE TO GO TO APPEAL. The hearing of the case m which Paiakanalh Bittth, a United Provinces Indian, was charged with forging the signature of Mr. R. 11. Onrae:. Inspector-General oi" Police, Singapore, which had been postponed from Nov. '-'>,
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  • 357 6 MR. F. B. SEWELL LOOKS BACK. AFTEK i BETTER FOX MALAYA/ Mala) a the leopa its spo Tha M i.;. Siii.i who i torn ing .<. i (;ll I .'t H vi ars >\ tx I asked i viewed him We b of the con politics out mi though hi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 No dinner is complete without i a l I Make your selection from the i wide variety I I offered by the I SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. I- 11 BAFFLES HOTEL I MALAY AS PREMIER HOTEL. TH?S EVENING TEA DAMCE to 8 p.m. TONIGHT SINGAPORE REPERTORY PLAYERS Present S
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  • 72 7 PRINCESS'S LOVE AFFAIR. L |o CONVENT. UCHTER OF "RED Archduchess." Mail.) H 28. Winu. was re- today mother's Da Herald. her is that any lier mother— fiduchesß thai i c dctermi m he.Family. lisa X Ip ii he had his .11 unlov< d and El eth," ority. KinAusl ian <
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  • 367 7 COLONEL LYNCH. HIS CASE AGAINST EINSTEIN. (lh Air Mail.) London, Oct. 28, Colonel Arthur Lynch, doctor Psychologist, engineer, and m.-ithe-"aiican. the man who Commanded <■- Irish Brigade against England »n the South African War who v a sentenced to d< ath For high 1 who m the
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  • 180 7 THREAT TO SHOOT JUDGE. KIOTEK SENTENCED WINDOW SMASHED AT ASSIZE TRIAL. <B> Air It*!.) London, Oct. lis. A threat to shoot Mr. Justfo C -harles was made when, at the nestor Assizes, he announced o eigfct of the men charged m connection with the recent disturbances at I.ii-kcnhcad, sentences totalling
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  • 81 7 finding at Singapore Today. Ti is afternoon, the \<i Batt. The Wiltshire Regiment which is to relieve the Gloucestershire Regiment m Singapore, will land, under the command of Lieut -Col J. H. Iff. Lee. It arrivei by the troopship Neuralia by which vessel the Ist Batt. the Gloucestershire
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  • 913 7  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Kuo Min Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Kuo Min Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Chew Jit Poh GEN. MUTO'S ORDER EXTREME COLD IN NORTH. HEAVY FIGHTING. Shanghai, Thursday. Mr. Karakan (•Soviet vice-Cov-missar foi
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  • 314 7 NO PLANE MISSING. SUPPOSED TO BE A BRITON. (Uy Air Mail.) London, Oct. 2s. The Dutch authorities are putting out every effort to discover the identity of the body of an airman, believed to be an knjrlishma^, which was found on the seashore at Koop op Teasel,
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  • 127 7 JAPANESE FISHERMAN'S CHARGE FAILS. Judgment was delivered yesterday by Mr. A. W. Hay, the Second Magistrate, acquitting and discharging Goh Bah Chee who was charged with cheating a Japanese fishei man, Taro Oshiro. Mr. A. J. Braga appeared for the complainant, while accused was defended by Mr. Victor J.
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  • 86 7 AM TS MAJORITY SEPARATION ISSUE OPPOSED. Rangoon, Wednesday. A surprise was ijnruag at the elections for the l.e iris lativc Council, the Anti-Senaratiot;i<ts obtaining 41 seats, the Separationists J> and neutrals 9. There are two elections outstanding, and at oneall the cahdidateif! are Anti-Separa-tionist Thus the "anti^"'
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 102 7 EVERY MORNING a Singapore Daily News DELIVERY VAN passes near YOUR HOUSE Sign on the Dotted Line v below and it will come right up to your door ami deliver the Singapore which gives MORE NEWS than is contained m any other Malayan Morning Paper I i CUT OUT AND
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    • 119 7 BASIC VALUES MEAN POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES rW -In I MEN'S BLAZERS. Navy blue flannel blazers with 2 or 3 bra >ns. Sizes 30 ins. chest to chest. Basic Value 55.95 Each. Li y FLANNEL TROUSERS. Light grey, ti weight, iv all sizes 30 ing. to 12 n I
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  • Article, Illustration
    118 8 In a farewell Rugby match on the I'atlanu yesteiHav the S.C.C. brat the GloMccaUri by fi\e points to nil. It was one of Ihe best fame* seen, for a loiiu while. Every player put his every effort into the jjame, which was played throu u hoin at rale. Above, really
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 305 8 Harry S. Elias, mi.o. < QUAUFIEO OPTICIAN J i i Capitol Building i Tel. 275 L I CONSULTING HOURS— j 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SLUMP TiME NECESSITATE^ ECOMOMY 'I lien don i t luovr ;i w»\ U] Ol<( irlfM-kM. \VMt< bm or Vn<>|»liOll€^ v < lid tin- iii to
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    • 68 8 > 1 2 Weeks m New York 2 Months m London NOW AT THE .v M^iM i ■> >fmvni^noy| CAPITOf Radio's famous production that has been nominated for the GOLD MEDAL Award of the Year— Fannie Hurst's magnificent story, of iiirnuii 1 1 fcj I IK MILLION" wili RICAROO CORTEZ
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    • 105 8 l^^r M^^r A I VvV~ kl 1 JD 4 Ta I K^T I IvtS > RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903 Matinees Saturday Sunday 3.15 A PICTURE THAT SKIS YOl LAUGHING AM) KEEPS LAI^HIV! H^^g "BROTHER B^^^B I II raw fiKi^K V British International Picture*. H H HI 09 JK3ECBEMBO H 9E MBHH9HV
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