Singapore Daily News, 17 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 13 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 40 THURSDAY, NOV. 17TH, 1932. 5 CUN IS.
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  • 442 1 ■r, tl .uI.S llniohl t <>t tlu* lli'ii p «»r Com ii nil fi:.\r |v <.fe*trd ;i</;iin:! n' i i non I'm i: Ii rews H hips. It i: an ol I .-mm ■>■ nn<l the protests have }:«>! l»ecn ronflncd to emen! "i ot her than Brit
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  • 3999 1 FORGERY CASE RESULT. m MOST DISGRACEFUL DEFKNCK SAYS JUDGE. mm oi accounts. V.i.i I" T T'?? this is an extremely serious offence tu.i11.% robbed a kind employer over a lon X term of voars kv^J22 Tt>at Ski and have a ««ravated your olieiwe EmSSUUT of
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  • 189 1 JAPANESE HINT GENERAL SU'S CAPTIVES. TKOOPS <; O NORTH. Irom Ukio it is reported that the Japanese military authorities are contemplating the sacrifice ot the 2.->0 Japanese hostages held at Manchuli and Hailar hy (Jeneral Su FMnp-wen, (om-maiider-in-( hiet of the NorlhKa stern Salvation Army. (Miieral
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 55 1 Kill Passed Through All StagiHi. I. oli, li.ii, Wctlnr: day. In 'Ik 1 House 1 of Commons (ho Government's Means Test Hill was passed through all stagea by 252 to 11. The IJili reduces the amount of disability pension and work" men's compensation savings which are taken into
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 138 1 Death-roll Rises To Fifty-Tlm,-. Tokio, We<}iesd ly. There has '"tvi mother victim <.f Urn typhoon. the Genchu Mam being wrecked off th<> roasl of the I/.u IYninsuia. Thirty-six of the crew of 4.1 perished. Grave anxiety |i felt regarding 40 vessels on which are 250 mh,i. forming pan
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 56 1 I RANTIC CROWDS. TREMENDOUS FERVOUR AND CHEERING. London, Wednesday. Thorn was unprecedented fervour m Belfast and tremendous cheering by the crowds m the gaily beflaggcl streets on the occasion of the vi.-it of the Prince of Wales. The Prince opened the new Parliament buildings. He
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  • 81 1 Reorganisation Of Consulates* Shanghai, Friday. The Foreign Minister is studying the reorganisation the Chinese Consular service, particularly m countries where there are large Chinese colonies. A commission will be sent to study the requests of the members of these colonies on the spot. The director of international affairs
    Aneta-Havas  -  81 words
  • 74 1 Ffve IVr Cent. On The Cumulative] London, Wednesday. The Peninsular ami Oriental S. N. Co., announces a dividend of r > per cent, for the year on the cumulative preference shares. The company is paying- nothing on the deferred shares. The British India Steam Navigation Hoard
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 206 1 ELIAS EOR TRIAL. EARL STANDS SURETY. WOMAN ALSO. Sidney Job Elias, alleged to be a Soviet agitation agent m (ireat Britain and partly responsible for the recent riots, was sent for trial yesterday. He was given hail m two sureties of £500 each, provided by Earl Russell
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  • 26 1 (»oo<l Progrefie of Cape Flight. Clao, French West Africa. Wednesday. Amy Johnson arrived at 12L30 p.m. yesterday and is proceeding to Duals (Cameroon*). Reute
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 780 1 Ihe rxmtiNK iiM<|n.i!iM iJ armanunl, ««,:is| {]t Minion off Profe*M»r <..i!, Mim-ax. il u hairman „i League m Nations i t greater menace i«» th< Karoae than (|ii.iin s Mould i i ilu- accompanying article 1., dieates the !i,,. alon »h|< i, thinks the idr.-il „i diMariitan.i f
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 827 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. Spot rubber w%a unchanged a* h< ilo i m London la>t ni^ht <>n Hues-day's [nice at 2 The i.-ia •l"ll nd ;*:<• forward quotaion are: ■I. Mai. I i 1 ]r, A.pi ■I'lnc > 2 July-Sept. 2 13/16 fJrMDe*. -z B
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  • 45 2 Middle Quotations On Wednesday. Middle prices of local issues were M.ll'.w- m gfi „n Wednes- nrrording to I raser A Co.*t list MINING. Kuml.anir 27/-, Austral 1 Aycr Hit.-.m Tin 1 6. i Till 1 1 Batons Padang Ituia Cave 0.40., Bukil Amu--
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  • 203 2 New York, Oct. 29. Today's closing prices: Bar Silver 27 Demand Sterling: 328 7 10 Centrifugal Sugar 3.04 Spot Cotton 6.20 Call Money Blank Spot Rubber 3.59 Cotluii— d Oil Spot SJO IT' II T^ O* O I til /XV O. American Can Cdmmon KStf American Smelter
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  • 48 2 Wednesday's exchange rates included the following: SELLING. Lond>n, 4 month:,' sight 2 4 London, 3 months' sight 2 3 31 32 London, 60 days' sight 2 3 15 10 London, 30 days' sight 2 3 29/32 London, demand 2 3 7 s Loncion, TT, 2/3 27/32
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  • 70 2 12 noor, Nov. lfi, 1932. Buyers Sellers Cambier 5 50 Javiv Cube 1000 Hr.mbUi-gr Cube 30 50 Muntok White Pepper 23.00 Whit(» Pepper 22^00 Black Pepper 17.76 Mixed Black Pepper 15.00 Sundried Cop>a 5.80 Mixed Copra Small Flake Tap 3% a ir o oc MHjPear. Z
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  • 63 2 Further Decline In Consumption. (From Our Own Correspondent.) tt«-* i L° ndon > Wednesday. tinn i f >tates rubber consumption last month was 21,018 tons compared with 22.491 tons m SenS year" 1 m Octob During the first ten months of '>7522i y tn ar Amer V-
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  • 701 2 CASE FOR STATE. JUDGMENT RESERVED BY PRIVY COUNCIL. The Piify Council has reserved judgment m the action by the Pfthang Consolidated Co., Ltd. against the State of Pahan#. as a result of the Tin Quota Enactment. The company claimed exemption from the restriction legislation passed by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 ■racr*. rn|mi| ||M|MIL f > Found at Last! THE MASTER TAILORi FOR SMITC frfo I'crfed m Cut. !...test Style anj jt *^J Hr <i Class Mate- fl mS n.iis. at Very MsB Moderate Prices V* CALL AT TUNG CHOY StII.COLEMANST. SINGAPORE. The Royal Dutch Airways The Outward Mail Plane i
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    • 400 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily News. li.-rid Ofliro: 7H, Cecil ■I Siwtapare, v\ MJ IISI-SIS2. Tel: "TiiiH'i" s i n t > i Kuala I.unjjiir Ofli<«- :>'», Java s; r. ,t. IMione SUBSCRIPTION RAH PayaMe m adrance. delivery. Monthly $].."><) Quarterly 51.."., Half-yearly |9.00 rfinKk' < i>py, cents. All eommanicationo relat business
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 236 2 MAILS. Mails close m Singapore: Today. AiK'.mba and Naturi.< Islands Scott Harley) ,i.m. China, Hainam, Japan, Korea Formosa, East Siberia. Western Canada «md Western States .>f I'.S.A. (Cre- 2 p.m. Upper Burma, .\.>rth and E;:st India, AoVn, Egypt, Europe, Gntat Britain, Ireland. Canatli l»nd U.S.A. (Karea (BJ. Mail p.m. Ceylon,
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    • 431 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. T«»day. November 17. St. Andrew's Society practice dance, Adelphi Hotel, r>.4. r > p.m. Presentation of Diplomas. y.WX'A., 5.M0 p.m. Friday, November 18. Ann. mtp. of British Malaya Trustee and Executor Co. Ltd., Ratify and Buteman, noon. Saturday, November 19. Singapore Races, Fourth Day. Monday. November 21.
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    • 557 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following pansen^er sailing* are pending P. and S. N. Co.'s Corfu (Nov. 25). N.Y.K.: Hakuaaa Maru (Dec. 1). Hamburg 1 Amerika Line: Rheinland I Nov. 21 K;;.st Asiatic Co., Ltd. Erria (Nov. 22 t. l»lue Funnel: Melampus (Nov. 22 j, Elpenor (Nov. 22
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  • 1786 3 WINNERS AGAIN DIFFICULT TO FIND. DIVIDENDS SATISFACTORY. However, this did not affect tl.e altrnd-m.- I «xth race. (he swage for a mid-week race da"" fll weM U P Phe -port was again of the highest craVr wt. to Kpot, m most of the
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  • 86 3 20,000 SEE WALES AND ENGLAND PLAY. Wrexham, Wednesday. The international football match played here today m ideal weather before 20,000 people between Wales and England ended m a diaw, neither side scoring. Reuter. The teams were as follows England Hibbs (Birmingham) Goodall (Huddersfiek!), Blcnkinsond (Sheffield); Stacker (Birmingham) Young
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  • 1653 3 GLOSTERS WIN. S.C.C. SIDE DOES WELL IN DEFENCE. G tasters 11. S.C.C. 5. In a Rugby match at Tanglin yesterday m which conditions were made difficult by the rain, a Gloucesters XV defeated an S.C.C. side by a goal and two tries (11 points)
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  • 222 3 TWO GOALS EACH SINGAPORE'S TEAM. NOT TOO STRONG. S.C.C. .2. S.R.C. .2. It was unfortunate that the second hockey encounter between the rival padang clubs, the S.C.C. and the S.R.C, should be spoilt by rain, thus making the ground slippery, with the players slithering all over
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 Wearing winds it RvLL9 SELF WINDING WATCH The Ideal Xmas Present Not a mere p^ Damp, Dust Novelty But pf~,, J~M and Shocka Reliable U fj^^A proof. Most Timekeeper Wos Practicable. '•ft, 7^' SOl^ 1 AGENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. 'Incorporated m England) SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR. PENANG AND IPOH* THE
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  • 58 4 Hta Car Involved In n AceidenL A hineae cyclist was m colli■J" 11 Bukit Timah Road near tramway depot yesterday morn ng with motor-ear beWBgiiiK to If. Hallereau, the tnr )i onsul m Singapore. The man wmM taken to the Tan lock S(/jjr HotDiUl with scrapes tm hjs
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  • 50 4 First Noticed Ky Passer-by. Fire broke out last night ai about 10.: i() m the Toag Hin Rodown m North Boat Quay. A passer-by was the first to notjee the fire and he immediately called the brigade. Two fire engines wont out They returned to the station with-
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  • 170 4 DEBTS OVERTURES. MUSSOLINI AWAITS U.S. REACTION. London, Wednesday. The war debt conference between Mr. Hoover and Mr. Roosevelt is likely to be held m Washington early next week. Meanwhile a Belgian Note has been delivered to Col. Stimson at Washington, askinpr for extension of the
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 50 4 Yet Another Moscow Claim. Moscow, Nov. 2. The State Institute of Applied Chemistry has succeeded m producing experimentally a new type of synthetic rubber from acetylene. It has been found that this new rubber is superior m quality and cheaper than synthetic rubber obtained by other existing method--Tass.
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  • 2205 4 POISON, POISONERS AND ANTIDOTES. ANALYSTS ADDRESS BEFORE POWDERED GLASS HARMLESS! Mr. .1. C. Cowap, of the Government Analyst's Department, addressed the Rotary Club of Singapore yesterday on "Poison." It was one of the most interesting addresses yet heard at these wt'ikly meetings. Mr. Cowap dwelt upon the vprious poisons known
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  • 341 4 STABBED 1% ROOM ALLEGED ASSAILANT ON TRIAL. The story of h< w a n who w.-'s married only la I X day, defended her honour, i bated to Mr. W. II;. > n the Second Police < !curt v. I muttu was arraigned on tl of attempted
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 106 4 BROMFORD The Finest Golf Ball made. l r or durability, toughness and flight it is unequalled. \'YOA THE LIMIT 111 i OF LENGTH BROMFORD *^<s 'v/'/f IS GUARANTEED TO BE THE I LONGEST DRIVING GOLF V _<^3 J BALL >mo^ PRODUCED PLAYING THE BROMFORD FEWER STROKES PER ROUND ffi£ v
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    • 64 4 I M t i---. C U] f»l I I!.. ~J L r, is 5 r r Hfc» if/l Jof IhH m/ 7v3 *rO 9b w3 c ET 7 ET F f, |7 Brewed And Bottled v 17 S In Malaya For C" j ji The People of c C Malay
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 41 4 LAW NOTICE. Before Mr. Justice Whitley today m the 2nd Court at 11 a.m. Assizes:— Rex vs: Hakam Singh' Bel ore Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell m the 3rd Court at ai a.m &AM/&. Webster Automatic Picketing Factory Ltd. vs. Chop
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  • 201 5 I IT \;;\V PALACE. ,rrTING WITH ULTAN. h E INTERVIEW. d »nt. iV. 1 i>m;n i '\> 1 \i uiy i went i at ,■> this i>n proI':. ace i Hi-h- c Throne they 1 SI i i ting All preheld m i attached to
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  • 75 5 <llfl >"« on Black ondent.) 1 l( n, Tuesday. R >nald Watson ing contractor, to fifteen md ordered n Nov. 1 'n the c, ari of afternoon by ••onjrly criticised Ernest Bailey trial as redirection a cd. will be recalled, arrel, was *iitten letter* 1 ourtenay llm-
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  • 16 5 Tut .day. ci *e of io,imio i.f re--1 WviHereachu '•••II of S ;,lt" Vlatin.—
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  • 26 5 <•"> Orh (Hill up) a*Betenr Ifewae. g returning to the paddock after heatteg m iiu> iiith race at the Singapore races yeaterday.
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  • 483 5  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh PANSHEN LAMA. MADE PACIFICATION COMMISSIONER. •l i t\lU r!:i h< n l«ama I a i.. en ap i". 1 1 I" wilU at ion < nmmi ioner ih- v\ i«»i ii Front i«-.- i)i|o*\ ing i( onl i i, ,-i n
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  • 77 5 Russian Inleresl In Chinese Herb- Leninjrmd, Nov. '2. Profei ior Komarov of the Academy of Science! ban returned from a Beveral months' trip to the Far Bast. Under hia direction m plantation was laid oul m the LJsauri region for the development of a well-known Chineae medicinal plant
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  • 261 5 Nl-W CATALOCUK. UNPUBLISHED LEAFLETS, ROY Ai is I MAGA/INf:. Moscow. Tlu 1 Academy of Sciences is < iiKu^i-*! m bringing out a catalogue of j-uinphlHs published <j'iiiritv the Krcndi Revolution. \'>- s thi- materials contained m the library of the Academy. >l.f catalogue will include descri|i
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  • 227 5 Severe Critiefem Of IMar<|iiis IJ. Shanghai, Wednesday. The affair! of (he China Steam Navigation Co. were discussed at meeting of t lv* Executive Council over which M»*. r. V. Soong (in*e Finance Minister) presided yesterday. Mr. Cha CnU-hun (the Minister of Education) \sh<> is investigating the 10,000,000
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  • 430 5 SIGNIFICANT VISIT. MR. MATSUOKA'S STAY IN MOSCOW. Beilin, Saturday, Th« i»rui AHgemeinc i liiiii- |;iil.lili<- a Iwiig iliU'l.uv viahfe-cl I |i iVirl e^fi..|iH»-!it m I'an:. bj I !u- .lap'in*-: <• cln.-l PIIVGJ \<> Geneva, Mi. Mat&tioka, together v. ii h editorial comment. Air. Matsuoka told the interviewer 1
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  430 words
  • 59 5 Present-Day Youth Ready Berlin, Tuesday. Prince Oscar of Prussia ami various University authorities were present at the ceremony m memory of (jerman soldiers who fell m Flanders during the War. Speeches were made declaring that the youth of the prewent day were ready, if necessary, to follow
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  • 552 5 AND FINED $100. GAVE FALSE INFORMATION. KIDNAPPING STORY. s>envcnce <>! three months' rigorous imprisonment and tin- of $100 or m d^iault another three months' impii ormeni wa> pastel by Mr. J. V. F. Gregg m the 1 Kij-d rohco Court yestei'day on a I>-T> »i)!:
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  • 123 5 Assembly Delayed As Long As Possible. Heel m, Tuesday. The new Reichstag will be called on Dec. 6 \>y Heir von Goering, the Nazi President of the last assembly. The date represents the utmost delay permitted by the Constitui ion. Aneta Havas. Korhn, Tuesday. IFerr von I'apen's position
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  • 45 5 La Pax, Bolivia, Tuesday. Tho new cabinet will ho foriTc<l tomorrow with two Republicans, two Liberals and two Socialists. The Paraguayan report that they have taken several forta ia formally <l<-Mi<'<J, th<- Bolivian! <!<•- clarisjfr that they have (l^ a^ their £Jositions.- Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  45 words
  • 224 5 MOTION IN HOUSE OF LORDS. London, Tuesday. In the House of Lords, Lord eel read a motion drawing attention to the agreement constituting the Shanghai District Court and asking the Government what steps were being taken for revision He added that the? Foreign Office had intimated to him
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 36 5 Laninjrrad, Oct 31. The Pulkov Observatory is organising an expedition t<> New Zealand where it will participate m th«* ■cientific task of determining th»- exact declinations of the Sf MIS. Tin- rxpi'ilit ion will rcirain m
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  • 272 5 EUROPEAN SHOOTS HIMSELF. (From Our Own Correspa id< nt. > Malacca, Tue sday. A verdict of suicide was returned by Mr. VV. Reev< at the inquiry into :h<* death of a European nar <>d T. B. Orchard who shot himself on Oct. :i at the Resthouse. The first
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 304 5 MALAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE. fu«y/C: I F r Ever yt"'"S Phone 2938. if 1 «i| "NEST QUALITY GOLF, TENNIS iSjJTJF 1 and POLO SHIRTS. Price $1.25. Mlm J RES TRINGING OF TENNIS m'Wt^O BADMINTON RACKETS OUR J|p£)~ SPKCIALITY. ROYSONS The Malayan Sports Depot. 111, North Bridge Road, Singapore. •-***»"Wif~"
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    • 178 6 IVnaii" Salvage Attempt. (From Our (Hvn Correspondent.) PenanfT, Tuesday. Attempts will 1,,. ni;i ,i t s h o t v to salvage the Russian cruiser Zhemtchtiff, which was sank by the notorioai (icrman raider Emden m the mouth of the Ptnaac harbour m the early days at the
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    • 66 6 Agrwif In Effective From Today. 1-ondon, Tuesday. The Ottawa AffreeaMßtfl Bill tall received the Royal assent. »nd a rreasun order makes the Ottawa preferences effective irom midnight tomorrow with certain exceptions. The Minister of Agriculture announced that a cut 3 ir> per cent, m (he November and I)e--cember
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 60 6 New Wireless Tehphonr Inaugurate-!]. (Jeneva, Wednesday. A successful test telephonic conversation between (Jeneva an I inkio was carried out m the early hours of the morninjf> ea <> linals speaking to the station «*t KemikaM-a, MM Tokio. A new means of mm* txpaditiouii coirimmication is thus provided
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    • 318 6 SINGAPORE G.C. TO MEET GARRISON. The following are the teams and starting times for the Singapore Golf Club versus Garrison Golf Club matches 10 be played on .Sunday, Xov. 20, Singapore Golf Club players mentioned first 8.30 a.m. If. If. Paterson and M. Buchanan vs. S'qr.-Ldr. A. E.
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    • 151 6 TEAMS TO MEET IN FIRST ROUND. London. Wednesday. The Football Association Cup draw for the Ant round proper to Ito played on Nov. l!*; is a> follows: Workington vs. Bconthorpe. Accnngton vs. Hereford. Darlington vs. Boston. Ihnifax vs. Darwen. Southport vs. Nelson. Tarl isle vs. Denaby. Chester
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 40 6 Gaimbora l*<;ii Gresley Revere 4—2. Lo ).lf))-i, Wednesday. In the P.A. Cup fourth qualify. my; voum] repbtye Gainsboro beat Grcsley Roven by four to two and Altrinchim drew with Stalybridge, alter extra timo, each side scoring three Koals. Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 62 6 H«>lland\s Remedy For Over-prochiction. Amsterdam, Thursday. Holland suffers from a «unertHn" f£g& and lhe A^' tho heroic decision to follow the KWmplj of coffee planters who threw then- product into the sea Prom to 1.503 tons of tienihes and covered with lime he value of the quantity
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    • 467 6 DISARMAMENT. U. S. INTERVENTION IN MEDITERRANEAN. London, Monday. Sir John Simon only gave the House of Commons a vague indication of the principles which the British naval delegation will defend at Geneva, hut Mr. Baldwin pointed out the dangers incurred by the civilian population during an
      Aneta-Havas  -  467 words
    • 57 6 Police Discovery In Argentina* Buen >s Aires, Monday. The police have discovered v highly organised terrorist )>lni directed against the President <•!' the Republic and the high authorities, nietnherfi of \r\v Chamber of Deputies, police officialn and vrt\y- directors.. The police havo eonfisctited raouirh material 1<- manufacture ?.,&)'>
      Aneta-Havas  -  57 words
    • 58 6 Discovery on Francoftaiian Frontier. Modane, Saturday. The arrest of the Italian, Gabutti, on a charge of espionage has led to ihe discovery of a sn\ -jcorganisation, which seems to hav<Keen functioning for several years and to have principally dealt' with the system of defence m the region of
      Aneta-Havas  -  58 words
    • 47 6 Attempt to Wreck Fire Brigade Station. vii Lausanne, Monday. I-ollowirs an attempt to wreck tho f; lc brigade station severs] arrests were made by the police it was reported that during the n^?i n L disturbances the firemen used their hoses to drive back the
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    • 342 6 RUSSIAN CHEMISTS. WAR-LIKE BOAST OF SOVIET POWER. Kharkov, Oct. .'ll. The sixth Me: ueleev Congress, a gathering of the chemists oc Russia, which is now assembled iv this city, has addressed an appeal to the chemists of the entire world m the name of its 8,000
      Tass  -  342 words
    • 192 6 FOUR YEARS FOR AN HABITUAL CRIMINAL. A man of mixed Negro and Arab blood received his 17th conviction for a criminal offence yesterday when he was found guilty by Mr. Wilson m the- District Court of forgery and cheating irespect of .>-!(>. Mr. Yahya Afifi said thai the
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    • 173 6 Mine Established m Tundra /one. Pechora. The first coal mine to be established m the Arctic Circle has commenced operations. The mine is located m the tundra region 100 kilometers from the p O mt at which the Vorkuta River waters enter the River I'si; and 600
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    • 165 6 One Accused Convicted: Two Discharged* Three Chinese stood their trial before Mr. c. Wilson m the DiHtrict Court jrenterday on charge of robbery. One v. as convicted, and the other two dteibarged. It was alleged that Ihe three of them, Lee Gob Chwee, Tan Goh Tan, and
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    • 57 6 Expedition Brings Back rS«*a Animals. Leningrad. A sea-hunting expedition which set out for the frOMII north has returned to its base at Arkhangelsk after a successful season. The expedition's hag included 201 j;ea tows, KT> polar hoars, ani! G'J lepus. Some of the animHs were captured alive
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    • 80 6 Inquiry Into W*H Of Institute. The Straits Timthat Govern men suggestion Association of Mil quiry into the Rubber Research In be held. It will be recalls! last the Boai d• iflHUod a communui a number of re l|i! retn nchmi nt m fche Institu It was revealed »t
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    • 60 6 Mr. CoBfr» veii >|0 Narrowly !><i (l The Dmil, f Mr. <o—-.- ing the Govei mi N> lari.l that M < l( handle! int< rwil t Bffaii n 1 ail ly. mic diaa itt»r. I MndeVahv the Kiioir :i-.i was to drive me v jm? hind t;- I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 No dinner i is complete without i i Make your selection from the wide I i variety i 'offered i j j by the i I SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. RAFFLES HOTEL MALAYA SPREM lER HOTjEL. TONIGHT I" TOMORROW SPECIAL DINNER and DANCE TEA DANCE w 9.30 to Midnight.
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    • 130 6 S DOLLARS i ICA/ ,^r TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLES SOLD BY-^ s i jLtt J a Hi H 01 81 m m m at m j IB MT 1 V^ I "KITED ENGINEERS LIMITED. MOLES PFJ G| I SINGAPORE. 4 i« Sj H ITi I I TI TTF 111 ■ITI nilWllllßillllHilil
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 118 7 I EVERY MORNING I I Singapore Daily News I DELIVERY VAN I passes near I YOUR HOUSE I "Sign on the Dotted Line* I below and it will come right up to I your door and deliver the Singapore DAILY NEWS which gives I MORE NEWS I tha n is
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    • 126 7 BASIC VALUES POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES! '■pi MEN'S BLAZERS. Navy blue flannel blaMn with 2 or :i brasi buttons. Sizes 30 ins. ehesi to 42 ins. chesf« Basic Value $5.95 Each. I r* I1 if FLANNEL TROUSERS. Lig:ht rrey, tropical weight, m all sizes .",(> ins. to 12 ins.
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  • Article, Illustration
    94 8 \n armed jjuard watching over a (liulv ot sheep near Rochester where a sheep-killer, thought to be dojr. ha>s recently much damage. A visitor arriving at the Camping and Hiking Exhibition at the Horticultural I! n an old penny-farthing bicycle, watched by two cyclists with their modern coil One
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 309 8 Harry S. Elias, m.i.o. QUALIFIED OPTICIAN J i Capilol Building Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. i SLUMP TIME NECESSITATES ECONOMY 'I Im n -ion i throw ,iw .i you i Ol«i i:loeks, v. ;i ti In--, or oi 1 1 1 m fliflM S« M«l t
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    • 81 8 %Tti»HM M.».MM> »»-»H »A».%-»jL».» Commencing TONIGHT Premiere for Malaya of The Famous Radio Picture that packed the London Tivoli for 2 months Q V H^| OLi (rt| Ml V f\ <mf H IWi a^ O 2" 1 f SIX MILLION 7 Fannie Hurst's unforgettable Story WITH IRENE DUNNE RICARDO CORTEZ
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