Singapore Daily News, 15 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News nO. 38. TUESDAY, NOV. 15TH, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 543 1 European statesmen, having (1 anxiously for the result of the American election, have now commenced the anticipated bomoent of tin* ncu Presideni i th a series <>f notes on th«. S ul>of War debts. Great Britain France have already sought .<n extension of the moratorium and the reopening
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  • 3026 1 Book-keepers story. ACCUSED SAYS HE WAS TAUGHT TO ALTER CHEQUES. Sensational allegations were made during the bein, f n S I"* 1 fi llsi tati «n »f actoun.s which SiL-,Z. P. re{ erre against Khor Tens- (Jueo at the Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice
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  • 50 1 START ON ATTEMPT ON CAPE RECORD. London, Nov. 1 l. Amy Johnson left Lympne r.t 0.07 .ni. Of! her attempt to break her husband's record to the Case. She is* flying via West Africa m new PPus> s Moth. Desert Cloud, which hat a 2.000 mile ranee.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 69 1 Bid For Long Distance Endurance Record. London, Monday* The airman Mr. J. A. Mollison is planrin;r t I attempt a !on:r distance endurance record after the f lish of the Air Form flight. Mr. Mollison was interviewed i>v Reuter'- representative at Lympne, whither he escorted his wife
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 25 1 Zurich, Thursday. Twelve youths were trapped In the flames when tire broke out iii a Swiss Borstal home at Waed'r.--vil. Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  25 words
  • 86 1 UJItAIX HURRICANE. SANTA CRUZ DEMOLISHED. 2,500 PERISH. Details of the hurricane which si ruck Cuba last week show that the loss si life was very heavy. Appalling scenes were enacted. Most of the dead were victims of tidal wave which swept across fifteen miles of country, driven
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 222 1 Caicafftlty, Cuba. Thursday. Three trains bearing score-; of injured people have arrived from Santa luz Delaur, the centre of the hurricane district, m which 1,000 people were killed. The latest account states that 260 bodies have already been buried m Santa Cruz an.l that hundreds of
    Reuter Wireless  -  222 words
  • 150 1 DRIVER KILLED. STRUCK HEAD AGAINST BRIDGE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mqnday. Arumugar.i, driver of a local train from Tanjong Malim to Ipoh, while standing on the footplate, struck his head against a bridge between Bfckap and Batu Gajah lesulting m a jraping wound m his
    Reuter Wireless  -  150 words
  • 86 1 Hint of Yet Another Committee. London, Monday. The Manchurian dispute is at present overshadowed by the debts and disarmament discussions. It is predicted m some unofficial circles that the League may adopt the first eight chapters of the Lytton Report and refer the last two chapters, containing the recommendations,
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 43 1 No More Alis In Turkey. Istambul, Friday. The confusion due to thousands of Turk?-, posse^sinp: the same name like Ali Mehmed >r Suleyman, will disappear when Parliament ptases the Government Bill compelling all Turks to choose a family name. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  43 words
  • 255 1 BASED ON BARTER. IMPORTANT BACKING. ELASTICITY CLAIM. The London Chamber of Commerce, with the support of other important business organisations, has evolved a scheme for an international currency basel on barter. Proceeding on the assumption that international finance has broken down, the promoters propose to revert to simple
    Reuter Wireless  -  255 words
  • 78 1 Plans for Spectacular Atlantic Flight. Rome, Saturday. It is officially announced tha! nn the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Fascist regime the party executive has decided to promote Another trans- Atlantic flight on a grand scale. Some time next year an Italian air squadron commanded v
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  78 words
  • 73 1 Again Arrested For Debt. Cologne, Friday. The adventurer, I. Trebitsch Lincoln, who is touring Germany as a Buddhist priest, was arrested here for debt and will probably be released m the course of a day or two, since h<- has formally <I<tlared himself to b<- without mean?. The prosecutrix,
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  73 words
  • 63 1 (Question of Change In Mancliiikuo Tariffs. London, .Monday. In the Home of Commons today the Priir.3 Minister, Mr. Ramsay MacDooald, replying to Mr. Peter Mac Donald who had drawn atten tion to th<* Japanese announcement of forthcoming changes m Manohukuo tariffs, said that the Government would natural!} iai\«any
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 615 1 One of t h<- most important developments ef the pa »t few months has hecn t spreading Of low interest rates from tl c short money markets to the iMger term capital markeis Lew moru\ rates fa iho>e centres where the tnancial*pe tion is aho\e questioning arc a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 754 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. S)M/i rubber va unchanged at the clos< jm I ')»i<if-n lasi ni^lit from Saturday's |>rice at 2 21 :>2, a< rding \<. t front iiiir cor- ?•<■ andent. Ph« murkfil is slow nrvi \\w forward quotations Mre >t> iollovs: Dwcin 1
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  • 77 2 Middle Quotations On Monday. M idrjlc pric« i Singapore on Moi linif to Fnwer A Co rilMNc;. Asntn Kumhanjr I*7 Aostral Mala; L 9 .\> -r Jlit:.m Tin 11 r>. Bang;rin Tin il Batanf Padang D.07%, Bato (';iv<s 0.40^ Bukil Arang 0.4e (nom.) Bormma Malay -< IMMB Chenderianf
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  • 194 2 New York, Oct. Today's closing- prices: Bar Silver 26% Dt mand Sterling 880% Centrifugal Supar w.lO (Asked) Spot Cotton <J. 40 Call Money 1 Spot Rubber Blank Cottonseed Oil Spot 3.66 Stocks American Can Common 51 American Smelter 14 'v American Sugar 21% American Tel. y Tel 108%
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  • 84 2 Firm With Gilt-Edged Prominent. London, Friday. On tlif stock exchange today, with selling treasure relaxed, gilt-edged securities improved substantially, the new three per cent Conversion Loan advanci ig to five-eighths discount anil, with speculative sections reflecting higher Wall Street advices, the sentiment was decidedly brighter. Moel oi' tho
    Reuter wireless  -  84 words
  • 41 2 M i O^ d lates included the following: London, month.;' sig-ht 2 4 London, months' sight 2 ::i~S2 London, 00 days' sight 2 :>> 15 16 London, 30 days' si^ht 2.i 29 32 l»«>n<i(in, djonjaiad 7 Lonu^n, T.T. 2,3 ilhi
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  • 465 2 EASTERN TOUR. DIRECTOR OF FAMOUS FIRM. A man whose name has become a household word is m Singapore at the moment. He is Lieut.-Col. J. N. Horlick, a director of the firm which produces Horlick'fl Malted Milk, and a brothei" of Sir Ernest Buri'ord Horlick, chairman
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  • 106 2 Foreign Goods With False Trade Marks. London, Thursday. The fact wa- disclosed by the Secretary for Overseas Trade Mr. olville, m the House of Commons today that protests have been made to the Japanese and other Governments against the practice of attempting to foist foreign manufactures a^ British
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  • 83 2 12 noon, Nov. l I, 1932. Buyers Sellers Gambler 5 Java Cube ]o (,n Efcmbtu g Cube jo 5^ Muntok White Pepper 2:;.':>o White Pepper •>•> r ><i nlack Pepper IS Mixed Black Pepper 15 00 Sundried Copra -,>:, b.*Bs Mixed Copra r,.:; 0 Small Hake
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 Found at Last! THE MASTER TAILOR FOR -~M •SUITS jfov Perfect m Cut. >Kg If 3 Latest Style and *t*<? first Class Mate F r ridli. at er\ ;Hg Moderate Prices v §8 TUNG CHOY 2:M I. COLEMAN SI. SINGAPORE. TO LET, Seaside Flail with ■i'ln sanitation. and new ucalowa
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    • 255 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily Mews. Head Office: fg, r-ril SinKapore, 1151-5152, Tel: "Tinns" Sim Kuala 1-iin'inir Oflßce .l.i\ i Pboae BUBSCRIPPON l Payable m advance I- cal Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Single < i>pj All eommunic ti business mattei •obtcribtions, ccc< etc.. should be i 1 ■ANAGBR. ADVESTIBBMEM I For casual small
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 272 2 NESSELS ARRIVED.. ELPEKOR, Brit., lv -i tons, from Yokohama 14-11, for Liverpool, Glasgow 22-1 1. REDANG, Siam 298 tons, from Lacon 14-11, for Trengganii 15-11. BINTANG, Dan.. 1.725 tons, from Bombay 18-11, for Bangkok 19-11. BURMA MARU, Jap., 2318 tons. from Calcutta 14-11, >'o! Japan via I long Kong l
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    • 538 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Today, November IS* Tangiln Tit-Hits. Farewell Performance, Vie. Theatre, i»..'50 p.m. Singapore Ar; Clul) Exhibition, V.W:C.A.. i» it.m. to 12.M0 ]>.m. and 4 p.m. to C..10 ]>.m. Wednesday, Nove/iiber lfi. Rotary Tiffin, Arieiphi Hotel, 1 p.m. SinganoTU Races, Third Day. Singapore Art Club Exhibition, Y.W.OJL, 9 a.m.
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    • 561 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings For Europe. P. and O. S. N. Co.'s Corfu (Nov. 2r> i. N.Y.K. TeruknnJ Maru (Nov. 16), Hakusan IfarU (Due. 1). Hamburg Amerika Line: Rheinland (Nov. IX). East Asiatic Co., Ltd.: Erria (Nov. 22 i. Blue Funnel: I.iorneneus (Nov. 1(».
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  • 883 3 HOCKEY TRIAL ON THE PADANG. COLOURS BEAT WHITES BY FIVE GOALS TO NIL. CUNNYNGHAM-PERDRIAU SHINES t not her hockey trial was held on Ike l»aH,n«r Kuak Lumpur m Saturday and Sunday respective^ (olours, »ilh most of the State Mayers i, ,n,, ,H.,,an, l Vr (l nau. .M w mall||) r
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  • 161 3 EV ENTS AT GARRISON CLUB. monthly medal at the '■'ii" Club was played ay and Saadfty. arda were taken ►wing were the best 1 Muirhemd. 77— 8= 74- 1 70 innon 77 H- <1 Bryan 7<<— 8=71 83—12 7i 82— 10=7« th. 77— 4= 7:; S:i—10 7: 1:
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  • 219 3 INNINGS WIN FOR M.C.C. HAMMOND'S 203 VICTOR lAS COLLAPSE. DEADLY BOWLING. The M.C.CL, continuing m inning vein, yesterday won thenmatch with Victoria by an innings and 83 runs. Hammond made a magnificent 203. In their second innings Victoria "ere all out for 94, Hammond Igtil distinguishing himself by taking two
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 405 3 WEIGHTS FOR RACES TOMORROW. The handicaps for tomorrow's Singapore races are a= fellows: Race I. Ponies, Class lii I six Furs. Timbaiig BaJomc \K'), Ki!.:t 8.12, Tht> Ar io;ii;m S.T. Mada 8.7, Slump s; Vitality B, Sprin^kell s, Shorty 7.13, Land's End r>.i:2. Minoru »>.7. Barms s.:;. Race 2.
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  • 248 3 ENGLISH LEAGUE BEATEN. CLEVER SCOTS. HALVES KEEP THE BALL TOO CLOSE. Manchester, Nov. if. A crowd of ."iU.OOO saw the Scottish League deservedly beu the English League at football this afternoon by three goals to nil. Following 1 a brisk start tinScottish goal had a very narrow escape, Houghton cutting
    Reuter Wireless  -  248 words
  • 356 3 ORIGINAL PROGRAMME MODIFIED. (Frona Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sund.v. Somewhat inaccurate accounts cf the arrangements made for Sit Samuel Wilson m the F.M.S. are being: published. They ire. evidently based on the original and provisional programme, which has sine*.' been modified m some re pectft, dates
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  • 61 3 (loin To Decide Cup^s Ownership. An amusinjc incident followed a spe: tacular deadheat m the Liverpool Autumn Cup between Sir Ernest Tate's Denbigh and China Kinjf, owned by Mr. A. J. Smith, a Cardiff butcher. The two owners tossed a coin for the Cup which the latter won.
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  • 58 3 Imports And Exports tip Last Mon ill. London, Friday. The trade Returns for October show imnorts of £()O,K'JX.OOO, which is an increa:»e of £<;,] W 1,000 on September, but a decrease of £10,868,000 compared with the previous October. Kxports total £$0,440,:h) which is an advance of £4,211.000 on
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  • 975 3 TARBET SECOND. INSTRUCTIVE TEAM RACE. PERSONAL NEWS. The >taii for the final race of tin Jean II Clip at the Royal Sinagpore Yacht Club was bo well timed that skippers of "A" class yachts all received a shock when the recall gun was fired. KUat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 123 3 Wearing winds it THE b»v s^H l^^D JQ|J SELF WINDING The Ideal Xmas Present Pi Not a mere is^^^l am P* Dust Novelty But V^ and Shocka Reliable proof. Most Timekeeper 1 KJfe|] Practicable. SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated m England) SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR, PENANG AND IPOHTHE OVERSEAS
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  • 55 4 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Phe death has occurred after an operation of Mr. C. M. Heasman, Acting Commissioner V M S. Police. Mr. rtafcman Joined ike Police m» December, 1927, and was appointed an Acting Commissioner m December last year. He went <»n v
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  • 26 4 A Chinese fell .»tr a moving oll,y bus y ,.s L ,n,a y morning IS mm In ,i«-, Upper Serangoon Road, and bruised himself rather severely.
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  • 160 4 AT THE CINEMA. Will Rogers is back again at the Alhambra m a new Fox picture '.ailed "Down to Karth" and his many Singapore admirers will find his characteristic wisecracks as good as ever m this amusing storyAll Will Ropers' pictures ar_ i vehicles for his particular brand
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  • 82 4 Ui}l Seizure In Police Raid. A big seizure of $5 counterfeit notes was made about 8.00 on Sunday night m a house m Blanco Court when the police made a laid and discovered $5,000 worth which they seized. Two Hokkiens were arrested m this connection. It is believed
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  • 54 4 The l-20th Burma Rifles will leave Taiping for Burma on Nov. 24 and will be replaced by the 2-2Oth. A party of 50 of the latter, with one European and two Burmese officers, has already arrived. The 2-20 th were stationed m Taiping some years ago and figured
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  • 29 4 A Bengali riding a bicycle m Oxley Road last night lost control and crashed into the wall of a house. He was taken to hospital m a semi-conscious condition.
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  • 1826 4 UNOFFICIAL? APPRECIATION OF BUDGET. STATE COUNCIL MEETING. A Meeting of the Johore State Council was held m Ike Dcwan, .lohore ISahru, yesterday morning. Amendments m Ihe Draft Estimates for 1933 were recommended by the Select Committee, and following an explanation by Mr. F. T. Tree, the Financial
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  • 88 4 50 YEARS' SERVICE WITH ONE FIRM. Mr. Sect Swee Hoc, an employee of Robinson and Co., Ltd.. was presented with a silver cup on behalf of the directors and staff of the company yesterday liy Mr. S. G. Hacker m recognition of his 50 years' service with the
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  • 37 4 Tonight is the last opportunity Singapore will have of seeing the Tanglin Titbits at the Victoria Theatre. There was a crowded house again last night and trie show is m every way a great success.
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  • 195 4 STOCKHOLM \MI MONEY TO BE USED FOR "SPECIAL PURPOSE. 1 Stockholn I i The Nobel prize foi has been awarded by the holm Academy to the novelist, John Galsworth> This is the fourth tim< prize ha.- gone to a Bi Kipling having i a eived L
    Reuter Wireless  -  195 words
  • 36 4 (From Our On i Corres|»« V., An army m 1^ 1 1 i- vlseriously wounded anotnei commissioned o!li*vr m Club. The t I himseli and died short!) j hospital. The alia 1 1 vv:l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 67 4 /^^v 1 fs* A f 1 f V u\i I I-j 1 J h j n 1 P D 5 i a 3 D i It Became I Malaya's a i ravouritc la i I 5 In A Week! 3 j a i 3 i P i Q 1 a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 83 4 LAW NOTICE. Before the ''hieC Justice today m the first Court at 11 a.m. S. 511 4 :i2 R. Suppammall (w) vs: Abdulfathei- Kaka and anor. O. S. 11l 152 Ro Will of Leong On alias Leong Foo.i Shiu deeurtsod. Before Mr. Justice Whitley m tbe 2nd Court at 11
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  • 235 5 (..>. MARKET, lES IN FRANCE D GERMANY. Phursday. repeal 01 si h amend- r will miiv *>' J market irs French f* the presidenpl osi without P Ci tic about I Pai isien a:^<l poraries, forer i meni m the I Kurope and th" I si
    Reuter Wireless  -  235 words
  • 136 5 ANOMALIES TO BE REMOVED. London, Wednesday. Only three types of resources will be embraced m the Government's Means' Tc^t Bill m connection with transitional benefit m respect of unemployment insurance. The Minister of Labour this morning, introducing the preliminary financial resolution, said only one half of disability pensions
    Reuter Wireless  -  136 words
  • 152 5 Nobes Faces DouMr Murder Charge. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Saturday. The trial of Godfrey Nobes <»n a charge of murdering Albert Keen, a kennelman, and his wife Anne Keen was begun at Guildford today. The victims were employed at Rodsall Manor, the home of Sir Laurence Guillemard,
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  • 62 5 Stockholm, Friday. The Swedish Match Company announce! that it does not intend to ask for an extension of the moratorium (granted after the Kreuger inuuih) when i: expires :tt the end of the month. All the foreign banks have accepted the plans for reconstruction advanced l»y the
    Reuter Wireless  -  62 words
  • 64 5 Singapore, as elsewhere, shi > building is held up. The above picture shows a semi-completed onkong DDO. work has beta suspended. Ipon the struts, the vessels appear much a- er han when I. the water. A g*o. Me* ct their si/.e may he obtained by
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  • 1131 5 COURT CASES. APPLICATION FOR BAIL REDUCTION. T\\»> Malay police constables, Ali bin Abu and Ibrahim bin Adam, were charged before Mr. A. \V. Hay yesterday m the Second Police C >url with extortion of Si»<). The hearing of the case wan postponed until the 21st., bail being fixed
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  • 774 5  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh JAPANESE PLANS. FOOD AND MONEY. OR STARVATION. Shanghai, Sunday. Report from foreign sources -♦aie that tiie Japanese have decided on three plane for exterminating the Volunteers. Firstly the revenue from opium ami other taxes, amounting to $30,000,000, ■hall be devoted to buying over Volunteers
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  • 222 5 MANAGER DETAINED. ALLEGED LOAN IRREGULARITIES. Shanghai, Monday. At a recent meeting of the Executive Yuan it was resolved that the China Merchants* Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., which is a nation-ally-owned enterprise, should be assigned ty merchants to manage and that the inspectorship should be abolished. Mr.
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  • 93 5 RUSH TO BORDER TO AVOID DUTIES. Dublin, Wednesday. Irish Free St ie farmers h-'ve strained every effort during the past 24 hours to remove tattle ovtv the border to Northern Ireland m order to avoid the new British tariffs, and special trains were chartered but were unable to
    Reuter Wireless  -  93 words
  • 89 5 Opposition Protest In Hail. Dublin, Pridr.y. The ax-Minister, General Mul cahy, has strongly protested m the tgainst threats t<» murder fvoth him and !i:s colleague if they opposed the Government, especially referring to v speech t>v Mr. Ryan, editor ef the Republic, m which he said while
    Reuter Wireless  -  89 words
  • 79 5 HUMILIATION." German Prrss Ignores Armistice Day. Berlin, Friday. Like Armistice Pay, the anniversary of the establishment of the German Republic was completely ignored hy the German Press and public, which prefer not to cast hack their minds to days of hun ili ation. According to the editorial writers who mention
    Aneta-Trans-ocean  -  79 words
  • 105 5 HUNGER STRIKE. PROTEST AGAINST NEW DECREE. Bei I m, ri'l.iv A large number of political prisoners confined m loit i < started a hunger Ktrikc ;i- a pro test against the comintr into force of the decree of Aug. which renders fortress imprisonment very much akin
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  105 words
  • 132 5 I i i m After Pronounced Weakness. Berlin, Friday. After several dayi of beady a<l \an<(>, the Bourse took an abrupt turn yesterday, with prices af? King between two and three point* all alon^ the line. Weakness m the Wall Street caused speculation t<» proceed i«» liquidation, investors
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  132 words
  • 20 5 rails, Friday. An Italian vrhoM MUM is not revealed has been purrested Ht MtMlt-na on a ehann of etpiontsa Aneta-Trans-Ocean
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 107 5 MALAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE. I /^^"V STOCK I World's finest Hockey 1 Sticks as used hy Olympic Champions. FOR ANYTHING h4 EVERYTHING, I PHO.Ni: 2938. I ROYSONS I THE MALAYAN SPORTS DEPOT. I 111. North Briilgr Rtuiil, Sing«|N>rr. I By To H> M Thc King •jjirmi fipposnlmcnt Of Siam
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    • 130 5 SCOTTS FORAGE OATS 1 A breakfast food which invigorates the body O gives alertness to the brain. A purely British product m material, labour capital. Packed at Colinton (near Edinburgh) m the most up-to-date facto ry mi n the Kingdom. «ji O n s ale throutf h o v t
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  • 966 6 APPEAL AGAINST CONVICTION DISMISSED. j LIABLE TO FINE OF $90,000. The appeal of Mrs, Dora Strezezak against the conviction and sentence of a fine o( $15,000 or two years' rigorous imprisonment for importing 13,062 tahils of non-Government ehandu into Singapore, was dismissed by Mr. Justice a
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  • 113 6 Dominions To Pay A Larger Share 'anl»erra, Wednesday. Mr. Pearce, Minister for Defence, rtve.ledin the Commonwealth Senate that negotiations wero being conducted with a view to Urn revision of Australia's shate m the defence cf the Empire involving a iarper contribution from Other Dominions. Mr Pearce said thai
    Reuter Wireless  -  113 words
  • 23 6 Geneva, Monday. Ihe city is quiet. Few arrest* nave been made ami there has been an absence of serious incident,— Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 27 6 London, Frldav. Pbe ileitfa is announced of r r. I>. rates, the famous chess player, who lost the British chess -ilDilllllJiijn^hii> m 11.
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  • 87 6 Left Property By Aged Spinster. London, Friday. A windfall for Mr. de Valera was divulged when the Brighton Coroner inquired into the death of a septuagenarian recluse, Mi-.. •Mary Fitzpatricjc, who wa:; i'oum! dead. A utrong Vox was lashed to the bed which contained valuables to over
    Reuter Wireless  -  87 words
  • 79 6 (lhi«»f Officer of Orcgou Killed. Amsterdam, Monday. The Nethcrland Steamship Company's liner I\ C. Hooft is ablaze alongside the wharf. Aneta London, Sunday. Considerable damage was done by a lire fa the hold of the Blue Star liner Oregon Star, which is laid up at Hebburn. Chinese sailors
    Aneta  -  79 words
  • 1104 6 LATEST MOVES. HOOVER SEEKS RIVALS AID. "A FIRST STEP." London, Sunday. The British Note to the United States on tlie subject of war debts refers to the Launsaone agreement ultimately to terminate all reparation payments as a maximum contribution by the governments concerned towards that early
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  • 168 6 CONVICTION OF A MONEY-LENDER. This is a comedy of errors fnpm start to ftni h, M said >•>'. P. A. McElwaine, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, m the Supreme Court yesterday when appearing for the Crown m a criminal appeal brought by Bishen Singh, a money-lender, against police court
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  • 137 6 LOSS OF Towr i he epoi i Garden the anmu L Saturday ai loom. Btati The account $10,610.17 total numl close of the mi: of [44 stai ion n total <. 4 111, n i«h i 211 bere, Tanal \v a dIS provt d by f< ture, lighting
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  • 21 6 Enthusia* Don field* An mi Gronau, on nier yai I world I difficult \v;i cal ility them inn. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  21 words
  • 6 6 Eighi Brewtn collar 150 Tn
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 78 6 HERE IS THE TOURE? The embodiment <>i everything make motoring easj and pleasant. l> m the evenings with the hood down. with the hood and sidest ivcns upwl rains. Porty-five miles to the <>. Ht't\ inilos per hour. ***** nnU of tyres. These are some ooints of merit that have
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  • 24 7 I Thu L i I \u-\v excepki good k. g iervioe with ■k star <>f the L> as i'M'n pd 'kiii^- men.-
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  • 45 7 Mo i ow, < >ct. 30. The largest |/aiUMßgef tr, m engine i\ EUirQne has i>e«'n built at the locomotive plant at Kolomna. The engine weighs 819 toon ai <i will haul trjins «m 800 tons at a speed of f»o kilometres an hour.
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  • 45 7 To Undo the National GovernmeKft's Work. London, Monday. In a speech at CfaiycrOHF, Derbyshire, Mr. Lansbury declared. that at the first opportunity the Labour Party would cancel th.Oltawa agreement, dispense with the National Government* econ <>my measures and repeal th»- Unemployment Hill Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 133 7 BASiC VALUES MEAN POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES MEN'S BLAZERS. Navy blue flannel blazers with J or '■'> brass buttons. Sixes 30 m i. 12 ins. chest* Basic Value 55.95 Each, r P J f^'rif'^V 1 ill Mt. *1 I Mi] TIM (I f :> ill 'I **'d ''I FLANNEL
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  • Article, Illustration
    79 8 Another hockey tria/to select a Sini'apurr >i«V was played on the Padanjj yesterday. A tense moment m front of goal. Oldhum scoring Uuir first goal m their match with Wist Nam i.-I a( I I A contrast at the Navy League cadets' parade at the Law Courts m London before
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 221 8 Harry S. Elias, mj.o. QUALIFIED OPTICIAN Qipilol Building Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SLUMP TIME NECESSITATES ECONOMY Tlii-ri don't tlnou ;i\< i\ vdiii old clocks, \\jtti-lu»^ graiiiO' pboneti S< ml tli« m if. us. \\r will give ihenj ;i new Jif<- to be ever tivef ul
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    • 95 8 ANOTHER RIOT OF LAUGHTER— I CAPITOL IE T 6.15 TONIGHT 9.15 Brought Bark m Response lo Hundreds of Requests The Famous Slar of "Rookery Nook/* "Mischief" "Th«rk" and other recent successes RALPH LYNN With Charming WINIFRED SHOTTER m Hie British ami Dominion Musical ciniinh farce "CHANCE OF A NIGHT-TIME" •Belter
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    • 102 8 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903 THE MONARCH C" MIRTH IS WITH US AGAIN _„^r i> OB^Bfc. r *-*4. *T 9^nß|^Rf British International lit I 1 l^"«"' o|| r i m m iHKHM m b r i ■mini c m mnv&si a ■rjww l l ma ws I- rf T For \\>u\\ buikkr,
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