Singapore Daily News, 4 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 THE SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 29. FRIDAY, NOV. 4TH, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 275 1 J it. V ill n< m. Lice m ret i" n <1 h In i'h < perniis and i 1 is i i pmark permitted p mmeni for ai Is rarely im- V. »i I crime i However, it i for iv'!»»« > ac< i person for- the
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  • 539 1 U.S. ELECTORAL LULL. LEADERS RETIRE. ROOSEVELT'S RADICALISM. VIAIISn 4 "POSE." 1 here is a lull m the American rlectoral campaign, the loaders f.Ving temporarily retired "to rtcapvrate for taw final assault." re has, however. Ix^n a spirited exchange of views heIwycn \\u> lieutenants of the pn irlpal raadMates. The DoMocratfl
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  • 47 1 Will Neighbour* Adopt B Reprisals Berlin, Wednesday. liv defiance of the Opposition, the Government has decided to introduce the quota system rot agricultural imports. The emtries most affected will be Holland, Italy France and Denmark, am! !t is feared that, they will adopt reprisals. Reuter
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  • 184 1 FIRST PLANS. DANCF AT KEDAH RESIDENCY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pens ijti Thursday' Some detail- |;av« mow been made public* first move- ments of Brig.-General S»r Samuel Wilson, Permanent In der-Secretary of Slate for this rlonii-s .w ho i i coming to Malaya to investigate
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  • 111 1 EXTRADITION MOVE AGAINST BROTHERS. Nt'w Yo.k, Thursday. Two a Attorneys have saile i for Europe t>> bi in^ back Sninuel Insul] from Athens. for trial. It is presumed they are armed with a Presidential wan ant for his extradition. Extradition papers for Martin Insull from Canada haw been
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  • 81 1 TO GO TO PRIVY COUNCIL? FAY THY!; JOO. localTappeal dismissed. NEW APPLICATION. The appeal of Tay Thye Jot» Kgaiast <he sentence of four years' inprisimmeßl imposed upon him for cheating m reaped of short delivery of copra waa dismissed yesterday by Mr. Justice a Heekett Terrel. Mr. Batteaaerg, counsel for
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  • 161 1 CAUSE STOPPAGE OF STREET TRAFFIC. (From Our Own CorDeipOßdent.) Seremban, Wednesday. Two Chinese women. Vim Yce and Yaj) Moi, who decided tf> prive vent to their filings on the public read, wire responsible for the stoppage of traffic m Wallich Street. They '.wit promptly taken to he police
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  • 60 1 Havanai Thursday. A decree limiting the l Xi2 33 sugar crop to two million tons and fixing Feb. 1 as the date for the oi w ning of the grinding sea-on has been signed by President Machado. Thus the Cuban BUtfftf market for the current year including the
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  • 157 1 LIGHT HAY SYSTEM. DEMONSTRATION GIVEN IN PENANG. (From Our Own Correspondent.) P< nang, Thursday. Will Malaya adopt an automatic system for the timing of horse Ctaioee as has been recently experiment .1 with m £ngl&sid with success? This question ii prompte<l by the arrival hero of
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  • 81 1 Sequel to Death Of Kedah Officer. < Fivn Our Own Correspondent.) Mfldan, Tuesday. The Council of Justice Public Prosecutor asked yea erd. y mornfor Mr. Hendrikse to be given four months 1 rigorous imprisonment for ra^h driving of a motorcar and thus causing: the death of oie of
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  • 58 1 Chinese Assaulted By Three Others. A Chinese wag assaulted by three others m Pickering Street yesterday afternoon. He was taken to hospital with an injured head. Hoy Knocked Down. A Eurasian boy was knocked down by a motor-cas* while he was riding m bicycle m Cairnhill Road early
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  • 323 1 MOST TERRIBLE OF THE TZARS. HENCHMAN'S TOMB. VAULT UNDER CHURCH. 16ih CENTURY I IN I). In tho course of excavations m Moscow for the buildinu of the grand palace of the Soviets an ancient tomb has been found m which were the remains of Maluta Skuratov, the favourite henchman of
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  • 116 1 Dash From Shanghai To Johannesburg. Hong Kong, Thursday. Mr. Arthur M. Loew arrived from Shanghai at noon and took off ag"ain at 2 p.m. on a seven day dash Johannesburg to open the Metro Theatre. He will travel j via Hanoi, Calcutta, Karachi, I'a^-hdad and Khartoum an afterwards proposes
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  • 94 1 Liquidation of Conch Corporation. Santiago dc Chile, Wednesday. The Government Commission inqu:nn£ into the saltpetre question is of opinion that the Cosach Corporation should be liquidate! and reorganised and important economies effected including suppression of the Cosach Selling Agency m the United States aril other foreign countries with
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  • 43 1 Lenin's d.dun of 100,000 tractors t<> alter the whofo faea of Russia has already been eurl^'sstxl, aeoording t<> the official agency which -t.i»s the total numbar of kractom vow Im use imlu«linj? those im|)'».tt«l from a!»roa<l, is 150,000. Re Uter Wireless
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  • 731 1 Is there mm yooftfl man andcr thirty who is amured of rc.illv brilliant political future This question U asked b) the Marl of Rirkcahcad m the cchtm «f trenchant article the Spectator headed Deea<U i>t (,i nerai i.>.-,. Tho Rai I contends thai generally npeakinir Modem young nun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 203 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. An improv i of 1 -i 2 m the price <•! t Ml corded ,i the I" London last nitcht <hny to c»Mc from our London ror respond* nt. Tin- market is ly with the quotationi m fol 2 15 mber
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  • 691 2 Middle Quotation* on Thursday. Middle price* "f local lesiies v.tic u« followi m Siiijraporc <lM 'hm.--day, according to T ;n A Co.'a list: MINING A-nni Knmbailg 27/-, Austral Malay 19 Ayer Hitain Tin 1 1 f..nuiin Tin n Batons Padang 0.07 v. liatu Caves 0.4.".. Bakit Arang (••i<t
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  • 95 2 LISTS CLOSED. TO PAY UNCONVERTED WAR LOAN. London. Thursday. i The lists for the Three per rent. I Conversion Loan of £800,000,000 at D 7' 2 redeemable at par from 1!)4K to 58 opened this morning: and closed at midday. The proceeds will be applied for the redemption
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  • 189 2 New York, Oct. 20. Today's dosing prices: Hai Silver 27% Demand Sterling :<:w>.. Centrifugal Sugar .'{.ls Spot Cotton 6.83 Call Money 1 Spot Rubber ::.41 Cottonseed Oil Spot i.o."> STOCKS American Can Common 53 American Smelter 15 American Sugar 23 American Tel. y el. 106^4 American Tobacco
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  • 45 2 Thursday's exchange rate* included the following: SELLING. London, 4 months* sight 8/B 31/32 Ixmdon 3 month*' sijrht 2/3 15/16 London, GO days' si^ht 2 8 29/32 London, .'iO days' sight 2/3 7 8 London, demand 2/3 27- /1 32 Undon, T.T. 2/3 13/16
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  • 259 2 ROMANTIC STORY. A NEW TICHBORNE AFFAIR. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. 13. An impostor whose record provides interesting; parallels to the Tichborne case has just been exposed m Baden, states the Berlin correspondent of the Daily Tel"--graph. In the spring of this year a man called
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  • 38 2 \ov I)ih» Fhis Afternoon. The Mes»afipi rio< llMritimet Angkor is now d'Je here from Penangj today m vhv- afternoon and will probably sail on the .same day at lv p.m. lor Saipon, Honyr Konji: and Shanghai.
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  • 74 2 12 boob Nov. 1932. Buyers Sellers Gar.ibicr r,.no Java Cube 1000 H?.mbu g Cube 10.50 Muatok White P. pper 23.00 White Pep pel 22.00 Black Pepper 17.75 Mixed Black Pepper 15.00 Sundried Copra 5.75 Mixed Copra 5.20 Small P'lake Tap 3% Fair :j.25 Me**.: Pearl :>.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 204 2 DID YOU KNOW THAT Accord i nj; t <> r port < red from dome, n on lustii rt t han her British tni ke <•!" ie from is. f- il«.\. ti:-- |he recent announcement of i !i> i v\ Aust have been •m rou t hat product i"'i h.i-
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    • 369 2 THE SINGAPORE Pally News. lead Office: 7H, Cecil Street Singapore, |»hon 5151-5152. Tol: "TinHs" Singapore, fiuala Lumpur Office: Java Street. Phone .T.s".. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable m advan< 1 eal delivery. Monthly |IJ>O Quarterly %4JSQ Half-yearly |9.00 Single Copy, cents. All communications business matters, vi/., advcri subsf ribtions, nccoun etc., should
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 540 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Toda>. NovcmbtT I. Singapore Swimming club "At lloino," 5 p.m. Saturday. November ."i. "Three Wise F001.5." Victoria Ther.tre, !»."!<> p.m. Monday, November 7. Annual mtir. >>\ St. George*! Society. S. :"».1"> p.m. Wednesday, No.i'tnber 9. Rotary Tilllii, Adelpai Hotel, l p.m. Municipal Budget meeting, 2.16 p.m. Tanglin
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    • 277 2 MAILS. Mails close m Singapore Totay. Upper Burma, North and K;.>t India, Aden, Egypt, Europe, Greet I i t;;in. Inland, Canada a r.s.A. (By Train 7.30 a.m. Europe, Great Britain, Ireland arid N'>;'i America to connect, v. ith the Air Mail a; K;>. r:u hi l^y Train 7.:!0 a.m. v
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    • 510 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings §j|iov. Hi. N.V.K. Hakusan Mam < Nov. 16) Hamburg Araerika Line: Rheinland Nov. Im. East Asiatic <(».. Ltd: Africa (In port) Brria (Not. 2J\>. O.S.K. London Maru (Nov. 5). Blue Funnel: Philoetetea (Nov. 10), Aut nicdon i \i. 12 t.
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    • 286 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. MAIM A. Dutch, 362 tons, from P. Radja 3-10, for Indragiri 6-11. HYDRA 2, ."vol., tons, .torn Bangkok ::-l I, /or Bangkok i-l I. KAI.AMAN I A.\. Ht t.. 174 t ns. from Kelantan 8-11, ■."•>: Kolantan S-11. Valentijn arrived from Padangbaal with lio bnllucka and :>lu pigs.
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  • 819 3 PUBLIC SER VICES LOSE TO ISLANDS. QUAGMIRE GROUND HAMPERS RUGBY GAME. BEATEN BY GLOSTERS p points to thne. >lv Btri< m at able to cuj c prcperh vith tv '-"»^«*IfSMC ji FOR SATURDAY'S MATCHES d i >>i ,v;i'\- wa ho I ;i i.: lure of l»all. Th< of i, n
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  • 249 3 ONE GOAL EACH. EVENLY-CONTESTED HOCKEY GAME. M.C.U. 1 srr i A chaw of a Etm\ (ach was -ho retail <»t a hockey match at the Medical College when the College entertained an s.r.< XI. Both sides wore evenly matched and the result wa. fair
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  • 57 3 Sungei I jon«i Club V»n\i Police. (1" rom Our Om n (torresp indent.) Seremban, Thursday. In ;i hockey match here tod/>y the Sungei ujong Club beat the Negri Sembilan Police I>\ three K<>ais to two. Goldsworth, Theophilus and Shotter were the Club's sT!>a! poorer*. The unorthodox tactics of
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  • 221 3 MOST VALUABLE 1932 PLAYER. v -v York, Oct. IK. Jimmy F<>\x, first baseman of th< Philadelphia Athletics and new heme run king < 4 »r the major 1 leagues, waa voted today by a group of experts to i>e the American League's most valuable ph ye i m
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  • 311 3 SIR W. TOWNLEY. t £100 ASSETS £197,181 LIABILITIES. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. 18. Sir Walter Beaupro Townley, of Ovington Square, S.W., attended the Bankruptcy Court today for his public examination. His statement of affairs showed total liabilities £197,1 SI and assets valued at £100. Questioned
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  • 71 3 Geneva, Wednesday. The Council has fixed Nov. 21 for opening the discussion on the Lytton report. This last minute delay is allowable by the decision of tho Council on fetopt. 21. The decision was taken following ;i letter from Mr. Najroka statinp that Mr. Yoshida expected to reach
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  • 1067 3 LORDS DISCUSS LYTTON REPORT A LEAD WANTED. MANCHURIAN CANKER. GOVERNMENT ATTITUDE London, Wednesday. The attitude of the British Government towards the finding* oi Uk Lyiton Report wera Bought l.y Lord Ponsorby, the leader of the Opposition, m opening a debate on Manchuria m the House of Lords. Lord Ponsonby, m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 370 3 X'MAS PRESENTS For Friends at Home SPECIAL ARRANCEMKNT WITH OIK LONDON OFFICE and the suppliers concerned, we arc able to accepi order* for Seasonable Gifts, to be delivered to your Friendi at h..m.<- for Christmas. HH POMMERY and GRENO jml3 vnAmrAuNL Single O Bottle Ol'.rtt!.. R Bottle HI BottHT J|rj^Sj^gJS
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  • 479 4 SELECTIONS FROM HIS LETTERS. London. Oct. 13. Proof that Sir Oliver Lodge had i ♦•ached his present conviction*! About survival and possible cow nuinication with the dead long Ikfore the death during the War of his son Raymond is supplied m a I letter written m
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  • 244 4 ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION. TWO SERVICES. GUNS TO MARK f SILENCE. LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS. The following official communique is published for general inform? 1 ion: His Majesty the Kinp has approved of the observance of Armistice Day. L 932, (Friday. Nov. 11) m the same manner as m previous ye is. The
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  • 453 4 BIG E> HIBITION. REACHING CREAM OF THE U. S. MARKET. The Canadian National Kxhibition at Toronto, the largest an- j nual Trade Fair m the world. showed the extremely promising field for British fade expansion j i.i Canada. Women visitors showed special interest m the
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  • 365 4 41-YEAR-OLI) WIFE. CHAUFFEUR MARRIES EMPLOYER'S GUEST. (Ky Air Mail.) London, Oct. IS. The story of a wedding betwcm an 18-year-old chauffeur and i woman of 41 was told m the Divorce Court today. Robert Howard Roberta, <>f Benvyn," Old Colwyn, North j Wales,' petitioned
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  • 418 4 5- YEAR PLAN. NO HOUSE OF FfcAYER TO BE LEFT. Particulars of a now Godless Five- Year Plan." which has been drawn up hy the Soviet Government, wore given by the Duchess of Atholl. M.P.. at an Individualist luncheon m London. She quoted her facts from the
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  • 657 4 COMPLETE MODEL. LIFTS WORKED BY ELECTRICITY. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. 14. A new hospital is nearinu" completion m London about which not a word has been allowed to leak out. When m the near future the public are given an opportunity of inspecting 1 1
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  • 104 4 NEGRI SPORTSMAN TRANSFERRED. (From Our Own Correspondent.] Seremban, Wedneiiday. ■Ir. Sim Lian Uvn X of tne District Otrtce, I'ampin, has a,nved and assumed duties a. mcretary to judge, Seremhan. m succession to Mr. A Chandrasegaram. Mr. Sim Lian Heng is the well-known Negri Sembilan sportsman and was
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  • 499 4 V>T lIRU. \hhh|| CLEARED BY INQUFnt EVIDENCE The < orone < < j| made refere ence" v hich li" resumed th<? in< well on M rs. H'.l.i. Kli'iiiinmu, aged 14, South (V,> ted lt< When the mci George Max Flen I man* son, said thai S
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  • 116 4 Mini>trrs :niij Ollsivsi I Agreements. I London, < The House of Com i V to f>7, rejected the Labou r m the Ottawa Pill p»o% i<l i nothing m the isiW «h< I the Government n li t'< iHM-al ad valorem d {KM- (•♦■nt. imposed undn »>'►» t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 272 5 DOUBLE MURDER MYSTERY. I Ml i Kr HUSBAND LAID. H (iuildford, m ...dy f v >und dead I ftjr I pond, a I I (1 bruis?s I -alcd, was I ng a sealI his coat I From this I i■■ never I L t was ,'ic y Mrs. her hu
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  • 248 5 THREE LINES TO BE TRIED. i '■<''" exp< riment a straight read t Castelnau, Barnes, S.W., m i« »vr divid"d into •< tarrirjre ways by white linos. S -v. vehicles will be driven :i!.»m tin wars the nearest th ke and the middle way will be for Fast
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  • 114 5 One Accused Admits Thefl From Tomb. A story of vandalism m a Chinese cemetery was related to Mr. A. \V. Hay. the Second Majristiato, yesterday when two Chinese, ong Gim Seng and Ng Engj Kwaii, were charged with stealing two small lions made of stone from a tomb
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  • 72 5 A novel excuse m^js put forward by a Tamil named Sinnmthamby when he wsa produced before Mr. A. W. Hay. the Second Magistrate, on a charge of criminal tresplaas with intont *o commit a crime. While not disputing the facts, the accused pleaded that he was subject to
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  • 28 5 i>ni <! rerries across tho Sinraporc river between It !:<r! Qu«> and HavcWV P««-« which i-i ..-.-iii.i a waih «>, mure ihai a mile. L 4 Z"m
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  • 129 5 MOTOR COACH. MONSTER PETITION CONFISCATED. London, Wedne <lay. Abandoning the project <»f i« ing Parlianu >v i to receive utal ion, the hunger marchers" are preparing to ret v ii home. The tii st i at< h left for B hton m ;i iu«. tor coach
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  • 120 5 Election of Iffire Bearers at Malacca. Malacca, Wednesday. The annual general meeting of the Straits Settlements (Malacca) Association was held at the Malacca Club on Monday, with Mr. W. Munro .i 1 the, chair. The election of office-bearers for the year resulted a> follows: President Mr. W. Munro;
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  • 93 5 Y\v>\ Class I\»>-M*n<srrs Crowded Out. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. 1< V Not a single ftrst-clasa passenger was carried by the Union Castle liner Balmoral Castle when she arrived at Southampton from (ape Town today. Second-clans passenger! wore transferred to lirst -class quarters for the voyage, and
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  • 128 5 Tiling Ai pleaded guilty but said that another man who had not been arrested was the actual perpetrator of the offence when ho was charged before Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, t" (1 Third Ma*ristrat.>, with theft from a vessel. He was yesterday sentenced to ;i day's
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  • 1023 5 WOMAN'S FATE. TENANTS HEAR NOTHING. CORONER'S DISBELIEF. Remarking thai ii was rather an unusual story of people being m a house and not hearing anything untoward while a woman was being murdered m their midst, ihe Singapore Coroner, Mr. Bourne, yesterday, returned x erdict ol
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  • 68 5 GERMAN DECREE. WELL-EARNFD REST FOR POLICE. Berlin, Thurj day. Public meetings either within d< .>:s or m thc«st i ets are prohibited between election day (Nov. <"•• and \<>v. 19. President Hind« nburg m a dcci e< on this sub- ject rtatcs thai the object is. to
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 141 5 i Opera Comique Looses \ok £30,000. The ignation of il.e director oi" the Opei*a omique, announced, draws attention t<> the decline of one of IV;i,s t most cherished institutions, naxn< ]y. the Mate theatres. Thirty years ago the op (I<> Comique was a veritable rendezvous; the performance of
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  • 119 5 Suicide of Man Who Was Shiii^ by Insect. (By Air Mail.) London, Oct. IS. Wallace Daniel Hawkes, a manufacturer's a^vnt, of Princessgardens, Acton, was found dead m an armchair m front of a gas-stove at his home. He was covered hy a blanket and sheet m the form
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  • 90 5 Trespasser In A Inircli. \lr\-. Father Ruaudel charged an Indian named Ifohomed Kassim yesterday with wilful ire-puss m the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd grounds before Mr. .J. F. F. Gregg, the Third Magistrate. The Rev. Father stated that on seeing the accused loitering m tho Church compound about
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  • 270 5 PRIEST'S DAUGHTER TO GO ON FILMS. London, Oct. 1 I. Maria Rasputin, who states that she is a daughter of the laic Gregory Rasputin, tho Russian priest, who played such a prominent part m ih«' Court of Uussia before the Revolution, appeard at the Piccadilly Theatre last nighi
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  • 114 5 All«'«<'<l Notorious ltullv. Mr. If. V. fillai. addressing Mr. j C. Wilson, the f'riminal Diatrict Judge, yesterday, paid that he had I ndvised his- client, a Northern Indian, to enter into a bond ami to leave tho country as soon us possible. The accused was alleged to
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  • 67 5 130 th Anniversary Of Firsi Attempt* Moscow, Oct. lit. In order to commemorate the 1 50 th anniversary <>f the first at temot to fly, which Rtanda to the <-fc<iit of the French brother*. Mongolfiere, th«* Academy <»l Sciences <>t' the I'.S.S.U. has prepared for publication and will
    Tass  -  67 words
  • 187 5 MOSCOW DENIAL NO PROPOSAL FOR RE-EXAMINATION. Mo cow, <>» m. In confection with the six Months' notice irtven by i h<* Rri tisfi Government t<» terminate th.Provisional A i^lu-Soviot Commercial Agreement which was con eluoN .1 m London m April, 1930, it has been noted here that the
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  • 96 5 Failure to Hoist "V Flag. (apt. Himmelstrap of Af'rika appeared before Mr. C. Wilson, UIC Criminal District Judge, yesterday for failing '<> hoist th<- V flak r before hi vessel came into Tanjong Pagai Whsirf on Sept. 24. The captain admitted the fact and said it was ;m
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  • 80 5 Plans for Fucfem n StToml Decade* The r« ioi< injrs over Fascism'a first decade came to brilliant end today. In message) to his 'Black Shirts* 1 Sijrnor Rfussdini -aid that frreat works would be witnessed m the yean *> < »me i wiTth, on the §ea and m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 I^tAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING J I GOODS STORE. I I World's finest Hockey p B Sticks as used by Olympic Champions. ji 1 FOR ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, I pf J o\r ?Q'*a I I THE MALAYAN SPORTS DEPOT. I 1.1. \oiili Briefer Road, Singapore. VV;itcli ilv.u gives reliable time at trouble-free.
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    • 4 5 dasjkkkl kjldhgklklkl dafgkllkd fgjshk
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  • 352 6 HIRED ASSISTANTS. HEIRESS FIGHTS WAY OUT OF CAR. London, Oct. 18. A father, accompanied by a band of young men friends, attempted i to "kidnap" his daughter m the main street of Bodmifi today, ;.s she was entering a register oflk*e for her marriage. The
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  • 341 6 GANG'S HOSTAGE. FRIEND OF PRESIDENT HOOVER. London, Oct. IS. Among the gangsters ami rackeIcm !>■ of America's eastern pro- iiut's it is being whispered whisj ei-ed pretty loudly, too that Colonel Raymond Robins, an "uplift friend Of President Hoover, has been "fixed." And among gangsters and
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  • 1780 6 JUDGMENT IN RIGHT OF WAY DISPUTE. 4*. PLAINTIFF GETS $1,200 AND INJUNCTION. DEFENDANT TO PAY COSTS. Th«- Ch»"f .lu^tic* (Sir William Mtjtiapn) y«stcnßay awarded sI.2(M). :\n iniunctson, and cos 4 t<» Mr. H. Wdhlkel, former Municipal Cuinmiimlofir ot Singapore, against Mr. A. Y. Abraham for trespass and o!»-l ruction of
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  • 502 6  -  Sin Kuo Min. TANKS BURNED. VOLUNTEERS SURROUND TSITSIHAR. Shanghai, Thursday. Gen. Ma Cl an- }-:inV cavalry, to the number of 9,000, as well as his infantry troop* are co-optfrating with Gen. Vo Pin^-shan's forces and reoccupied Xinjrnin on the evening 1 of Oct. 81. Gen. Ma's
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  • 356 6  -  Sin Kuo Min. Generals Ito ami lAv igree to Terms. ;>t m Ur- Shantung civil war now seem! almost definitely assured Gen. Han Fu-chu (Chairman of the Province) having replied to Gen. !?«> Yinar-ching (the Nanking Minister of War) that he accepts the four points m the formula
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  • 179 6 MOSCOW RESEARCH, SUCCESS ON A SMALL SCALE. Moscow. The Artificial Rain Institute up m Moscow is carrying o extensive scientific experiments' with the aid of more than fifty scientific workers, including several of world renown. Realising the great practical imp< rtance which i< ''*'< to successful solution
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  • 28 6 Warsaw, Thursday. Mr. Tinjc Shi-yaait private re- preservative t! President of Manchuk^o, ha« ai riv«d from M< cuw en route- to Geneva to UDh«IJ Reuter
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  • 151 6 REVEALED Ram< !i. )■< i •>. befo 3,000 yi Durii .<• t of hi- reign mi than-lif< atut 1 and laudato i hit wisdom v I Bui th< Rames< |eal U llnii other Kinj c t i i own m Jubilee «>. l at \h" li
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 29 6 r M"*r-~?JKt* r\, TUfT* aHiTVT^VV^MaMaqBMHBCJJKWhSaiUHB^MrTfIBjeBIJ^ Vlßkm* I\t tt\ Li I II H i FOR WORK AND PLAY .Mii^^L^^^mj^^^mMM j^m_^i mim iiui-im lEAT EVERY DAY SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD.
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  • 166 7 NIGHT MURDER SEQUEL. INSANE. EOPLE STA6BED SLEEPING. iind at- he wan 1 immiting r>ui vei jury be< UM t Hong stood nurder\ng. U Road. with the Chines* the I'r isecutor Ars for 1 !h*rle*< tfiecution 1 waa poi*k -•■lR r ol Aug:. <•i n n I IJ> 1 i- pro
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  • 137 7 Chineee Clerk's Breach OI Trust. A Straits- horn Chinese clerk named On* feng Wan ill-requited the kindness of the Principal of St. Andrew's School by committins criminal breach of trust m respect of MO*. H e was sentenced to twelve months' rigorous npritonmeni yesterday by Mr W ilson, the
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  • 124 7 Mi. Wee Thiam SwtC appeared before Mr. A. C. Boyd, the Fourth Magistrate, ye-tei\«:.y on two sum- I monees «»f wilfully interrupting I the free passage wt pedestriane on the road and of drivinc without a licence. c. o. Una. for the defen- tlant, admitted ♦he second offence
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  • 234 7 •our Sikhs On After baring bsefl mentioned on three previous otcaaioiis the case Wjnst four Sikhs. Serjan SinSi nan" bW He?-' nan S,n*h who are allied to hjve voluntarily caused hurt to O«ItUal Singji, ww transferred tS the riminal District Court yesJhe first two accused were ree r^
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  • 71 7 London, Saturday. The slump m shipbuilding 1 has WMd Jin unprecedented situa Uon on the River Clyde where the I output for August, September and October represented one yes sei of less than 1,000 tons. Ia i \v:iv. which was the previous wor&l m the history of the
    Reuter Wireless  -  71 words
  • 665 7 RADIUM AND CANCER. NEW LIGHT. DESTROYING THE CELLS. 3 YEARS' RESEARCH. (By Air Mail). Lonion, Oct. 14. Under the direction of the Ro- 1 yal Colleges -;i Physicians and Surgeons and 1 he able supervision of Dr. J. A. Munay, the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, whose tenth scientific report is
    665 words
  • 132 7 Sir Mil*: 1 1 RobertorTs Advice to Singers. Sir Ilu«h S. Roberton conductor of the tilaspr'W Orpheus ('hoir, adjlidieatim at the annual (i<-eIK- Festival at Fort William. said that stagers must j;et. fid oi' Scottish shyness and reserve. In Wales, also Celtic, an unashamed effrontery, he said, wa«
    132 words
  • 648 7 WORK OF ENEMIES. ACCUSED EXPLAINS A BOOK ENTRY. The adjourned case m which a coolie nanui Kamatchee employed m the Municipality charged j Appavoo with criminal breach of trust m respect of money and jewellery to the value of $1U was continued on Wednesday before Mr.
    648 words
  • 160 7 Th<* Sinpapov" Mimicipal Health .statement for the week ende<l Oct. 2\) drives the total number i of deaths as male 110 and fe- I male HO. This represents a deathrate of 20.01 per mille per annupi, compared with 15.91 m the preceding week an*l 80«6t m the I
    160 words
  • 234 7 Man Who Lost 2,00(1 Needles. The ease m which Tan Lip Boor was charged with criminal breach of trust ir retjpect of 2,000 needles, the property of the Singer Sewing .Machine Company, wan concluded before Mr. A. W. Hay, the Second Magistrate, yesterday. His Honour held that the
    234 words
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    • 88 7 EVERY MORNING Singapore Daily News DELIVERY VAN passes near YOUR HOUSE "Sign on the Dotted Line" below and it will come right up to your door and deliver the Singapore DAILY NEWS which gives MORE NEWS than is contained m any other Malayan Morning Paper <»»ttnMtt ♦♦♦<♦-•"•-♦+♦♦ < CUT OUT
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    • 272 7 WHITEAWAYS NEW BASIC VALUES MEAN POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES I One of VS I IVALUtS J t /S^TOJ Mgtm*3 1-9 p 3 t DOI BLE BELL Ai \|{\l CLOCKS. Accurate an. l reliable 'r< keep* ere, double bell alarm loud clear tone. BASIC VALUE 52.25 Each. WHITE AWAVS I
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 46 7 LAW NOTICE. Before the Chief Justice today m Chambers al 11 a.m. Sum-monses-in-Ghambers, Orltinatinfr Summonses and motion. Before Mi-. Justice a Beckett the 2n<l. CouH at 11 a.m. Assizes: —Rex vs.- Ch<>n: Ghing. 1 Before Ifr. Justice Beckett Berrall m the Court m 11 a.m. Bankruptcy.
      46 words

  • Article, Illustration
    74 8 V patient luinu givefl a d<M« <»V nudicim m a hospital m San Francisco wliich caters exclusively lor birds. In ;t Kuirh;. Match ai Diuu-arn Road Festerdaj \hc Islandfl beal a Publk Services (ram hy ton pafets I HI CC« A Marat <;! tho British naval field boepiUl cri\in^ first
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 342 8 r Harry S. Ellas, m.i.o I QUALIFIED OPTICIAN 1 Capitol Building i Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. I SLUMP TIME NECESSITATES ECONOMY Tli m don'l t brow n\ om ol<l clocki, w ftti htm <<< ri m< fli >n« h St lid i lu-iD n iih.
      342 words
    • 91 8 <r^^H l^'Al^l'T'Of I vnri i V7Li 6.15 LAST NIGHT 9.15 r The BRILLIANT BRITISH Success— OWEN NARES "The IMPASSIVE B* /f% j|^% "V X A A AH 9 9 HMi InnA Hi i WWI IfBHII oapper s famous Story Preceded by an amazingly clever stage show PAUL PEDRINI World's Champion
      91 words
    • 141 8 MATINEES SATURDAY and SUNDAY 3.15 Sbl Bb 7 xy I l Vr kl I I 4K7 a w^a «L I C 7 i ICt l I RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903 PICTURE THAI PACKED WITH I,\HIC FROM END TO END! Vow ca/i re/y o/i RALPH LYNIS AND TOM WALLS to give grand
      141 words