Singapore Daily News, 3 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 THE SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 28. THURSDAY, NOV. 3RD, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 538 1 i i\ I i 1 1 i i I I:. d h"ir Joh I tl .I'vi. I State is v.ili •> H l nt irtlj i ill- lonj as n ;t riiv »n in.*? m A r IS Of could 1 v. .'I < hai ol 'or ■an
    Reuter  -  538 words
  • 123 1 01. DRAMA. MAN LURKING WITH BRICKS. RIOTS DIE DOWN. ><\ at three o'clock m Jh< morning m the rounds of iNe l*nac MiMMter*fl residence :il Hnmn^tead. a > until named S< ruy», *;mcl to be British, wax discovered to be m possession of «lv.«. bricks. t
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  • 42 1 Sudden Attack B\ < iommunists. i .t.j'r.a. Wednesday. v N a/!.- v. ho h ere p < .'i- up placmrda m the w :re v.< und.d >nH.". -a i'p i I ConMunfcti < i down oa (hen (ir- <. I hi ghats. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 15 1 [{enter message from Warsaw states that the Foreign Mini^li i- VI Z;ili -.Ki. IiILS ii?ii^ii^iL—
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  • 100 1 MUNICIPAL POLLS. SHARP REVERSAL AT SHEFFIELD. London, Wednesday. Sltghi net gains by Labour arc shown m M results so far available m the municipal elections m 300 cities ami boroughs (excluding L tnden > m Kn^land an i W lies, but m only few cases was the
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 114 1 Son Week (iirl From Shanghai. London, We. lre Count K. A. i Ahh feldt, 'on of the 1 >u.\b ..i 1 1 m i iondon, Count P K. AhlefeldtLaurvig, was married m the Guards' Ch&pel m Copenhagen today to the daughter «;i Hit. nn< |ni .\l, yers, of
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  • 62 1 Export Figures For September. (From Our Own Correspondent). Medan, Monday. According to figures issued by the Central Office for Statistics, rubber-exports from the D.E.I. m September were as follows (m tens of 1,900 kilograms) Java and Madura > ».:»J(> tons, Outer Possessions 14,376 tons, total 18,296 tons. In
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  • 81 1 GERMAIij DISASTER. TWO MEN RUN INTO STORM, SPORTING MACHINE. In two aeroplane crashes m Ilurope seven people have lost their lives. Five of ihe people were killed m an accident to a passenger carrying machine, the fir>t accident off its kind for I Ion«^ while.
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 38 1 aria, Monday. Two men flying from Cannes > Lyons m a sporting aero* plane tan into a s idden near Grenobli and crashed m 0u mountains. The machine *vas wrecked ond both the men wvw killed. Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  38 words
  • 60 1 11 v.-aa reported yesterday that v, German freighter aeroplane had b.en forced down m the English Channel during a strong gaV. The t z upant! of the mm- bin were rescued by a British Steamship, btlt there was no tn c of the aeroplane when lifeboats ami
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  • 60 1 to Join m Hound Table Conference. London, Wednesday. A decision by the Parliamentary Lakour Party not to participate m the forthcoming Indian Round Table Conference, due to rnett on Nov. ir>, is reported. Political correspondents sta<e that the decision is due to the absence of representatives of
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 533 1 DUTCH HOPES. TENTATIVE SCHEME OUTLINED. (From Our Own Correspondent). Meclan, Monday. That the prospects for tearest lict ion were favourable was a statement made by Mr. Wehry director of the estates department of Goo Wehry and Co., who accompanied Mr. Jones, the leader of the Tea Experts'
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  • 414 1 U.S. ELECTION. RESTRICTION'S "DEATH-BLOW." HOOVERS WORK. Mr. Harvey Firestone has entered the Tinted States presidential election campaign ,»n the side <.t President Hoover with the claim that when he was Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Hoover the death-Mow to the Stevenson schenie of ruhh r restriction. The scheme
    Reuter  -  414 words
  • 664 1 In [he «.ins when slavers vm« to!erated. flier, v. wii and jiagoisai. Ihe external larail.- „u r or ld has ultn I '•"t ;>«. „!!> and Horfslh w littk change ir. n,, milisod lo^3 ««nd H Ivno thouRand years a,.<>. Thn the opinion of Lion Fewhtwanrer the aullior
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 290 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. Sjn lubber w::.- down 1 16 2. 7 16 ;it the '-i i m London la nijgtii aecordinjc to ai cable from our London correspondent. 'I h<* market wrsa qui< I wit h ,-iml pric«« as follow Dccc nber 7 16
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  • 615 2 Mitidir Quotations i»£! Wednesday* Middle price* at local issues were •i follow.; m Sin^ap re on \v i d day, iiccordinj I list MINING. Asam Kumbang I^7'-. Aa I M.I- v 10/-, A Hit:, m Tin 11 I Rangrin Tin I Batatiß 0.07%, Hatu < avna 0.45, Bukit
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  • 41 2 Wednesday's exchange rates included the following: London, 4 months" sijcht 2 3 31/32 London :i months* sijrht 2/8 15/16 London, 00 days' ftiffct 2 8 29/32 London, oO days' sip-ht 2/3 7 8 Ix>ndon, demand 2 27. '3J SELLING.
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  • 74 2 12 8008 Nov. 2. 1932. Buyers Sellers Gambler 6.00 Java. Cube 10.00 Hamburg Cube IOJSO Montok While Pepper 23.50 White Pepper 22.50 Black Pepper 18.00 Mixed Black Pepper 15.00 Sundried Copra 5.80 Mixed Copra 5.25 Small Flake Tap 3% Fail n 3.25 Me' l Pearl ;i
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  • 189 2 New York, Oct. lit. Today's closing prices: Bar Silver JT Demand Sterling :;;js t k Centrifugal Sujrar 3.15 Call Money 1 Spot Rubber :;.42 Cottonseed Oil Spot 4.06 STOCKS American Can Common American Smelter 15 "s American Sugar 23% American Tel. y Tel. 108% American Tobacco Common
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  • 144 2 What Government Has Saved by Conversions. London, Tuesday. The prospectus has been issued of the thiee per cent. Conversion Loan of £300,000,000 at 1)7 1- redeemable at par from 1948 to 1 i»r>:i. The proceeds will he applied to the re Eemption of th(» unconverted War Loan and the
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 324 2 CIT^ niSCOVERY. BURIED FOR FOUR CENTURIES. Beneath a building 1 site m Little Britain, m the City of London, workmen have uncovered a series of 50 shoes which disclose the fashions Affected by Londoners from the time of the Black Prince to Henry the Seventh.
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  • 111 2 Demand For British Securities. London, Monday. Sterling exchanges have continued comparatively steady. The feature of the Stock Exchange luis hem the renewed investment demand for British Government securities, all of which strengthened fairly substantially and also the demand tor Indian loans, while the new 1 J per cent.
    Reuter Wireless  -  111 words
  • 104 2 Informer CfHlvicted And Fined. An informer named Kweh Ah Chuan was produced jreeterday before Mr. J. F. F. Grnw, the Third Magistrate, on two charges -one of the theft of H go\i hairi)in and of attempted extortion (l ,$1 pom Chinese woman named Wong Ah Soo. The complainant's story
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  • 60 2 Freight Competition Eliminated. London, Wednesday. The Financial Times Amsterdam correspondent reports nn agreement providing for the elimination of competition m the service to the Dutch East ladies which has resulted from negotiations between the Java-China-Japan Line and the Japanese shipping companies. The new freight rates are fixed on basis
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 40 2 Interest to Be Paid In Loral Currency. Belgrade, Wednesday. Interest and sinking fund paynienH on the dollar bondfl which are m technical default are to bt paid m dinari m view of tV>« Im- sibility of oUaiuing |oreign
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 31 2 Found at Last! THE IMASTRN TAILOR. FOR >>> Q M ITC 1 I'crfec! .o Lul <% Latttl Style and jfc ifo I lass Matt fll Moderate Prkef MUNG CHOY TZ3-11, GOtEKAM ST. SINCAPORE.
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    • 392 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily News. H«*ad Office: 7S, rv. r j| si r .*t, Blagapere, ph., 1111-5152. Tel: "Tinn-s" Singapore, Kuala Lratpar Oflirc Java Str^ot. Phone SUBSCRIPTION \r\i i Payable m advamr. I cal delivery. i Monthly $1..">0 Quarterly $4.f)0 Half-yearly 19.00 Single ""py, cci I All contmanicatians relat i•! itnesi
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 235 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. K\ I" VGOLA Brit. 8,647 lons, from utta 8 11. r Penanir, Ranitoon 'I Caleut a MA 'A ll \i:i. it.. 510 torn rrom Peni ng 2-1 1, foi Penang via Ports C 11. ANDRE LEBON, 1., nch, 7,375 toi from Vokohan a2 1 1 t r Mar
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    • 550 2 SHIPPING _LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings ar<" pc ndinjf For Europe. and ->. 3. N. Cc'a Rj'jputana I N «v. 11 i. N.V.K.: Hakosakl Maru (Nov. 3). Hamhury Ann'rika Line: Rheinland Nor. 18 fclast Asiatic <)<•.. Ltd: Africa (In t) Brria < Nov. 23 >. ().<K.
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    • 528 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Today, November St. Andrew's Society practice dance, Adelphi Hotel, 8.46 p.m. "Three Wise Fools," Victoria Theafre, f JMO Friday, November 4. •Singapore Swimming Club "At Home,"' •"> p.m. Saturday, November 5. "T'liree Wise Fools." Victoria Theatre. p.m. Monday, November 7. Annual nitjr. of St. George's Society,
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    • 246 2 MAILS. Mails close m Singapore Today. Ceylon, Southern and We«tei n India, Aden, Egypt, Eu rope and Great Britain HcJcozaki Ma >' I y ;l !11 Ceylon Parcels 1 1 Hakoxaki Mam i 7.30 a.m. Pehang, Province Wellesley, rth-West r-.ak. Kedah, Siam, North, North-East <v Norvh-West SuiK.tra Kedah I .10
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  • 164 3 X DAYS. FULL LIST OF j ENTRSES. RUNS. Sinjrs '"'<• Turf >,: i ssioaal week li. and the ing are Satur- Wednesday, No\. L*ntrio I. The CriI 1 1 1. Iden I Lane, I It "!:<\ Senl-i Tinaki'l, Br« alia. i| l'"< t. M i) Hvoi mie,
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  • 21 3 'I'M up tO 800 AthK I c Bendemei < hinese i Stadiui Kionif, Ch«ow Thye, Bonn Khoon, Fook P»<>h ir..
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  • 705 3 PADANG HOCKEY. A. P. C. GO DOWN TO SRC. "A." SK < "A 2. \.I\C. o. The hockey match between the A team of the B.R.C. and A.l>.( •n the Padanu yesterday proved a verj closely contested game. The pno,- to ln »tart made the conditions somewhai
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  • 31 3 Loses on Foul To Val Foley. From Our Own Correipondeiit.) London, Wedneodiy. Bod Wallcy, of Singapore. l©*l I i,) Val Foley, of Newcastle, beinK iliMlualilied I'or an accidental lou^
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  • 958 3 RUGBY AT RAFFLES OWEN SHINES AT SCRUM. GREASY BALL. •<•< «>; A (M.G.) <>., S.Y.C. 20. Displaying overwhelming superiority the Machine Gunnen of the Volunteer Corps beat the Raffles College, playing at hom,\ to the tune of 20 points (a goal and five tries)
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  • 324 3 OLYMPIC GAMES. GIVE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT. The following 1 note of optimism, proving that people have money to epend and that they are seeking recreation and amusement, was received, says Mar ilt Tribune, by Harry M. .alet, genera] manager ai' Etiange 1 and daliuger, Inc.,
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  • 93 3 RETURN GAME IN KUALA LUMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. In a return natch at the stadium this evening t ho Burmese footballers drew the [ndo-Malays, each side scoring two goals. [lie Burmese put up a disappointing game m the first half m which the
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  • 24 3 Swindoit'fl Win Over Brighton. London. Wednesday. In a T. division. Southern, match today Swindon beat Brighton by five goals t<> one. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 57 3 The final of the doubles handicap between Dr. (J. de Souza and li. Lowe and N. E. E<s and X. S. Efogan will l>e played off on Friday, and not on Thursday as previously stated, and it will be followed by the presentation of prizes. The Club will
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  • 780 3 A VERY THIN CASE. ALLEGED PERJURY. MAN AND WIFE DISCHARGED. JUDGE'S COMMENTS. This is a counter-blast to try and stop the AssiM case," \va^ the submission of Mr. V. I). Knowles, counsel for the accused, before Mr. G. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, yesterday, m the case m which a
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  • 33 3 In the case m which Km; Sio*V Chiang was convi ted iiv- I.e. Third Magistrate of the tioft of 120 punny bsgß thi seemed was si-ntenced to receive eight strokes of the rotan.
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  • 193 3 Effect on Health Of I nemploymcnt. i m mploymeni h i\ ;ng ;i del rimentaJ effe up i i Frit ndly t i< <i velo] ni. Mr. G< i-'- W'rijrht, Pi tident of t!i<- t U ndly S< I iei nferen i at Le << ter, al!i i<
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  • 24 3 I Vfonda A^ air liner ha: left on an experimental trip to Canton an. l Hong Kon^c via Hanoi with four I pasiaiurari. Aneta-Havas
    Aneta-Havas  -  24 words
  • 128 3 HrisisL Coal For Greek Ifai^in*. At h' n v Sal urday. Barter has played i prominent part m the negotiations which l.'fcve \ncn proceeding during tho past month between a British firtii arrl the- (iwi 4. Government for tin- supply ol coal to tho lvalue of El
    Reuter Wireless  -  128 words
  • 72 3 Sentence was delivered yesterday by Mr. J 1 I- Cregy, the 1 i »1 i n th< ;i-.- u> which Yong Yuen Tong was chanted with criminal broach of nrvanl m that he had pawned mute watchta that had been entrusted to his <«m--;lo r, watch pep irer.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 230 3 S^<B EHK !F9 aJL FOX FPSENDS AT HOWIG f:\ SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT with our w>\.,r>v OFFICE a,,l the B upplien, n I.J, J n N >f ac^Pt orders for JOHNNIE WALKER WHISKY to delivered to your Friendi at Home foi Chri t,na RED LABEL J^ 0 Bottle q Bottle i Bottle
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  • 72 4 Feared Tax Increases lv Hutch Ea^i Indies. Prom < )m- <iw i! < loi n pondenf Medan, Monday. The Ja t h:tt t!u--liu«lj."-t Committee did not ceed m itK attempt cut expenditure i«. :M)(j lilders, ih«- amount w hich be cover- •'<* by the m the Colony. It
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  • 78 4 Negative M Altitude OI Britain. London, Mi nday. The nominal >n of Mr. G. Philli| i, Under-Secj ?tary t<» the TreaI my. to replace Sir Walter Layton on the f>n p committee of the Economic Conference, which i art k t 'leva todayt ha been adven*el> riticised, the
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  • 278 4 3 WISE FOOLS." Ir is a long time since Si igrapor< has been treated to thre^ act comedy and the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee is to be congratulated on its prejent I production, Wise Fools." which opened last night at the Victoria Theatre. The S.A.D.C productions have
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  • 3126 4 AERIAL DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYA. CHAIN OF LANDING GROUNDS ALONG WEST COAST. ROTARY CLUB ADDRESS. The wonderful progress of aviation during the paftl feu years. especially m Malaya, was referred to by (iroup Captain JatkaMi, m an address on "The Development of Aircraft and the Value of Flyinj* to members of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 153 4 I i "Ml v is r 1 1 SII 3 r II 1 C Brewed And Bottled I H II 1 rt In Malaya For ,'n I mm I Ijj The People of B g Malaya hj I N P I I Ie 'MlllPlMllllilMliriill'illirKiiJiNs^ x"''^'^ I**1 sS \Jr F -*»^*Ebmß
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 85 4 LAW NOTICE. Before Mr. Justice Whitley today ii the 2n<!. Court at 11 a.m. A; r-sizt ■> Rex vs. Lim Peng Before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell m the 3rd. Court at 10.30 a.m. Judgment m Criminal Appeal No. 'A* $2— Rex vs: Tay Thye Joo. Followed by B. IOS/tt
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  • 32 5 picture of rural peace do?* not cone from the I In. It ira n taken within threequartera of mile <>t St. Andrew's Cathedral m Singapore. I
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  • 63 5 CHINESE TAILOR ACQUITED. kdict. DLVER I jcrh g< af ■i an c m ii made -u--crood tailor R« On later E his as il<.k--1 V. won. n the aside aw (I. -o< h«.|d I Iver The a armed rtl a i -■> armed, the ore- Bi ••k- i a de
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  • 26 5 ral hi 1 11. to liis at >uth of num, a olok Ist mi and a, i- < urine c>- ralship. ti ollimenl Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 3 5 appoint--1 .nil ,n
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  • 95 5 ALLEGED ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. v i bin. *c pa n Ihe Kwai ft'ai Fm I Hospital, ttferinj? from dyspnoea, is to :'.;>\ <■ i sllila nig ii i> cut ting hi it and alx ncn with a The urn hula nee was called a it was .1 that
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  • 126 5 i'17..i00 OiM-ra Suteu!) Suspended. i.' »don, .M< day. The annual %ulsidy of £17,500 for the < '<>v i lardi n O] granted by Go\ n men! m 1930 ht;- a d of nv< years, is b ing t usp< nded. T!i€ Brit i- !i tinjf C rporationt howevor,
    Reuter wireless  -  126 words
  • 82 5 i»riii*»h Machine To He On Show. London, Monday. The world's faste: I military aircraft which has passed the most exacting testa will be on show a1 thr International Aero Exhibition which i> t<> U> opened m Paris on Nov. 18. It is Bri- tish Pairey Fire-fly single seater
    Reuter Wireless  -  82 words
  • 80 5 More Important Than At Urn! Thought Wellington, Monday. A gold Btrike made by two unemployed workers on the banks of liw Kawarau river is likely t prove more important than they though! m* Professor James Park, the mining expert, ij «'i the opinion that the gold Uad runs
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  • 253 5 COMMONS PROTEST. SAMPLES DISPLAYED IN THE HOUSE. i >ndon, Tuesday. cf white and coloured ;-i wen di splayed n ti» v i of < 'omnions l»y Mr. I Levy (Con*., El land) to reinI a i ong i r/iitiu m m of me i edr istic pel
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 215 5 Paying for Imports Financing Exports. London, Tuesday. The Lords :»n<i the Commons i oth debated the question of trade with Russia arising from the Ottawa agreements, the Lorda thrashing out a motion that nv> further commercial agreement should be made with Russia until the Soviet attempted to
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 38 5 (From (>nr Own Correspondent.) Ij>i»ti, Wednesday. As ;i result of sudden affray at a cigarette stall m Lahat Road La t night a Famii is alleged to have murdered Chinese. A man has bcvn arrested m
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  • 946 5 BRIEF VISIT HERE MOW HE SHOT A PORCUPINE. <p rUTURE 'NOT SO HOT.' frank confession thai he was too lazy to find storied fthich wc.iid wit him for screen purposes was made to me <%\ tltt ;> Daily News reporter) by lln Thief <;f !ia-h- fi;,H ■-|!<i; U;
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  • 54 5 EXPORT BOUNTIES, OVERCOMING BRITISH TARIFFS. Dublin, Wednesday, the Free Stai Government Announces that J t ta arranging i<> pay exporters of certain manufactured poods the amount of duty they pay »>n goods entering England. The list of goods to which this applies is exp »cted to
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 172 5 London, Saturday. The fact that Britain lias a^i 1 that the Irish Free Stale is entitled to a share m the Road Fund is revealed m publication of correspondence relating to the abortive Anglo-Irish Conference of Oct. 14. The Irish claim to this was among the comprehensive demands mad.'
    Reuter Wireless  -  172 words
  • 103 5 Neighbours "Forced To Increase Barriers," Geneva, Tuesday. The gold standard was discussed at a meeting of the experts this morning. The British delegate, Mr. K. Phillips, was the principal speaker and said two preliminary condititfis*, were essential to stabilisation <<i currency, nam.'ly better prices for commodities and the
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 101 5 Irksome Consular Formalities. London, Tuesday. The Chinese decision that all poods shipped from Great Britain to China must l>e accompanied by invoices iifmed by the Chines' Consul at the port of shipment was raited l>y Mr. W. Xunn (Cons.) m the House of Commons. Mr. J. Colville,
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 74 5 A TRAVELLING EXHIBITION. (Fron Our Own Corres t »ond3nt.) Medan, .Monday. The abolition of the agreemeni between Sumatra and Britain is under > ide ration by the Dutch Government as tlvs colony deEires t;» K i- to ronclude itown tariff arrangements. < 'ommercial intei*est arc turning
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  • 126 5 Earlier Opening On Sundays. Lon !:>n. Sat urday. Cinemas m London will be allowed to open on Sundays at 3.30 p.m., instead of <; p.m. aat present if the recommendation of tin- ci mmittee of the London County Council is accepted by the full Council. The change is
    Reuter Wireless  -  126 words
  • 279 5 Busmen I i^lu For A Passenger. Competition between the drivers and conductors of rival buses led to the appearance of Fong Mi Hong before Mr. A. W. Hay, m, Second Magistrate, on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to a bus driver. Inspector Meet en prosecuted and the
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  • 164 5 CONFINED TO BED. PASSES THROUGH SINGAPORE. Mr. Wan r Ching-w< i, one of China's political leaders, pa through Sin«ranorr on the M.\i. liner Andre Lebon yesterday <.n h way to Kit rope on a health Before he left Shanghai a message :<» the t. i appealing
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  • 174 5 With Room-Mate'** atch and Chain. After hearing the complaint of theft by Lee 1 I*-n Kiong, an dresser of the Tan Tock Seng 1 hospiUl, Mr. A. W. Hay, the Second Magistrate, sent Ihe cused, Chua Eng Soo, to the Dis- t rift Court for sentence. The complainant
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  • 128 5 Reductions Announced In London. Redud ions ir, h« prices of I motor-can <>\' from 10 t<> \iz per cent., were announced m Lon('<,n last month l.y the Goodyear T\ re and Rubber ('<•. (Great \'< > tain), Wolverhampton. Gcodyear Pathfinder motor-ear tvi( s of the 5.00-20 will c
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 lef iaake their own roads rHER OVER STONES I OR MUD Qrolo Roadless Tracks rRAN SPORT THEIR LOADS.
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    • 127 5 i I MALAYA S LARGEST SPORTING I GOODS STORE. !C I For Everything Rhone 2038 vwpitfi s 1 lfl|O FINEST 1 Xl f n (;nl HAMS X ijliijj#i and POLO SHIRTS. 1 i /^HS' 1 <•■' RKSTRIN GING OF TENNIS J /I W*'- 0 BADMINTON RACKETS OUR 1 J||p^- SPECIALITY.
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  • 268 6 PENANG WEATHERING ECONOMIC STCRM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I' mang, Tuesday. Penang's draft Municipal budsri i for IJWi was presented today. Tin- i President, Mr. <.. Bryant, said H results of the depression continue to be reflected m falling revenues, and it was expected that the total revenue
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  • 52 6 Crowd Storm* Bolivian I ParUamenL BuetK \i Oct. 30. Placard* announcing I'ailia-ii<«-tit building "t <» let," wi posted m the Bolivian Congress m La Pa*, after ;.n Rnti-Govern went demonstration during which a crowd itorm«d the Parliament building. Agitation .tj-- the Government on niru 1( failure ot the
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  • 174 6 CLAIM AGAINST STRAITS GOVERNMENT FAILS. (From y>\\\ Own Correspondent.) IVnanjr. Tuesday. In the Supreme Court today Mr. Justice Prichard dismissed with costs the petition of right filed by Mansfield and Co., Ltd., claiming $154,392 from the Straits Settlements Government <m account of losses sustained by the Straits Steamship
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  • 114 6 Manslaughter (lharge IM O|»|M'(l. London. Tuesday. Lord Howard of Fffinu-ham was discharged by the Maidenhead n agisArates today it being considered that there was insufficient evidence to commit him for trial on a chaff* of manslaughter. Reuter. A cable of Oct. 20 stated As sequel to the finding
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  • 45 6 London. Oct. The Minister of Agriculture ban isued an order raising from t<> day by sixpence to 2s. iM. th< •mount of the (|iiota payment 'vhich all miller-' and importers of four are liable to pay to >h< U heal ComiMttttion m i*es'peci of __^_^_^j_Ql^>_^^j^aiei^nJtnM^^
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  • 1618 6 ALLEGED PERPETRATOR AGAIN IN COURI. INSPECTOR JUDGE'S EVIDENCE. process of elimination led to the arrest of the. alleged forutr of (he signature of >Ir. R. H. Onraet, the Inspector Gcacral of Police, Siagapors, m a letter to iho Superintendent ct Police. IJtnares, India, m which
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  • 593 6 TSfTSIHAR SIEGE. KOREANS AID CHINESE. MASSACRE RUMOUR. Shanghai, Wednesday. Snow has fallen m Northern Reilungkiang and the cold is intense, 10 degrees below zero being: registered. General Ma Chanshan (Commander of the National Salvation Corps) has issued a telegram appealing for warm clothing" and other assistance.
    Reuter  -  593 words
  • 150 6 EINSTEIN'S LECTURE ON SPACE. ISerlin. Oct. l<i. Albert Einstein, foremost of physicists, presented observations here today possibly imlicati igthat the world Is several billion fears older thnn scientisi i previously had calculated. Lecturing on "Conception of Sjwce." Einstein dOßCribed the universe m b i state of expansion which
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  • 83 6 Finnish Prisoners i hinge Their Plea. .Helsingiforp, Saturday. I^canntf their innocence and stating that they had pleaded guilty m order to discover rater the actual criminals, the six men and women who were sentenced m connection with the black magic case following the discovery last year of
    Reuter Wireless  -  83 words
  • 38 6 b Settlement With Government. Bucharest, Tuesday. Princess Helen has signed' i jetUemmt with the Cnvcmmcnt. The only change m the terms is that file will mite m her palace on Bucharest's choicest toqlevarJ where the Cjovcrnment
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  • 156 6 short cal::\) completed (From < hir < >wi. 'or Pena'ng, \V The sixth and la the Penang A .i/.e- r. opened yesterday, i than expected. Tl three m <>n the In the first ca K< pleaded jniilty t<» po ftve-ceni countei f< session of mat feiting. The l>.
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  • 63 6 \r* Slippl) v Opened. la The Govern Chin o| i I 1 111 pystem situal Haiphong iin water ti the I The s> Leni In t hi* most up will furni?h 21 it eeh w;it» d mi uliip i»l s«o I tidei a-! I i whi it tc
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 29 6 mst» rf wmM ii i— n |t HEALTH 1 1 FOR WORK AND PLAY EAT RJ ?Ym \m^ iflf vlraa? ME .^aw EVERY DAY SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO.. LTD.
      29 words
    • 190 6 HAVE YOU SEENIt" \c\ and noticed its graceful mod m lin< its handsome appearance, with chroi bumpers, radiator etc. HAVE YOU sat m tt and appreciated entrance and exit duo to wide doors; full equipment such as sliding roof, 4 speed gear-box, silent-bloc, engine s dipping beam lamps, petrol Kaug<
      190 words

  • 140 7 A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by Mr. l\ c, Bourne, the Sitigat>ore Coroner, yesterday at the inj quest on a Chinese boy, bcj i about ten, whose body was found floating m the sea on Oct. l' 4. A constable attached to the Harbour Board
    140 words
  • 25 7 Athens, Monday. M. Venizelo3 haa resigned m consequence of the decision <>f the party leaders to a!. M. Tsaldaris to form a new Cabinet. Aneta-Havas
    Aneta-Havas  -  25 words
  • 20 7 Gibraltar, Monday. Alain (iorbault, the "lone* yarhts- j mar)," arrived today, after leaving Marseilles on Sent. 21*. AnetaHavas
    Aneta-Havas  -  20 words
  • 718 7 AN EXPERIMENT. SAID TO BE A SUCCESS. AERO SERVICE. ItuMui spirit for motor-cis and a Malayan Aero Service were matters momioned at th< last meeting of the Ne£ri Scmhilan branch of the Adtomohile Association of Malaya. It was stalt d that Dr. Brnddon. nf Seremhan. had
    718 words
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    • 93 7 EVERY MORNING Singapore Daily News DELIVERY VAN passes near YOUR HOUSE "Sign on the Dotted Line" below and it will come right up to your door and deliver the Singapore DAILY NEWS which gives MORE NEWS than is contained m any other Malayan Morning Paper CUT OUT AND POST TODAY.
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    • 238 7 WHITEAWAYS NEW BASIC VALUES MEAN POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES Osn s t Vf 1 f^^h BASIC I v. Rvalues I 10 \Jy 2 Ami it j> 3-nffi \v\ q m£'~^- jl nth' DO! BLE HILL ALARM CLOCKS. Accurate and reliable time-keep- era, double bell alarm loud clear tone. BASIC
      238 words

  • Article, Illustration
    86 8 Hie mechanical pilot for ships, the invention of a Frenchman, wnich, it is claimed, will ensure the Mfcsl navigation of a vessel without human aid m the rou^h.s weather. (M.G.) Co.. S.V.C., Inat the Raflkl C'<:lh'm \i\ a Ragby tiame visterday hy 20 points to nil. Widespread anti-gas exercises were
    86 words
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    • 282 8 Harry S. Elias, mi o QUALIFIED OPTICIAN i Capilol Building Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. i SLUMP TIMF NECF A ES ECONOMY 1 i' ilonM ;I i< w si .i 1 I M I <11 < mi to ti Will I V<! I I ,1 1
      282 words
    • 54 8 iCAPIfOL] Another BIG SCREEN STAGE ATTRACTION— OWEN NARES m "Sapper's" famous story "The IMPASSIVE FOOTMAN" One of England's Finest Pictures with BETTY STOCKFELD and Distinguished Cast i ON THE STAGE:- The World's Champion Foot-Balancing Artiste PAIL PEDRINI and his 6 Trained Baboons m an amazing Without doubt— THE BEST MONEYS
      54 words
    • 144 8 NEXT CHANCE Mr. Bill The Conqueror with Heather Angel and Henry Kendall I RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903 CaUBed mOre sides to aa"cc "c than any farce m recent year^ "Thark" .s definitely a picture not to he missed." Straits Times, October Jl. RALPH LYNN TOM WA L L S ffl^^*^^2 B^H
      144 words