Singapore Daily News, 2 November 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News NO. 27 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2ND, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 450 1 Singapore Municipal Commissioner*, who have decided by a majority t<> request Government La allow Lhcm to be called Councillors m future and to change the name of their President to thai of Mayor, did not appear to tieat the debate on the motion with their accustomed solemnity. Indeed,
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  • 358 1 RAID ON HEADQUARTERS OF UNEMPLOYED MOVEMENT. DETECTIVES RUSH OFFICES. LEADER CHARGED WITH INCITING TO MUTINY. I ■n l im»! liV^ I!?!? 4 ra dt d the h^dc,;ers of the National I nemploy^ \> tirkers movement and arrested the leader, Hunm tin n aS latt r S"**** 1 at Bow Stwt
    Reuter  -  358 words
  • 88 1 Prince George And PrineeM Inirrid. London. Tuisda>. IN pular fancy is weaving romance round tho names of Prince (ieorge and PrtecCM Injjrid. daughter of the (rown Prince of Sweden and granddaughter of the Duke of Connaught. The story t»f an impending tngagement was denied when I'rince Georpo was
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 77 1 London. Saturday. A deputation of three unemployed marchers handed into No. 10, Downing Street, a letter addressed tt> Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald asking that a delegation might be received at the Bar of the House of Commons on Nov. I. They were informed that the Premier wa<
    Reuter Wireless  -  77 words
  • 156 1 London. Monday. A change m the so-called hunger marchers' tactics was mentioned m the House of Common, by the Clydeside Labour Member, Mr. McGovern, who is acting a> intermediary m arranging B petition to Parliament to receive a deputation of the unemployed. He stated the marchers rejected
    Reuter Wireless  -  156 words
  • 145 1 A Reuter wireless message adds details to the accounts already received of the riot m Trafalgar Square on Sunday. The police were forced to make a baton* charge when thousands gathered from all parts of London m spite of torrential rains to join the massed objection to the
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  • 138 1 M. HERRIOT IN MADRID. "SOME COOLNESS." PACT TALK PERSISTS. PREMIERS MEET. The arrival of the French Premier. M. Herriot. m Madrid >\as markid by "some coolness" and by hostile demonstrations. Rumours persist rvKurding a possible FrancoBpanifth alliance. M. Herriot was entertained officiall> by Senor Azana, the Spanish Premier, and Senor
    Reuter Wireless  -  138 words
  • 249 1 Madrid, Tuesday. The first day of M. Herriot*^ visit of state to the Spanish caj.Mtal culminated m a banquet m his honour tendered by Premier Asana and attended by President Zamora, to whom M. Herriot had at noon presented the Grand doss of the Legion of Honour. After
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  249 words
  • 1073 1 RUBBER CONTROL. THE FEDERAL COUNCIL. CUSTOMS UNION. Restriction of rubber oulmit was au r ain mentioned m the Federal Council yesterday when Mr. Caldecott denied a spirit «.f inertia and said the Government was waiting for a mandate from the industry. The Hifth Commissioner oxplained further
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  • 79 1 Rrportnl Programme Of Replenishment. Tokio, Tuesday. According to press reports whose accuracy the Navy Office denies hut which arc believed to bo based on intelligent anticipation, the Navy Ministry ia s«»>k injr sanction for a 460,000,0000 yen naval replenishment programme spread over four years. The reports mention two
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 83 1 Gr ea t Un employme nt. San Francisco, Saturday. Unemployment is greater today m the United Slates than it is m England, Franco, Germany and Italy combined, declared Senal *r Hiivm Johnson m his election ipeech m sui-; ■■•••t <-f Mr. Room veil. Senator Johnson was oppoaed to the proposal
    Reuter-Wierless  -  83 words
  • 79 1 K<'|»<»!-t<'<l Attempt To Wreck Special Train. Washington, M >nday. A sensation ha- l>een created by the reported attempt wreck President Hoov*t'fl special «-li--!i<»n cankpar/t! train aa it pat <<l rum Athens, (ih;«>. on Saturday. It \e alleged that the i ailwt y authorities todiy liscovered thai about 70
    Reuter Wireless  -  79 words
  • 393 1 PARTY ENTHUSIASM. FRESIDENT HOOVER'S DINNER JACKET. Xi-'V Vork f Tuesday. lospcrate P>nal drive to repel the Democratic stride was Btarted by ['resident Hoover who made <.it,ht speeches from his train en route to New York t> Bupporters who thronged the stations. The day's efforts culminated »n a
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 511 1 America is a changed country. Kxcept m nations ihat MVC pasted through a revolution, no such profound chanue has occurred m th*> mentality «»f any pf pic within li\ing memory, wri««s < i.mmandcr .1. |\<-n--worthy m 'Today and Tomorrow." h is no exaggeration to My that there has
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 284 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY j MARKETS REVIEWED. i Spot rubbef was down 1 at the close in London yi-terday to 2*/i, I ooording to cal>!' from our London correspondenti The market was apain quiet with the forward (juotatioii. ai follows: November 21- i mber .la p. -.Mar.
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  • 669 2 Middle Quotations on Tuesday. Middle price* of local i saei were •■> r I lowa m Sintrfcpore 01 Tut day, according to Fiascr >\ < <>.'- ii>t: MINING. Asasj KuTiihancr 27-, Austral Malay Ayer Uit.-.m Tin n 5. H;-»icrrin Tin 15-, Bataag Padaag t.O7H, Bati Car*M 0.45, Bukit
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  • 93 2 12 noon Nov. l, 1932. Buyers Sellers (.ur.-.bior ,j 00 Java. Cube 10 00 M Cttbe 10.50 Man' <>k White IN pper 24.00 White IVppw 23.00 Sr^i EV 1>r J er 18*00 Mixed Black Pepper 15 00 Sundried Copra 5 so f^ 1^ 5^25 5.25
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  • 47 2 I 1 iiesdayVi <xth;mKt» rates inj dIMMd the following: SELLING. London, 4 months sight 2 3 31/82 London 3 months' sijrht 2/3 15 16 London, 60 days' hlght 2 3 29 32 L.ndon, ;>0 days' si<?ht 2/3 7 8 London, demand 2 3 87 \2
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  • 380 2 STRANGE CASES. MAN APPEARS AFTER HIS "FUNERAL." By a remarkable coincidence two eases of "dead" men coming to life after inquests had 1 been held on their v bodies n were revealed on the same day recently. One of the men, a street musician, was
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  • 94 2 Political Fusion Accomplished. Berlin, Sunday. Tht' political fur-ion of the Reich and Prussia will be accomplished tomorrow by the official announcement that Heir Bracht and Herr Popitz, Heich Ministers portfolio, will take over the Prussian Ministries of Interior and Finance respectively. Herr Brauns, the Reich Minister
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 78 2 German Recognition Discredited. Washington, Wednesday. German sources discredit Hie rumour that Germany may (rant the Manchukuo Government recognition. The rumour, which has considerably astonished people here, is believed to be based on ;i recent conversation between *he head of a well-known American private organisation and a high official m
    Reuter Wireless  -  78 words
  • 30 2 Prague, Friday. The vKeran, President Masaryk, reviewed the troopa on the occasion of the fourteenth anniversary of the proclamation <>t" independence. There were recejtions and festivities thi-oighout the country. Reuter-Wireless
    Reuter-Wireless  -  30 words
  • 303 2 ORIGIN HITCH. THE STRAITS TRADING CO. DUTY ANOMALY. "One of the unexpected results' of the tariff is the exclusion from this country of Straits tin pro- to duced l>y the Straits Trading 1 Co., unless 10 per cent, duty is paid on it by the importer," writes
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  • 194 2 New York, Oct. 18. Today's dosing prices: Bar Silver 27% Demand Sterling 341"'k Centrifugal Sugar ;J.15 Spot Cotton (>.:JS Call Money 1 Spot Rubber 3.34 Cottonseed Oil Spot 4.00 STOCKS American Can Common 51 American Smelter 11 -4 American Sugar Blank American Tel. y Tel. 105-% American
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  • 49 2 Placed In Technical Default. Now York. Tuesday. It is announced that approximately $40,000,000 worth of bonds of Yupro-Slavia are placed In technical default from today owing to the inability cf the Yugo-Slav Government to secure the foreign exchange necessary for the interest and sinking fund payments. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 45 2 Buenos Aires, Thurs<lay. PoUowinf the kidnapping opis ode, the Government has decided to deport 300 people known to be members of the underworld, while aeroplanes, troops apd the police are pursuing buhilitl who are Ik' lieved to l»e member* <>f the Marti Reuter-Wireless
    Reuter-Wireless  -  45 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 P :16:— EXPOSURES WITH A ZEISS IKON "IKONTA" $27.00 j Obtainable from all Photo K rapKu Stores.
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    • 355 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily News. [cad Office: 78, fV c j» Singapore, p| 1111-SIS2. Tel: "Times" Nagapurt Luala Luirpur Office J«va Stn. f. Phone .'JOv: SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable m advance. Local delivery. Monthly $1.50 Quarterly $1.50 Half-yecrly $I>.OU $11 Single Copy, 5 cent-. All communication.: relative «o business matters, viz., advi
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 572 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings are pending: For Europe. P, and O. S. N. Co.'a Rj-jputana i N 'V. ll). N.Y.K.: Hftkoxakl Maru (Nov. 3). llai)il>ur^r Amerika Line: Kheinland (Nor. is). East Asiatic ('■>.. Ltd: Africa (abt Not. 2), Brria (Nor. SS). O.S.K. I London
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    • 611 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Today, November 2. Rotary Tiffin, Group Capt. Jackson, R.A.F., on "The Development and Value of Flying," Adelphi Hotel, 1 p.m. "Three Wise Fools," Victoria TheaThursday, November .*>. St. Andrew's Society practice dance, Adelphi Hotel, r>.4."» p.m. "Three Wise Fools," Victoria TheaJ re, [)M0 p.m. Friday, November 4.
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    • 96 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. BDENDALE, Brit., 1,002 tons, from Batavia 1-11, fur Banka Ports. Billiton, and Batavia 5-11. KEDAH. Brit., 1,032 tons, from Behiwan Deli 1-11, for Beh.wr.n Deli S-11. ANGBT, Sar.. 417 toons, from Siliu :Jl- 10, for Bibu 1. HONG KHENG, P.rit., :i.97r» tons, from Amoy i-ii, for Rangoon 8-11.
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  • 868 3 SINGAPORE'S HOCKEY TEAM CHOSEN. SIDE TO MEET MALACCA ON SATURDAY. YESTERDAY'S TRIAL GAME. which provided murh pretty play The «iil. diOeull lash m ,h««,sinV' «h.- n h( tr< f acid verj ,tro., .id. mhkk sl, ,uld find v^ n^ It SUt MM II (;<)()!) play PROVIDED hockey trial held yesterhe
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  • 320 3 WORLD'S FLYWEIGHT TITLE. MaTKhetter, Oct. 31. m a i .v I contest for the world's flyweight championship Jackie Brown, of Manchester, defeated Young I '«->:, the holder. The loser's seconds threw m the I we! m the 18th round. Brown is u „> first Englishman to bring a
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  • 600 3 P. S. WIN. STRONG TEAM FIELDED. BUT WELL HELD. PA 12 Merchants 0. As expected, the Public Services beat the Merchants m the S.C.I 1 tournament on the I'adan^ last evening but, primarily on account of the stern resistance put up by the Merchants forwards, they only managed
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  • 29 3 A football 1 iM .Lch has been arranfltd between the Singapore Ma'ay vernacular schools and the Malacca Malay vernacular schools at the Jalan Besar .stadium on Friday.
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  • 53 3 French Security all# i Mos< ow, I ;y. A warnimr i rains! the v.vw French ■cenritj plan ii voiced by the Commonis! centra] Mfm Pruviia, whicn n«nnc**- i he project as "a no v Itiek for fooling th<" disillusions J ma««e*. M Other papers, inclddinn" the siMiii-oflivi
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  • 269 3 LUXURY TRAVEL. 5,000 A WEEK IN THE CITY. Londoners are beginning to realise that it is no longer necessary to wail for a holiday abroad before one can find a restaurant where the trout swim, so to speak, from the tank to the table. Every day there
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  • 408 3 Municipal President Gives Evidence. Further evidence was heard m the Supreme Court yesterday m tin' case m which judgment was reserved last week by the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) m which Mr. 11. Wolskel, a former ftiuificipal Commissioner of Singapcre, BUed Mr. A. Y. Abrahams for $3,000
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  • 64 3 Evans of tli€* Broke* A Vice- Admiral. London, Monday. Some interesting personalities figure m the Naval promotions announced tonight. Vice-Admiral Sir William Henry Dudley Boyle is appointed Admirai and Rear- Admirals Humphrey Thomas VV'ahvyn and Edward Radcliife (irath Russell Evans <ol H.M.S. Broke fame) become ViceAdmirals. Captain C.
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  • 228 3 DR. ANNIE BESANT. "AWAITING THE CALL OF HER MASTER." An old woman, who spends her days m quiet prayer, is "awaiting her Master's call" m a suburb of Madras. She is Dr. Annie Besant, veteran Fabian and trades union worker, president of the Theosophical Socity, ami
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  • 200 3 Death Sentence On Stationmaster. Moscow, Monday. As a sequel to the wreck of tne Black Sea express, the Supreme Court has sent .'need Bulakov, the stationmaster, to death for interfering with the work of his assis;ant, Yanteev, by arbitarily signalling the line clear when it was occupied by
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  • 86 3 Unmoved by Hostile Demonstration. Sofia, Friday. King" Boris, standing <' n the •iteps of the Throne m Parliament watched, apparently unmoved, a violent Communist demonstration against the Monarchy. He was ascending 1 the Throne, speech m hand to open Parliament, when the 33 Communist Deputies began anti-monarchy shouts.
    Reuter-Wireless  -  86 words
  • 53 3 German Airman IN ears Home. Merlin, Friday. According to cable from Captain von (Jronau, who has arrived at Karachi, the pilot experts to reach Germany next week, and expresses the hope that he and his crew will be m time to cast their votes m the general elections
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  53 words
  • 57 3 Vienna University Riots. Vienna, Monday. In uider to prevent a recurrence of the riots n the university. which have been occurring almost daily, the Austrian Government has decided to r.uve the university pfraced under a si 1 ong guard. The members of the guards will wear no uniforms
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  • 115 3 UNWORKABLE." Lonl Mi hhrtt On Modern Money. London, Wednesday. The whole monetary scheme nowadays is not only unsound but unworkable, according to Lord > Melcheti m a new l>ook entitled Modern Money/ constituting a scathing attack on economic fail- j acios. The author advocates n "managed" double currency, the sovereign
    Reuter Wireless  -  115 words
  • 69 3 Ex|>riiM*> Confined To Ocean Fares. I-onii"!!. Wednesday. Thi- visil of th British delegation t<> Ottawa will ?i«>t <•■» r tht* United Kingdom exchequer more than £12,000. Informing tin* Hou \c <»t C(imnom of this, Mr. Thomai expleJn«ml that tli<- expenseri i-<»ntin <! t<> ocean transport and miscellani oufl
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  • 145 3 Crisis I hrcatened In Britain* London, Thui <\ns Another i tau«- m t v negotiations winch may lead to a cri i for tho I»nt .sli railway- wan reached i<><ii/ when the companies' claim f<> r an all-round reduction m of ten [)<•!• r l l instead of
    Reuter Wireless  -  145 words
  • 125 3 Reduce l)«'l>is or Lower Tariff* f lleveland, Ohio, Thur day. The Republican Party plat form <!<•! larat ions -uru si cancellation <>r tho foreign d.-'.t <i<> noi neet sarily preclude discussion on this matter with foreign powers for 5 amelioration >«■ ih«- nm-m of the del I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 X'MAS PRESENTS For Friends at Home BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH OUR London OFFICE and the luppliera concerned, ire at.- able to iccepi ordei Seasonable Gifts, to be delivered to your Friend Home for Christmas. *j&\ POMMERY and GRENO Smb CHAMPAGNE k 3 Single 2 H t|r 3 Bottle 6 i:
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  • 2375 4 KUALA LUMPUR MENTION OF FINANCIAL POSITION. FORCING A CUSTOMS UNION. A sharp criticism of the mention m the Federal Council m Kuala Lumpur by the Hitfh Commissioner of figures relating to .fohore's financial position before the figures had been put before the Johore State Council
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  • 115 4 MAN ON BICYCLE. FACES BURNED WITH CAUSTIC SODA. Two Chinese W< men were m a ricksha m Jalan Besar al)(.ut h Cf fast eleven last nitfht when a Chinese, rwlinj a bicycle, came up behind the no and threw some j caus'ic o:ia <-n their faces.
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  • 154 4 OTHER CROPS TO BE ENCOURAGED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Tuesday. A l<»np: statement regarding the economic position of the farmers m Siam has been issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. It is stated that the position must be carefuly considered be- fore any of the suggested
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  • 77 4 IVlilimi Ajiainsl (Fovrrnmrnt. (From Oar Own C 'orrospondcnl I'onanj;. Tuosdav. In Ike Supreme Court hore today Mr. Justice Pilchard dismissed the petition of righi filed by Mansfield and Co. Ltd. claiming $154,392.59 from the Straits Settlements (iovernment. The petition arose out ot the contention that certain' motor-vessels
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  • 227 4 Verdict of Death B\ Misadventure. The inquiry into the- death of a Chinese, who was knocked down by a car on Oct. 22 m Stamford Road, before Mr. F. (J. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, resulted m a verdict of death l>y misadventure yesterday. Mr. Thuraisingham, who was
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  • 82 4 A Chinese assistant at a watch repairer's shop was convicted yes- terday by Mr. J. F. F. Grejrg, tin Third Magistrate! of criminal breach of trust as a servant m respect of (|3Ven watches. Sentence was postponed until Nov. 2 The' complainant stated thai after watches had been
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  • 177 4 THE PERAK H\| "ImperatlveT^says COMiMITTEE. (From Oui Own C „,u h I| h. m The Perak Bar d n a meeting m lh< Law i th< [poh Supreme Court w.u and the to'lowing were passed: (i > Thai Ihe rei .< Peak Bar view apprchon&ion U.«
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  • 109 4 Taken From DhobyV Lorr) (> i r complaint bj Ih»i>. ;r.i m:. l>i( duce 1 M r. I 1 Gn yg, the Thir I Mar;i I pleaded guilty :o the ihefi i bundle of w.-i-lniv: from yesterday. The ioi kplnimn 4 v. ;i laundry at th< S.C.C. When
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  • 78 4 Samluir \)vvr and Kin In Negri Sembilan. (From Our )w n Corresp<»ml< Seremban, Tv The Chief Secretarj ernmenf haa ordered that deer and nisi lv add< third schedule of the il<l »> mals and birds protectioi ment, the order being throughout Negri Sembilan. The local British I'declared close
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  • 162 4 THE <:\riioi. The Capitol baa foui wirner with "The Imp;: man." which opened lasl It is picture version of famous story, and tin i of the narrative splendid lad i'i!. r ;z<> t<» inak duction out ol tie ordinary v keepa the audien c interested beginning to
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  • 57 4 Before the hid Ju m the It. Cour! at 1,068 -Chan.* Kam vs. H. H. |',:i- and Before M Justice VVI the 2nd. Court .it 1 1 a.n A Rex vs. K.>ii Ah Loi. lv r^re Mr. Ju tire l: Terrell m Mi« 3ni Court a.m. OS. KM
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  • 32 4 The case against Manual Ponusaray of attempted exti of |50, which was adjourn* Monday, concluded yesterday the accused were both <l'^" h; rl !>y Mr. J. F. I-. tiregg, I|l Magistrate.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 HONEY-GRAINS THE FRUIT AND NUT BREAKFAST FOOD HONEY-GRAINS is an abs«>- Two Suggestions for stnir.g lutel] novel Breakfast Pood, crisp L t 2^-- Honey-Grains ;uul granular m form. I; is made L^^^Bjß«aißß^Bffl^r^^^ c-hit-ih Irr.iii fnur ami nuts li r^Trfr?llW»*WW*»*TTt^ !<'»' Breakfast Simply entirely n w pr<»>« ss and special '""IHTIiN^
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  • 34 5 Kent, rates and liirht and water bills rf.» not trouble these who favour the simple life as depicted m the above snapshot <;l i>n Improvised dwelling <n a Singapore creek.
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  • 104 5 ELEVEN DECKS. VESSEL LAUNCHED BY FRENCH PRESIDENT. are, Saturday. n atest liner, the ai die, with which ined t<> win the Riband, was nue- i this afternoon I i brun. The cerela* under ex< ellent and huge crowds the (freat vessel ran down the slipi -hallow waters
    Reuter Wireless  -  104 words
  • 80 5 i Danger lo British I Lives and Property. 99 I London, Monday. I Hoiue i»f Commons, rea--1 a: i "i to make I I nt m the general situaI hina, Sir .John Simon, the i mentioned m I h .-f':tr< > m Sse huan i "nk r and
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 64 5 r^ p man AiniMii Picked 1 I* Bj Steamer. i '.«>r i <ion. Sunday. wireless operator ghter aeroplane '1 down m the raU have been 1)1 I>'-:>I. An S.O.S. w;iv ti i'-n an hour after 1 ;n I**l ni*hi u,,on h Vi life-boal put to 1 frale. Royal
    Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
  • 381 5 STRANGE METHOD OF HAWKING. '< urts would have no need to i.xi^i it' criminals were not btupid, commented Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, yesterday m convicting R. IVstana and his son C. Pestana on three charges of cheating. Hi< Honour. however. took a sympathetic view
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  • 109 5 VIOLENT TYPHOON, CREW OF 31 SAVED BY BRITISH STEAMER. Hong Kong, Tuesday, rhe Glensheil (Captain SanicnO dramatically rescued the crew of 1 of :i Japanese motor-trawler which had been adrift m cyclonii i .lies for Iwo (lays and was on the ver^c of sinking. The violence
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 98 5 Malayan Official* At runeral. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Monday. The funeral of Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane, C.M.G., formerly Chief Secretary! F.M.S., look place a Am' ishai.i this stfternoon. Among those attending were Sir GeorgQ Maxwell, Sir Frank Baideley, Mr. E. S. Hose. Mr. 11. W. Thorn,
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  • 113 5 But Received JNoiliin«r For Them The theft of 120 runny bags lei to the appearance m court and subsequent conviction of Eng Siow Chiang by Mr. J. F. V. (ire^ir. the Third Magistrate, yesterday. Sentence was postponed until Not. 2. Accused was an employee at a shop
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  • 101 5 Fine Display at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ku'.i'a Lumpur, Monday. Some very HIM examples of the g-ar<len"r's art were Men at the Selangor Gardening Society*! show on Saturday, the number cf exhibits not beintf as lar^e as m previous shows but of a distinctly higher sb^ndavd.
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  • 490 5 MAKERS' ACTION. RECORD SALES DECLINE. BROADCASTS EXCLPTED (Bj Air Mail.) London, Oct. 18. In order to protect their sales, manufacturers of gramophone records m Britain hay.' decided »,i the drastic step of prohibiting :.l! public performances of iheir records. This step will noi precliT*.le v hat
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  • 678 5 t% SINGAPORE. SIKH COMMUNITY'S RECEPTION. Singapore's latest visitor of distinction is His Highness the Maharaja Jagatji£ Singh of Kapurthala, and taking advantage of his brief stay m Singapore, the Sikh community held a tea-party m the root' garden of the Ailelphi Hotel yesterday afternoon. People of all
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  • 151 5 RETIREMENT FROM HOME OFFICE. L ndon, 'I'm- day. Sir Malcolm Delevii jne, X.C.8.. CM*., ba^ retired from tlie post of iKput.. Permanent Under Secretary of State, Hume OlTire. i l!eiit, r. Sir Malcolm, who is 64 year.of age, enterel the Home Office m 1892, becoming private secretary
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  • 102 5 Whole Position To Isr Investigated. r.ondon, Tuesday. The Chancellor of the Bxdhe- «;utT h d asked the Import Duties Advisory Committee to investigate the whole position of silk duties and it was <>p -n the British silk industry to make representations to the committee, announced Mr. L. Burgin
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 61 5 1 cc* Ah Lee pleaded guilty I>efore Mr. .J. K. K. Gregg, th Third Magistrate, yesterday to the theft of lamp an I sentence was postponed until Nov. 1. A constable on duty m China Street said that he saw the ie- used stand on a hii^h
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  • 492 5 WIFE'S CLAIM. $400 WORTH OF OPIUM A MONTH. Tin cast* m which a leading member <:f tlv < U iesc community, a justice of the p«acc ai'»i director of several companies, Mr, Lim I'entf Sian^. is sued by In, \\if\> with failing to maintain her
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  • 67 5 EUROPEAN S HO T. Tragedy m Malacca Real House. (From Ore Own Correspondent.) 1al««.< cm, Tuesday. A E&t&ropean named 1 Orchard ua- found m the Government Kent House ahout eleven < 'clock la<f( night m tiicuinstance! which suggest Ruicidv. Previously b*» had described himMsif as visitor, and nothing bi known
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 I n^ Name is PERFECTION j f I c GiLUuik> I I I McCaHums Scots Whisky Sole Importers: Till EASTERN AGENCIES LTD., SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR PENANG.
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    • 133 5 -^i^t i*T^flßKi f^T^^^T^. _a^Klßfl^Bß^^^^^BaWßßHaßaaar~aav~ MALAYA'S LARGEST S PORTING I GOODS STORE jjfcrf FOR EVERYTHING Phone: 2938. dSßfb STAR MAXWELL ALL I Wmm ENGLAND GOLF C!ubs VSMm by Gibsons of Kinghorn I JfjliMi GOLF BAGS BY ROBERT EIRAYANF. 1 GOLF BALLS BY DUNLOP OTHER I MAKES. I I Prices to suit
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  • 208 6 Six Month** Cfuol For Javanese. A Javanese \v;i> sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment and ordered to be repatriated I y Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal l>i^ trict Judge, yesterday for voluntarily causing grievous hurt to his father-in-law with a paranjr. The Assistant Surgeon at the Tan Tock
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  • 186 6 Old Warship Sunk. The U. 8. S. Helena, one of the i Idest ships of the l\ S. Navy, once a unit m Admiral Dewey's fleet m the memorable battle of Ah.nila Bay m 181*8, and later part of i hr Asiatic squadron, was sunk on
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  • 30 6 V i»nnu, Monday. The orgtM of th»- Austrian Communist party, Kot« Kahne, ha> .•••in i onfl •;i f <! by order of tnr I Public Pronocutor, arul tf<- editor
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  • 1614 6 EXPLANATION BY COMPANY'S COUNSEL. SATISFIED WITH SET OFF. .Judgment uas reserved by the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) m the suit brought bj Lernaud Rowe fhornett against the Java Sumatra Handelmaatsctiappij for damages for breach of contract, salary for July, six months* leave pay and
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  • 443 6 NO MORE WASTE LAND. BOGS CONVERTED. MOORS MADE TO BLOSSOM. Bogs m the Highlands that never knew a drain and English moors unscarred by the plough are now the scene of the Forestry Commission's "autumn manoeuvres." A series of experiments is beinu' carried out on them which may ultimately transform
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  • 136 6 Leaning Towards Socialism. Berlin, Sun-lay. Dr. Schnee, the former <"<>!<»mui i Governor and member of t hf t*ytton Commission, has resigned trom the People's Party and is understood to have lean* in^s toward-- National Socialism. The Kx-police commander, Herr Gieseck, who fo: years has been an active- member
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  136 words
  • 45 6 London, Monday. The Italiai\ Am)iars?dor, Siffnor Granrii, the German Charge d 'Affaires. Count Bernstorff, and many other well-known pec pie attended the first Bhowiuig of tinGerman film "Das Bhue Licht" (Blue Ligrnt) n the Rialto Theatre. It wa.^ enthusiastically received. Aneta- Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  45 words
  • 465 6 LIVES MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. "The good old British rule of women and children first does not seem to apply m this case," said the Coroner (Colonel H. D. Wilson) at the conclusion of the inquest at Morecambe on the three victims of a fire at a house
    465 words
  • 138 6 Exhibits From (lolony And Frdrration. from Our Own Correspondent*) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. Handwork done m Malay girls' s hools m most parts of the Peninsula, and m both urban an I rural schools, was displayed m the annual exhibition and sale held m Kuala Lumpur i n
    138 words
  • 121 6 Government* Terms Accepted. Bucharest, Tuesday. Princess Helen, the former v.iiv' oi" Kinjjr Carol, is leavinu i almost immediately. Her reply to the Government's terms has not yet been announced, hut it is understood that they have been accepted. She will also receive ;i lump sum of £25,000, the
    121 words
  • 39 6 Athens, Monday. M. Tsaldaris is meeting with -:it;'i 'litticulty m forming v C»bioet. The leader <»f the Prvteatlvd Party, M. Etalamtarta, refused t-.» orve under h»m. It if believed i L^lL I h(* (.ltiin)b':i. Will ue^vm Ku
    39 words
  • 187 6 VON PAPEN'S \3<>U NON^PARLIAMEN T A tt y CABINET. Berlin, T Overriding the proti Prussian Government, Premier Bratra, Cl Papon, m his capa< eral Commissary for P appointed a new non ary Cabinet deriving ity directly from Pi Hindenbur.;. The p< this Cabinet is i. Home .Minister,
    187 words
  • 133 6 JEALOUS HUS BAND. kills His Wife Anil Attempts Suicide. 'al.'.piMi. M indoro, Jealousy claimed tht w< man w hen Talon, M killed his -a itV. D.iiir. try an, with bolo c*n Sr;>t. Baranjrunan, near Bulali dcro, according m a rcpoi ct'ivL'<l by Governor Juan Va from tl"' chief of polu
    133 words
  • 72 6 Importing Dtltiablt 1 Tobacco. T\ui Chinese i'< i < terday by Mr. C. v > minal Pi. I rid Judg' dutiable tobacco into arid were I'M' d >'■>. > < twelve month.-' rigoi ir*i it. One of the '<" v Ho, stati d thai wa ti'.xi driv«i On
    72 words
  • 64 6 Circular To I <;< Members. \U rlin, The Stcri I i•■• < nei v League has circulars her Stale- asking ajrree that t he truce m m which expires on N Unged For four (it'i!)' iiy prill i quest i<,!i of pai MK'nts has 01 11 torily. 1
    Aneta  -  64 words
  • 43 6 (iliinax AppnKM'l In German). BcHi With only fiv« da) (Jem ;:n\ from I tion- the c ;t<iHi i "4 i'> i tons the campaign proa< \\-v<; a m nax, ev< r. i pot io furiou I tr ou ;'..,K.ns oartly due J
    43 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 IJealthT FOR WORK AND i PLAY I EAT HOVIS EVERY DAY SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. RAFFLES HOTEL MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL. i Rooms with Modern Sanitation, Hot and Cold Running water. TON IGHT TEA DANCi; GRILL— SFEUAL DISH <»..')O to JJ l.~> I* M Brafacd Sad<ll«' ol I lure m
      113 words

  • 531 7 SHOPKEEPER AND WIFE TERRORISED. Cii; .iMENCED FOR DISC: EFUL CRIME. HIS 1 RIGOROUS IMPRISONMENT. neveral f**n the common jury casts the sixth wssJe* of which opened l»e--vefltertlay, will conclude m two days beffUM yester«a) afternoon and u; is a d.liort. hut irH-ludos MVeral interest in v that m »shun Khor
    531 words
  • 405 7 HEAVY CUTS IN EXPENDITURE. i From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. Moving the first reading of the Supply Ilill m the Federal Council, the acting Chief Secretary said:— It is nearly a year ago now thai this Council balanced the budget for the current year at rougnly
    405 words
  • 104 7 \l. Herrl6t Looks For Brighter Future. Taris. Monday. Importance is attached to* m political circles to the conversation between If. Herriot and the American delegate Mr. Norman Davis, who afterwards conferred with M. Paul Boncour. At Poitiers, at a Radical party banquet, M. Heri:ot devoted most ••r his
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  104 words
  • 69 7 ndon, Blond ly. The first Hush of sympathy for M. Herrk>t*a plan appears u> have weakend somewhat over the week-end. The anxiety of tin* press commentators is to avoid Grcal Britain accepting any further commitments m the way oi guaranteeing other people's territorial integi i v. Hk- Times
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  69 words
  • 43 7 Main North-South Road Impassable. (From <Uif Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Monday Motorirts arc warned th.. 1 they j canr.ot beyond Serendtih ->n the main north-south road through Solangor, the road having been washed out owing to thfc breaking of river bund.
    43 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 86 7 EVERY MORNING a Singapore Daily News DELIVERY VAN passes near YOUR HOUSE 'Sign on the Dotted Line" j below and it will come right up to your door and deliver the Singapore which gives MORE NEWS than is contained m any other Malayan Morning Paper < < > CUT OUT
      86 words
    • 221 7 WHITE^AYS NEW BASIC VALUES MEAN POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES ♦*j s J 7 jt^ (vi /-10-- 2 m p i b j t D(M BLE BELL ALARM CLOCKS. Accurate and relii t I mc-keep« its, double bell i lurm loud clear toi BASIC VALUE -2.25 Each. WM ITE AWA.VS
      221 words

  • Article, Illustration
    76 8 Samuel Insull. Jr. pictured is, England OB his »a> to join Mm father, the American financier and I. rmer millionaire. Tin- Merchant! )«s| tboul to K e\ th« ball follow m R tkc kre.k-up »f a loose scrum In a tournament Kuuhy fane on the PafellK vestvrday the Public Service*
    76 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 282 8 r Harry S. Elias y mi.o J gi'ALIFIED OPTICUN i i Capilol Building Tel. 2751. J CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. J SLUMP TIME NECESSITATES ECONOMY I lwii llon'l throw :i\vn\ vmn ol«i «10. ks. vrntclies or gramn |.|m.ii*s St-n.l tlitiii td us. Wt W ill j»i\ ilnrn
      282 words
    • 78 8 1\ ill \J La I ■> I I IVSATINEE TO-DAY 3.15 Schooi-Children Half Price. i TONIGHT Another BIG STAGE SCREEN ATTRACTION OWEN NARES m a Brilliant BRITISH production Sapprr's"* famous Story "The IMPASSIVE FOOTMAN" Presented with an amazingh clever Stace S|, O x, PAUL PEDRINI World's Champion Fool balaaeer and
      78 words
    • 163 8 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903 MATINEE TODAY AT 3,15. (ALL SCHOLARS HALF-PRICE) CaUBed more Blde to c "c than any farce ,n recent s "Thark" .s def.n.tely a picture not to be m.s*cdY Straits Fiituvs RAL P H LV N N TOM W°A L L S m an uproarious story IRR^' of
      163 words