Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 29 July 1837

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • Title Section, Illustration
    40 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. MO. 30. VOI.. 7. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 29nd. 1837. New Series* public Notifications appearing" In thi* p. nA PP 8 »n thl, Paper and Signed by the Proper Authorttie. are to be con.idered a, Official
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  • 1269 1 TYPHI'S FEVER. GRB\T excitement has prevailed in the town for the last few days, in consequence of the intelligence that the Female Emigrant Ship Lady Macnaghten, which entered the heads on Sunday, was infested with the fearful disease of Typhus Fever, having, during the short space of five weeks,
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  • 767 1  -  THOMAS CHURCH. RESIDENT COUNCILLOR. Singapore, the 1 Oth 1 July, 1*37. f f II II a view to ensure a c<fcrect Registry i count of all Goods Imported and Exported tin- Settlement, and in the absence of any spe- n i authorized standard descriptive of the i- article*
    767 words
  • 207 1 T I HE FOLLOWING BEARINGS OF BL O* S lately placed at KYOUK PHYOO and ARRACAN, with directions for ENTERING THE RIVER and proceeding to AKYAB, are published lor general inlorination. BEARINGS OP THE BUOYS IN KYOUK PHYOO HARBOUR. THE BUOY OH- THE NORTH PATCH OF ROCKS PAINTED
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  • 206 1 TIIE Brov ox THE SIMT OF THE SAND OFF FLAT ISLAND. Great Sarage bears S. by W. j A remarkable small Rock on the Centre "I Borongo, coniinonly called Tumble- y E. 1 N. down I'ick, J The Buoy lays in something
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  • 273 1 Ships cither on their way in or out of the River, Will find the best water for crossing the bar with Passage Rock bearing from N. by h. to N N K., and they will not Hnd less than 3 4 fathoms at low water
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  • 1394 1 A passage* of ten days brought the Ratt!e>nnkc to Port Philip. Occasion was taken by tiie way to lay down with precision the Crocodile Rock HI Bass' Straits, which has hitherto occupied an uncertain position on the Charts. The results has appeared, o*f course, in the Gocer m>nt
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  • 64 1  -  JAMES LOCH. SENR. SWORN CLF.RK Regi frit'r Office, in the J Court House at Si.'t- > gapore, July IS. 1837. J Is HEREBY (iIYEN, That Letters of Administration to the E tnte of the Reverend SAMUEL WOLFE late of Singapore Missionary, deceased, have this day been granted by the
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  • 46 1  -  SAMUEL ANDERSON, HENRY RITCHIE T.. A HE Firm-* of DOUGLAS, BROTHERS Co. Batavia, DOUGLAS, LORRAIN Co. Singapore, and DOUGLAS, RiruiiiE Sc Co. Canton, are this day dissolved, ami the affairs of those different establishments will be finally liquidated at this place by the last undersigned.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 FOR PINAIJG AND COKOMANDEL COAST. r A HE British Bri# Dow LAT PERSAID, lt>s ions C Freedom, Commander, will sail positively on the sth. proximo. For freight, or passage, apply to the Commander on Hoard. Singapore, the 2'Jth July IS.iJ. TO BE SOLD. BY PUBLIC AUCTION', o,i /'//<wdnf lav S///.
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  • 305 2 1li« 11 r*r v arriml from !'..rt I'hillin i r; Hv h, r, we rcjret, ,oZi •■I |M.or Hit,rand and He»«e i ~i y'.'l Ml,t 111. If.M. \i V placed be--iiasssuva tli3 purnose of obtaining inf »rmation as to fat*, h.iv.» r"?um?d bv the
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  • 431 2 v l-'ro:n the Australian April 2 Mr. Cook, tin* gentleman in charge of Nfr. St. !*■> e\'msive property «it ttie new settlement, an.l Mr. Brown, late «>t Itagdad, have just nril in town from Port Philip. We have seen the latt r gentleman, \\h azures us, that the
    431 words
  • 72 2 v/' <>m (hp .lust/tiiiftit, 2.'ifA April.) We .»re cnabl 1 to slate tint the exact position has b• m ascertained of t lime rock* in ii»e < 1 ft «»i hound to Sincapore, Hat ttia, and ilu i\.m thence to t iniid, npon uiinii, nj> >uppo-vd,
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  • 1507 2 Fr m lie Sy<ln< y Herald, March 20 1 he Hay of Islands, New Z aland, is inhabit, ed by three distinct tribes of natives—one at I epunga, the (.'hicfs of which are Ware Poaka and aikatt.i-one at Kororarika hea led by l»i_ lon, I eria, Warerahi, Kriwa
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  • 632 2  -  A. C H TO THE KUiruli OP TUB SINGAPORE CHRONICLE Dear Mr. Editor, never be tolerated especially when imposed uj>«n, or when tliev UP n z^ss^^£^ss<ss 1n,!.. 11 have occasion to allu le to, and hopt? sincerely f<ir tlio 1 c i c~«Uy they should b s,, C ed,,y
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  • 73 2 At Malacca, on l2th. INSTANT, the I.DY Major ALEXANDER, 4Sth. of T 1 >AL MITER. M ARMAdE. At Malacca, on the 12th. !»v tl.j R i. J. EVANS, at the Protectant h, ;.nJ af rr. wards at the Roman C'athoii f Mr. ii: ,j ANDREW ATHOI.L KDWARD.S
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  • 3085 2 Letter* have been received in t!:e S.*T! inent to the <>th. J tine from Syd-iev in' Dark Arab which arrived hen* two u The Oiwel/, via Hatavia, and the .V.-v.'A.- via Calcutta, iroin this port li .u u;i Large supplies of Sugar hud rvva
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  • 579 3 By the British brig Stamford, from Malacca. ],:>().) canes, 23 pis. tin, 2 >,OJO in no. tisli rocs, 26 pis. larJ, <J coyaus salt, 6J coyans rice returned. By the Siamese ship Conqueror from Siam.— 3,201 pis. sugar. 1210 pis. rice, 22* pis. sugarcandy, 600 pis. sapan wood, l(i
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  • 655 3 By >h" Di'ch S -hf'f/ier, Smg f tie,for Sonrr) 'y. r > ijr. ch *-!ts tea, 13 corses chintz, 2 c »r. sarongs, I J casks dried fruit, 9,0 )0 in no. lUh roes, 526 dollars worth chinaware /'v th* Dutc'i birk June, for Bataci'i —56 boxes Manila segars,
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    • 1646 4 1 J'ricrs In I J Print's i» i REMARKS. MPORTS FROSI BENGAL, MAD s g r* RAS REMARK! IMPORTS FROM FCIIWI'" I I.S n.lhdrt. BOMBAY, AND CEYLON. 1 np. tjoins. r COTTON MANirKACl-FUES. C 0 -Stock large 7 Ready sale 6 .Current if 4; Stout, wanted 5 Jotton
      1,646 words
    • 89 4 Duff. '/•i x- tV rssf/s Xa m p s. 1 Comma n/er. From Date, of Drjxtrtor,'. July 23 M 2"» M V 27 al 2> Writ, bark Anhtspvr II. N. M. schnr. II. S.M. »liij» f nnqm rnr H.hrii?F.m<»o\ Wat/iiti/a Brit. I»ria: Stum fori Brit, bark Arab Brit. Julia
      89 words
    • 98 4 Date. Flag. cfr P'essel* Xante*. Tons J Command nr. For. .1 uly'22 I). hk.Oe// Iroican Sing Oey Tong Ross .Vamarang i n n Dutch schnr A melt a 150 1 lata via 1 ii 23 ii. I»k. 1 onasjer Family 433 Wallace China »i /»nt bar/* Arda*°er 42.3 Mclntyre
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    • 202 4 LATEST DATES. 4th April via Holland and Wutavir 1 >t July per Cou:asjee Family.. 1st July p»*r Ardaseer 24tlijune per Sylph.. -1 it May via China.. 13th July per Amelia.. I FHOM ENGLAND I 'CALCUTTA! BOM BAY C,„s A IM ANIL A BATAVIA i «r CanpMl
      202 words
    • 130 4 "i,or- C '"y J wold at acre,Ut of 3 »o«/*s7 W«" jCTmIMK lbs. avoirdupois, divided int. 100 Cattie,. K;r JcU./.v.' all goods (,t»>re e<f>ec wily European n calculated, is the Spanish Dollar divided
      130 words
      • 945 4 COTTON MA N UFACT*" K ES. L<» n« rioTn^~ N V? P ?/SJ ti -n- r '»is w• k and hi vers waiting tiie nrn\»l ol t»e ,°9.' a j ;ni i S'.f f'fin brrtsf* rd daily exempted from 1-iv »rpool i.i ;i -iticipah■■} i ol' la rife
        945 words
      • 71 4 A M •s>sonary /.'ill on London for XOOM at 3 mo?. sipl.t has been purchased ox 4s tid per dollar, ifilis on England with shipping document*, in dentind at -is 6J, without, diilirult to he negotiated at 4s 7<l per dollar ti mouths s«^ht. Bill* on Calcutta at tio
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      • 106 4 The Arab, from Sydney, freight seeking, arrived here two davs t«jo a- is open for I'reight or Charter and will probably load Betel Nut..t /'enang for China. We refer to our quotations of Freight for BaUvia. Calcutta and China which v\e trus-t will he tounU useful am pretty correct.
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    • 164 4 TO LONDON an I LIVERPOOL Tin Antimony Ore. £l. 15 a £2. per 20 cu t in hi'es £4. 20 ovt. Sr.sro. in bstys £4 a .£4. 4.v per Jo. Hides in hulk £G. per 20 cwt. f r tonnage £2.per 20 cwt. Hninhicr. !n basket*, £0. ]0s jht
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