Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 8 July 1837

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • Title Section, Illustration
    36 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. NO. 27 VOL. 7. SATURDAY EVBNDfO, JULY 8tb. 1837. u New Series/ public Notification, appearing l n thl. Paper and Signed b, the Proper Anthorltle. are to be e.n.ldered a. Official
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  • 536 1 'iuv FOLLOWING Is REPUBLISHED FOB GEN. ERAL INFORMATION. FORT WILLIAM, LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT, THE 22ND. MAY, 1837. I! 1 IhSOLUTION.—The Governor General in uncil having had under his consideration the r* -tnt state of the Administration of Affairs in Settlements of Prince of Wales" Island, Sinl'.| rc and Malacca,
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  • 1512 1 I. It is hereby enacted, that from the date of t -»e passing of this Act, Regulations I. and IX. of I*3o, passed by the Governor in Council of Prince of Wales* Island, Singapore and Malacca, and likewise Regulation I. of 1831, passed by the
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  • 88 1 1 UE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed on the 4th of July 1836, by the President of the United States by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Consul of the U. S. for the Island of Singapore, and having received the recognition of
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  • 21 1  -  WILLIAM MERRYWEATHER, GILBERT ANGUS. A HE UNDERSIGNED bare associated themselves in business here, under the Firm of MERRYWEATHER AND ANGUS.
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  • 1561 1 lltb March. —l proceeded in the boats to day up the river, keeping always close to the British side. Low country, irregularly formed, solitary lime stone rocks, on both sides continue to form broken chains, but diminishing in size and height. The country near the river banks,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 TO BE SOLD. BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON TUESDAY, THE 11TH. INSTANT. At the Kodowns of (FOR ACCOUNT V>F WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.) TEN Cases 500 Pieces 45 Inch 40 Yards Longcloths, mildewed. —These will be sold in lots of one case 50 pieces each, and three months credit granted to
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    • 43 1 FOR LONDON. •RSS 1 HE fine Bark Columbian, Captain TONKINS, is daily expected from Uataria, and having the greater part of her cargo engaged will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage apply to, PATERSON CO. s inqapore 24 th June 1837.
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  • 871 2 Authentic intelligence of the state of affair? at Ava reached Maulmain on Saturday last. LJurmah appears to have adopted the fashion of our days in Europe and to have had her Revolution, about as interesting to the world in general, as those burlesques on the very word
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  • 740 2 My dear S.—From the date o r my last letter, which contained some account of" the civil coinmotions in Burmah, «ij> to a very recent day, we were, at Maulm tin, destitute of any authentic intelligence from tha quarter. A creat many va-o-ue and various reports were
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  • 2253 2 To THE FRONTIER or ASSAM. (From the Journal of tie Aria tic Society for Apri>) days near' the" f ,f «<"• folio™* I wotnjiamed, ami whose discipline when th< v w nc X lvor k their own boats," sav* Contain Q1& WH T| H are
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  • 878 2 00 To EDWAKD STANLEY Esaumt Commanding AI. S Wolf. SIB, I nderstanding that you are about to lf« i: the station, the I'inang Chamber of Comment desires rae to convey to you some expression the sentiments with which the mercantile foir m unity of this Island have viewed the
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    • 14 3 \i Malacca on Sunday the 2at!» June lS.'Jj. Mrs. >To.\Enr\VER, of a Sox.
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    • 23 3 At Malacca on Tuesday the 27th June 1837, hy the Reverend Mr. J. Evans, MR. JAMES CHARLES BKINDLEY to Miss HRIDUFT BRITT.
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  • 1956 3 On Tuesday lu>t the Diana Steamer, pro.l to .Malacca with Mr. OAKLING the iie-1 ;ent Councillor of that Station, and brought back the Hon'ble the GOVKRXOR, <v!'u landed yesterday afternoon. The Diana i';ft Malacca roads on Thursday at 6 p. M. and anchored here
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  • 308 3 By the British bark Mary Sharp, from Sium 14 piculs Gambouge. By th" British brig Eleanor, from Pi natty jo 3 piculs and 22 ctys. ebony, 60 ps. duck, 37 piculs and 95 catties buffalo hides, 100 boarding Pikes, 37 piculs tin, 50 spears, 14 bags chillies, 10 bags
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  • 283 3 By the British bark Mary Sharp, for Jjondon—--10 piculs and 63 catties«dried ginger, 104 piculs coffee, 6 piculs dragons blood, 168 piculs and SI catties buffalo hides, 3,200 in no. canes, Transhipped ex Eleanor from Pinnng —B piculs and 70 catties whife pepper. By the British brig Formidable, for
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  • 202 3 SHIPPING, Arrivals, J uly 1837. July Ist—British bark Emily June, Kan die, from Bombay 4th Jam*—fat /British hriir Funny* MahJ. Arif, from /?ombay 21st May—2d IT. M. brig Zebra, McCrea Esq. from Pulo Tingv 30th June— 2<! K. I. C. Steamer Diand* f'ougalton, from Pulo Tingy 30tU Jun»* —.'{.l British
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  • 93 3 July 2d /Jritish brig Formidable St&ge, for Chirm. —2d British bar* Eleanor, Tiinins for twh bark Mary Sharp, ifrown, for Loudon.— M Dutch bark Hoop op f'alwmart.Gjtb'n, for Bataiia.—itli Amer. bark BnAhrrt Hall,"tor Ifoston.—4th Brit -b bark E)mly Janr, Kandk-. for ChinS.—4ih i'ort. br,:» Esjxrama, De C'ruiz,
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  • 57 3 Per Janet, W. D. Shaw Captain Bid,lk*, Artillery, Revd. E. Davis and lnatft-r M. Bi-i.lle. iVr SajtticoH, MMNTS. J. Henry, J. J. Woodford, mil Pieter/e. Per Utwjee Family, M rsnrs. 8.-ai.-. Ferv,r«, Burns, and Capl., Ludovino. Per Diana, from Mu!*ca The Hon'bie 5. bonnain £*q. (ioveruor,—Dr. ani
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    • 125 4 ~~r~ZJZr»m i mre told uk a credit of 230r 4 months* and all produce bought from the nativtf, Tf for ready casw. Aim,* all good. vpedaU, "alciUated, i. the Spanish Dollar divided fatojCnSf
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      • 609 4 All saht of Europe** Import* can be effected for payment in cash, and returns made in Bills or Specie, when produce U not pr*ftrred. COTTON PIECE (JOODS; —PLAIN, PRINTED ant] WOVE. No importations ,*ince our last, andthere ha-» been very little doing during the week. CA MBKIC*. Heavy stocks
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    • 393 4 BENGAL AND MADRAS PIECE GOODS.—The only sale of the latter which ha* come to our notice is 25 cor<res 8 Kal Bhte Sa'enpores (a) dollars 41 per corge, small importations, and the article continues in >o 1 demand by the Pontianac traders. Bengal Sa innks and Chintz are
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    • 21 4 No vessels at present on the .4*r& for London or tonnage much in request at ajrout thejrates quoted. *M J >
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    • 52 4 Bills on London at present scarce, and the onlv have heard of since our !a*t area few small Navv^ril V days Mfi U negotiated fit -U 6d per dr. Km. !I n f 1 C.iina in'ich wauled—oa the latter Dlace at Bengal have been sold at par. %bout doUa
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    • 34 4 From England 2d March, per Formidable Prom Batavia, 16th June, per Jam From Calcutta. I«Kh June, perj*»! rrom Bombay, 7th June, per EarlofßnL From Chiua, 2d May. per TerneUe karra April, p.r
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    • 1520 4 A PRICES IX J. 1 1 PRICES IX EUROPEAN ARTICLES. 1 RE MARK ST. :Sp. Mr*. 1 EASTERN ARTIN.FFI 1 1 Do/re. REMARKS. COTTON PIECE-GOODS. r 1 PIEFTE-GOODS BENGAL. i H vy ,u,k 3 a 6 Limited demand Cambrics. 12 yds by 40 a 42 inch, piece do
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    • 69 4 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. Tin <fr Antimony Ore, £1. U a Sueur, in bag* £4. p,. r 20 cwt. Sngo. in bag, *4 a XU.«, par do. HWm, in balk 6 por 20 cut. Snpan Rattans. S dnn n**e £2.per 20 cwt. fiambierv in biukot.,£«. 10l 7cwt Coff«, 4 p„
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    • 80 4 Ox LONDON. Private Bills at 6 mo st.4# 7</perDr. Tre«arj, <k Navy Bills at 10 to 30 u* 4M tW per Dr. On Calcutta. Private Bill* at 30 Di«m St. 216 r- d.„°J" R> PP r D« 100 None. JOta U» NW 2li a 4,# c r P- r
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    • 77 4 ON GOODS To EP W! (not north n/ Great Britain) U vr Ci I>o. north qf America and New Sooth Safe's..'.." 4 n twpeof Good Hopt and jit HAma..!a| i Calcutta... Madras... Bombay... JVrsian GulpS'.. H Red Ses. #M 3j Cey100..." JJaaritiiij... J* Bo«rbon... 2
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