Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 1 July 1837

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • Title Section, Illustration
    28 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. NO. 26 VOL. 7. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY Ist. 1837. New Series.' lt p>><> h Prop r AMoMi m o be 14 t 4
    28 words
  • 508 1 I'm: FOLLOWING Is REPUBLISHED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION. FOIIT WILLIAM, LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT, THE 22ND. MAY, 1837. I *F.SOI.I TION.—The Governor General in i men having had under his consideration the j -cnt Mate of the Administration of Affairs in j Sttflcments of I'rince of Wales" Island, Sin- j re
    508 words
  • 1485 1 It is hereby enacted, that from the date of losing of this Act, Regulations I. and IX. of passed by the Governor in Council of Prince Inland, Singapore and Malacca, and i*e Regulation I. of 1831, passed by the •'resident in Council, shall be repealed.
    1,485 words
  • 134 1  -  By Order of the Court. JAMES LOCH, SENR. SWORN CLERK. Registrar's Office~) Court Housr, at Singapore the r ith. June 1b37-J TV THE COURT CP JUDICATURE OF PRINCE OK WALES ISLAND, SINGAPORE, MALACCA. OTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that the Third General Quarter Session of the Peace will be holden
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  • 22 1  -  WILLIAM MERRY WEATHER, GILBERT ANGUS. THE U ndersioned have associated themselves in business here, under the Firm of MEIIRYWEATHER AND ANGUS.
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  • 21 1 SODA Water Manufactured at the Singapore Dispensary, and t« be had for Drs. per doz. Singapore 10 th Sept. 1836
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  • 2033 1 To print the first number of the South AxstrnJitiu Ci'izette and .C-Gonial in the capital of the civilized world, with the intention of publishing its second number in a city of the wilderness of which the site is yet unknown, may appear to many more chimerical than interesting;
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 81 1 CONSULATE Of THE UNITED STATES. THE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed on the 4tb of July 183 C, by the President of the United States by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Consul of the U.S. for the Island of Singapore, and having received the recognition of his
      81 words
    • 308 1 FOR LONDON fine Bark Columbi»n, Captain TOMKINS, is daily expected from Batavia, and having the greater part of her cargo engaged will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage apply to, PATEKSO&' CO Xin'japore, 24th June, 1837. WHO WANTS GREXUINE WINES, BRANDY, LIQUEURS and Salad OIL, at moderate prices
      308 words

  • 1324 2 (Frmm the Journal of the Asiatic S- city for April.) Frjin the termination of the Burmese war to the present period the spirit of inquiry has never j slept, and the roost strenuous have been made by the officers employe on the eastern
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  • 2204 2 SCHIEDAM HALL. COVST :"—vou are forsworn, forsworn," You came in arms to spili mine enemies blool, But now in arms you strengthen it with yours. lira:—Here is vour hand mid seal lor what I did. K. JOHN. O, wLen the last account twixt heaven and earth Is to
    2,204 words

    • 139 4 rT' yT —Unta nf thU Settlement held on the 23d April 1835, that all sales shall be effected on the principle of Cash we shall in future— i It having been agreed at
      139 words
      • 427 4 All talr* of European Imports can be effected for payment in cn. Jt, and returns made in Bills or Specie, whin produce is not preferred. COTTON PIECE GOODS.—PLAIN, PRINTED and COT OREI>. Siwe our last the Hinda from Liverpool lias arrived, but she imports only to a very moderate
        427 words
    • 1620 4 PHICES IN I 1 PRICES 1 N N A RFFFFTHF^ EASTERN ARTICLES 1 1 in ot EUROPEAN ARTICLES. Sp. Uolrs. 1 1 Sp. lJoln R J REMARKS. COTTON PIECFC-TH)ODS. f 7. 2} H?av >' ,tOCk f,, 3 a 6 Limited demand 1 PIECE-GOODS BENGAL. Cambrics. 12 yds by
      1,620 words
    • 300 4 BENGAL AND MADRAS PIECE GOODS.—The A'laheve J ro:n Calcutta brings about 70 Hale-. 40 inch S anna ha an< 1 Blue Salem pores are in some enquiry, but we hive not heard of a'iy transactions sin< e our last. OPlTAl.—Declining-, and scarcely any thing doing during the week.
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    • 13 4 di a-r 1 i "*£iiunia. Plentiful, and tonnage to Loudon much wanted.
      13 words
    • 60 4 A r W JJSia. »r Dr XIK>X nvaU? BlU ut 6 mo "t. 4*7rf 'fcsi J?s k A°nr ,ia 4 Nai7 Bm 8 10 30 2'" CS at3 y a2l5,i!l,iCo R*. per D^'iSS. 1 PriVate d M R 220 VO.v BOMBAY, do. do. R p a ooo Drs 100.
      60 words
    • 53 4 To Eenore (aw niMhofiirsatuitluin) ,< pr. <>. aml Q^. U HXn;"'oi Calcutta i Madras... •Bombay... 1 JVrsian Gulph' Red Sea... Ceylon... Mauritius... —J* Bourbon... Manila... H *> V Malacca K—» S «i Rangoon, Amherst Town «fc Moulmein 2 Borneo Proper... <># ]j (i Premtum on
      53 words
    • 12 4 been "oS ZtT C anton much wanted. on a^'u tta and
      12 words
    • 39 4 From R anC S|' l Mar ch, p»r From Batav.a, 16t h June, per From R S T l ,>ne > P er From C\l W From \l o M V.Pf and anila, «.(>th April, per Son Joaquim.
      39 words
    • 167 4 •Minto and fihio ?£h i^e -MU?TY' Ambarak, from Batavia, i">*' 2! h M.r.-.«h l<riti,h L 0 Jr /W K 0( 7 ,8on nV frum *'ne.— ihth British barX MW//I r Crr from Troong, 18th <>» Oood id Pei, v -2sth I)itrh Um Llver Cape < •'it-i,
      167 words
    • 89 4 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. T- t 4 —-«4vrwu U. Tin Antimony Ore, *1. 5 a 2 5»gar, in b a?s £4. per 20 cwC Sago, i n bn ff d £4 a £>4. 4s per do. Hides, in bulk £6. per20cwt. Snpnn wood, > Rattans. dnnnage C2. per 20 cwt.
      89 words
    • 149 4 DATE. May 31 J_ -VKSSELS 1 XLMFCI Arner. bark ~~~7u„7iZ^ J C (>N *>IGNEE8. 1 J. Balestier 1 Natives 1 Robert Wise Holliday Co. Boonteong Co. J. BaJestier Natives W. Hewetson Syme 9t Co. Apcar Stephens Shaw, Whitehead &Co. J. d'Almeida Son Syme Co. 4 Natives
      149 words