Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 31 December 1836

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1 3 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 34 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register No. 53, VOX.. 6. Bak-LMHjsmr J_VJ£WIU*, lIHWBBI 31s*. 1.836. New Series." Public Notifications appearing in this Paper and Signed by tn« Proper Authorities are to be considered as Official.
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  • 220 1 PROGRAMME OF SPORTS For 2nd, January, 1837. j Hr*.— .A Yacht Race for all comers. En- trance, Drs. ft each boat. Prizes froiji the Fund: lst. Boat Drs. 20. 2nd. Boat 10. Yachts to bp ready at the starting post at 10 o'Clock a. m. and to be started by
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    • 339 2 via to feci a deep sense of gratitude for that providential care, which at the same time averted much of those more distressing and calamitous events which are the usual concomitants of visitations of this nature. It is m fact scarce credible that m a storm of such duration, for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 497 1 NOTICE. In the Court op Judicature of Prince of Wales Island Singapore and Malacca. ir% OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the First General Quarter Session of the Peace will be holden by the said Court, for Singapore and the places subordinate thereto, at the Court House m Singapore on Monday
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    • 586 1 ADMIKISTaATIOK. N A. Notice is hereby given, that letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights, credits, and effects of the late John Poynton Esquire deceased, bave this twelfth day of December been duly granted luider the seal of the Court of Judicature of Prince of
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    • 321 1 HOTICK, iX consequence of Messrs. Douglas Anderson Sc Co. of London not having completed their engagements with Douglas Mackenzie Co. dated London 31st December 1529; and Mr. H. W. Douglas having died at Edinburgh on 4th Jijne last. The firms of Douglab Mackenzie Co. at Canton, Singapore and Batavia will
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    • 73 1 I NOTICB. JL HE interest of Mr. Andrew Johnstome m t our Establishment ceased on the 30th. of June last. JARDINE, MATHESON and Co Canton, 24th. November! 836. m* If OTICE. JI HE interest of Mr. Edward Watson m our Firm, ceased this day. MACLAINE FRASER ano CO. Singapore, 31
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  • 1448 2 EDICT FROM THE VICEUOY. r\n order to the Mong-mercnants, from Tang Governor of Kwang-tung and Kwang-se and President of the board of war, Ke, the Lieut. Governor of !v\v**Jfrar-tung and secondary guardian of the Prince, and Wan, commissioner of the maritime customs at tlie Port of Canton, and overseer
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  • 596 2 FOREIGN MERCHANTS LETTER TO THE VICTORY. TO HIS EXCELLENCY The Governor of Kwaistußg and Kwangse. We beg leave arrain to ad hess your Excellency, and respectfully to renn -st are-consideration of onr application for the Va port of Raw Silk and Silk Piece Goods upon the e, dsting single Duties,
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  • 365 2 R*ply of Tang, the governor of Kwanghm, and Kwangee, president of the Board of War, Sc-., to the petition of the l&i.gli.ii barbarian merchants Fox, &c Hy examining the regulations for the foreign vessels trading at this port, I find that each is permitted tn expert annually,
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    • 35 2 At Pinang, on Sunday 1 1th instant, the Lady ofGsonoi Slott Esq ,ci a Bon and 11?. a. At M mlmein, on the -OthSept., Iks Lady of Captain K.Callt, Commissary General, of a Son.
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  • 2960 2 SINGAPORE, Saturday Evening, Dec. 31st. 1836. On Thursday the »hip Cemmmie arrived heve from China the 90th. instant. We lenni a few numbers of the Canton Rtefe* Ur and Press to the 17th instant, have boea distributed m (lie settlement. Our own Tiles have nor vet made* their appearance, but
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