Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 24 December 1836

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 16 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register No. 52, VOlta 6. SATxmnnv .rammm, iHwawsßWH asm. isae. "New Satin*"
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  • 2233 1 1827-28. II Y THE HON'LE F. J. SHORE. Diseases. Continued from our last. 131. The season for residing in the jungle is worth noting. Those who are accustomed to the *oit of climate, first go theie about the 15th of November, but by the first
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 480 1 Public Notifications appear »»e_w_«_ M M^ M i^ |IM| aMIW M jM NOTICE. In the Court or Judicature of Princb of Wales Island Singapore and Malacca. IVT -M OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tbe first General Quarter Session of the Peace will be holden by the said Court, for Singapore
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    • 549 1 ing m thi« Paper an* Signed WANT3ED. -M- Pony fit for Buggy and Palanquin, young and of good action. Apply by note to tbe Chronicle Office addressed R. N. describing age, price, &c, and where to be seen. Singapore, Deer. 2d 1 8 36. NOTICE. A\. he Undersigned begs to
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    • 585 1 1 by thn Proper Authorities ar NOTICE. WHITE SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE &c. m, OR Sale, and just received ex-Hersey, from I London, and to order, a fresh batch superior White Sparkling Champagne m 3 dozen cases j price Drs. 13 per dozen. JOHN GEMMILL. Who has also a few 3 dozen
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    • 202 1 c to be considered aa Official. -_e_____=— i i ii IFOR SALE.. HE following articles just landed from the Dutch schooner Omega, from Batavia 30 Leaguers Batavia Arrack, 42 Chests Black Tea, 1 Case Gold Thread and Bangles, 2 Very Superior French made Iron Safes. Apply to H.J. Netscher Esn.,
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  • 1245 2 The usual Monthly Meeting of the Agri-horti-cultural Society too* place ♦hi.3 morning the President Sir Edward Ryan i tlie Chair. Several new Members were elected, and S branch Society at Beerhoom was announced! We have much pleasure m stating that the fallowing resolution was recorded io honor of theid
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  • 1975 2 OPIUM. Memorial from Hen rice, a KeHtsz-chung of the military board, to the Lmperor. (Coi-Ue.ueil from last Chronicle j Formerly their merchantmen anchored at i\ baropoa, and there smuggled opium. ln the lirst year <t laoukwang m consequence of a pettition from lehang Shoo, after the e\a ninution was
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    • 15 2 At Singapore, on Thursday the ttd. Infant. thewifeolMa J Ii Jambu, of a D/-1011TTR
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    • 21 3 At Sinjrapore, on the afternoon of tbe 20th Infant, I i utenant John P. Germon, 4fcth Rect. M N I
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  • 14 3 letter of "A Constant Visitor" has been 1, and is under consideration.
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  • 626 3 SINGAPORE, Saturday Evening, Dec. 24th. 1836. advices from China dated (ith insree tved during th? week inform us, itteri still remain m that country as mined as before, so much so that none I d what measures the Chinese go- intend to pursue respecting the nde, whether the importation of
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  • 265 3 I M PO RT S Betel Xrr. Arrivals are expected, which are likely to affect prices. Drs. 4 at 4$ per picul. British Manufactures. Without any improvement m demand or prices. Cotton. In the few transactions that have occurred m tbe past week, the middling qualities of tbe
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  • 1730 3 Raw Silk. Very little of fine quality has lately been brought to market prices continue to he maintained. Siik PIBCB (ioons. Tbe manufacturers have many orders m hand, which circumstance, united with the high value of the Raw Material, keep 6 up the prices of most descriptions of these
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  • 227 3 The following gnods hace n/y landed from tlie Brazilian hip Casar. y62 gallons arrack, 54 boxes steel, 6 boxes soap, 503 dozens common knives, 3 pieces drills, 1 cask gimlets, (.0 pairs shoes, 4 keg* pickled pork, 2 kegs olives, 24 doz. constantia, 2,320 bundles bead, 1 box looking
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  • 816 3 By tha Dutch bar\ Fattnl Salnm,for Pontianak, 150 cor. Bugis sarongs, ">oo m no. Siam iron pans, 10 chests raw silk, 40 cor. blue salempores 150 pis Siam oil, 150 panels china jo»_s papeiyso cor. blue moorees, 10 ror. brown salempores. By the British bark Briyht lanet, for Pinang
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  • 138 4 "This Mnx a Free Port, there are no Duties on Imports and Exports, and no Port Charges on Pm****** 1 0. f, t M_.„K_r... »f thi. Settlement held on tlie 23d April 1835, that «1I Bale, shall be effected on the
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  • 1142 4 411 K>* of Europeun Imports can be effected fv payment m cash and ref «m* made m 00.r SpCCtW. or tj*td*de*t. When fImdUQC is not preferred. COTTON ratCß GOODS, P/<'»". Piiahdand ll 'or.:.— Tho Bctieotden Trom Liver ra___ lizt* via arriv-d -i .co ioria^has imported only a very
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  • 1360 4 micas m I EUROPEAN ARTICLES. i REMARKS. Sp. Dolrs. I COTTON PIECE-GOODS. Cambrics, 12 yds by 40 a42 inelf. piecr M 0 a 2 1 > k do 12 yds by 45 to 511 inch dv i a 2\ do 24 yds by 54 a6O inch do 3
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  • 89 4 PREMIA OF INSURANCE ON GOODS. To K crops (not north of Great Britain) 3 i* r Do. north of do. <i. H American and N. South Wales 3 H Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena Calcutta 2 I Madras Bombay 2 Persian Gulph 3 Red Sea i Ceylon 2
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  • 200 4 i im ana Antimony Ore, £2. a £2. 10. per 20 cwt. j Sugar, m bags £4. per 20 cwt. I Sago, m do. £4. per do. Hides, m bulk £.5. a £5. 10s. per do. Sapan wood, m bulk £3. a £3. IDs. per
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 134 4 SHIPPING. ARRIVALS, DECEMBER 1836. ARRIVALS OF PASSENGERS i per. 20tb^British ship Cpt^ h v frQm Qh[ SWh-Blittsh hnft Bnkifint, Ry^/on.i.oi, Liverpool Bth fun- British h\rb Ivl\, Br f tlHn Olina l«th oj=. If c ,!.t-l^ r n .hip Fe^/i rStS^^R I -ted—Dutch _*hoor_er i).>an fl| Ard^on, irom B-Mavia Bth flUember.
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    • 194 4 _r man in* aoove-raies. j •_>-— r I fegIPUNG ,N Tftfi HARB^^X I^ate. 1 Vessel^ JSames ~Consk;nf.f.s j om^JT^hhT^SSljkliTf'rosi. t)EST^v^nnvl T, > V io nS? ip i «al,stier La Favour RnwYofk "CBS? H" ?n t^!?u, Ze/jAyr Hay and Duncan Doig Batavia Bstavia w r h X V** ?T luBt h
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