Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 12 November 1836

Total Pages: 5
1 1 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 33 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register No. 46, VOJ_. 6. sATmawLY mwmmUm%% 12H_- 1830. Public Notification, appearing m thi. l»__« Z~2 -aper and Sig_e_ by tho Proper Author..... re to be considered a. o_Kc__
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  • 2006 1 (Frow the News, June 20 r) The folio wiag account is so like one of the powerful but horrible inventions of modern fiction, that we have for some days hesitated to give it a place m our columns. It appeared m the Limerick Star of the 14th mst
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  • 757 1 C)sth. July 1836 J ■P— ni 1 Mace 4 o a 8 0 Nutmegs, ungarbled 5 0 a G 9 shr veiled <°f ord. 3 6 a 4 6 Sago, Frari 14 6 a 19 0 per Cwt. j Ri c, Ja/vi 9Off 13 0 Silk, China, T.iatlee
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 444 1 OOVERNWBNT NOTIFICATION. N otice is hereby given, that on Thursday the Bth December next at 11 o'clock Government will sell by Public Auction the two Gunhoats Dart and Arrow/ with their sails and masts. Conditions of sale ready money and the boats to be the risk of the purchasers from
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    • 560 1 I WOTICE. j *HE Undersigned has been appointed J by the Board of Underwriters of New- York, m the United States, their Agent and Attorney for I Singapore and its vicinity. n m mammm m^a J BALESTIER Singapore, 27th July 1836. PORBALE. T ew half pannelled Buggy, built by Harrowell,
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  • 47 2 Thf. Tea Trat>e. Monday.— The delivery last week was 83\0001b., making the total clearances for a fortnight very nearly 2,400,0001 b. The public pales fies trade teas commenced to-day. The quantity announced for the present sales amount to about 35,000 chests. Times, 20th July.
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  • 378 2 COrvI3INi\TION OP THE BLACK TF.A M3.N. From the Canton Begister 2~dh. Oct. Our local readers are aware that the Blacktea men have arrayed themselves m opposition to the hong-merchant-?, and against the usual course of the trade this is not a new thing m the history of the tern
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  • 550 2 The Edict from the hoppo, and the report of thi 0 eifpftt, detailing the iath?r confused state cf the pilot Choo's mind at seeing the fast-smoke-♦f'Sy, Jardine, minus smok'-tub's and revolvingfck choriot-vh-f's, may excite a smile ;4>nt neither n tbe nnttl falsehoods nor hnmbnitlc threats can PF e. -icany otuci
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  • 382 2 Wan, by Imperial appointment, boppo of Canon &c. kc. <__ to thi hoog-aM rchantl for their uli infor nation. T'he IVeiyue i of Macao has (reported as follow*. The Pilot, Choo, has reported, saying that on ;he 3rd dny of the 7th moon
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  • 2185 2 TO THE EDITOR OF THE _U?; GATOR E CHRONICLE Mr. Editor, J 1 had^e pleasure of reading your Chronicle of the Bth and 15th instant, Nos. 41. and 12. In the first number, I rind inserted my letter, or rather a pan of it,- to your address dated the
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    • 49 2 On the 23rd gtptassbw bet, r r illn#»*is; of Calcutta fr-ver, died on bssisl H I JVnir, n 'he Biv of Beufal, Mr Robert Pad. Master* Asslslsnt, SJ|-d M fSBTi. At fhssaow m .Tune last A B TaVM ewl late of Pntavn. i i ii _g— mtm mmmmr'
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  • 962 2 SINGAPORE, Saturday Evening, Nov. 12th. 1836. By the ship V'vtor.t which SftfrsJ mtm from China, on tho llth Instant SSJ kbr* re ceiveil a Canton Bmmnw'ei tho 2V» ul aal from whi'-h we bava recopted mmm ing extracts. Oik Cnton corr^^v.nJent the 27th all writes that no MtdsaM been mide
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  • 1983 3 X m another column makes his second apPenaoce nc we think to as little advantage as at his first. Id his present communication we are charged with having made a lamentable abridgement of his former letter and that m consequence much of the force of his argument had been destroyed.
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  • 351 3 By the British brig Helen. From /W.r Coast.— 1,-J'O pis. hrtelnut. Bi, the British brig Patriot. From SoHrafrWyn.—oDO cases gm, 1, 60 bundles rattans, I9_ pi?. MOdaleooi, 50 ha^kets potatoes. By rhe Spa:vsh brig La Famn. Fr>.n Mnnmu~m 47.S*bags suiir. 478 pis. and 100 Jan oil, 1.741 boxes segirs,
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  • 418 3 Addithat per StrathisUi. For Calcutta. 1 1 .001* bdls. rattans, 591 pis. 42 ctys. Be the British slop Friends, for Liverpool 90 brig a coffee, 191 ply. SM. hags white pepper, 64 p'.s. M bags bin. k pepper, ftSI pl>. 1 10 basal cas^.a, 70 pis. 174 slabs tin,
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  • 355 3 ARRIVALS, NOVEMBER 1836. Nov. sth. British ship Ed'.tonsfone, McDougnll, from China. Nov. sth— Britnhship Lord Castlerearjh, Tonks, from China. Nov. 6th British ship Helen, G. Setford, from China. Nov. 6th.— British brig Napoleon Hnlme. from Piang. Nov. 6th.— British ship Tigris, Tetherington, from Calcutta. Nov. Oth.— But. ship lim,
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  • 196 4 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE PRICE CURRENT. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER, 5th 1836. v This being a Free PorU there are no Ditties on Imports and Exports, and no Port Charges on V esse^ 7 It having been agreed at a Public Meeting of the Merchants of this Settlement, held on the 23d April
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  • 1113 4 EUROPEAX ARTICLES. REMARKS. .S^. Loirs, j COTTON PIECE-GOODS. Cambri.s, 12 yds by 40 a42 inch, piece 1-40 a 2? do 12 yds by 45 to 50 inch do a 2\S Hc y Y Btock I™° r. y H 8 5 L 54 Ami* inch *M a 5 Limited
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  • 1373 4 AU sale's ff European Imports can be effected fr payment i*4a*m UM*tr*tme* * m Bills- pecic, or GoUMnat, wheto produce is not preferred. IMPORT S. COTTON, PIECE GOODS, Plain Printed and Wove.- The Earl Grni, arrived from Liverpool sines our last brings abort 250 Packages mostly plain Cottons.
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  • 189 4 *i« «uiu ABrimony (ire, £2. a £2. |Oi per 2<» cwt Migar, tn bags £4. per 20 cwt. j;a^o, m do. £4. per do. Hides, la hulk £5. a £.5. 10s. per do Sapan wood m hulk £3. a £3. 10s. per do. Oamhier,m baskets,
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  • 75 4 PERMIA OF INSURANCE ON GOODS. To EUROPE (not north ef Great Britain; 3 Do. north of do. American end N. South Wales Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena Calcutta 2 Madras Bombay Persian Gulph 3 Red Sea Ceylon 2 Mauritius Bourhon 9 China 2 Manila Java Bencoolen and Padang
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 138 4 .ne ofmrr-nwr,-. CT- -i tt- SHl_»_»iilg_ TT-f Tfftf WAftflOffT., Oct t. Dutch 3"' N A T 'r_ HS j-Commax^,.. 1 W, B ;.„os. D«_t7^__J_^ 27 British bri* uI,Z A. L_ j,u, i_, reC n J*"* 0 l ,<,on *>•»-• HT u K b ,4 sss?*' fec__r _sl I »B *-iS^fe
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