Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 27 June 1835

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1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 38 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. NO. 2*6, VOL. 5. SATURDAY BVfiJNIDTG, JITHE 27, 1835 [New Series.~\ P dl,in V) Me C’ions a* wirin'] in this Paper, and Signed by the Proper Authorities are to be considered as Official,
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  • 42 1 The A. 1. Ship Medora Captain Tweedie, 352 I ons ister. For Freight or Passage, (having superior accommodations) apply to SYME CO. Singapore, 247 A Apt il 1835. Capt, Tweedie will not be responsible for Debts contracted by his Crew.
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  • 48 1 And will meet with quick despatch, the greatest vart of her Cargo* being on board* The fine fast-sailing Barque John Craig, Captain Currie, 370 Tons A. 1 Has excellent Acmodations for Passengers. For Freight or Passage, apply to A. L. JOHNSTON CO. Singapore, YhlhMay, 1835;
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  • 47 1 i Jgp The fine new British Ship jUgf* Brilliant’’ ('apt. Gilkison 1 on her first voyage, has greater part of her cargo ready to go on board and will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage apply to. PATERSON Co. Singapore 6f.h June 1835-
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  • 39 1 To sail in all next week. Jgr The first-class river-built Barque Sarah, Capt.Sadler, has room for a few tons of lig ht freight only—for which, or passage, apply to BOUSTEAD, SCHWABE& Go. Singapore, 26 th June 1835.
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  • 4550 1 EUROPE. THE CHANGE OF ADMINISTRATION From the rimes, December 8. We copy from a country paper the following letter from a member of Parliament to one of Isis constituents, on the recent change of the Ministry Dear Sir, I am induced by your letter, as well as by the conversations
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 298 1 GOVERN WENT NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given, that no Certlfi will in future be granted by the Regi-drar of Imports and Exports for Goods exported to Calcutta unless such G M,ds sh dl have been dnl\ entered at tlie Registrar’s Office on their imoortation into thiCSettlement according to the following
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    • 161 1 except Treason and Felony, and fordoing such a< ts as lawfully may be done without luq lest or Jury at Quarter Sessions of the Peace, under and by virtue of His Majesty’s Letters Patent establishing the said Court. By Order of the Court, H. C. CALDWELL. Acting Senior Sworn {Jerk
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  • 1001 3 Hy Etti ick Slup!ierd‘ I.OilD n M TO A GREAT PERSONAGE. Pear W —m, to me, on such (hint's reflecting, Y >ur .Majesty’s kindness is really a fleeting J •Sure never had servants such mister But then, J is as certain no master had ever such men.
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  • 676 3 (From the P IF Gazette, May 16 We have n »w tue pleasure of givui :n ierti m to the account that appears m the Singapore Chronicle of til- 25tii April, ot the meeting ot the Ylerchants and Inhabitants of that Flan 1, ailudevi to in our last number;
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  • 1074 3 Address of the Maritime Officers of the Hast India Gompawy to the King “Most Gracious Sovereign We, yourMa-je-ty’s loyal subjects, Officers of the late Maritime Service of the East India Company, most humbly desire to approach your Majesty, to express our gratitude for the honour which your Majesty has
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  • 890 3 Saturday Evening, 27th Jtme, 1835 The Brig Ceei/ia. Roy, from Calcutta 14th May via Pinang,and Brig Tartar Rough from Batavia 224 June, both arrived tins moruing. By the latter w* have received a few numbers of the London Times for January, whieh add nothing new to our European intelligence.
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    • 200 4 ARUIVALS,. JUNE, 1835. 21st Dutch barque Remhang, Christensen, from Batavia. British barque Woodlark Tozer, from Madras, l ‘-nang and Malacca 2Gth Dani'h ship Danish Oak, Ralie, from Copenhagen 8th Sept. Tranqnebar Pondicherry and Penang. 27th British b ig C ccelia Roy, from Calcntta 1 -1th Mav, and Penang t7
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    • 311 4 By the Dutch barque Dederika, 222 Tons from Hat avia. 16 Pis 59 ctys Nutmegs 2 66 Mace 400 Banco Tin 47 tie Mar 50 BuOaloe Sinews 23 Dried Meat 15 Thread 48 inNo.& 1 bondleßattan Mat 204 in N<>. Planks 3 pis Fish Fins 10 Horns b
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    • 700 4 By the British barque, Cornwa!lis>6() o Tuns jor China 225 Pis Rattans By the British barque Trough ton, 282 Tons Jor Irina 645 pis 29 ctysMraits Tin 304 5 13anca Tin 2(io pieces colored Cottons JiO British White do. 455 pis Cotton SO4 English Iron 926 Rice 2z7 Rat
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    • 145 4 Date. J VESSELS’ NAMES, j Tons f COMMANDERS. Where From. J Destination. To Sail Apr. I Brit, ship Medora 3S3 Ja*. Tweedte Hanjarmawn Loudon May I Brit, barque Sarah 364 Win. Sadler Batavia Liverpool 7 Amer. slup Marmora 325 —Pearse liina ('owes \Qr Brit, barque John
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    • 348 4 Opium. —Almost nothing doing in the Bengal drug. We un* I derstand that a few chests Malwa, have been sold at about Drs. I 600 per chest. j Sugar. —A few hundred piculs white Siam, have been taken j in payment of account at s rs. Only about
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    • 143 4 Tin and Antimony Ore £1.10#. per 20 cwL Sugar £3. 10#. a £4 per 20 cwt. Ctkffee £4. 10#. a £5 per 18 cwt. Pepppr £5 0.9 per 16 cwt. Sago £3. 15# a £4 per 50 feet Gainbier £5 a £5. 5# per 20 Cwt. Measurement
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    • 1356 4 rt having been agreed 1 at. a Public Meeting of the Merchants of this Settlement,, held on the 23rd April, that alt sates shall be fueled on the principle of Cash, we shall in future—instead of our barter quotations—give them at Cash rates. The Currency in which commercial
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