Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 20 November 1834

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • Title Section, Illustration
    33 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. NO. 47. ▼OX.. 4. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1834. [New S />ai/ic Notifications appearing in this PAPER, and Signed by the Proper Authorities, are to be considered as Official.
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  • 22 1  -  G.F. DAVIDSON The Undersigned will commeoce Business as Merchant and Agent, under the style of DAVIDSON Co., on the Ist Proximo.
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  • 70 1 M. AGUSTINE AVIZAGNET has the honor to inform the Public, that he has arrived from France, and purposes establishing himself at Singapore in the exercise of his profession of MASTER TAILOR. Having worked for upwards of ten years in Paris, he hopes to give satisfaction to ever y person
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  • 28 1 MY Interest and Responsibility in the firm of LOVING Co. and KAPPA, LOVING Co. will cease from the Ist Proximo. J. RAPPA. Singapore, 16/ A Oct. 1834,
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  • 126 1  -  JACOB RAPPA, JOHN HENRY. The Undersigned have this day commenced the business of Auctioneers and Genera! Traders under the 6rm of RAPPA Co Singapore. The Commission on Auction Sates will be 3 per Cent and a very small charge for Coolies, receiving and lotting Goods, and for Gong and
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  • 1412 1 (Calcutta Couritr, Oct. S.J An important fact it mentioned in the Bombay Ga. telle, quoted from a letter u of a very late date'* from Cairo—that the Mediterranean fleet, under Sir John Rowley, had left Malta for the Dardanelles and that A LAtOKfLKT BAD LEFT
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  • 86 1  -  EDWARD BOUSTEAD, GEORGE MARTIN. Is HEREBY OIVBN, that Probate of the last Will and Testament of SAMUEL MouN&EY,lateof Singapore, deceased, has this day been issued out of the Court of Judicature of Prince of Wales' Island, Singapore and Malacca, and granted unto EDWARD BOUSTKAD and GEORGB MARTIN, Executors in
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  • 26 1 Mr. JAMES STEPHEN has been admitted a Partner in our Establishtoeiit from the Ist instant J. S. CLARK Co, Si gap ore, 3rd. N0v 1834.
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  • 43 1 The Interest of Mr. 6. F. DAtii>som > in our Establishment will j®»se on the let Proximo; and the Batineas will in future be conducted under tbe Finn of J. S. Cxavk and Co. e CLARK, DAVIDSON fc CO. weapon, 291k October 1834.
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  • 1106 1 The Joornil of Madriil. 'he Atkenee poblnhes a very singular let*ei re»j>e<:lHig a di*ccvi»ry 1 1cently and *hicu particularly itik iM 10 Diioriti bie'Oiy. il th-t lin digging Ibe csotl of Sepeae, a rock weefoood aboil eiftot fret under the surface, and beneath this rock it feet some
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 203 1 FOR LONDON. XT The A. I. Barque Jean Graham 261 Tons, J. C. Warren, Commander. For Freight or Passage, (for which she has superior Accommodations) apply to SYME Co. Singapore y \bthOct. 1834. Captain Warren will not be responsible for any Debts contracted bv the Crew of the Jean Graham.
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  • 348 2 (Calcutta Courier Of t- ij "At last we lurr *om«* irac«-s «-f ilie unfortunate Mercury The following extract frj the Peitk Oa*ftte and Wester* Australian Journal of Jul* &ib, WM enclosej in a Idler rwnrfil ye»er<lay from ihe Admiral'* Secretary at Madras, da»*ii the Ibiti iu«i:— Extract from
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  • 874 2 (Englishmen, Sept. jpj A meeting of the proprietors ofihi* society took place >eslerday, at i| ie Exchange, f Gr the purple of ascertaining he of the Lo idon Fund, ard for taking into consideration tlie means to lie adopted for its recovery. The meeting was tlmi.
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  • 405 2 We a<e requested by the proprietor of ilns paper lo intimate to subscribers and to the public the rhauges which it is his purpose lo make consequent on the property having psssed into his hands. The recent sale and the notices fiat have been published
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  • 1028 2 A Singapore paper oltlie SI al. of August was received Friday last. The Autten had arrived from Calcutta and the Hythe from London, the date of depa'tuie of the latter Ist of.May. The Virginia a d Thetis had also ariived from Calcutta. The Chronicle reports at leugt
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  • 82 2 u The Vice President ill Council is happy in having this opportunity to assure the respectable Gentlemen whose names are aifixed to this Petition, and the Hindoo comtnuuiky at large, th«it the Government has no intention to interfere authoratively wkh a view to abridge the number of da)
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  • 1072 2 RAJA MAUN SINO—The offences alledged in justificat on of our interference, are of various degrees of magnitude as will be teen from the subjoined extract of a letter Irom Nusseerabad. The all-engrossing subject of conversation at this Station is the contemplated Joudpoore Campaign. The reply of Itaja Maun Sing
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  • 467 2 i rie Tlie Jesuit Intorcetta, in 'y. Confuciu». menti»us thai tll i L r (wlio lived five centuries be < r often »p«ke of a saint or l.oly vVr wboeiisted, or wa» to ew"t. Those expressions,however. lin the King. o: classics bct 1 the ifte
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  • 281 3 Tow the the Canton liegister Sov 4 y W•- ii?arn l>v a private letter that Go- .11 -:«t n not perinitt*i tlie salt ot the j r i( t! |n; ut Liverpool Iroui DauUig i ihr i of its Oeiug a violation ot irrvitiriit spirit ol the act of
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  • 1272 3 Letter from the Bong Merchants, with two documents from the Governor, October 23 rd 1834. A respectful communication. have received from the Governor an order, requiring us to make to you, gentlemen, t e following communication. Hitherto ships of your honorable nation that have come to
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  • 87 3 (From a Correspondent J It is with much plruaure that I inform you of the estaDlishuieut 01 u uapcr at Macao. The title is u C'i r,, iii».£ he Macao," and tlie following ffl'nlr ic it has been g;ot from Ovid u Rivus nascitur sea eunuo acqinrit
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  • 650 3 Tne ships Ernaad anu William Wilson which arrived from Calcutta this week, on tiieir way to China. brought us Calcutta Paper* to the 10th ult We hove marie a variety of selection;) from their columns, to whi b we 4>e* to ref*r our readers We
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  • 260 3 0 u Dutch brig Tartar, P Roagti/rorr. Patau* 27th 13ili tiintsti fclt'p E'naad, J. Giiielt, front Cat* cutta nil. 14th British W Wilson, T. H. Miller, from i'ulctilta 13 ull. 15th British barque Orissa, R Rodger, from Chin* 4'h inat. British brig Highland Chiff,C. Davint.from Madra*
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  • 20 3 On board the Ship Atia, off Lintin, on the 26th October, THOS W. WHITTLE Eaqre., late of tbit Sctllemeut.
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  • 25 3 Favourite W. Cobb, from London direct, Diana, R- Dudman, from do. via Batavia Tickler fr™ m London direct. Singapore from do.
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    • 959 4 9# the Brit hrigßtntUy, 81 Tons from Ityae Gree ock. and Glasgow. From Clyde, 24iH) pirce* Cambric*, lit dot*. H-ndkfs 70> C" *O H****C *Muni for «tau*i»ipment to Manila.) |>>ro Gr-notk, 540 pirce* plaio Cottony 15 r,. colored Yarn-, 500 piecs ColoredColtoaa, lll*' r .eces gret L-.neclotb, 50 pieces
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    • 1591 4 By the Brit bri§ tUmUy, 961 Tone for London. Oil pit. 80 cl|>* Afinmouy Ore, 114 pit. 43 rlya. Cubohi, 14 pit. Bei jamin, 6 doja. apice Oil, 66 pit. 43 rtvt. Rattaua, 86 pit. 70 clyt. BipHn Wood, 149 pit. 0 clyt Bcnwu, M 4 pit 60 ci
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    • 866 4 ft* i f t 1 4 t AAMSI IE m C1AL REO 1S1 !SR» 1 P SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NO V E M B E R 20M, 1834. I 1 V j 1 N F: I ihl Mi II B MtheDufrk bng FaHal'Gamia. far RatavU SHWPINO TN
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    • 229 4 MANILA SUGAR.'— The Minerva ha*just imported pis. sold at Dis. casli. We understand that further considerable supplies of good Java Sugar in baskets may be daily expected ftom Baiavia. BLACK PBPPER.— Our imports of late have been rather scs my J common JUIIO, it arrives iu small parcels
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    • 1363 4 The majority of sales which take place in itit» Market, are etfecicJ on the principle of darter for Produce, oa Credit; tad tke quoiati«»n* io this Price -Current are made oo that supposition. The Cash Price uf Produce may he said to be Id per cent, ao.ier tbi
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