Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 8 August 1833

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1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 33 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. HO. 32, VOL. 3. THURSDAY, AUGUST, 8, 1833. [New Series Public Notifications appearing in this Paper, and Signed by the Proper Authorities, are to be considered as Official
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  • 56 1 r Jg- The A. 1. fast-sailing Ship j Ermna W. Cobb, Comman- j der, burden 310 Tons, v/ill meet with all possible despatch. j For Freight or Passage, apply to SPOTTISWCODE CONNOLLY, j Singapore, 31s£ luly, 1833, Captain Cobb will not be accountable for any Debts contracted
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  • 26 1 r jgp The A. 1. Ship Orissa, 323 Ton*, J- Tod, Commander. For Freight or Passage, apply to HAMILTON, GRAY Co. Singapore, 5uly, 1833.
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  • 777 1 From, the India Gazette June 26 1833. On Saturday we received by the Eudora files of Mauritius papers extending to the 3d of May. The arrival of Mr Jeremie, on the 29th of Apiil, on board the Jupiter Captain Gasto, which left I’lymouth on the 7th January, and Rio
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  • 2788 1 Decrease of trade in the port of London.— A letter in tins morning’s Times dated City, yesterday evening, gives the following unexpected intelligence:—A meeting was held this morning of ihe proprietor of West India Dock st«w,k, at which a divi# dend of 2 per crut. only was declared on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 291 1 NOTICE. George Armstrong Co. will sell by Public Auction, on Saturday the !Oth Instant, in Messrs. A. L. Johnston 8 l Co ’s large Godown, Battery Road, the Damaged part of tne Hibernia s Cargo, consisting of Camlets, Cold Cotton Velvets, 6-4 Cambrics, 9-8 Grey Long Cloths, Bleached and Unbleached
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    • 126 1 NOTICE. The Undersigned having been duly appointed Trustee, conjointly with Tan Chei, for the bankrupt Estate of Pyching and Tomby I Adong —All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby required j to pay the amount of their debts to I him; and those having any claims are requested
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  • 2166 2 By Dr. Pearson. (From the Bengal Hurkaru, June 5.J We I) ave always doubted whether China or rather that portion of it which is accessible to Europeai s, holds out. any ven flattering prospects to invalids, beyond (lie advantage
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  • 746 2 THE PRESS IN CHINA. From the Canton Register ,3lst May, 1833. It has often appeared to us strange that at a time when the press in China is teeming with publications, for the information of foreigners as to this country, none should have been .set on foot for the instruction
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  • 837 2 i From the Bengal Burkaru, June 17. It seems that we were not too sanguine in anticipating that the inhabitants ot Calcutta, friendly to a subscription in favour of the establishment of the Steam Commu- nication with Great Britain via the Bed Sea, would, notwithstanding the decision oi
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  • 2064 3 POLICE AT PENANG. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SINGAPORE CHRONICLE Sir 9 Without an appeal to the Public, 'nothing w'H be done by the Ruling Authorities.—The present state of the Police at Penang is most deplorable and murders, robberies and crimes of every description are permitted to take place
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  • 1076 3 THURSD A Y, $th AjJGU ST, 1833. The Forth arrived from China on the 2nd. instant, bat having had a protracted passage against the monsoon, she brings no interesting accounts of a late date. Turn of the earliest Bombay ships were entering the Canton River as she was leaving
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  • 183 3 ARRIVALS, AUGUST, 1833. 2nd Bril.schnr. Diamond, Ang Chong Bee, from. Malacca 26ib nit. Brii. ship Forth, C Robinson, from China 10th June. 3rd Fort, barque No*sa Senhora da Luz, J* M■ de Jesus, from Cocliiu 2nd June. Fort, brig Deljihin, B. J. Cardoza, from Madras and Penang. YSrU.hngCaiherine.Lf'r IngWat.
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    • 606 4 By the Cochin Chinese ship Thai-lam, 300 Tons from Batavia. 27 leaguers Aarrack 200 pis. Indigo 323 Rice 25 Cotton 14 Twine 100 in No. large Iron Pans 600 dozs. common Knives 50 catties Bird’s nest black 4| corges Java Mats j By the Dutch brig Joedal Karim, 66
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    • 643 4 Bit the Brit. b> iff Soonhetn 60 Tons, Jar MaJ lacca, and Penang, 10 Pis. Pot atoes 10 n Gfoumi nuts 10 Dates 10 Pooloot rice 20 Java do. 10 Dried fidi 20 Oil Pur Pinang. 2 40 catties Beejan 1 50 Dried fish 3 dried Venison 8,000 yards
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    • 30 4 Vessels Names. j Tons'. Commanders. Where From. To Sail. Arab 290 J. Perrier London via Batavia Brig Scott Irving Liverpool Ship Statesman 345 J. Quilier d°-
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    • 167 4 Date. J VESSELS’ NAMES, j Tons COMMANDERS. Where From. Destination.! To Sail June 12 H. M. S. Curacoa D. Dunn Esq. Batavia Dutch brig Berkat Avjar 150 Mahomed Salik Cherribon July ff Dutch brig Kohein 120 Lim Tianbong Samarang 20 Brit, barque JiuneEvnord 200 V. Blondeau
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    • 64 4 To Tin Antimony Ore, £2 5s. to £2 10* per 20 Cvvt. Sugar, £4 5s. to £4 10* Coffee, £5 10* per 18 Cwt. Sticiac Pepper, £8 per iff Cwt. Measurement Goods, £4 lo* to £7 10* Treasure, per Cent. To Bengal 12 Annas to 1 Sicca
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    • 898 4 The Currency in which commercial transactions are calculated, is the Spanish Dollar, divided into Cents. The com mon weight is the P cul,ot'l33 1-3 lbs. avoirdupoise, divided into 100 Catties. Salt and Rice, are commonly sold by the Koyao of 4 oPiculs nearlyj Java Tobacco hy the Gorge
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