Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 21 March 1833

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 14 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register NO. IZ, VOX.. 3. THURSDAY, MARCH 31,^8^; [New Scries.]
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  • 127 1 1 LATE EimoPEAN^ NTELLIGENCE TOE EXAMINER. London, September 16tA 1823. GERMANY <>* y C'Z,TT t (ro er w» I »>U t qoMliom "''M're-ed. political !ii„. h«M U-", V F 1 '*»**biel, cir.:ul a .e.l. a...l I -'<•• 7 r e ,>i '"'<'-'<•>• " ulu.l, h.,« r of H,e 0 eo
    127 words
  • 97 1 I "<»>r be commnd 6t I. »'«*roy ol I <f»«u„d,h.M »•„>„, i, ii '""> »b 0.,.i Wo u" ,7 -•".1.-M-.e., p,'--"V 1 »v h.,,1 |o,l"j A 'T» M a leagf I S^saaS as:«ca ere »«»y wounded tC p'T' i i,,,,,,^ t bom >"'*'"> "»d condocted r^ Cfaa fl r
    97 words
  • 351 1 fSxamimr, September 23 r bi f b >a 1( ,,t:t,: n^«--''''. *&«3 c "l lv A. i .if" •"■"•■a. fa 11,,..-.. *V, i> ol '"erely of fij.' lz »c. a -p".q.,.i.y <i. s ''"t:"" 1 d for .AT <»' »> X l "'r.„y for «he share lo ,i,„
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  • 373 1 <''' '''"^r^:::^- v to i -'*X ,^:*r, 0 t B b F;^^t^^^"'^Vn?;:r Tariff k ""..r.~., ik >' iv. i <-<iii s|i r „,r n ">< puin r m >n< old. 1 mankind I > r '—«."r, f J" •:;';-»> ir ,b > B i.i i.. b C 1""
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 286 1 Piblic Notifications appearina m thin p n ng th» pA P ana SlfJned hIJ (ke a 9 iue l 0 be considered as Official In the Covet of Jodicatuee of Pbincb of Walks' Island, Sin oapobe and Malacca. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Quarter Session of the Peace will
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    • 262 1 I his Crew, while he remains at this Singapore, 21s/. Feby. 1833. I I FOR LONDON. (Warranted the first vessel to sail.) |g££ burt hen per register 378 Tons, Captain Williams. For Freight I apply to DOUGLAS, MACKENZIE CO. Singapore, 2lst Feby. 1833. j FOR LINTIN and MANILA. JjSL The
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  • 562 2 0..F UaVweL V' X f Abbotsmrd Mnd Va.ll diCHI m his seuoitl Wjbe was ,|,e eldest uf Waller hs mln MUM IO ,he 8i fM Edinburgh, si i': T aml ,i 0^ ;li P'- of, he ho ,n T; U,O,he „1 »">" "Tine ansertioa v
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  • 2718 2 DIALOGUEs BETWEEN JOHN BULL AND JOHN COMPANY. From Alexanders Ernst tu#* Magazine, for Oclebcr TEA-John Comp Now, Sir, you have looked over my aeconnts ot the tea concern, I hope you are 551.,1.M .hat I have served you with the list "a rlic Ie and at the lowest price. ,ue
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  • 1012 2 -umi oj Arrivals at. and Departures from St. Helena. 1i.32. Aug. 29. English bark Samuel Bronn, F Harrl 29. Dub I, ship Batavia, A Sch»a.» r Batavia to Rotterdam P from 31. English ship FJphnstone, J S||orf from Madras to London 0 M 31. English ship Emma, W
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  • 648 3 VAN DIEUEN' S LAND. f South African Commercial Advertiser, November 14 iS.i'2 Important Discovery. We have extracted l. un) the Taomanian a notice of Mr. Sharland s expedition to the Westward, to diacoyer the cjuulity of the land reported by Mr. Robinson. The successful researches of that gentleman are nf
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  • 561 3 .THURSDAY, 21st MARCH, 1833. Our ■hipping report of the week announces the arrival of the barque Colonel Young, (rom Hamburgh the 2nd. of October, and the Cape, m December. By her, we have received a liie ol Cape Paper*, to the B'h of the latter month, but it contains
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  • 393 3 We learn that the arrival here of the Hon'ble the Recorder, may be expected much sooner than was anticipated. The Steamer Irrawaddu had returned to Calcutta, but we understand that a steamer j will eventually be allowed by Government for the conveyance of his Honor, from one Settlement to another,
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  • 618 3 PARAPATTAN O RP HAN ASYLUM. "At a Meeting of European Geetlemea convened this day for the purpose ot establishing an Any. Inns, for tbe bemhiof (>i phans an<l other* tbe descendants of Oliriaiian Parent*, v «a* resolved, ■st, sisal snen au Aaylutn sppenred to tbe Meeting lo be highly desirable
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  • 182 3 (From a Correspondent) Jany. 55th Danish ship Syden, J Burn 4, Macao lOih Jany. for H«mbro. Feby. 4lli Dutch ship Johanna Elizabeth, Boon; from Rotterdam for Bauvia. ,jf Dutch ship Vrouvc Maria, Vander Ber-^, from Rotterdam 19lh October for Bdtu«; A ARRIVALS AT BATAVIA. Jany.
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  • 490 3 February. rope. feaemntge on England at 6m«juili9/ It to/. If] pir Pound Sterling. In Ihe in/er List pubbsiied m our last number, we observe i \io more vessels have been dispatched from Balavia to Padang with troops. Are we to infer from this that the Dutch
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  • 139 3 ARRIVALS, MARCH 1833 17th British brig Jean, E. Edwards, from Penang 9th iust 18th Brit, brig Catherine, Lee lug Wat from Peuang, 4th mst. Malay barque Angelica, Inchee H»<ljee, lrom Triuganu 10th inst oai bfir^ ie Uolouel Young, Chas. k. I homas, from Hamburg 2d Oct and Cape of
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  • 446 4 By the Brit- schnr Diamond, 2o Tons/ lo Corges .Madras Chinti 200 Rupees value Copper Pire By the Dutch barqne Matilda, 23^ Tons, from Hatavia* 261 Pla. 01 Cuities Cof.'te 600 m No. BufTaloe Hides 100 m No. Cow's do 193 Pieces Shirtings 160 Lang Cloth Ikil ci J
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  • 580 4 Bij the ih it schnr. Diamond, "20 Tons. for 31 a lave a. 2500 Yards BritisbWbiteCottons t,O Pla; Sugar J 5 Dried Fish 4 Corges Blatcbo Cloth By the Dutch barque Matilda, 238 'iotis. for Rhtofy Hatavia* 28S Packages China Goods I ?2() Boxe* Manila. Segars 4 Cases Lamps
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  • 921 4 I lie 1 nrnncv m which commercial trmnrnm+tknam .r». i ..i.< i TT r^ ff mo,, wc.uht thr P r ,,i oiiri i-i li.s j i calculated, s tin Spanish Dollar, dirided IntnGents. 7. i a divided into 100 (aims Salt and Rice, are commouli told hr uf<o
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 209 4 VESSELS EXPECTED FROM EUROPE. Vessels' Names, Tons. Commanders. Where From. Bark Edmond Castle !250 j Cairns London via Cape B rk J^net hat 2f>o j —Poe Liverpool via Batav Reform j Hamburgh via, g n M 2*6 W. Battle Liverpool via Batavi Barque Margaret Thomson 272 J. Ogiivie do.
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