Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 29 March 1832

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1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 33 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. NO. 13„ VOX.. 2. THURSDAY, MARCH, 29; 1832. [NEW SERIES.] Public Notifications appearing in this Paper, and Signed by the Proper Authorities are to be considered as Official.
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  • 52 1 The Teak-built Ship bills'? “Lokd Lyndoch,” Captain J. 1). Luscombe, will be despatched about. the ’2sth Proximo. For Freight or Passage, having Accommodations of the first Order. Apply to JOHN PURVIS. N. B. The Lord Lyndoch carries an experienced Surgeon of the Royal Navy. 'Singapore, 2 r 9>th
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  • 27 1 (To sail on the hlh Proximo J(]t The Edward” Caplin* tain Heaviside. lor Freight or Passage, apply to JOHN PURVrS. Singapore 15 ill March 1832.
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  • 4220 1 During the whole of Sunday lust, an extraordinary gloom pervaded tke metropolis, and all classseemed to anticipate some dreadful convulsion, d lie more moderate, strenuously r-commended peace and good order
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 238 1 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED be; leave to notify that Mr. Edward Boustead being no longer in their employ, they have constituted Mr. Adam Sykes their Representative at Singapore, and have invested him from this date, with full authority to act on then* behalf in all matters connected with the Establisimun ROBERT
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  • 816 2 (From the India Gazelle, March 7th We h tve not, ;is we hope<l, sucre tied iti o it;uni. opjnlar fji,> s i)v the Sesnstris, hut siiiijle wei-klv paper, the Examiner of the 6t It Jlovrinli'*r, h is reached ib from whii li we h >ve ji.mlislieil some
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  • 218 2 (Spectator, October > 15 th) East India Departures —On Wednesday, a Court of Directors was held at the East India House, when the following ships were thus timed:—viz. the Asia and Sir Davi t Scott., for Bengal and China the Duchess of Athol and Orwell,
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  • 251 2 (Asiatic Journal jor October■) Tue policy of encouraging the exportation of cotton yarn, which is the state of nearly one-fourth of our boasted amount of cotton manufactures shipped by the free-traders to India, may be doubtful alter the following statement recently made in a petition to
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  • 134 2 Spectator October 15) In the midst of the excitement of the Bill and its rejection, matters are passed over which, at other times, are the subjects of days and weeks of anticipation and argument. Toe revenue tables, published on the Ilth, seem to have fallen still-born on the press
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  • 1636 2 From the Chinese Courier 4 th March. la tlit: Bengal and Singapoe papers we per- ceive an ex rart from a letter, dated Canton, 3 d. Dei-ember 1830, to a house in Glasgow which has at length found its way back to China. From its appearance in so many
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  • 675 3 MALACCA To the Editor of the Singapore Chronicle. Sir You sometimes lament the want of local matter of sufficient interest to fill vour Paper,—if you think the following piece of information from a sister-set-tlement worthy a corner in your Paper, it is quite at your service, provided you will condescend
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  • 993 3 Thursday, March 29 th. 1832. Amongst the arrivals that have taken place since our last, we have to notice those of the free-traders Lord Lyudoch and Icene from Batavia; the Portuguese nrig Camoens, and H. M. Ship Challenger from China; and the barques Sylph and Falcon from Calcutta. For
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  • 291 3 ARRIVALS, MARCH, 1832. 22nd. Portuguese brig Camoens, B. W. Martins, from China 14th inst, British barque Red Rover, Wm. Clifton, from China 14 th inst.. 23rd. British Ship LordLyndoch, J. D.Luscombe, from Batavia 3d inst. 25th British brig Icene Robt. Lacy, from Liverpool 7th Nov. H.C. Schr. Zephyr S.
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  • 23 3 DEATH On board the Schooner Reliance whilst on her passage from Batavia, Mr. Ratcliffs Bonnyman, late Chief Mate ot the Barque Colonel Young.
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    • 550 4 By the British brig Hamoody, 229 Tuns from Batavia. ***** in No. Spanish Dollars 100 J Bombay Rupees 165 Buncals Gold Dust 35 Pis. Nutmegs 54 Mace 520 Rice 31 Gorges Surat Chindies 2 Bales Cotton 13 Piece* Kiucabs 17 Bags Cun’) Stuff 16 Boxes Japan Copper By the
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    • 424 4 By the Brit, brig Hamoody, 229 Tons, for Siam. 40(1 orges British Chowls 84 Chapoh 35 Curwahs 21 Gurrahs 30 Bengal Chintz 62 Java Mats 31 Cotton Twist 4 Dyed do. 5600 Yards Brilbh Chintz By the H. C. sloop-of war Clive, for Bombay. 9000 in No. Spanish Dollars
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    • 98 4 Date- j VESSELS’ NAVIES. Tons j COVIiVtANDERS. i Where From. j Destination {ToSA! 6 iirit. bug Anna 133 ,t\ I'M. Aveimg limeomalee Madras fp 9 Brit.-Cutter Emerald F. Collins Malacca lo Brit. Snip Euwant 351 |R. Heaviside London London 19 bark Rm/al Charlotte s l6l R.
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    • 441 4 In consequence of the deficiency of the Circulating Me diuni and the peculiar mode in which business is conducted in this Settlement, scarcely any sales are made for cash; and, it b e tng therefore impossible to give the cash price of almost any article, it must be
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    • 1041 4 Tlip Currency in which commercial transactions are calculated, is the Spanish Dollar, divided into Cents. The common weiwlif is the Pa ul, oi 133 1-3 lbs., divided into 100 Catties. Salt and Itice, are commonly sold by the Koyaw f4O Piculs, nearly; Java Tobacco by the Corge
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