Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 15 March 1832

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1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 33 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. IS©. 11, VOIi. 2. THURSDAY, MAECH, 15, 183&. [NEW SERIES Public Notifications appearing in this Paper, and Signed by the Proper Authorities, are to be considered as Official.
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  • 28 1 (To sail on the s th Proximo.) hT The Edward Captain Heaviside. for Freight or Passage, apply to 1 JOHN PURVIS. Singapore, 15 th March 183*2.
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  • 133 1 Saint Helena Bazaar for the Salk of Marine Stores, Provisions, Europe India Chin a Goods; A T T H E B R I D G E. SUKDIUiURID »a a rob* Shipping Agent, and Proprietor of the above Establishment, begs leave to inform Owners, Captains, and Passengers of
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    • 1182 1 (From Bell's Weekly Messenger, Sept. 26, 1831..9 FOREIGN NEWS. POLAND. Tuesday we received (lie Prussian State Ga~ zettc which contains the following details respecting the fall of Warsaw. It wi I be s en that Paskewitseh was wounded, and that the Russians had acknowledged a loss of Com 4,000 to
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    • 938 1 it was the opinion of the commission that the peerage should not be hereditary, but for hf e that the King should alone be invested with the right of naming the peers and that, finally, the present law should be definitive, not provisonal, as proposed by the ministers. PRUSSIA. We
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    • 271 1 fers stat p that unless some Christian Power itilerfrres, which they hope will he England, the inhabitants of Lisbon will continue to be exposed to the most frightful cruelties. It is proper to state, that all the condemned are Portuguese subjects. BRAZIL. Letters from Rio de Janeiro to the 25th
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    • 177 1 Tire following paragraph relates to the arrangement entered into with the French government, respecting the claims of the IJ uited States The sum stipulated to ire pain is 25 in ill ions of francs, with a supplement of interest, which will make ihe whole sum 2S millions and a
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  • 2550 1 Hells' Weekly Messenger, Sept. 2ti.) Tlu* week now concluded Ims been distinguished by two events .if great importance—the carrying of the lie form Bill, and the unhappy fall of Warsaw. 'Fite Reform Bill has now passed into the Lords, where, according to some of our
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 162 1 A 1) VER TISEMENT. JOHN FRANCIS and SON, beg leave to inform the L idles and Gentlemen of the Settlement and the Public in general that they have commenced business as Bakers of bread, biscuits, and all kinds of pastry-work. As it is their wish to secure the patronage anil
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  • 647 2 On Thursday, L >rd J. R issell, accompanied by a 1 irge number of members, proceeded to the H »use of L >rds with the Bil’— vheri his lordship in delivering tic* bill to the L »rd Chancellor, said, in a firm and audible voice, fliis, my
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  • 237 2 Times Sept. 17. Tli? Lards o? His M ijesty’s Most Honourable P. ivv (J >uncil li i I i meeting yesterday morning j at the Council office, to hear an appeal from l Sir John Thom is Olaridge against his removal from o ffi :e of Reror
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  • 907 2 A Quarterly (Li-rtl Court was held on T iurvliy at the B ink for the purp me of declaring a dividend, when the Cuairmm rea l a resolution of the Directors, ap minting 4f. percent, interest and profits to be paid to the proprietors for the naif-year
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  • 820 2 Times, i 7th September. A lecture was delivered on Thursday night by dr. Alfred Canning, engineer, at the T ie lire of the L i 1» i L terary an i Sffieitfic Institution, \ldersga ejs.reet. in the mean? oi esc ip-ng iro a shipwreck T ie taeativ
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  • 1379 3 N« sooner hail Me. H-.m -concluded Ins speech on Tuesday, tile 16di August, respecting Colonidl R ..presentation, (hen, stretching myself on my favorite bench, in the Members gallery ot the House of Comm ms, l f* ;l1 1,,t0 a Sl>uad sleep My slumbers were
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  • 130 3 lg30 j 183i. J Increase. Decrease. Males. iwl. I Male7 Fends. Males, j Femls. Males. 1 F. mls, ri 19 I 83 22 j 10 3 Europeans 67 27 46 19 Indo-Hritons 274 146: 46 29 Native
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  • 78 3 TSSO j 1832. Increase. Decrease. \77es. Males. Fends Males. j Females. Singapore 7-21 444 796 381 loi 96 78 Canipong China 5.806 1,M8 6,506 982 20 2 Canipong Glam 2,163 1,103? 2,122 l,02o 10 1,4 -1 2 Country
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  • 1548 3 Thursday, March 15 th. 1832. 1 On Sunday the 1 1th arrived the Ship j Edward, Captain Heaviside, from Lon- don the 30th September, touching at i Madeira and Penang. September Pe- j riodicals as well as numerous English j Papers have reached the Settlement, the j latest of
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    • 48 4 To London, n Tin, £1 per 2.) Cu t. Surrar, is^Cut Coflee, P er 12 r Pepper, £7.10*. per 16 Cwt. Measurement Clouds. £7 to > 1 0.9, per 50 Cubic leet. To Bengal, 1 Sicca Hu pee per Picul. China, Spanish Dollar Batavia, 1 Guilder ,>
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    • 174 4 ARRIVALS, MARCH, 1832. 7lh Cochin Chinese ship Ben Jiong, Doan Ton Gak, from Cochin China 16th Feby. Stli H- C. sloop-of-war Clive, E. W. Harris Esq .from China 15th ult. Dili Brit, cutter Emerald F. Collins, from Malacca 71 h 10th H. C. schooner Zephyr, S- Ccngalton, from
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    • 337 4 By the R? it. brig Soen/iiu 65 Tons, from Penang and Malacca--80 Pis. Pepper 2 Tin 50 Sugar 6 Leaf Tobacco 30 Corges Bengal Chintz 3 Boxes China Looking Glasses I China Gold Thread 50 Bags Wheat 20 Kegs Steel 4000 Yds. British VA bite Cottons 400 in No.
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    • 299 4 By the Brit, brig Mayden Bux, 262 Tons, for Sourabaya. 65 Corges Chapoh 11J Gurrahs 32J Chintz 6# Pis. Benjamin 1 Chest Raw Silk 490 Drs. Ciiinaware 120 Sundries By the Dutch schooner Diana, 130 Tons tor Batavia. 32 Corges Sarrongs C 130 Sannahs -j 24A Gurrahs j 1
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    • 76 4 Vf.ssei.s’ Names. I Tons. I ComManpers I From tVarNcr.. To SiIL BrfT Indian I 231 "[W. Ravenscrolt Liverpool via Batavia. Angnst. Ship Mersey 375 I J. Sharp do. do. October B,i- Viana J98 W- Lepper do. do. do. Diadem [213 A. Wallace Glasgow via Batavia. do.
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    • 103 4 m TE I VESSELS' NAMES. Tons 1 COMMANDERS. I Where From. Destination To Silt. Apr. 17 Brit Itrig JCtofer m MiiJuVipaVam Manila T?ph Danuh brio* Dcmsbot o o. nosKici 1 *eo. os y Bahto Bahroo 29 Dutch barque Poutturn 140 V do i 98 brio- Borneo
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    • 342 4 In consequence of the deficiency of the Circulating Medium, and the peculiar mode in which business is conducted in this Settlement, scarcely any sales are made for cash; and, it being therefore impossible to give the cash price of almost any article, it must be observed that the
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    • 883 4 The Currency in which commercial transactions are calculated, is the Spanish lir i!,*«.'I >’-oUl 1 hy the* Ivoy mon weight is the P«cul,ofl33 1-3 lbs. avoirdupoise, divided into W) Catties. Sa s two dollars, or is I w References. N. O. No Demand P. D. Partial Demand. D.
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  • 32 4 DEATH. At. Malacca, on the 27fh ult. AbralIAM Anthony Vklgh Esq formerly President ot the Dutch Court of Justice at Malacca; aged 62 years, and much regretted by his family and friends
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