Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register, 3 March 1831

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1 4 Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register
  • 31 1 SINGAPORE CHRONICLE And Commercial Register. NO. 9. Public Notifications appearing in this Paper, and Signed by the Proper Authorities, are to be considered as Official. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1831. [NEW SERIES.]
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  • 2999 1 HOUSE OF COMMONS, March 16th, 1830. Mr. JOHN DEANS called in and examined. (CONTINUED FROM OUR LAST.) Are the Committee to understand that there is a class of cultivators in Java, being Chinese, who deal in tobacco in the way that you have described? They are
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 303 1 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed by Will Executors to the Estate of the late Dr. James George Sim of the Honorable Company’s Service; All persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby requested to pay in their respective debts and all persons having claims thereon to send in the
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    • 308 1 TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT BENCOOLEN, on a day hereafter to be fixed, by order of the Assignees of Messrs. PALMER Co, the undermentioned Estates and Spice Plantations forming by far the most valuable property of that description on Sumatra, Viz. Titnest Plantation. This Plantation contains 1146 Clove
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  • 200 2 We have pleasure in giving insertion to the following table, as likely to be useful to our commercial readers. CANTON. Rates of Premium of Insurance, established for six months, from 20th October 1830 to 20th April 1831. CHINA. Goods Treasure. To Bombay Ceylon, Madras Calcutta 2 1/2 p. ct.
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  • 2709 2 MR. DALTON'S Thoughts on Coti, September 25th 1828. After having lived in the country of Coti, eleven months, I find myself at sea, in a Malayan prow of 20 tons burden, bound to Singapore, but quite as likely to go to any other part, the people depending more upon
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  • 137 2 We have received SIRILLO’s" letterfrom Malacca, but. consider the subject on which he addresses us as one not possessing sufficient interest, to lay before the Public, independently of certain insinuations which he throws out against the character of a private .individual. The misstatement in the Chronicle, regarding the
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  • 2125 2 To THE EDITOR OF THE SINGAPORE CHRONICLE Sir, I am not to be deterred, by the ridicule of a few dinner-hunters, from making just complaints against Government. Were I, like Mercator, writing for display, I should follow his example and take fourteen days gestation to improve my periods but
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  • 2309 3 THURSDAY, M ARCH 3rd. 1831. Just as our Paper was going to Press last Thursday, the barque Reel Rover, Captain Clifton, arrived from China. This extraordinarily fast-sailing vessel left Singapore on the 14th of Jany. and arrived in China on the 6th ult. working up against the monsoon. She
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  • 123 3 ARRIVALS, FEBRUARY 1831. 24th British barque Red Rover, Wm. Clifton from China 16th Inst. 23th Russian barque Hoopoe, B. Sudell, from Penang 18th Inst MARCH. 2d. British Ship Madeline, D. Dowson, from London 4th Oct. 1830. DEPARTURES. FEBRUARY. 25th, British barque Red Rover, Wm Clifton, for Calcutta. British brig
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    • 322 4 By the dutch Ship Susannah, 340 Tons Register from Batavia. 201 Pls. Turmeric. 170 Indian Rubber 1300 Rice. 1443 and 53 catties Coffee. 117 Cks. 8c Tierces Provisions 6 Puncheons Provisions 287 Tabs Steel 900 Boxes Manilla Segars 20 Buncals Gold Dust 205 Pls. Tin 4903 Gals. 8c 42
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    • 484 4 By the dutch Ship Susannah, 340 Tons Register for Batavia. 13 Corges 14 Ps. Bengal Piece Goods, &c. 15 Bengal Muslins 18 1/2 Succatoons f20 1/2 Moorees 23 Blue Salempores 69 1/2 Bengal Cliintz 27 1/2 Saimahs 4 Pls. China Paint 6 1/4 Sugar Candy 6 1/2 Tea 800
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    • 56 4 VESSEL'S NAMES TONS COMMANDERS FROM WHERE TO SAIL. Edwards 260 J. Heaviside London via Madras July. Hero 403 J. Fell Liverpool via Batavia August City of Aberdeen 250 J. Alexander. Glasgow via Batavia September Sackville 500 G. Germain London via Madras August. Nordern J. Burd Hamburgh
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    • 139 4 Date of Arrival VESSELS NAMES TONS. COMMANDER WHERE FROM DESTINATION TO SAIL Jan. 15 C. C. brig Thou Hai Thoian 100 Phaa Bek Gak Cochin China Not reported 6 D. schooner Noraschakim 86 Oi Chingleang Malacca Not reported. 7 Brit. brig Meria 100 Meah Penang do.
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    • 86 4 The Currency in which Commercial transactions are calculated, is the Spanish Dollar divided into Cents. The common weight is the Picul of 133 1.3 lbs. avoirdupoise, divided into 100 Katties. Salt and Rice, are commonly sold by the Coyan of 40 Piculs nearly, Java Tobacco by the Corge
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    • 1246 4 In consequence of the difidency of the Circulating Medium, and the peculiar mode in which business is conducted, in this settlement, scarcely any sales are made for cash and, it being therefore impossible to give the cash price of almost any article it must be observed that the
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